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3rd Annual Grinchfest

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3rd Annual Grinchfest
« on: December 28, 2014, 01:37:38 AM »
It was Christmas time in Whoville yet again , the Who's favorite time of the year although they of course were always jublient , but for 1 resident of Whoville , the Christmas season was easily his favorite , The Grinch , who now 4 years ago went from being Mr. Mean to an happy go lucky member of the Whoville society after little Cindy Lou Who melted his frozen heart , truly enjoying being good as that first moment , enjoyed sitting at the table with them enjoying generous portions of the Roast Beast instead of dining along  .

Since that time , The Grinch has hosted the Christmas Dinner in his cave where he had tons of room to set up an elaborate dining room as well as alot of other rooms as over the years , The GRinch & the residents of Whoville had an open door policy for visiting , the Grinch was a popular one to visit as over the years he added a gym, a playground , a swiming pool area out & away from the snow & cold , & amongst other , an immense Man Cave where he & the members of Whoville watched football , ate barbeque , & drank beer & of course , since they loved watching pro wrestling , they watched that as well .

After hosting the Christmas Dinner the past 2 years , as well as providing entertainment , The Grinch to keep his inner demons happy , put on a wrestling show for his new pals , both years saw sexy good girls get Demolished in a pro wrestling match as again they all mostly loved pro wrestling & knew watching that compelled to their tiny bad side since it was all fantasy after all & wanting it to be a holiday tradition like their own tale of story lore , The Grinch had once again set up wrestling as part of his entertainment for the big Christmas Parrty .

After several fun events were held , The Grinch let all know that dinner time was nearing & as the Roast Beast & all the finxings were being prepared , it was that time for the wrestling once again , time for all to be grinches for a little time in fantasy form & the Who's filed into the area where the Grinch had a ring & once ready , the Mayor took to the ring to introduce the matches sweet & precious good girl , Princess Snowflake

Out came a busty sexy blonde in a christmas like bikini , getting a nice cheer from the good hearted Who's even though they were soon going to be cheering for her opponent as once again , this was their one moment to be bad since it had no real effect in real life , this was pro wrestling , but Princess Snowflake cared les s, she was the good girl & ate up the affection of the crowd until she met the Who's long enought to enter the ring where the mayor then introduced her opponent , hailing from the WhatVille Prison , deserving of a work release opportunty , she was Fiona Felony

With a guard escorting her out , Fiona Felony played her heel role & ignored the Who's who were booing her despite the fact they wanted her in the end too win & as she eyed her sexy opponent , the deputy who escorted her out told her to stay still , which she did as he undid the lock behind her back holding what was her handcuff / chain belt , so it could be removed so no foreigh objects could be used as Princess Snowflake stepped close to the ropes letting him know she supported the removal of her unique belt , saying " that's right , remove that thing & get rid of it " as she was also pointing at him whike doing so , Fiona , once the belt was removed , charged at the ring , Princess Snowflake backing up as she did & was stil backing up as Fiona slid intot he ring & being an experienced girl like she was , Fiona shot up to her feet & was beginning her charge just as Princess Snowflake stopped backing up & being inexperienced , she was lost as the orange jump suited convict came her way & with Fiona having the momentum , she backed the busty blonde up against the ropes & quickly began to choke her as the Princess just held her hands up , clueless on how to escape the situation .

Luckilly for the Princess , the ref gave Fiona a 5 count to break which she did at 4 3/4 & held her arms up like she was innocent as Princess Snowflake just held at her throat , that wa suntil Fiona delivered a knee to SnowFlake's mid & then move din to deliver more , giving her 5 of them before the re fcould shimmy Fiona away from the dazed blonde until he had to move due to the Princess stumbling forward where Fiona gave her a jumping forearm to the back , sending the blonde to the mat & Fiona jumped right down onto her & with Snowflake face down , Fiona grabbed her by her shoulders & bounced her up & down against the canvas , Snowflakes boobs were made the body part hitting the mat , treating them like basketballs as some of the Who's already into it made " boing - boing - boing " noises until the good girl favoring ref was quick to give Fiona a 5 count again , Fiona stopping in time , giving Princess Snowflake an extra hard shove down to the mat & then played the crowd , getting a mixture of cheers & boos .

Fiona moved back in & yanked the dazed blonde to her feet & seeing the Princess in a helpless way , she began to pet he rhair for a moment saying " oh , poor blondie , such a  hard life as a snow princess , but I will show you hard " & began to walk her backwards around the ring a few tours around , driving random hard punches to her mid  , keeping  the Princess winded but on her feet until finally resting her in the corner & then balling up he rarms & driving 10 straight hard forearms to the Princesses's ample chest & after stopping , Fiona backed awya slowly as Snowflake just held at her chest as Fiona watched smiling, enjoying her freedom of not being behind bars & freedom to kick some ass & once Princess Snowflake dropped her arms down a bit , Fiona charged her way & gave her a corner splash , the Princess stumbling forward after the impact while Fiona quickly jumped onto the middle rope & just as quickly came jumping down with her forearms balled up , driving them into the back shoulder area of Snowflake , sending her down again & then the convict took her dear sweet time as she slowly stomped at the shoulder blade areas of the blonde , every stomp mushing her tit into the mat as Princess Snowflake was at the mercy of the orange clad heel .

Fiona reached down & met no resistance as she put Princess Snowflake into a camel clutch , pulling her as far as she could bend the blonde , making her boobs almost pop out from her bikini top , but both ladies knew their limits as there young Who's in the crowd as well since it was the entire village viewing this , like a real pro wrestling how , at this poont , it was the really young Who's who were the only ones on Princess Snowflakes side , yellimg at Fiona on how mean she was , just like the Grinch used to be .

The ref was asking Princess Snowflake if she wanted to give up , but sh ewas busy letting out " unghs & anghs " as Fiona added a little bounce as she had the blonde trapped in the camel clutch & with the Princess not responding to his asking if she gives , the ref decided to check the arm of Princess Snowflake , her arm dropping twice , but as he lifted her arm a 3rd time , Fiona released the blonde , breaking hs count , Fiona then standing & saying she was bored & let all know that it was " Hard Time " time , Fiona's finisher .

Fiona yanked Princess Snowflake to her feet & watched as the blonde stood but did so rubber legged & with the blonde facing her , when ready , Fiona yelled out " Hard " as she pulled Princess Snowflake down by her shoulders , Fiona landing on the mat , knees up , which jammed themselves deeply into Snowflakes boobs , the impact & shock making the blonde stand erect as Fiona like a cat , since apparantly she was a cat burgular that put her in her orange jump suit in the first place , but like a cat she was quickly behind the standing stunned blonde & as she grabbed her by her shoulders from behind , yelled out " Time " as she pulled Princess Snowflake downward , nailing her with a backstabber , driving her knees fully into her as she hit the mat & released the delectable blonde who fell to the mat & lay out of it face down , & from there , Fiona just rolled Princess Snowflake over , folded her legs ove rher body so her ankels were next to her wrists where Fiona held them together saying " how does it feel to be cuffed " as she did pretty much have her wrists & ankles almost fully bound together with her hands & in yet just a second thing questionable for all the little Who's as the ref made the academic 1-2-3 , Princess Snowflake's curvy ass mooned that side of the crowd , but it was a nice site none the less  .

The rest played out like normal , Princess Snowflake , let her folded over legs return to the mat fully & lay out of it as Fiona Felony was announced as the winner , Fiona herself taunting victory over the prone body of the blonde beauty until the gurad put her cuffs telling her it was time to go back  now that her fun was over , but she happily left as the crowd cheered for her & then Princess Snowflake did her slow recovery & was assisted by the ref , the good hearted Who's gave her a hand as she stood for her role in their extertainment & once the Princess left , they went to some other fun activities until it was time for the Roast Beast & all the other deliscious things for dinner , the ladies who wrestled as always , now refreshed & buddy / buddy as well as the guy playing the guard like the last 2 years , joined the Grinch & the Who's for dinner & to partake in the rest of the fun until the party was done & the wait for the 4th annual Grinch Party was upon Whoville again .

You never grow old until you stop being young


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Re: 3rd Annual Grinchfest
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2014, 09:18:00 PM »
LSJ, thank you for presenting this years edition of the Grinchfest story.
Please keep on writing stories about jobbers.  Always a pleasure!