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Scorching Hot Seies-Irenecatfighter-Sage how dare this whire walk in and take my

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Irenecatfighter-5'6", 130 lbs


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What happened ?


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extremely hot and sexy Irene


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Sage-5'2", 150 lbs


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Sage's boyfriend Johnny always comments on how beautiful Sage is, and he loves the sexy, rounded bowl of her stomach, but what he always compliments Sage on is her big, sexy breasts. Sage is definitely self conscious. She thinks that her stomach is too big, and she is really down on herself, so Johnny's compliments have been making her feel more special and more beautiful perhaps than she has ever felt before. Sitting drinking her cup of coffee she was just thinking about how lucky she is, and how happy she is. Johnny works with Sage and they see each other every day, and almost every night. She has just been so happy she has been dreaming of possibly marrying Johnny.

Then it happened. They hired a new woman and the minute Johnny laid eyes on her he couldn't take his eyes off of her. Irene is gorgeous and flirtatious and from the very first day he practically forgot that Sage even existed. Sage was infuriated, how fuckin dare this whore just walk in and steal her boyfriend right under her eyes. Sage hoped that it was just infatuation, even though many of her girlfriends said that she should say something. “Tell this fuckin whore bitch to stay away from your boyfriend. Don't let her walk all over you:” they told her. Johnny had bought concert tickets and Sage had been very excited about going to the concert on Friday night. They had planned to go out to dinner right from work, and then go to the concert. Sage tried to talk to Johnny all week, but Johnny had disappeared, and Sage was calling him and calling him. Thursday night she was calling him until all hours of the night and she was getting angrier and angrier because where could the jerk be, and why doesn't he at least call her back.

Friday Sage had chased Johnny around all day, and Johnny just happened to be able to avoid her all day, but Sage walks out of the building ten minutes before work ended and she stands right next to Johnny's car in the parking lot, and Sage is infuriated. She had a feeling he has been cheating on her with Irene, and she is not going to let Johnny treat her like this, and if Irene had anything to say about it she would tell her off too. How fuckin dare this slut, this fuckin whore try to take her man away from her, how fuckin dare she. Sage has been at the company for a much longer time than Irene, and some of her girlfriends came out to talk to her after work. They got her even further charged up and pissed off and they convinced her that if that whore Irene was going out with Johnny, she should knock the shit out of Irene. 

Then all of a sudden Johnny walks out of the building, and who is hanging on his arm but Irene, and they're laughing and seem to be having a wonderful time. Sage walks up to them and says, “what's going on here. How come you haven't called me, I thought we were going out for dinner and to the concert tonight.” Irene pulled her arm away from Johnny's arm and she puts her hands on her hips screaming, “Johnny doesn't want to be with a fat cow like you any more, he wants to be with a hot, beautiful, sexy women like me, so why don't you just get out of here before I blacken your eyes and sit right on that big mouth of yours and make you moo into my wet cxnt, and we can show everyone just what a stupid, pathetic flabby cow you really are.”  Sage is crazy and she has a very explosive temper and her face turns red and Sage hits her. She balls up her right fist and she smashes it “bang,” right into Irene's nose, straight into it, swinging Irene's head back. Sage bloodies Irene's nose she's so pissed off she really wants to knock the shit out of this big mouth. Irene puts her hand to her nose and seeing her own blood she shows it to Sage screaming, “Look at what you did to me you fuckin cow, I'm bleeding.” Sage pulls her right fist back screaming, “and now I'm really going to knock your fuckin face in bitch. Sage sends her fist, full force at Irene's face again, but quickly Irene manages to step to the side and out of the way and Sage just goes stumbling right past her quite off balance. A look of shock turns to a look of anger as Sage regains her balance and she spins right back around to face Irene again, and as she does, Irene grabs Sage's dress with her left hand and she starts, “bang, bang, bang, bang,” hammering Sage's nose with her fist. Sage cries out, “AH I'M BLEEDING,” as Irene bashes her nose over and over again until blood is rolling from Sage's nose.

 Sage see's the large crowd of her friends in a circle around them and she can hear some of her girlfriends cheering, “come on Sage, kick her ass, knock her teeth out.” Sage's face turns even redder and she goes after Irene and she sends her fist right at Irene's face again, but quickly Irene manages to raise her left hand up and she blocks Sage's punch. Sage is incensed and she's not going to fuckin stop. She sends her left fist roundhouse “bang,” right into

This infuriates Sage all over again and Sage balls her right fist up and she goes running right after Irene screaming, “I'm going to kill you bitch.” Irene dances to the right and Sage has to turn to her left to go after Irene again, but Irene is much faster than Sage now and she dances to the left and out of Sage's way and this time as Sage slowly turned to face her again, Irene sends her own right fist plowing roundhouse, “bang,” right into Sage's left eye. She spins Sage sideways from the full force of her punch, and now it's Sage whose eye starts to turn pink and puff up. The crowd is cheering.

Irene is dancing around Sage with her fists raised up like a man ready to fist fight, while Sage is standing there trying to catch her breath and turning to face Irene each time Irene dances to the left or right. Irene moves in closer to Sage and she sends her left fist at Sage's face, but as Sage raises up to block Irene's punch, Irene sends her right fist plowing “boom,” right into the rounded bowl of Sage's chubby belly. Now Sage is really gasping for air as “OOOFFF,” she moans and puts her hands to her sJohnnyach and doubles over in pain trying to regain her breath. Irene is still dancing around faking lefts and right and she moves in closer and she sends her right fist plowing “bang,” uppercut into Sage's jaw. You can hear Sage's teeth kock together and chatter in her head as her head swings straight up in the air and Sage is stood straight up on her feet. Irene goes right after sage, grabbing her dress with both of her hand, she shoves Sage back hard, and the crowd starts screaming as Sage's dress rips right off of her body and Sage is just standing there in her sexy white bra and little white lace panties. Sage's chest is having up and down and up and down, she's trying to catch her breath and she;s really embarrassed being undressed by this whore right in front of Johnny and her girlfriends and the guys from work.

Irene is laughing at Sage, screaming, “Look at you Sage, look at that fat cow stomach of yours, no wonder Johnny doesn't want you any more. Irene takes her fist and she plows it “boom,” right into Sages flabby gut again. “OOOFFF,” Sage grabs her aching belly and she leans forward gasping for air. Irene grabs Sage's hair and she yanks her  standing up straight. Sage screams, 'AAAHHH,” and she starts grabbing for Irene's hands, trying to pull them out of her hair, but Irene plows her fist, “boom,” right into Sage's big fat cow sJohnnyach again. Sage is trying to pull her hands out of her hair, and Irene starts “boom, boom, boom,” plowing her fist over and over again into Sages flabby stomachach, and Sage is “AAAHHH, AAAHHH, AAAHHH,” desperately trying to gasp for air. Irene pushes Sage back up against the wall and she grabs Sage's bra and she rips it right off of her body, and Sage's huge tities are exposed in front of everyone. Irene laughs and she screams, “Now I'm gong to use these flabby, pathetic fat cow tits of yours as punching bags Sage. Irene raises her fists up like a man and she starts punching Sage's big tits, right fist, “boom'\,” left breast, left fist, “boom,” right breast, “boom, boom, boom, boom,” back and forth and back and forth. Irene is using Sage's big flabby breasts as punching bags. Feebly Sage is trying to catch her breath and she's holding her hands up in front of herself crying out, “stop, please stop,” but Irene won't stop. She just keeps punching Sages big flabby tits until Sage's tits are all red and black and blue and swollen.

Irene laughs and she screams, “alright cow, you want me to stop beating you up, then lower you panties and masturbate yourself right in front of Johnny and all the people you work with.” Tears are welling in Sage's eyes, Sage has never been beat up or humiliated like this and  Sage starts to walk away from Irene crying out, “NO, NEVER, GET AWAY FROM ME BITCH,” but Irene is crazy. She's even crazier than Sage and she runs right after her, and she grabs Sage's shoulder and she spins her right back around to face her screaming, “where do you think you're going cow, I'm not finished with you yet.” She pounds her fist, “boom,” right into Sage's fat cow sJohnnyach again. “OOOFFF,” she pounds the fuckin air right out of Sage, and Sage's eyes almost bulge right out of her head as she grabs her aching belly and she doubles over in pain gasping for air. Irene screams, “You're going to fuck yourself with your finger you big, fat cow, or I'll really knock the shit out of you.” Sage is bent over in pain and tears start rolling down her cheeks and she cry's out, “PLEASE, PLEASE LET ME GO, YOU CAN HAVE Johnny, JUST PLEASE LET ME GO.”

Irene grabs Sage's hair ad she yanks her standing up straight screaming, “YOU BIG FAT COW. I'M NOT GOING TO LET YOU GO. YOU STARTED THIS SAGE. YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE SO FUCKIN TOUGH. YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO BEAT ME UP AND HUMILIATE ME, BUT YOU WERE FUCKIN WRONG. I BEAT YOU UP SAGE, I KNOCKED THE SHIT OUT OF YOU, AND NOW I'M GOING TO HUMILIATE YOU. NOW ARE YOU READY TO FUCK YOURSELF, OR DO I REALLY AVE TO BEAT YOU UP.” Sage is crying now, and she starts crying out, “Johnny, Johnny PLEASE HELP ME, SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME,” but no one would move a fucking inch to help this fat fuckin cow, they all just stand there and watch as Irene knocks the shit out of Sage's big flabby tits again.” Irene raises her fists up like a man and she starts right fist, “bam,” left breast, left fist, “bam,” right breast, abm, bam, bam, bam,” knocking the shit out of Sage's already swollen, black and blue tits. Sage s crying and crying out, “PLEASE, I'M BEGGING YOU, PLEASE LET ME GO,” but Irene just keeps on punching Sage's big flabby breasts over and over again. Sage is scared, she doesn't know how to make this crazy bitch stop beating her up, and desperatel she starts crying out, “ALRIGHT, I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT, JUST PLEASE, PLEASE STOP.”

Irene stops pummeling Sage's big, fat breasts screaming, “BEG ME COW, BEG ME TO LET YOU FUCK YOUSELF IN FRONT OF Johnny.” Sage is crying like a baby, but Sage is scared and she cry's out, 'PLEASE LET ME FUCK MYSELF IN FRONT OF Johnny.” The crowd is going crazy.” Irene screams, “LOWER YOUR PANTIES COW AND STICK YOUR FINGER INTO YOUR cxnt.” Sage is submissive now and she lowers her panties right there in front of the people she works with, in front of Johnny, in front of her friends and she sticks her finger right into her pussy and she starts rubbing it back and forth. Irene screams, “YOU'RE NOT FUCKING YOURSELF GOOD ENOUGH YOU WHORE. LOOK YOUR NIPPLES AREN'T EVEN HARD ON THOSE FLABBY, PATHETIC COW TITS OF YOURS.” Irene grabs Sage by her fuckin hair and she screams, “YOU'RE NOT DOING IT GOOD ENOUGH BITCH, LET'S GO INSIDE AND WE'LL ALL SEE HOW WE CAN MAKE THIS A MUCH BETTER SEXUAL EXPERIENCE FOR YOU.” Sage is crying like a little girl, but she's still fucking herself with her finger as Irene walks her right back into the building. The whole crowd, every single person follows right behind them, everyone wants to see the rest of the show. Irene drags Sage right into the conference room and she lets go of Sage's hair so that she can clear the conference table, BUT on the middle of the table there is a big bowl of fruit. Irene makes room and she drags Sage up onto the table and she pulls Sage's finger out of her pussy. Then she grabs a banana out of the fruit bowl and she puts it into Sage's hand. The whole crowd see's what Irene has in mind and everyone starts cheering.

Irene screams, “NOW YOU'RE GOING TO FUCK YOURSELF WITH THE BANANA YOU FAT COW, AND YOU'RE REALLY GOING TO GET EXCITED. Sage slowly slides the big banana rigt into her pussy and she starts fucking herself with the large piece of fruit. She's shoving that big, hard banana in and out of her pussy, but Sage still doesn't see to be getting excited. On the other hand Irene is really turned on watching Sage sliding that big banana in and out of her cxnt and irene says, “ALRIGHT BITCH, YOU MUST NEED AREAL PERSON TO HELP YOU GET EXCITED. Irene pulls her dress up ight over her head. Irene's huge sexy bra and little lace panties are exposed in front of everyone and now the crowd is screaming. Irene takes off her bra and Irene's big, sexy tits just come flopping out of her bra in front of everyone. The crowd is insane, cheering and whistling and applauding. Then Irene lowers her panties and she climbs up on top of the conference table. She sits down right on Sage's sJohnnyach an she screams, “LOOK AT THESE TITS SAGE YOU FLABBY FUCKIN WHORE.” Sage is staring right at Irene's huge sexy tits. Irene screams, “YOU ARE GOING TO LICK AND SUCK MY BEAUTIFUL BREASTS YOU FLABBY BITCH, AND YOU'RE GOING TO SEE WHAT A REAL WOMAN'S BREASTS ARE REALLY LIKE.” age rises her head up and she kisses Irene's left breast and then she kisses her right breast. Irene's nipples instantly get all hard and erect. Irene screams, “LOOK SAGE, LOOK AT WHAT A REAL WOMAN'S NIPPLES LOOK LIKE.” Sage seems to be getting a little turned on at the sight of Irene's big, sexy nipples on her big sexy tits, and Sage starts sucking on Irene's nipples. Irene starts laughing as she looks down and she see's Sage getting really turned on. Sage's nipples are all hard and erect, and she's panting and making these sexy little noises, “AAAHHH, AAAHHH, AAAHHH,” and sweat is starting to cover her face and her body.

Sage is really turned on and she's making love to Irene's big, juicy tits. She's licking them and kissing them and sucking on Irene's breasts. Irene is really turned on and she sits up and slowly she starts to raise up and she holds her wet, hot pussy right over Sage's face screaming, “NOW YOU'RE GOING TO SUCK A REAL WOMAN OFF YOU WHORE, YOU'RE GOING TO SUCK A REAL WOMAN INTO ORGASM OVER AND OVER AGAIN UNTIL YOU MAKE YOURSELF CUM, YOU GOT THAT.” Sage is still fucking herself with the banana over and over again and Sage is getting really turned on. Sage raises her head up and she sticks her tongue out and she starts licking Irene's pussy. She's licking and kissing and sucking Irene's cxnt and Irene is getting really turned on. “AAAHHH, AAAHHH, AAAHHH, you suck pussy very good you flabby cow.” She's sucking he and licking her and all the time Sage's nipples are hard as rocks and her pussy is soaking wet as she is plunging that big piece of fruit in and out and in and out. Finally Irene starts “OOOOOHHHHH, OOOOOHHHHH, OOOOOHHHHH,” cumming over and over again, and Sage starts “OOOOHHHH, OOOOHHHH, OOOOHHHH,” exploding over and ver again right on that big yelow banana. The crowd is scresming. Irene gets up off of Sage and screams, “NOW ME AND Johnny ARE GOING TO THE CONCERT YOU BIG, FLABBY COW, AND YOU ARE GOING TO STAY HERE UNTIL YOU CUM RIGHT ON THAT BANANA AGAIN.” Slowly everyone walks out of the building, leaving Sage there fucking herself once again with that big, hard ripe banana.



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Dear Sage,

Johnny and I think you are scorching hot and the stories are extremely explosive. We hope they do as much for you as they do to use. These are really hot, hot fantasies.


PS-I thought that the story about you and me fighting was so, sooooooo hot, didn't you. I have been fantasizing worshipping your big, sexy tits since then.



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Me too----Thanks you Vicky, thank you Irene and thank you Sage-explosive