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Fight for Nei-Amy vs Sexy Shelly

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Fight for Nei-Amy vs Sexy Shelly
« on: April 08, 2015, 07:52:06 PM »

Nei has been going with Amy for several years now and although on one hand they are contemplating on marriage, especially Amy, Nei still has some wild oats to sow and wants to try some new things before he makes a commitment to Amy to settle down. Nei had gone to a local bar a few weeks ago and he just happened to sit down next beautiful, Sexy Shelly. Nei told Shelly about his life and his relationship with Amy and Shelly agreed that he needs to try some new things. Shelly has recently been trying new things too and one of those new things is S&M. Shelly is normally quite dominant, cocky and she's quite used to telling people what to do, not being told what to do. Shelly had convinced Nei to come to her house to try S&M. Nei was already hard from looking at this beautiful, sexy blonde and he decided to give it a try. Nei was so turned on and was actually a very good submissive and Shelly and Nei got along very well. Besides being dominant, Mistress Shelly had discussed that what turns her on is forcing other women to be her slave, and making them do all kinds of humiliating sexual acts. This really turned Nei on and he started telling Mistress  Shelly about his fantasies. He was especially turned on at the thought of his sexy little Asian girlfriend Amy fighting Shelly. He knows Amy is a red belt in Taekwondo and he is very convinced that sexy little Amy could hold her own against Mistress Shelly.

Amy had started to become suspicious that Nei was seeing another woman and she started to get angry and asking Nei many questions. Nei assured her that there is no other woman. Nei wants to fuck Shelly, so bad. He can't stop thinking of Shelly's perfect  ass and her hot body and beautiful face, and he is so turned on by the S&M and worshiping his beautiful Mistress. He is becoming more and more that Mistress Shelly allows him to kiss her pussy. That she allows him so lick her fewet, That allows him to be her doggy. He is just becoming so infatuated by the whole scene, and as time goes on, Amy is more than just suspicious. First she starts interrogating Nei, accusing him and telling him to just tell her who his whore is, so that she can go there and beat the shit out of her. Now you can just imagine how fuckin excited Nei is. He is so excited, his fantasies are so real and so hot. Now there is a possibility foe the love of his life, to fight his Mistress.

Nei goes to see Shelly, and immediately Shelly notices something is up with Nei. She demands Nei tell her what is making him so excited. Nei told Shelly that his girlfriend Amy knows he has a girlfriend and she is so angry she wants to beat the shit out of you. Nei started telling Shelly about Amy's karate training, and that she is very good in Karate, and he doesn't think they should fight, he doesn't want to see his beautiful Mistress get hurt. He was carrying on and on about how tough Amy is until Shelly heard enough and she grabbed Nei's hard cock, right through his pants, and she led him over to the bed. She pulled his pants right off of him, and then she leapt onto the bed right ext to him and she grabbed his hard cock screaming, “you wanna know what would happen if your girlfriend Amy and I get into a fight.” She made Nei go onto the computer and show her Amy's face book page. When she saw Nei's girlfriend Amy she started to laugh.

Shelly handed Nei the telephone and ordered him. Call her, call your tough girlfriend up and let me speak to her. Nei said “no, what are you crazy.” Shelly got infuriated and she grabbed Nei's hair and her face turned bright red. She pulled Nei forward and screamed right in his face, “How fuckin  dare you talk to your Mistress like that. You are going to get a spanking, but before you do, get that slut on the telephone, and when she answers, tell her that your Mistress wants to talk to her.” Nei immediately recognized his place and became submissive to Shelly. He said, “Yes Mistress. I am sorry Mistress. I'll call Amy right now.” Nei dialed the number and in his mind he was really hoping that Amy would not be home and would not answer the phone, but much to his dismay, he hears Amy say, “hello.” Nei was excited, scared, he was fuckin trying to think, but he couldn't and he shakily said hello Amy, my Mistress wants to speak to you.” Shelly grabs the phone out of Nei's hand and she starts screAmyng, “Is this Amy you skinny, weak, pathetic, little flat chested whore. Nei is mine now, and his cock is mine too. I'm warning you, you better stay away from me and Nei, I'm telling you if you come to my dungeon to start fuckin trouble, I'll blacken your eyes, and break your fuckin nose, and knock out all of your teeth, and then after I punch you silly, I'll make you my slave. I'll dominate you and make you totally submissive to me, and then I'll make you worship my cxnt, just like your husband does, you got it.”

Amy is just standing there in shock as crazy Shelly is telling her off, but her shock turned to anger and she didn't say anything while Shelly told her off, but as soon as Shelly is finished, Amy loses her temper and she starts screAmyng, “You stupid bitch. You think you are so fuckin tough. I'm warning YOU, I'm a red belt in taekwondo, and I will beat you up and teach you a lesson. You have no idea how long I'v been fantasizing about beating up some snotty, cocky American bitch and forcing her to eat my pussy. Perhaps as you said I'll dominate you and humiliate you,and I'll force you to eat my pussy.” Amy then slammed the phone down in anger. ”Shelly drags Nei by his fuckin cock right back to the bed.

The Story

Amy started calling and calling and calling Nei's cell phone and each time Nei didn't answer she became more infuriated. She was pacing back and forth back and forth and thinking how much she hates this American whore and how much she wants to kick her ass and teach her a lesson she will never forget. Amy was growing more and more confident as she pictured herself in Karate class. She kept thinking right snap kick, swing sidekick. She actually started doing it. She started doing her exorcizes for real. Sidekick, “AAEEYYI.” round kick, “AAEEYYI, defense. She then started think about how she will kick that whore Shelly in her cxnt and knee raise her right to her jaw. How she will “block, punch, block punch. She thought of how she wants to bloody this bitch. “How fuckin dare this stupid American slut touch my man.”  Finally, after hours the telephone rings. Amy keaps to the phone and seeing Nei's phone number on the caller ID she picked it up screaming, “Where the fuckin have tou been. What are you doing with that fuckin whore, I'm going to come there and knock the shit out of her” BUT much to Amy's surprise it was  Shelly who said, “what was that you skinny little slut, alright you wanna fight me for Nei, I'll fuckin fight you. Right now. I am having an S&M party and Nei is the star slave. So why don't you come down here and fight me so I can really humiliate you.” Amy said, “give me the address of your party and I will come to your party to fight you.” Amy is so infuriated with Shelly and with Nei that she didn't have time to think of what she should wear, after all, she wouldn't want to show up and let that American bitch look better than her. She takes out her black sheer stockings, and she puts on her light purple bra and matching panties. Then she takes the two foam rubber pads and she inserts them into her bra, making her tiny little A cups. Amy puts on her hot pants and then her sexy white midriff button dress blouse. She did her hair, and made herself up, something she only does for very special occasions. She stepped in front of the full length mirror and she like what she see's. She looks just like one of those little Asian dress up dolls, her face painted with the pale, almost white makeup and the purple eye pearl shadow, and thick black mascara.

Amy shows up at Shelly's dungeon to beat her up. She knocks on the door and much to her surprise, a man dressed in boxers with a tuxedo jacket, white shirt and bow tie opens the door and says, “come this way, the Mistress is expecting you.” As the man leads Amy through the crowd of people she can see Mistress Shelly, that blonde haired whore is sitting on this big, queens chair. She's wearing a black PVC minidress with no panties and a white, button dress blouse, with no shoes or stockings, and there on the floor is Nei, on his hands and knees, right in between Shelly's legs, licking Shelly's pussy. Amy is enraged and she walks right up and stands just a few feet in front of Shelly and the queens chair and she puts her hands on her hips screaming, SLUT, WHORE, GET AWAY FROM MY MAN.” Shelly stands up shoving Nei away from in between her legs and then she steps into her high

heels and she walks right up to Amy, and Shelly is 9 inches taller than Amy with her high heels on, and she must outweigh  skinny little Amy by 30 lbs. Shelly says in a low voice, “I can't believe you have the fuckin nerve to show up here when you know I can beat you up. I warned you that if you came here to start fuckin trouble that I would knock the shit out of you and humiliate you. I warned you that I would take Nei after I make you lick my pussy right in front of him.”  Amy is infuriated and she loses her temper and she sends her right foot right at Shelly's pussy, but Shelly manages to step back and  block Amy's kick. Then Amy turns sideways and she sends a side kick right at Shelly's stomach and Shelly steps back and she manages to block that kick too. Amy kicks off her high heels and she sends a sends another side kick at Shelly and this time Shelly was too slow to block it, and her foot smashes right into Shelly''s muscular stomach, knocking Shelly back a step.

Amy is shocked, she can't believe such a hard kick to Shelly's stomach didn't even knock the sir out of her, BUT Amy is still really pissed off and she jumps into her karate stand, holding her fists out in front of herself. Shelly laughs as she holds her fist up like a boxer and she screams, “alright Amy, you wanna fight, you really wanna fight, I'll fuckin fight you. I'm going to punch you silly and then I'm going to make you eat my cxnt.” Amy starts sending punches, right fist, left fist and their bouncing off of Shelly's arms as she's blocking Amy's punches, and then Shelly balls a hard right fist with her right hand and she sends it plowing full force, “bang,” roundhouse right into the side of Amy's face, spinning Amy halfway around in a circle from the full force of her hard punch. Amy's eye and cheek starts to turn pink and get all puffy. Amy spins back around to face Shelly, trying to shake off Shelly's hard punch. Amy is enraged, how dare this Blonde American whore humiliate her like this.  She holds up her fists screaming, “You fuckin American whore, you blonde fuckin bitch. I'm going to kill you. I'm going to fuckin kill you. Amy moves forward  and she throws a hard punch right at Shelly's face as Shelly just goes plowing into her, full force and Amy isn't ready for her. Amy's punch bounces right off of Shelly as Shelly grabs Amy's white blouse with both of her hands and she throws Amy back like a weightless rag doll, and Amy's blouse rips right off of Amy's body in Shelly's hands and buttons going flying in every direction as Amy's feet are off of the ground until “bang,” she smashes into the cement wall of the dungeon. ”

Amy bounces up off of the wall in her bra and now the crowd is really cheering as Shelly screams, “You aren't going to kill any one you weak, skinny, pathetic little slut.” Shelly walks right up to Amy and she grabs her bra with both of her hands and as she holds Amy up so that her feet are practically dangling in mid air. Amy's foam rubber false tits going flying out landing on the floor. Shelly lets go of Amy's bra and she grabs her hair screaming. “Look at her Nei, her tits just fell out of her bra.” She has her hand laced through Amy's hair and she bends her over and makes her look on the floor and Shelly is laughing as she screams, “Look at your tits bitch, they're on the floor, you're even more of a flat chested whore then I thought.” She pulls jerks at Amy's hair and she stands her up straight on her feet in front of everyone and Amy's little bra just goes sliding down and is hanging over her stomach, and Amy's sexy little tits are exposed in front of everyone. The crowd is going crazy. Shelly lets go of Amy's hair and she grabs Amy's nipples and laughing she screams, “look at how weak and pitiful you are Amy you fuckin little slut. I know men who have bigger tits than you.” The crowd is cheering.

Amy has tears welling in her eyes, she;s never been humiliated like this before and she cries out, PLEASE STOP,” but Shelly is a viscous, crazy bitch and she's not going to stop. Shelly is clearly winning at this point, and Amy is knocked silly, and when Shelly lets go of Amy's nipples, Amy just starts to stumble, and then to sway, first forward, and then back, and then she just get this silly little smile across her face, and then while Amy is standing there with this goofy little grin across her face, Shelly screams, “Alright Amy you fuckin big mouth. You want me to stop beating you up, then tell

everyone that you're my slave. Tell everyone that you're going to do whatever I tell you to do, and from now on you worthless  little whore, you are to address me as Mistress when you want to speak to me, do you understand me slut. Amy wants to stop, she cries out, “STOP, PLEASE STOP,” but Shelly is crazy and she won't fuckin stop.” Shelly takes her fist, her right fist and she smashes it “bang,” right into Amy's teeth, and Amy's lips just bust open, and blood is rolling from Amy’s lips. Shelly laughs viciously screaming “are you ready to submit you useless, tit less  little whore, or do I really have to knock all of your teeth out.” Amy is starting to get scared, she can't believe how crazy Shelly is. Amy's cheeks and feebly Amy cries out, “alright, I'm your slave, I’m your fuckin slave.” Shelly is infuriated all over again, her face turns beet red and she grabs Amy's hair and she pulls her over onto her hands and knees. Amy screams, :AAHH,” as Shelly starts dragging her across the rough cement by her fuckin hair. She''s swinging sexy lttle Amy around the dungeon floor like a little rag doll, and Amy is screamyng, “AAAHHH, AAAHHH, PLEASE STOP,  I'M BEGGING YOU,” as Amy's knees are getting all scraped and bloody and her stockings are all ripped.

Shelly drags Amy around until she drags her right over to the very same queens chair that she was sitting on when Amy first walked in. The crowd has gone silent, its so silent you can hear a pin drop, the only noise you can hear is the sound of Amy crying like a baby.  Shelly grabs Amy's panties and she rips them right off of her body and Amy cries out, “NO, PLEASE.” Shelly grabs Amy's hair and sits down on the queens chair and she drags Amy up right across her lap. She takes Amy over her knee like a little child, and Amy is really scared now, she starts crying out, “NEI, NEI PLEASE HELP ME, SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME,” but no one would move a fuckin inch to help this skinny, pathetic little slut, they all just stand there and watch as Mistress Shelly starts to spank Amy's ass. She's “bam, bam, bam,” smacking Amy's left cheek, and then “bam, bam, bam,” smacking Amy's right cheek. Shelly s creams, “I told you to tell everyone that you're my slave. I told you to tell everyone that you're going to do whatever I tell you to do. I told you to refer to me as Mistress when you want to address me.” She just keeps on spanking Amy's sexy little ass over and over again until Amy's ass is all swollen and black and blue, and shes leaving huge bloody red welt mars on Amy's ass. She just keeps n spanking her and spanking her until Amy becomes totally submissive to Shelly and she starts crying out, “I'm your slave Mistress. I;m your fuckin slave Mistress, please I'll do whatever you tell me to do.”  The crowd is screaming as

Amy takes the middle finger of her right hand and she shoves it right into Amy's ass hole. Amy lets out a bloodcurdling scream, “AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH,” as she fells Shelly's finger slide deep into her ass hole, and then Amy leas up off of Shelly's lap. Shelly grabs Amy's hair as she stands u and Amy starts leaping, jumping, twisting, trying to dance off of Shelly's finger, but she can;t. Shelly has her left hand laced tightly through Amy;s hair and the middle finger of her right hand shoved deep into Amy’s ass hole, and Amy just can't get away.  Mistress Shelly starts taking her out. She's marching Amy around the dungeon like a puppet on her finger, and Ami is just stumbling, and then swaying as Shelly marches Amy one by one in front of each person. Shelly screams, “alright Amy. Now you're going to tell everyone just what a skinny, pathetic flat chested little whore you really are.” Shelly has tears streaming down her cheeks, mixing with her blood and her black eye makeup as Shelly starts plunging her finger in and out and in and out of Amy's ass hole. Amy starts crying out, “I'm a flat chest whore, I'm a stupid, pathetic flat chested whore,” Shelly pulls her finger right out of Amy's ass hole and she holds it up right in Amy's face screaming, Now lick it clean whore. Suck my finger clean you pathetic flat chested slut.” Amy has never considered being humiliated like this, not even in her very worst nightmares, and in front of Nei. She's standing there crying and crying and crying, but she doesn’t  move an inch.  Shelly balls her right fist up tight, and now Ami is really infuriated and she starts “bang, bang, bang, bang,” hammering Amy's nose. She bashing Amy's face in. Punching Amy's face in over and over again until blood is gushing out of Amy's nose and Amy starts crying out, “please let me lick your finger clean Mistress. I'm begging you, please let me lick your finger clean Mistress. She grabs Shely's hand and she pulls her finger right up to her mouth, and Amy starts licking Shellys' finger clean. She licking and licking and ten she starts sucking her finger clean. She sucks and sucks Shelly's finger until she sucks it clean, and ten Shelly pulls her hand away. 

Shelly opens her blouse and then she takes off her bra. The crowd is going crazy. Shelly screams, “Look at my tits bitch, This is what a real woman's tits are supposed to look like, but you wouldn’t know that because you don't have any tits. Now kiss my breast you stupid little whore.”   Amy kisses Shelly's large sexy breast. Shelly screams, “Now you;re going to worship my tits slut. Lick my tits, suck my tits, love my tits just like Nei does.” Amy is totally humiliated. Shelly is slowly draining each and every last drop of Amy's dignity right out of her, right in front of Nei, right in front of all of these people. Amy starts kissing Shelly's breast over and over again, and Shelly;s nipples are getting bigger and bigger and harder and harder. Shelly screams, “suck my tits slave, suck m big sexy breasts, worship them. Make love to my breasts you whore.” Amy is licking and kissing Shelly's breasts. She starts licking Shelly's big, sexy tits passionately, sucking on her nipples. She's eating Shelly's tits. She making fuckin love to Shelly's beautiful tits, licking them feverishly like a dog licking its master. Amy seems like she;s enjoying it. She seems like she is getting off on making passionate love to her Mistress' big, sexy tits. Shelly screams, “Now lay down on your back whore.” Amy is totally submissive now and she quickly lays down on her back. Shelly sits down on Amy's stomach and she grabs her right hand. She places Ami's hand, so that Amy's fingers are right over her cxnt, and Shelly laughs as she screams, “now masturbate yourself you slut. Fuck yourself with your fingers until you cum. Amy sticks her fingers into her cxnt and she start inserting her finger into her pussy. Amy is fuckin masturbating herself right in front of Nei, right in front of everyone. Nei;s cock s so hard it feels like its going to bust out of the skin.

Shelly turns around facing Amy's head and she looks down and notices that Amy's nipples are rock hard and beet red, ready to burst, and sweat is starting to roll down Amy's cheeks and Amy is “AAHH, AAHH, AAHH, breathing hard and making these sexy little noises. Shelly screams, “You're enjoying this slut. Nei, Nei look at her, look at how excited your ex girlfriend gets when she gets beat up and dominated. Look at her Nei, she's going to cum right on her fingers. Shelly raises up and she holds her wet, hot pussy just inches over Amy's face screaming, “kiss it. Kiss my cxnt whore, lick my pussy you fuckin big mouth.” Amy is licking her pussy over and over again. She's plunging her tongue in and out of Shelly's soaking wet pussy, all the while Amy is fucking herself over and over again. Plunging her tongue in and out and in and out of her very own pussy, right in front of Nei, right in front of the crowd.  Amy reaches up and she starts caressing Shelly's sexy tits. All of a sudden “OOOOOWWWWW. OOOOOWWWWW, OOOOOWWWWW, OOOOOWWWWW,” both women starts to explode over and over again. They are shooting one load after another, screaming in ecstasy.

Shelly rests for a minute and then she gets up off of Amy and she screams,”Nei get over here.” Nei walks right up to Shelly and Shelly grabs his cock screaming, “you think this is over Amy you submissive whore. I'm not finished with you yet. She jerking and jerking at Nei's cock until Nei starts “OOOOOWWWWW, OOOOOWWWWW, OOOOOWWWWW,” squirting glob after glob of his hot cum all over Amy's hair and over her face, and over her tits, and its rolling onto her stomach. Shelly laughs and she screams, “Do you think Amy has any of her dignity left Nei. Look at your tough ex girlfriend  now Nei, I've drained every last drop of her dignity right out of her.”



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Re: Fight for Nei-Amy vs Sexy Shelly
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2015, 07:58:38 PM »

Nei's girlfriend Amy



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Re: Fight for Nei-Amy vs Sexy Shelly
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2015, 08:02:36 PM »

Very Sexy Shelly



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Re: Fight for Nei-Amy vs Sexy Shelly
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2015, 08:04:13 PM »

Very Sexy Shelly



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Re: Fight for Nei-Amy vs Sexy Shelly
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2015, 08:06:07 PM »

Nei's girlfriend Amy



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Re: Fight for Nei-Amy vs Sexy Shelly
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2015, 08:07:34 PM »

Very Sexy Shelly



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Re: Fight for Nei-Amy vs Sexy Shelly
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2015, 08:08:44 PM »

Very Sexy Shelly


Offline LeeRoyCrane

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Re: Fight for Nei-Amy vs Sexy Shelly
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2015, 02:21:41 AM »
Is there a part II?  It looks like Amy might get back up?


Offline MistressVicky

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Re: Fight for Nei-Amy vs Sexy Shelly
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2015, 11:34:00 PM »

This in one of your hotter stories. I think Sexy Shelly is very, very hot too, and she made this story as hot as it is.


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Re: Fight for Nei-Amy vs Sexy Shelly
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2015, 04:38:51 PM »

Dear sexy, hot Asian,

My bf Johnny the Dueces and I have tried to PM you and it says you don't exist. You're sexy tits seem to need to be worshipped, and perhaps your sweet pussy need to be licked, but you will have to try to force a woman to do that, and there is the possibility you will get the shit knocked out of you and that you will be forced to worship some big, tough white woman's body.

If we can fins a way to communicate, we could write a story about your little Asian girlfriend getting into a fight with a big, tough white woman. This would be extremely hot. What do you think?????

Mistress Vicky