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Squashing the Scooby Doo Babes

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Squashing the Scooby Doo Babes
« on: December 14, 2014, 10:02:44 PM »

It was time for a Ladies Match on Friday nights card as on thursday , the 1st night of this 4 day event , the crowd saw the same exact match they saw twice last year where Power Girl powerbombed Black Cat onto the Pink Power Ranger for a double pin , making fans not react with great enthusiasum since it was something they have seen over & over at this event where most fans watching the wrestling event were annual attendees , but the promoter promised that tomorrow night , he had something new lined that he wanted to try for a change of pace & they just might like what they saw .
So now , friday night , the fans did see a ladies match in match two , Chun Li vs Black Cat , again , nothing new at all & when a few matches later , it was announced that the following match would be a ladies tag team match , they still did not show much enthusiasum , there were still numerous female characters that could tag together in a match that they have seen over & over , even not out of the question was Chun Li & Black Cat wrestling again , also in play besides that was the fact that even though they faced each other earlier , they could easily appear again & even be a team , but they perked up a bit as they heard the Scooby Doo song play & announced as appearing tonight compliments of the Mystery Inc. Detective Agency , at a combined weight of 231 lbs were who else but Daphne Blake & Velma Dinkley , the appearance of the two of them got a great response from the crowd as they both came out in their signature colors , matching outfits , but in their signature colors , Daphne with her Purple and Pink & an anything but overweight Velma , thin & fit she was , wearing Velma's signature orange and red .
The Scooby Doo girls made a few tours around the ring greeting the fans before entering the ring & waiting with sweet smiles for thier opponents who were announced as weigning in at a combined weight as " light as a feather " Large Marge & Beulah Balbricker , The Big Nasties & out they came , anything but light as a feather as both were pushing 300 lbs & unlike the sweetness of everything from Daphne & Velma , Marge & Beulah looked to be in a total bad mood , even their tattoos made them look even more menacing , but this was women's wrestling , size , strength , & experience means jack shit these days & since Daphne & Velma were the good girls , which seems to be the only thing that matters in who wins & who loses these days , people were completely expecting that despite being completely outmatched it seemed in everything , that Daphne & Velma in the end would come out the victors somehow .
Marge & Beulah entered the ring , looked at each other , & charged right at the Scooby Doo Babes who froze in their tracks & were both bullied to the ropes where Marge & Beulah wraped their hands around their throats & choked at them as Daphne & Velma flung their hands around uselessly as the ref watched for a few moments before making the count for the heels to break or risk DQ & to nobody's surprise , they waited for the last moment to indeed break , but went right back to choking the babes after showing the ref they were free & clear from the choking , making him give them another 5 count to break which they did at the last moment again , but went back to choking them for a 3rd time , breaking again at the last moment , this time they moved back in , grabbed Daphne & Velma by their arms , & irishwhipped them off the ropes where on their return , Marge & Beulah ran forward slightly , balled up theri big bodies , & bulldozed their weight against the bodies of Daphne & Velma , putting the Scooby Girls down a bit winded from the impact while Marge & Beulah remained upright , completely unfazed , taking the time to taunt the crowd , most of whom were of course on the side of the Mystery Inc. babes , getting boos & loving it .
Daphne & Velma meanwhile , both after catching their wind back , rolled out of the ring to regroup & when believing they were ready to go again , they both re-entered the ring & stared down at their larger foes who taunted the Scooby girls & told them they thought they were the best in all that they do & both Marge & Beulah stood still as they allowed the Scooby Girls to attack , both of them attempting Cross Body Blocks , but Marge & Beulah caught them with ease & aske dthe crowd what they should do with these meddling kids & before anybody could even think about it , they just dropped down with them , onto them & then with both Daphne & Velma both laying face down , the heels 3 times stood up quickly & then sat down right on the small of the backs of the good girls , taking more air out of them , but Daphne & Velma had little time to regain any air as they were both yanked to their feet & irish whipped into oppossing corners where they stood stunned as Beulah & Marge both charged , most thinking that Daphne & Velma would move to change the tide , but both were home when the big girls came visiting & the crowd reacted as they saw the bodies of Daphne & Velma get crushed by the massive weight crashing into them , the impact making the ring post move & making the ring creak , but Beulah & Marge kept their weight on them until they felt they could stand on their own & when they moves aside , they did remain upright , allowing the big girls to carry out faze two of this next wear down mission which was to irish whip the babes into each other & just when the fans thought that anouther battle tide turn was coming , they instead saw Daphne & Velma collide & go down winded , holding their sexy bodies in pain , especially their chests which bared the brunt of the corner splash & body collision they just took as Marge & Beulah again took the time to taunt the crowd as they well had the upper hand at the moment .
Beulah yanked Daphne to her feet & held her as Marge readied herself & told her " send her here " & with a small irish whip in that direction , Daphne went forward towards Marge who bent down , got under Daphne, got her onto her shoulders while standing back erect & fell backwards with her , crushing her with a heavy Samoan Drop & as Daphne held her body in pain & without air , Beulah moved over to Velma & brought her to her feet & upon a nod from Marge , Velma was sent her way where she also was given the same body crunching Samoan Drop , the 2 behemoths high fiving after Marge got to her feet & after that , Beulah pointed at herself saying " now me " & then backed up into position as Marge yanked back up poor Daphne & when Beulah was ready , Daphne was sent her way & was crushed again by a Samoan Drop from Beulah & as Daphne lay spent , Beulah stood & waited for Velma to be ready & her way she came & Velma for the 2nd time in less than a minute had air crushed out of her with a 2nd Samoan Drop as some fans boo'd while their were some who enjoyed it , but this was women's wrestling , surely a comeback by Daphne & Velma had to occur somehow , someway , sometime .
The Big Nasties again took time to play with the crowd before breaking off to return to the Scooby Doo babes , yanking both up as both were still winded but abe to stand & were sent into different corners where they stood out of it as the heels met up at center ring & then charged at their sexy opponents who once again were home , neither showed signs of trying to move out of the way as the full weight of the big heels crushed them , both Daphne & Velma falling like stones as the big girls stepped back & the big girls took their time walking over to the Scooby hottie they did not just crush , yanked them up & held them until they had their feet soemhow & sent them back to the corner where they both stood dazed & still way winded as the hefty heels charged their ways again & again crushed them with corner splashes , this time though , they kept their weight on them slightly , guiding the hotties down to the mat where they sat in the corners as Marge & Beulah walked away slightly from them & then at the same time , began to slap at their own big asses & when teasing enough , they backed their big cabooses up until they were smushed against the faces of the sexy opponents & back & forth they shook those big backsides , giving Daphne & Velma major Stinkfaces for 15 seconds before walking away , meeting up at center ring , & then charging straight ahead at the still sitting lost in stinky ass babes & when close enough , they spun around when running & smashed their big asses against the heads of Daphne & Velma who after the imapct fell to their sides , completely out of it .
After playing to the crowd again , the big heels yanked up the Scooby Sweeties , put them up onto their shoulders & walked with them towards center ring & then ran with them forward , giving them Running Powerslms to the mat & then dragged them into position close to the corners & then both went up to the top rope , somehow getting their large frames all the way up & used their raw strength to steady themselves & when they were steady & made eye contact , down they both came , crushing the downed Mystery Inc. babes with their pretty much 300lb frames with huge Splashes , remaining on the crushed cuties as the ref looked both ways , not knowing what to do with covers taking place in different corners , but he just walked over to where Beulah was on Velma & made the count , 1-2-3 & then Marge yelled at him not to leave her out , so he walked over to where she was covering & smothering Daphne & the pin was still acaxemic , 1-2-3 & with Beulah standing up contently , he called for the bell & as Daphne & Velma still lay defeated , he raised the arms of the Big Nasties , getting more cheers than boos as some fans deep down enjoyed the squash , it was something different than the norm .
You never grow old until you stop being young