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My sister Eve fight with Biker girl Denise

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Offline MistressVicky

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My sister Eve fight with Biker girl Denise
« on: April 07, 2015, 09:16:52 PM »

Dear Johnny and Vicky,

My sister Eve is drop dead gorgeous, but she is dangerous and crazy too. Eve loves to dominate people, make fools of them, and she's really good at it. She's a cocky, confident woman that loves to create havoc. I love catfights, so you can just imagine how lucky I am being her brother. Eve is
28 years old,  5'4”, 120 lbs, 34D-23-34, with red hair and a face that makes every man that see's her or has contact with her get hard as a rock. Recently We were on the way to the airport, she was driving her Lexus and we were doing over 70 mph in a 35 mp speed zone. The red lights come on, the sirens and we were pulled over. The cop was angry when he got to the window of the car, screamed “do you know how fast you were going.” Then I could see his eves looking down at Eve's big breasts hanging halfway out of her sexy white blouse. My sister said, “oh, I'm so sorry officer, but we are playing it quite close to the time our flight is supposed to take off. My brother and I are going to LA for the weekend to see our parents.” Eve didn't have to go any further. The nice policeman looked at his watch and said “what time is your flight darlin,” and when my sister said, “4pm,” the officer said, you are cutting it quite close, but perhaps I can help you, follow me.” He put his lights on, turned his siren on again and he escorted us to the airport, into the parking lot and said, get in. He then drove us right up tot eh door of the terminal, jumped out, and grabbed our suite cases and told us to hurry to the gate, we would definitely make it. Then he walked right up to the front of the line and checked our bags.” Free drinks, free dinners, hell invite everyone that's with you.  I can go on and on with stories, but I think you get the idea.

Eve has been in many catfights, and she is small, but she is crazy and she took boxing lessons form several of the guys on the boxing team in high school and she continued through college and even now she is taking karate lessons. She hasn't had to pay for one lesson yet, and she even got me free karate lessons for the last 4 years.

I guess you could say that the town bully is this girl named Denise. She beat up many girls in high school, and she loved to rip their clothes off and fuck with them. Eve stole Denise's boyfriend in the senior year of high school and they did get into a fight after school one afternoon. Denise heard about my sisters reputation, but Denise was bigger then my sister at the time and she was not afraid of her. Denise started the fight. It was on the lawn behind school and she walked up behind my sister and pushed her and she told her that she was going to knock the shit out of her for taking her boyfriend, and that when she's finished with Eve, no guys will ever want to be seen with her any more.” My sister was like a prize fighter, she caught Denise with a couple of good shots to her face, bloodying her nose, and splitting her lips open. I think that Denise didn't mind the bloody face close to as much as Eve ripped off her blouse and bra and Denise's big, fat cow tits were exposed in front of everyone, and the crowd was really cheering. Denise wasn't the only one to be beat up, Denise caught my sister with one really hard punch to her nose, and blood was really rolling from Eve's nose, and Eve's blouse was torn open. Unfortunately for everyone, a few teachers came and broke the fight up.

Denise became a biker chick and still had a reputation around town of being very tough. She had become even bigger than she was in the senior year in high school. Denise has dirty blonde hair, aprox 5'7”, 200 lbs, 38DD. Although not shapely, Denise was still very attractive in her own way.

The fight happened at a biker bar. We never went to the biker bar, but Eve had met a biker at a party and he was a big, good looking guy, and he told Eve she should come down to the bar. She asked me and her best girlfriend Gina to go with her and we arrived at the bar at about 10 pm. We had been drinking for close to 2 hours when a group of about 10 biker guys and girls walked in. It was only 10 minutes before one of the bikers said in a real loud voice, “Ay Denise, isn't this that stuck up little bitch who kicked your ass and ripped off all of your clothes back in high school. This ain't high school and I would just love to see you make this sweet red head bitch into your personal slave, make her lick your pussy, and  everyone would really love to see you use a dildo on her. It was at about this time that I whispered to my sister, 'I think this would be a good time to leave,” but a group of bikers had formed a circle around us and they weren't about to let us leave. We just kept drinking, but I could feel Gina shaking as she stood right next to me.” It was summer and my sister had on this short white mini dress on, with high heels and stockings, while Denise had cut off jeans and a low cut white blouse with half her big tits hanging out. 

Denise had no idea that my sister had been taking karate and had continued boxing. Next thing you know is Denise has this big strap on dildo in her hand and she's standing right behind my sister screaming, “you don't know just how long I've been waiting for the opportunity  to beat you up and use this dildo on you.” The crowd started cheering as she grabbed Eve's shoulder screaming, “I'm going to blacken your eyes and then I'll sit  down right on your face and make you lick me into an orgasm you stupid little bitch,” as she spun my sister around to face her, but as she does Eve made a fist with her right hand and she sent it plowing roundhouse into Denise's left eye. Instantly Denise's eye started to turn pink and get all puffy as her head spun sideways for an instant, but Denise started walking toward Eve, and Denise's face was bright red and she was screaming, wait until I get my hands on you Eve you stupid little slut,”as Eve was backing away from her. Denise made a fist with her right hand and she sent it hard right at Eve's face, but Eve managed to step to the side and out of the way.  Denise screams, “get over here you slut,” as she lunges toward Eve, and Eve managed to dance out of the way again.

Eve held up her fists screaming, “come on you fat cow, put your fists up and fight me so that I can really knock the shit out of you.” This angered Denise even more and she pulled her right fist all the way back and she lunges forward, right at Eve, but Eve managed to send her right fist plowing “boom,” right into Denise's stomach. Her fist sank deep into Denise's fat cow stomach and “OOOFFF,” she knocked the air out of Denise. Denise grabbed her aching belly as she doubled over in pain gasping for air. Eve grabbed Denise's hair with both f her hands and she yanked her head up, then she shoved her head back down as she raised her right knee and she smacked Denise's jaw right off of her rising knee. You could hear Denise's teeth knock together and chatter in her head as Denise's jaw bounced right up off of Eve's rising knee. Denise was stood straight up on her feet and Denise was seeing stars, fuckin stars as she stumbled backwards on her high heels until her head came back down, and when it did, Denise's eyes were swimming around in her fuckin head and her legs became all wobbly. She had to old her hands out in front of herself to try and maintain her balance, ad then she just started to stumble, and then to sway, first forward, and then back. Denise was knocked silly, and she just had this silly little smile across her face. The crowd was laughing and cheering.

Eve walked right up to Denise and she grabbed her flimsy white blouse and she ripped it right off of her, and Denise's huge  sexy push up bra was exposed in front of everyone. The crowd was really cheering. Eve grabbed Denise's bra and she held Denise up right in front of herself, screaming right in Denise's dazed, glazed face. “Look at you Denise. I thought you were so fuckin tough. You don't look so tough now you big fat cow. I beat you up. I knocked the shit out of you, and now I'm going to humiliate you,” and Denise didn't say a word, she was so fuckin startled. Eve ripped Denise's bra right off of her, and Denise's big, fat cow tits were exposed in front of everyone. Now the crowd was laughing and going crazy. My sister held her fists up like a man and she started pummeling Denise's big tits. Right fist, “boom,” left breast, left fist “boom,” right breast, “boom, boom, boom, boom,” back and forth and back and forth, she was using Denise's huge breasts as punching bags, and Denise's breasts were bouncing, and swinging from side to side and slapping together from the full force of Eve's hard punches. Denise was trying to hold her hands out in front of herself to try and block the punches  but Eve is punched silly, and she can't do anything to stop Eve from beating her up. Denise started crying out, “crying out, “STOP, PLEASE STOP,” BUT Eve is getting off on beating Denise up and she's not going to stop.”

Eve screams, “You want me to stop beating you up you big, fat cow. Then tell everyone that you're my slave. Tell everyone that you're going to d whatever I tell you to do.” The bikers were laughing and screaming, and so was everyone else. “Feebly Denise pushed my sister back crying out, “NO, NOT THAT, PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE.” My sister takes her fist,her right fist and she sends it plowing full force, “bang,” uppercut into Denise's jaw. You caould hear Denise's teeth knock together and chatter in her head as her head swung straight up in the air and Denise stumbled backwards until she fell over on her back. She was just lying there like a beached whale, her chest was heaving up and down and up and down. Eve stood over Denise screaming, “Get up cow, get up and fight me. I thought you were so tough.” Denise had tears welling in her eyes and she was crying out, “PLEASE LET ME GO. I'M BEGGING YOU LET ME GO,” but my sister is crazy and she is far from finished with this fat cow yet.

Eve grabs Denise's hair as she sits down right on her stomach screaming, “Are you ready to tell everyone that I am your Mistress and you are my slave, and that you are going to do whatever I tell you to do.” Tears start rolling from Denise's eyes and she starts crying out, “HELP ME, SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME,” BUT no one would move a fuckin inch to help this big, fat cow, they all just stand there and watch as slowly my sister starts to knock the shit out of Denise all over again. Eve Balls up her fists screaming, “Now I”m going to blacken your eyes you stupid fat cow. She starts right ist, “bam, “ left eye, left fist, “bam,” right eye, “bam, bam, bam, bam,” back and forth and back and forth. She just keeps on pummeling Denise's eyes until first Denise's eyes swell up and turn black and blue, and then Denise starts crying out, “Alright, I'm your slave, I'm your fuckin slave Mistress, I'll do anything, anything.” The crowd was screaming and cheering and laughing.

My sister got up off of Denise and she grabbed Denise's cut off jeans and she pulled them down her legs until she pulled them off. Then she grabbed Denise's panties and she ripped them right off of her. Eve screamed, “where is that dildo Denise was going to use on me.” One of the bikers opened Denise's pocket book and he pulled out this big, fat dildo and handed it to my sister. My sister stood up raised up and she sat down on Denise facing Denise's feet, and Eve takes the dildo, that big fat dildo and she shoves it right into Denise's cxnt. My sister starts fucking Denise with the dildo. The crowd is really going crazy as in and out and in and out, she's plunging that big fat cock into Denise's pussy, and much to Eve's surprise, she notices that Denise is getting turned on. Sweat is rolling down Denise's face, and she's “AAHH, AAHH, AAHH,” breathing hard, and he nipples are all hard and erect. Eve screams, “Look at her everyone. Look at this big, fat cow, she's getting off on getting ducked in front of all of you. This fat fuckin cow is going to cum right in front of everyone.” Denise is crying even harder and she's AAHH, AAHH, NNOO, NNOO,” br4eathing even harder and sweating even harder until “OOOWWW, OOOWWW, OOOOWWWW, OOOWWWW,” she starts exploding. She’s having one explosive orgasm after another over and over again. The crowd is screaming and screaming and Denise is totally humiliated. MY sister pulls the dildo out of Denise and she turns around sitting on Denise’s chest and she raises up over Denise so that her wet, hot pussy is only inches over Denise's face and she screams, “Look at it. Look at my cxnt you big, fat cow. This is the cxnt that you're going to lick, now lick my cxnt bitch.” Denise raises her head up off of the barroom floor and she sticks her tongue out and she starts licking Eve's pussy. She's licking my sister feverishly, like a dog licking it's master, and now sweat is rolling down Eve's face and now Eve is panting and making these sexy little noises, “AAHH, AAHH, AAHH,” and then Eve, my sister starts “OOOOWWWW, OOOOWWWW, OOOOWWW,”  exploding, having one wild orgasm after another right on tough Denise's face. The crowd is besides themselves as they're cheering and screaming and laughing.




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Re: My sister Eve fight with Biker girl Denise
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2015, 05:41:02 PM »

I know Billy and his hot red headed sister. She is really good at getting people to do whatever she wants them to do and I can see her talking an officer out of a ticket and doing whatever she asks him to do. I would love to see Eve have a knock down/drag out IRL.


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Re: My sister Eve fight with Biker girl Denise
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2015, 05:59:32 PM »
good story
Wrestling RulesCatfights


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Re: My sister Eve fight with Biker girl Denise
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2015, 05:04:36 AM »
Has eve ever lost a fight? Bet she would be cocky even if she was fighting chyna from wwe/f