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Bunny to the Slughter - Short Wrestling Squash Match

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Offline LoveSexyJobbers

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Bunny to the Slughter - Short Wrestling Squash Match
« on: October 10, 2015, 06:24:05 AM »
Lindsey Collins could not belive wat she was about to do , step into a wrestling ring . Why she was a cheerleader all the way through high school , really physical activity stuff was not her cup of tea , but with tuition to pay for her college education , this was the highest paying opportunity afforded to her as this opening at this wrestling themed sports bar came perfectly when she went there to inquire about the position .

While training , she had to waitress & the waitresses , known as Jobber Girls even though they did not wrestle , simply did not pay anywhere close to those women who wrestled & while waitressing , she did so dressed in what would be her wrestling character's attire , a sweet & sexy pink bunny outfit where although her paystub read Lindsey Collins , her name tag read Belinda Bunny .

At this sports bar , the wrestling characters were constant , changing all the time due to girls moving on to graduating or not wanting to wrestle anymore , but once a girl left , a replacement to take over that character was quickly done based on what they were looking for for that character & each new hire could either have another job while training or waitress as a Jobber Girl , but that is how Lindsey was selected for her Belinda Bunny role & really went into this whole this clueless as to what Belinda Bunny was in the ring as until she was ring ready , there of course was no Belinda Bunny taking into the ring for her to see what Belinda Bunny's role was , but while being naive still , did think it weird that she spent most of the time in training learning how to take the bumps & hardly learning anything offensive , it was only when they told her that Friday night would see Belinda Bunny return to the ring & when asked if they were sure as she learned hardly anything offensive , they told her " don't worry , Belinda Bunny need not worry about that , Belinda Bunny is a total jobber " & despite her training & seeing the matches while waitressing , Lindsey was still so naive about the whole wrestling thing , she had to ask her employers as to what a jobber was & they let her know " A JOBBER IS WRESTLER WHO HELPLESSLY GETS HER ASS KICKED , that's why you learned almost no offensive moves , they WON'T be neccessary " .

Lindsey stood at the curtain , ready for her 1st match , luckilly they did not have her in the first match so her nerves could settle a bit , but her character's quirky music played & the man in the ring let everyone know that the following contes was a 1 fall , 15 minute time limit match & introducing 1st , hailing from Bunnyville , standing 5'1 & weighing in at 103 lbs , please welcome , Belinda Bunny .

Belinda Bunny came out all smiles & yes , when the announcer told the fans she was 5'1 - 103 lbs , she was 5'1 - 103 lbs , which is why she got the Belinda Bunny part as not only was Belinda Bunny a total jobber , the fact that she was short & weighed little was why & she met the fans for the 1st time as Belinda Bunny the wrestler , although she knew some as regular patrons , but Belinda Bunny the wrestler was a new thing & due to her small stature , she entered the ring via the help of the ring steps , wher ein character , she then hopped around the ring innocently for a moment until it was time to meet her opponent .

" And her opponent , she hails from The Kingdom of Evil , she stands 6'8 & weighs 237 lbs , she is , Lady Ogre " , the announcement of Lady Ogre had Belinda in shock , they did not even introduce her to this woman beforehand , they actually gave Belinda a script of the match outline & she could not help but think if Lady Ogre was a big as she was announced as & when Lady Ogre came out , Belinda under her breath let out a " oh shit " as Lady Ogre indeed was as large as she was introduced as .

Not only was Belinda watching he rlarge opponent , but so were the spectators as Lady Ogre was a brand new heel character added while Lindsey ha snow made the 14th girl to wrestle as Belinda Bunny & while Belinda had to use the ring steps to get into the ring , Lady Ogre who seemed to get larger as she got closer , entered the ring by walking over the top rope & after a short moment of the ref making sure both wrestlers were ready , he called for the bell to get it started

Belinda took a step towards her large opponent who with 1 step herself , moved much closer with her large step then Belinda did with hers , Belinda backing up slightly to keep the big woman from standing over her , but as she backed up , Lady Ogre walked forward & now with Belinda backed up almost to the ropes , there was nowhere else to really go & not much room to go back another further , but Belinda just eyed her opponent who seemed ike she was happy to just stand there staring daggers into her to intimidate her instead of attacking , but with a little yell out of nowhere , Lady Ogre let loose a boot to Belinda's mid , quickly doubling over the poor Bunny & with a heavy forearm shot to the back , Belinda hit the mat on her front already dazed as Lady Ogre moved in & began to stomp Belinda on her shoulder blade areas as Belinda just lay face down looking helpless as Lady Ogre slowed her attack but stomped away freely for a full minute before stopping her stomp attack & asking the crowd if there was any real competition here .

Belinda put up no fight as Lady Ogre yanke dher to her feet , grabbed her by her cheek & growled at her before lifting her up effortlessly & slamming Belinda to the mat , making Belinda arch her back up a bit as Lady Ogre watched until the pain of the hard slam subsided enough to allow Belinda's back to return towards the mat where Lady Ogre yanked Belinda up again & whipped her lightly towards the corner where Belinda did fell pain in her tiny body as it connected with the still harder then softer turnbuckle covers of the top & middle ropes & Belinda stood lost as the big heel came charging at her , Belinda never even thought about escaping as the large frame of Lady Ogre splashed into her, practically making Belinda's tiny body disappear for a moment until Lady Ogre took a step back & as she did , Belinda slowly stumbled forward until she fell forward & down to the mat , already looking ripe for an easy pin .

Lady Ogre yanked Belinda back up & carried the Bunny over to the corner & sat her ontop of the top turnbuckle & 3 times gave her a little punch to her soft & sexy mid & then backed away as the ref was giving her the 5 count to break , Lady Ogre obeyed before the 5 count , but moved right back in & sowly with the ref's count , gave Belinda more punches to her soft mid , stopping in time again to avoid a DQ ,each punch making the Bunny oohmph in pain depsite the fact that Lady Ogre was not exactly using 100 % of her power .

When Lady Ogre moved back in , she positioned Belinda into a position where she could now toss slam Belinda from her top turbuckle perch , tossing the tiny frame of Belinda to mid ring with no effort as the Bunny's light weight to Lady Ogre was like Lady Ogre lifting an empty weight lifting bar , the impact though for Belinda was big , her landing making her jitterbug up & down & side to side for a few seconds & when her body stopped jitterbugging , Lady Ogre planted a foot on Belinda's chest & the ref counted , 1-2 but no three as Lady Ogre removed her foot before the ref's hand hit the mat a 3rd time & based on Belinda not moving as Lady Ogre's foot came off her chest , it seemed like the 3 would of happened .

Lady Ogre effortlessly yanked Belinda back up & this time she sprawled the tiny frame of Belinda across the entire length of the turnbuckle & then slowly climbed up & took a seat om the chest & upper belly of the poor Bunny & sat bored as the ref eventually gave her a 5 count to get off of Belinda , Lady Ogre standing on the rpe to lift her off Belinda's top area in time to get the ref to break his count , but right back down she sat , doing this 5 times as she was just toying with her halpless prey , after the 5th sitting session , Lady Ogre juped down to the mat , not like she had far to go anyway due to her height , but after gloating to the crowd , getting a mixture of boos & cheers depending on who the fans where cheering for , Lady Ogre returned to Belinda who was still sprawled on the tunbuckle looking totally hapless & with no effort again , Lady Ogre was able to transition Belinda onto her broad shoulders & marched around the ring with her as Belinda's arms & legs dangled limp as the rest of the Bunny's tiny frame bent in conformity with Lady Ogre's broad powerful shoulders .

After a few circuits around the ring , Lady Ogre jumped up a bit & pulled down on Belinda's body as the giant heel landed on her knees , Belinda's body looking like it would snap in half from how fragile it looked from the over foot & a half of size Lady Ogre had over the sweet & innocent Bunny babe , Lady Ogre letting go after the momentum of the impact from the Trainwreck move subsided & Belinda again lay not just ripe for a 1-2-3 count , but maybe a 100 or more .

Lady Ogre again decided to toy with the hapless Bunny , spending 2 minutes carrying Belinda around in a bodyslam position for 10 to 15 seconds before toss slamming her to the mat , planting a foot on chest for what would of been a pin , but every time she kept removing her foot as the ref's hand had about a 1/4th of the way to go to end it  .

Lady Ogre then lay on the mat while grabbing the out of it Bunny & put her into a Surfboard hold & spent 90 seconds with still hardly any effort while keeping her in the Surfboard , also moving her legs up & down like she was bench pressing the tiny frame of the poor Bunny until she non chalantly upon one more press up , let go of the hold & kicked Belinda forward & after looking at the balled up Bunny on the mat , Lady Ogre who was now bored , just pushed Belinda onto her back , placed a knee across Belinda's chest , hooked a leg & gave no emotion as the ref tried to make the pin count again & this time , Lady Ogre let it happen , 1-2-3 to bring an end to the complete mismatch as Lindsey upheld the tradition of Belinda Bunny being a huge jobber on the roster .     
You never grow old until you stop being young


Offline bishopberkley

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Re: Bunny to the Slughter - Short Wrestling Squash Match
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2015, 02:37:24 PM »
My kind of match. I love the scenario. That would be the greatest restaurant ever. Thanks for writing.