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Jessica Rabbit & Princess Peach -a 3rd Cosplay Match

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Jessica Rabbit & Princess Peach -a 3rd Cosplay Match
« on: December 27, 2014, 09:10:13 AM »
It was the last night of this years Cosplay Convention & the wrestling continued as well , the fans giving somewhat of a reaction to a women's triple threat match , not much , but some as it was yet another same match they have seen for the last few years & like all the years before Power Woman wound up power bombing Black Cat onto the Pink Power Ranger & the way the Pink Ranger & Black Cat lay after it , the cover by Power Woman in essence was on both for the 1-2-3 , the same pin & the same match for the 3rd year in a row , loss 2 on this night for the Pink Ranger who earlier in another triple threat seen multiple times , like the years befor e, assisted Mary Marvel in power bombinf Princess Daisy & then tossed from the ring so Mary Marvel could pick up the easy 1-2-3 & that match got almost zero reaction as it Ho Hum nothing new .

But like the previous two nights , the promoter was doing a 3rd ladies match to test his theory , as on day 2 , a friday night , Daphne Blake & Velma Dinkley , the Scooby Doo babes were totally squashed & the fans loved it & last night , it was Glinda the Good Witch on the recieving end of a quicker one-sided defeat which was well taken as well over the normal matches that were held every year & on this last night , Sunday of course now , it was time for the last ladies match & announced as heading to the ring were the lovely Princess Peach & the drop dead gorgeous , Jessica Rabbit , the site of the 2 sexy & busty beauties got a better reaction then the 1st two matches combined & ike the rest of the good girls , they greeted the fans , & being new to it all , the fans wanted the extra time for pics with them , so it took a bit longer for them to get into the ring & once in there , it was announced that this following match by the way would be a handicap match & announced as their opponent , being billed as being 7 foot tall , Lady Giant .

Jessica & Princess Peach did not look too concerned as they were in the ring waiting for their opponent to be announced once they were in the ring , but once Lady Giant did enter their eyesight , while not seemingly appearing to do a complete turn to the scared or overawed side , the smiles did diminish as they did realize why Lady Giant was called so , but a bit more concern & awe did creep up on them when they watched Lady Giant enter the ring by simply stepping over the top rope like it was the middle rope , it really was not an obstacle for Lady Giant as she ignored the boos of the fans who most knew of her real identity since she was a local , but tonight since she was Lady Giant  pro wrestling heel , they had to play their part like she was playing hers .

At the bell , Jessica & Princess Peach charged at the tall heel & as they dove towards her , the big hands of Lady Giant , which was attached to long arms , shot out & each hand had a throat land against it & with a squeeze , Jessica & Princess Peach found that their offensive never happened asLady Giant had them both by their throats & held them tight as Jessica & Princess Peach feebley tried to push themselves free to nowhere close to avail , they tried & tried until Lady Giant lifted them up with the utmost of ease & chokeslammed them both to the mat , both Jessica & Princess Peach laying like if Lady Giant went for the pin , she would get it just that quick , but Lady Giant was the heel & her job was to punish the good girls .

Lady Giant yanked Jessica up to her feet & irish whipped the redhead off the ropes & then just stuck up her long leg , keeping her foot aimed at head level of the returning Jessica , the head of the sexiest Rabbit alive feeling like it hit a brick wall as Jessica's legs went out from the crash & she fell like a stone to the mat holding her head still somehow conscious & as she did , Lady Giant brought the Princess up & also irish whippe dher off the ropes & also gave her a big boot to the head , downing the Peach who also held her head to make sure it was still attached , also still somehow remianing conscious .

Lady Giant taunted the crowd to draw the heat to her before yanking up Jessica & holding her by her hair as she dragged her towards where the Princess was still trying to clear her clouded head , but Lady Giant ended that small reprieve as she yanked up the Princess as well & walked the twosome over to the corner & let them settle against the corne r, placing Princess Peach against the turnbuckle & then backed Jessica up into her so Jessica's back shoulder area had a nice comfy resting place courtesy of the tits of Princess Peach & Jessica's ass also settled nicely contouring into the crotch area of Princess Peach & then with Princess Peach having Jessica's sexy body sheilding her from the giant heel , she was trappe dhowever as Lady Giant put up her foot & planted right into the throat of Jessica & using the rope for extra umph , Lady Giant choked away Jessica as all Princess Peach could do was remain in place as her partner squirmed for air on her front side , who knows what going on in her mind , but her train of thought , whatever it was left instantly as Lady Giant tossed Jessica forward & down gasping for air & quickly replanted her big foot into Peach's throat & choked her until breaking on her own & left her standing & gasping for air .

As Princess Peach tried to soothe her throat , she was unaware that Lady Giant yanked Jessica back up & gave her 10 straight head butts before letting her drop limp to the mat & after dropping Ms. Rabbit , Lady Giant charged at the still clueless Princess , driving her foot to the side of the Princesses head , knocking her to the mat & then walked back over to Jessic a, yanked her up , & bench pressed her fully over her head & paraded her around the ring so each side of the crowd could see her dominant power & without warning , gave Jessica a pwer toss up & released her , letting Jessica crash hard onto her front , making her convulse from the pain & shock for a few seconds before settling out of it as Lady Giant meanwhile brought up Princess Peach & also almost effortlessly bench pressed her fully over her head, this time doing some reps with her  before giving her an extra boost up & letting go , Princess Peach also convulsing from the crash to the mat & Lady Giant again took a small break to taunt the crowd as she was in complete control .

Lady Giant once again took the time to bring both good girls to their feet & at the same time , grabbed them by their throats & lifted both up & chokeslammed them both to the mat as some fans who did root for the heels began to shout out " one more time - one more time " so Lady Giant gave them what they wanted , as she yanked the 2 cosplay babes back to their feet & once again easily had her large hand wrap around their throats , doing this for a different side of the crowd while the other 3 sides saw a different angle as Lady Giant chokeslammed them both again as a few more fans joined in with " one more time " , so Lady Giant once again collected her victims , wrapped her hands around their throats again , changing sides again so the crowd once again got a different view of Jessica & Princess Peach getting chokeslammed to the mat as fans again were yelling " one more time " & once again , the mean giant brought the limp babes to their feet to display them for the 4th different viewing way for the fans & for a 4th time , Jessica & Princess Peach were given powerful chokeslams to the mat & despite some fans wanting to see the double chokeslam again , Lady Giant after all was a big girl who could be blown up rather quickly , she decided she appealed to the fan senough & dropped to her knees between the 2 babes , put one hand each on the tits of both babes & mushed them down as the ref got to his knees to view the shoulders of both Jessica & Princess Peach & began his count , 1-2-3 , neither babe  moved & that was all she wrote as for the 3rd straight night , the squash experiemnt was well recieved while the same old same old was given the who cares treatment , making the promoter know that next year he would do this again , the only good news for Jessica & Princess Peach was if they did come back , they had a year free from the Lady Giant or some other evil heel hell bent on their destruction .
You never grow old until you stop being young