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other old storie

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Offline drclaude8

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other old storie
« on: October 08, 2014, 03:40:09 PM »
story from RipZone

The Rehearsal
Taylor always knew she had a hot body.  When she was in high school, she had
her pick of guys to go out with.  And the same was true when she spent a
couple of years at the local junior college.  She was actually very
attractive - strawberry blone hair to her shoulders, 5'5" and about 110 lbs.
  While her body was naturally perfect, she still enjoyed the idea of
working out regularly to stay in awesome shape.  She took those new tae-bo
classes and felt exhilarated getting her adrenaline pumping in a room full
of other women engaged in intense physical exercise.
In her current job as a waitress at an upscale restaurant, she was
constantly getting checked out by all the men who came in with their wives
or girlfriends.  They usually were carefully inspecting her body when their
companion was looking the other way.  She loved to bust them doing it and
she would smile as they looked away, embarassed.  Tonight was no different.
She was wearing an especially alluring outfit.  It wasn't overtly sexy, but
it showed off her feminine attributes quite nicely - a form fitting peach
colored blouse and very tight stretch pants.
It was towards the end of the evening when two women came in for dinner.
They were both striking.  For once she didn't automatically feel like she
was superior in looks to the women.  One was about her size, with light
brown hair.  The other was a brunette.  Both had very large breasts which
stood out in their sexy yet stylish tight dresses.  While walking them to
their table, she couldn't help but feel that they were checking her out too.
  This made her a little nervous but also excited.  When they had sat down
and she handed the menu to the girl with light brown hair, their eyes met
for a moment.
"What's your name"? said the girl.
"Taylor" she said, a little surprised at the attention.
"Hello Taylor, I'm Shana, and this is Tori.  Could you tell the waiter to
bring us a bottle of your best chardonnay?  I am so ready for a glass of
"Sure, no problem" she said.
"Thank you, that would be great!"
When she went to tell the waiter, Tom, he glanced over at the table and
said, "Hey thanks Taylor! You know who you just sat at my table?"
"No, but I guess you do" she said.
"That's Shana Lane, the porn star" said Tom with a grin.  "Not only is she a
babe, but she's a great tipper!"
"I guess you owe me then", said Taylor as she walked back to the front of
the restaurant.
She then started getting ready to go, as this was the last table being
seated.  When she went to the rest room to check her makeup before leaving,
she was a little surprised when Shana came in behind her and stood looking
at Taylor's reflection in the mirror.  This made her even more nervous than
before, as she wasn't used to being around women that were as overtly sexy
as she was herself.
"I'm sorry, did you want to use the mirror?" said Taylor.
"No actually I came in to ask you something", Shana said with an intriguing
smile on her face.
"Oh, what's that?" Taylor continued to touch up her makeup.  She tried to be
nonchalant while hesitating to turn around and face the sexy woman.
"Do you know who I am?"
Taylor took a deep breath. "I hear you're a porn star".
Shana laughed.  "We prefer to say adult actress".
"Oh.....sorry.  I didn't mean any disrespect".  After all, the woman was a
customer and Taylor didn't want to insult her.
"Don't worry, honey, I've been called a lot worse in my time!" said Shana.
Taylor finally turned around and faced the woman.  She was again struck with
how incredibly beautiful and sexy she was.  She started to feel more relaxed
as Shana continued to smile at her.
"So what did you want to ask me?" Taylor asked.
"You know, I just don't act in movies.  I've started to produce my own adult
films too".
"Oh really?" said Taylor.  "That's good....I guess".
The woman laughed again.  "I figured I was making those perverted producers
so much money, it was about time to do it myself".  She continued "I thought
you might want to hear about my next project".
"Sure" said Taylor.  She had an idea where this conversation might be going.
  While her immediate impulse was to say no, she couldn’t control her
curiosity about what Shana was involved in and why she was talking to her
about it.
"It's going to be a female wrestling video", Shana paused "...and I thought
I'd see if you would be interested in being in it".
Taylor gulped.  This conversation was making her extremely agitated and
nervous, yet she was intrigued at the same time.  She felt a strange
magnetism towards this gorgeous woman standing in front of her.  Taylor
didn’t know what to say at first, but from the look on her face, Shana could
see that she was interested.
"Come on, Taylor.  You know you have a hot body.  And you know you like to
show it off.  Just look at what you're wearing!".
Taylor's mind was swimming.  She loved to show off her body........and, she
loved to feel the intensity of working out.  Hell, it wasn't like she had
any great career going.  This thing might be worth trying after all.
"Well.......I don't know" said Taylor, but Shana wasn’t about to give up.
"Look, just come over to my place tomorrow afternoon.  I'll show you a few
moves, we'll practice a bit and you could make up your mind then.  Besides,
I think you'll like how much money you can make".
Taylor certainly wasn't getting rich at this job.  Besides, this could lead
to something more interesting if it worked out.  She had to admit that she
was getting bored working in the restaurant.  At the age of 21, she figured
she had her whole life in front her and she certainly didn't want to end up
working at this job for the rest of her life.
"I guess there's no harm in just practicing.  I can decide after that?"
"Yes of course!" said Shana.  " I can't make you do anything you don't want
to do.  But I should tell you now that there will be nudity involved.  The
fights usually end up either topless or nude".
Taylor got even more excited.  She didn't know what was coming over her.
Her very intense feelings towards this woman surprised her.  The idea of
straining her body against the body of this incredible creature in front of
her clearly made her heart pump harder.
"I guess that's ok" said Taylor.  While her adrenaline always got going when
she did Tae-Bo with a bunch of perspiring, scantily clad, hardbody women in
one room, this would absolutely be a whole new level of intensity.
"Good" said Shana, handing her a business card with an address on it.  "Come
to my house tomorrow at 4:00".
With that, Shana left the bathroom and returned to her table.  When Taylor
left the restaurant, she passed by Shana's table and smiled back at Shana
when their glances met.  Tori, the brunette, was staring at her as she
walked by, looking at her body the way most men do.  Taylor walked to her
car and sat there for just a minute before she turned the key to drive home.
  Her body started shaking as she imagined what it would be like to fight
Shana.  She was amazed at the feelings that overcame her.  It made her even
more anxious to find out what it would be like to actually wrestle the
actress wearing just a thong or nude.
Taylor had a hard time getting to sleep that night.  When she did, she had
intense dreams that she barely remembered when she woke.  She just
remembered that Shana and Tori were in them and when she woke up, she was
Since the next day was her day off, Taylor was glad she didn't have to worry
about going to work after her session at Shana's house.  She thought 4:00
would never come.  Around 3:00, she went into her bedroom to change.  She
put on her sexiest red thong panties.  She then put on a pair of short
cutoff jeans and a very tight tee shirt with no bra.  She checked herself
out in the mirror and was pleased to see her hard nipples poking through the
tee shirt.  Shana was right.  Taylor did like to show off her body.
She drove to the address on Shana's card.  It was in a very exclusive area.
Taylor figured that Shana was right in that you could make a lot of money
making adult videos.
When she pulled in to the driveway, she was impressed by the size of the
house and the new Porsche parked out front.
About a minute after Taylor rang the doorbell, the door swung open and Shana
was there smiling at her. She was wearing a very short blue silk robe that
barely fell below her crotch.  It was pulled tight across her full breasts
and you could see her nipples poking through the thin fabric.   “I’m so glad
you decided to come, Taylor.  We’re going to have a lot of fun today!”
Taylor smiled and followed Shana inside to the nicely furnished living room.
  “Want a glass of white wine?” said Shana. “I like to have one before these
sessions to make them a little more fun!”
“Sure” said Taylor.  She thought the wine might calm her down a little.  She
was getting those intense feelings again.
When Shana returned, she handed one of the glasses to Taylor and sat right
next to her on the couch.  Taylor could smell the soft fragrance of body
lotion.  The wine was delicious and she probably drank it a little faster
than usual as they sat and talked on the couch.
“So have you ever fought another woman before, Taylor?”
“No, not really.  The closest I ever came to it was in high school when this
girl and I started slapping each other in the locker room after we argued
during gym class.  But the coaches broke it up right away”.
“Well I think you’re going to enjoy this.  You work out, right?”
“Yes” said Taylor.  “I take exercise classes at my gym”.
“I can tell.  You look like you’re in incredible shape”.
“Thanks”.  Taylor blushed.  She could feel her face getting flushed as Shana
gazed at her as they continued to chat.
After a few minutes they finished their wine and Shana stood up and took
Taylor’s hand and helped her to her feet.  “Let’s get started then, ok?”
When Shana stood up, she felt a sudden rush in her head.  The combination of
the wine and her emotions brought the intense feelings back again.  “Yes,
let’s do it!”
Shana glanced at her, a little startled at the sudden intensity in Taylor’s
voice.  Still holding Taylor’s hand, Shana led her to a room off the living
room and shut the door behind them.  It was a well lit room, with soft fur
rugs and pillows all over the floor.  There was a mirror totally covering
one wall.
“Now, let’s see that body of yours!” Shana said as she undid her short robe
and tossed it into the corner.  Taylor couldn’t take her eyes off the sexy
film star’s body.  She was wearing a tiny black thong underneath the robe
and nothing else.  Her belly and thighs were tight and firm, showing that
she, too, worked out regularly.  Taylor was mesmerized by Shana’s incredible
breasts.  Taylor was very proud of her own perfect tits.  She had always
worn sexy tops to show off .  They were a full D-cup and at her age, she
didn’t even need to wear a bra as they stood out firm in her tight blouse.
But Shana had to be at least a double-D.  Even though Taylor knew that
Shana’s breasts were surgically enhanced, she was sure that she used the
best surgeon in the business, as they were absolutely perfect.
“Come on, Taylor, take off your clothes!” Shana said, jarring Taylor from
her reverie over Shana’s body.
Taylor pulled her tee shirt over her head and threw it in the corner where
Shana had tossed her robe.  Now it was Shana’s turn to stare as Taylor
unzipped her cutoffs and wriggled out of them.  She threw them in the corner
too and then tried to be nonchalant as Shana circled her…..looking up and
down her entire body as if she was a slave at an auction.
Taylor’s body started trembling slightly as she anticipated the contact with
Shana’s body that would soon begin.  Shana sensed this as she continued her
inspection of Taylor’s body.  As she came around to face Taylor, she stood
just inches from her…….their nipples almost touching.  She stared hard into
Taylor’s eyes……..sensing her excitement and fear and aggressiveness.  She
knew this Taylor would be an awesome fighter with just a little training.
And she knew she could sell a lot of videos with Taylor fighting other
gorgeous girls in her production company.
“Are we going to wrestle or are you just going to stare at me all day?”
Taylor said, surprising even herself.
“Oh don’t worry, babe.  You’ll get enough action today!”  Shana and Taylor
continued to stare intently into each other’s eyes. “Are you ready to learn
some moves?”
“Yes!” Taylor said, her voice suddenly husky.
“OK, first you need to learn some of the basic holds”.  Shana started
showing Taylor how to apply a full nelson, a backbreaker, scissors, and
other various holds that were mainly designed to show off the girls’
exquisite bodies in the wrestling videos.
After Shana showed the holds to Taylor, she had Taylor practice them on her.
  Taylor felt that the moves came naturally to her and enjoyed the feeling
she got by controlling Shana when she had her in a camel clutch or
hammerlock.  Her breasts tingled as her nipples stabbed into Shana’s
shoulder blades when she had her legs wrapped around her from behind on the
floor.  She thrilled at stretching Shana’s body in a bow and arrow and
hearing her muffled grunts as she applied pressure in the different holds.
The wine had made her a little more bold than she might have been otherwise.
  The room was very warm and with the exertion both the girls were starting
to sweat.  After a few more regular wrestling holds, Shana told her they now
needed to go over some of the more dirty tactics used in catfight videos.
“What would those be?” asked Taylor.  She was enjoying this - the intensity
of the moves, the physical exertion, and the naked skin on skin contact with
the incredible body of the porn actress.  As she stood facing Shana, her
breasts glistened with sweat as they rose up and down with her heavy
breathing.  She was starting to feel more and more like she wanted to quit
practicing and just fight with Shana.
“Well……..there’s hairpulling, breast mauling, choke holds, and a few others.
  They’re not really textbook moves so much as they are just pure
“OK, so you’re saying let’s just go for it?”
Shana looked Taylor in the eyes.  She could feel the fire and aggression
that was about to be unleashed from the exceptional young woman.  “If you
think you’re ready for it……bitch!”
Taylor didn’t know what came over her then.  She lunged at Shana and grabbed
a handful of hair with one hand and wrapped her other arm around Shana’s
neck.  She yanked Shana’s head back with a jerk as she tightened her grip on
her neck.  Shana yelled as she was taken by surprise by this sudden attack.
“Hey!! what are you doing?!”
“Just shut up and fight me, you porno whore!”
Taylor released Shana from the neck lock and pushed her across the room.
“Fine with me, Taylor……if you think you’re ready”  Shana was fired up now
The two women faced each other and circled……..waiting for the other to
attack.  This time it was Shana who struck first.   She grabbed  both of
Taylor’s luscious breasts and dug her nails into them as she pushed her into
the wall.  Taylor screamed as the searing pain made tears come to her eyes.
By pure instinct, she reacted by retaliating and grabbing Shana’s huge tits
and digging her long nails deep into the flesh.  The room filled with their
screams as both women did their best to inflict pain on the other.
“Let GO!!!”
“No, YOU let go!!!!”
“You fucking porno bitch!”
Finally, Taylor could take no more as she lifted her right knee and placed
her foot in Shana’s crotch.  With her back solidly against the wall, she
quickly kicked out with all her might, sending Shana flying across the room
and landing on her back on the floor.  Shana lay there, momentarily stunned
and groaning softly.  Wasting no time, Taylor pounced on her, landing with
her full weight in a vicious body splash.   Shana’s groans became louder as
Taylor continued her attack – grabbing Shana’s  hair with both hands and
yanking her head from side.
The pain from her scalp and neck brought Shana back to full consciousness
from her groggy state.  “You little cxnt!! You’re gonna pay for this!!”
With that, she reached behind Taylor and grabbed the back of her thong and
yanked it up into her pussy.  Taylor’s screams revived and invigorated
Shana.  She slammed the palm of her left hand into Taylor’s chin and pushed
her head back while still yanking on Taylor’s tiny red thong with the other.
  Taylor felt an intense pain as the fabric dug into the lips of her vagina.
  She was forced to temporarily give up her assault Shana.
“OUUUCHHHHHHH!!! You bitch!!”  Taylor gave one last yank on Shana’s hair and
rolled off, escaping Shana’s clutches.  Both girls rose to their knees
facing each other, both rubbing their tits which were now showing scratches
and red marks from the clawing.  They glared at each other with anger and
fiery passion.
“You think you can beat me, you sleazy brat?!” Shana seethed.
“You think you’re so hot!  I’ll show you what I can do” said Taylor as she
prepared to continue the catfight which was becoming more real with each
With that she slapped at Shana’s voluptuous left breast with her open right
“OWWWWW!!” Shana barely had time to react before Taylor slapped the other
tit with her left hand.  Shana retaliated by slapping Taylor in the face,
almost knocking her backwards.   Taylor’s cheek stung from the sudden blow.
Slightly dazed, the only thing Taylor could think of to do was to grab at
her adversary to stop her from slapping her again.  She wrapped her arms
around Shana and squeezed her in a bearhug, trapping her arms at her sides.
Two sets of perfect breasts were mashed together – the flesh moist and
glistening from the intensity of the battle.  Taylor could feel Shana’s hot
breath on her neck as she used all her strength to subdue her foe.
With a primal scream, Shana pushed forward, using her legs to force Taylor
back on the floor.  The fight escalated as the two beautiful women attacked
each other like wild animals, rolling in the soft fur rugs, scratching and
biting and pulling hair.  Shana wrapped her legs around Taylor’s neck in a
head scissors, but Taylor dug her nails into Shana’s firm thighs and was
able to roll away escaped.  She quickly scrambled to her feet and pulled
Shana up by her hair.  She twisted Shana’s right arm behind her and then got
her left arm around her neck.   Gasping for air, Shana pulled at Taylor’s
arm with her left hand, trying desperately to get out of the choke hold.
Shana was facing the mirrored wall with Taylor behind her.  The disturbing
view Shana saw in the mirror was of her perfect body straining to escape the
tenacious grip of this upstart newcomer.  Taylor was enjoying the view from
a different perspective.  She applied more pressure on Shana’s arm and
enjoyed the look of anguish on the porn star’s face as Shana moaned in pain.
  Her lips were millimeters from Shana’s ear and she couldn’t help but taunt
her by whispering “You’re not so hot, bitch!”  Taylor watched in the mirror
as Shana struggled, her huge breasts jiggling as she tried to squirm out of
the hold.
Taylor pressed her advantage by pushing Shana into the mirror, smashing her
tits into the glass.  “Oh god, you fucking bitch!” screamed Shana.  In a
rage she slammed the back of her head into Taylor’s face.  Stunned, Taylor
staggered backward…..her knees wobbly and her vision blurred by tears.
Taylor took a moment to recover from the torture which she had just endured.
  She then turned and faced Taylor who could barely stand up.  “You’ve had
it now, Taylor!”.
With that she slammed her fist into Taylor’s belly, making her double over.
She then grabbed Taylor’s hair and threw her to the floor where she landed
face down.  Slowly, Shana walked over to where she lay and stood over her.
The venom that she still felt was burning inside her as she kicked the young
girl in the side.  “OOOhhhhh!” groaned Taylor as she tried to roll away.
Shana grabbed her by her blonde hair and dragged her to the center of the
room as Taylor shrieked in agony.  She then straddled Taylor who was now
lying flat on her back.   Shana sat down hard on Taylor’s lower belly and
then grabbed a handful of Taylor’s hair with her left hand, wrapping her
fist in the blonde locks.  She slapped Taylor’s face a couple times and then
started slapping her tits.
“Tell me when you’ve had enough, you snotty little whore!”
Taylor’s entire body was in pain.  She only wanted to stop the attack of
this vicious sex star who was intent on inflicting even more pain on her.
“Alright!!! Please stop!!!” Taylor admitted defeat as she sobbed and moaned.
Shana stopped and let go of Taylor’s hair as the gorgeous young vixen’s body
convulsed with pain and tears below her.  But this wasn’t over with.  Not
yet.  Shana lightly raked her fingernails over Taylor’s erect nipples then
squeezed them as she locked eyes with Taylor.  This time, the look in
Taylor’s face was one of fear and defeat.  “You know what comes next, don’t
you, my little pretty one?” said Shana with a cynical sneer.
Taylor gulped.  She knew she would have to do whatever Shana wanted her to
now.  Trembling, she nodded her head.  Shana leaned over her and dangled her
enormous breasts in Taylor’s face.  “Kiss my nipples bitch!”  Taylor knew
she could not refuse.  She kissed Shana’s hard nipples and gently licked and
sucked on them.
Shana moaned softly “MMMmmhhhhhh, yes I like that” her body responding to
Taylor’s soft tongue.  Shana slid forward, her crotch rubbing Taylor’s
nipples.  Shana’s thong panties were soaking wet now.  She always got
sexually aroused in a fight and this one was certainly no exception.  Taylor
was started to get turned on too.  She had never been with another woman in
this way, but her feelings were unmistakable.   She wanted to please Shana
just as much as she wanted to destroy her in their fight.  She waited with
anticipation as Shana moved her crotch over Taylor’s face while pulling her
thong to the side revealing her shiny wet pussy lips just a few inches from
Taylor’s lips.  “You want this, don’t you baby?” Shana teased as she again
grabbed Taylor by the hair and pulled her face to her waiting pussy. 
Taylor licked hungrily as she tasted the forbidden nectar of Shana’s hot,
sweet vagina.  Shana rocked her hips, grinding her wet pussy into Taylor’s
tongue as she leaned back and slipped her hand into Taylor’s panties and
started rubbing the clit of her vanquished pupil.  Moaning and squeals again
filled the room, but this time the sounds were of a different variety.  Soon
both women reached explosive orgasms and collapsed together in a long
embrace, kissing passionately.
After a few minutes, Shana brushed aside the blonde hair from Taylor’s face
and gazed into her eyes.  “This was pretty good for a rehearsal, but you’ll
have to do better in your first video fight……..against Tori!”  Taylor kissed
Shana again, their lips and tongues soft and warm together.
“I’ll beat that bitch good and then I want a rematch with you!”
Shana  smiled as she pulled her closer to her, her exquisite breasts
tingling as they pressed against Taylor’s.  “Oh we will fight again, you can
be sure of that!”  The two women made love for another hour as the evening


Offline Quincy Ryan

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Re: other old storie
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2014, 07:30:06 PM »
Awesome story!
Tear it up ladies. ;)


Offline adventerer2003

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Re: other old storie
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2015, 04:47:07 PM »
First time reading...WOW!  That was totally HOT!  So easy to envision as I read.  Lucky me!  Awesome story.  Hope there was a fight with Tori for video.  And, of course, the Shauna rematch for video.
Life is boring without adventure.