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"The Neighborhood Bully" Gisela vs Maggie (young woman vs Milf)

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Re: "The Neighborhood Bully" Gisela vs Maggie (young woman vs Milf)
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2015, 12:53:09 AM »




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Re: "The Neighborhood Bully" Gisela vs Maggie (young woman vs Milf)
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2015, 12:55:32 AM »

“The Neighborhood Bully”

My name is Gisela and I a writing this story documenting the events of a fight I was in during last summer. My Aunt Greta and her husband Carl live in this big condo complex. There is a women that lives there that they call “The NEIGHBORHOOD BULLY.” Maggie is a tough old broad in her mid 40s. She's a real bitch, cocky, confident and very dominant. She's always bossing people around, telling people what to do, and acting like a real bitch. You should see how badly she treats her husband, always degrading him, telling him he's stupid, worthless, and that he can't do anything right. Maggie has huge sexy breasts and she uses her big breasts to seduce men in the neighborhood, and to get them  to do whatever she wants them to do.  She will not hesitate to act really flirtatious with other men, married or not, to get her own way, and you can only imagine what all the other women think about her and say about her, but only behind her back. Over the last few years since Maggie and her husband has moved into the neighborhood several women have made the mistake of saying things to Maggie's face, and Maggie has beat the shit out of each one of them. Maggie is crazy and she doesn't just stop when she's beat another woman up. She seems to get some kind of high, some kind of sexual excitement out of dominating and humiliating another women, and preferably in front of a large crowd. Maggie is so fuckin  cocky, such a bitch that everyone is really sure that she has actually got caught with other woman’s husbands in the neighborhood on purpose, just so that she could get into fist fights with these women.

At the beginning of the last summer Maggie was flirting with my Uncle Carl at the community swimming pool all day long. Maggie spent the whole afternoon buying drinks for Carl and trying to seduce him while Carl's wife, my Aunt Greta was at work. One of Greta's friends called her up at work to tell her what this big titted old cow was doing. Perhaps Maggie was doing this on purpose because she must know that Greta gets home from work at about 5:30, and it was just about that time that Maggie took a rather drunk Carl into the pool house to give him a blow job, right in front of all the friends and neighbor's. Greta was infuriated and she walked right over to the pool house and when she opened the door, there was Carl, and Maggie was on her knees with his big, hard, erect cock in her mouth. Greta started screaming and calling Maggie a slut and a whore, but Maggie got to her feet and then very easily punched Greta in her face several times, bloodying her nose, blackening her eyes and busting her lips open, and Maggie just happened to have this big, strap on dildo in her pocketbook. She used that big rubber cock on my poor Aunt Greta  and then she sat right on Greta's face and she forced Greta to lick her into a wild, explosive orgasm right in front of Carl, and right in front of all their friends and neighbor’s.

Right before the end of the summer I came to spend a week with my aunt and uncle. Neither Uncle Carl, nor Aunt Greta had told me about Greta's beating and humiliation.

Things really come to a head on Saturday evening. There is a big barbeque party at the pool house, and there is a DJ playing music and plenty of food and drinks. Everyone has finished eating and people are drinking and dancing and having a really good time when who shows up but Maggie, and Maggie is dressed in a very low cut bright red mini dress. Maggie wastes no time as she walks up to the bar to get a drink and when she see's Uncle Carl sitting on a bench right next to Greta, Maggie walks right over and she stands right in front of them and she laughs as in a voice quite loud enough for everyone to hear she says, “Why don't you take a walk Greta you stupid bitch, I'm going to be with your husband tonight, but if you prefer to give me any trouble, I have that big dildo that I fucked you with the last time in my pocketbook, and I would like nothing better than to fuck you with it again, right in front of all these people, and this time perhaps I'll fuck your husband before you eat my cxnt, so that you can lick your husbands hot cum right out of me, right in front of everyone.”

I'm just returning from the bathroom and I see and I hear everything that is going on and I
rush over and ask my Aunt, “Is everything alright Aunt Greta.”Maggie screams at me, “You better get out of here you stupid little girl, this is between the ladies.” I looks down at my aunt and I say, “What's going on Aunt Greta. Is everything alright.” Maggie  grows visibly angry and she starts pointing her finger at me screaming, “Are you going to get out of here you skinny, pathetic little girl, or am I going to have to take you over my knee and teach you a little respect.” Aunt Greta stands up and she holds her hands up and she says, “You're not going to involve my niece in this, she's,” but before Greta can finish what she was saying, Maggie shoves her, and Greta falls right back onto the bench sitting down.”

Maggie's face is getting redder and redder and she starts pointing her finger at me as she starts stepping closer and closer to me screaming, “You should have left when you had the chance you stupid little bitch, I'm going to blacken your eyes, and break your fuckin nose and punch in all of your your teeth, and then after I beat the shit out of you, I'm going to use my big, hard erect rubber cock on you just like I did to your Aunt Greta. I hope you like the taste of pussy bitch, because I'm going to make you lick my pussy just like your Aunt Greta licked it.” I take a few steps back, but Maggie is still coming after me and she sends her left fist smashing, “bang,” right into my mouth. She splits my fuckin lips open and blood start rolling from my lips. She takes me totally off guard and I step back and I put my hand to my lips screaming, “Look at what you did to me bitch, I'm fuckin bleeding.” I have no fuckin idea of what's going on, I can't believe what a sick, demented bitch Maggie is, but I'm not about to let this fat cow beat me up.” I hear people shouting out encouragements to me, “kick her ass,” knock her face in,” She comes after me again with her left fist. She sends her fist plowing right at my face again. I raise my hands up trying to block the punch, and I may have slowed her fist down, but it smacks “bam,” right into my nose, and I step backwards, raising my fists up to fight her. Maggie laughs and she screams, “You're going to be so fuckin sorry you started this you skinny little slut. You look like you have a much hotter tongue than your aunt does, I can't wait to feel it inside of  my wet cxnt,” as she comes at me and she sends her left fist right at my face again, but this time I quickly manage to step back and out of the way, and Maggie's punch goes right past my face. Her punch misses me completely, and Maggie gets this shocked look on her face as she stumbles right past me quite off balance. Her look of shock turns to a look of anger as Maggie spins around to face me again, but just as she does I take my own left fist and I plow it “boom,” right into the rounded bowl of her fat cow stomach. My  fist sinks deep into Maggie's flabby gut and “OOOFFF,” I knock the air out of her, and Maggie's eyes almost bulge right out of her head as she grabs her aching belly and she bends over in pain gasping for air.

Then as Maggie is doubled over in pain trying to catch her breath, I grab her hair with both of my hands and I wrench her head right up. Then I shove it back down again as I raise my right knee and “bang,” Maggie's jaw smashes right into my rising knee. You can hear Maggie's teeth knock together and chatter in her head as her head swings straight up in the air, and Maggie is stood straight up on her feet. Then she starts to teeter backwards on her high heels until her head comes back down, and when it does, Maggie is fuckin startled. Now I'm the one that goes right after her. I grab Maggie by her red dress and I hold her up right in front of myself, screaming right in her shocked face, “You think you're so fuckin tough. You think you're tough and that you can beat me up. You think you're going to humiliate me. I don't fuckin think so you big fat cow. I'm going to knock you silly bitch, and then I'm going to humiliate you over and over again. You used a dildo on my aunt, you made my aunt eat your smelly fuckin diseased cxnt. Wait until you see what I'm going to do to you Maggie you fat fuckin whore.”

I let go of Maggie, and now I really wanna knock this fuckin fat cow silly. I pull my right fist all the way back and to the side, and then I just come swinging back around and I send it plowing full force, “bang,' right into the left side of Maggie's jaw. You can hear Maggie's teeth bang together and rattle in her fuckin head as her head snaps to the side, and Maggie is spun fully around in a circle from the full force of my hard punch. Maggie is disoriented, and her legs are rubbery for a moment. All of a sudden I realize that everyone in the crowd has made a circle around us and they're screaming and cheering for me. I grab Maggie's sexy red dress again, and I hold this diseased bitch up right in front of myself  screaming, “You're the one that made the big mistake you fuckin instigating bitch, you trouble-making cxnt. I'm going to make you so sorry for what you did to my aunt that you're never going to show your face around here again.” I shove Maggie back hard, and Maggie's sexy red dress rips right off of her body in my hands, and Maggie goes stumbling backwards on her high heels and she almost falls over. Maggie's big, sexy red bra and little red lace panties are exposed in front of everyone, and now the crowd is screaming for me.”   

Maggie's legs are still a little wobbly, and I walk right up to Maggie and I grab her sexy red bra in my right hand and I scream, “I'm really going to fuckin enjoy this you big fat cow,” BUT just as I say it, “Maggie reaches up and she grabs my hair with both of her hands and she starts wrenching my head back and forth. Insanely she's shaking me back and forth and back and forth, by my fuckin hair like a limp little floppy doll. I am totally shocked, I didn't think that Maggie had any strength left, and I'm fuckin screaming, “AAHH, AAHH MY HAIR LET GO.” I let go of Maggie's bra as she flings me around in a circle, not once, but twice and then she lets go of my hair and I go stumbling sideways until I lose my balance and I fall right over onto the cement. My shock starts turning to anger and slowly I start to get to my feet, but Maggie leaps right onto me, shoving me back down, and her full weight plows down “boom,” right onto my stomach and 'OOOFFF,” she smashes the air right out of me, and I'm gasping for air. Maggie is really pissed off, her face is bright red and she balls up both of her fists and she starts punching me all around my face. First with her left fist, “bam” she punches me in my right eye. Then with her right fist, “bam,” she punches me in my left eye, “bam, bam, bam, bam,” back and forth and back and forth she's throttling my face, she's pummeling my eyes until both of my eyes are swollen and black and blue.

I start bucking and kicking and screaming, “Get off of me cow, get off of me you fuckin fat whore.” Maggie is much bigger and stronger than I am, and she has me fuckin pinned, and I'm not getting her off of me. Maggie takes her right fist and she plows it “bang,” right into my nose, making my nose bleed. My hands are free and I manage to reach up with my left hand and I take my long, shiny, sharp fingernails and I start grabbing, scratching, trying to tear open Maggie's face, and with my right fist I'm trying to punch her in her face.” Maggie bashes me, “bang,” right in my nose again, and now blood is rolling from my nose. I manage to dig my fingernails into Maggie's cheek, and I can see bloody red welt marks on Maggie's face as she screams, “AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH,” and she starts to leap up off of me and away from my sharp fingernails, but she trips, and she falls right over onto her ass right next to me. Maggie is breathing hard, I can see her chest heaving up and down and up and down, and Maggie is rubbing the bloody red scratch marks on her face as I scramble to my feet quickly and I'm enraged. I take the sharp point of my right high heel and I kick Maggie, “boom,” right into her ribs. “OOOFFF,” Maggie groans and she grabs her aching side. I scream, “Get up cow, get the fuckin up you fat fuckin whore, so that I can really knock the shit out of you.”

Slowly Maggie turns over onto her hands and knees and she's still breathing hard as she gets up onto her feet, but just as she does, I take my right foot and I swing around and give her a roundhouse kick to the side of her face. I spin this fat cow halfway around in a circle from the full force of my hard kick. I grab Maggie's shoulder and I spin her around to face me again, but as I do, Maggie balls her right fist hard and tight and she comes swinging around, and she sends her fist roundhouse right at my head, but Maggie is breathing hard, and she's much slower now, and quickly I manage to step back and Maggie stumbles sideways right past me off balance. I wait for this big, fat cow to regain her balance and as she turns around to face me again, I reach forward and I grab Maggie's big, red bra and I start raising Maggie up onto my fist. I'm “bang, bang, bang, bang,” hammering her nose with my fist, and Maggie, her head is swinging back and forth and back and forth like a rag doll under my hard punches. I'm using Maggie's face as a punching bag, and first blood is rolling from her nose, and then blood just starts gushing out of her nose. I'm clearly winning at this point and Maggie wants to stop. She starts crying out, “PLEASE STOP,” but I'm really infuriated at what this big, fat cow did to my Aunt Greta, and I'm not going to fuckin stop.

I pull her forward by her bra, and I start screaming right in her shocked face, “You think you're so fuckin tough, and look at you cow, you can't even fight,” and Maggie doesn't say anything, she's fuckin startled. I shove Maggie back and I let go of her bra and Maggie's big, red bra just goes sliding down and is hanging over her stomach, and Maggie's huge, sexy breasts are exposed right in front of everyone. The crowd is going absolutely crazy. I raise my fists up like a man screaming, “I beat you up you fat cow, and now I'm going to beat up those fat cow tits of yours.” I start punching Maggie's huge tits, right fist, “boom,” left breast, left fist, “boom,” right breast, “boom, boom, boom, boom,” back and forth and back and forth. I'm using Maggie's great big titties as punching bags. The crowd is going crazy as they stand there and watch Maggie's huge, sexy tits bouncing and slapping together each time I punch them, and Maggie is feebly holding her hands out in front of herself crying out, “STOP, I'M BEGGING YOU, PLEASE STOP,” but I just keep on punching Maggie's fat cow tits, until Maggie's tits are all swollen and black and blue.

I scream, “Alright Maggie you fat cow, you want me to stop beating you up, then tell everyone that you're my slave, tell everyone that you're going to do whatever I tell you to do, and from now on you bitch, you are to address me as Mistress when you want to speak to me.” Maggie is still breathing hard and tears are starting to well up in Maggie's eyes and feebly Maggie pushes me to the side and she starts walking away from me on her rubbery legs crying out, “Alright enough, you win, I had enough,” BUT I'm not finished with this fat fuckin whore yet, and I run right after her, and I grab Maggie's shoulder and I spin her right back around to face me again, and as I do I take my left fist and I plow it “boom,” right into the rounded bowl of Maggie's fat cow stomach screaming, “How fuckin dare you tell me when you had enough. I'll tell you when I'm finished with you, and I'm far from finished with you yet.” I smash my balled up left fist “boom,” right into Maggie's flabby gut again, “OOOFFF,” I smash the air right out of Maggie's fat cow stomach again and Maggie grabs her aching belly and she doubles over in pain gasping for air.

I'm still really pissed off and I grab Maggie by her fuckin hair and I pull her forward onto her hands and knees. Maggie screams, “AAHH MY HAIR,” BUT I'm fuckin screaming too. “I'm going to beat you up twice you fat fuckin whore, once for me, and once for my aunt. You're going to be very, very sorry you ever started trouble you fat cow.” I start dragging her, across the rough cement by her fuckin hair, scrape her fuckin knees up, and Maggie's fuckin knees are getting all bloody. I drag Maggie right over to the very same bench that my aunt and uncle were sitting on when she first interrupted them and I let go of her hair. Then I reach down and I grab her bright red panties and I rip them right off of her fat cow body. Then I grab her hair again and I pulls her right up onto my laps as I sit down right on the bench, pulling Maggie right over my knee. Then I take the open palm of my right hand and I start “bam, bam, bam, bam,” slapping her left cheek, and then “bam, bam, bam, bam,” slapping her right cheek. I'm spanking this big, fat cow's ample ass over and over again screaming, “You better tell everyone that you're my slave you fat cow. You better fuckin tell everyone that you're going to do whatever I tell you to do, and you better call me Mistress.” I just keep on smacking the shit out of Maggie's ass until first Maggie's ass starts to swell up and turn black and blue, and then tears start rolling down Maggie's cheeks and Maggie starts crying out, “Alright, I'm your slave Mistress, I'm your fuckin slave Mistress, I'll do whatever you tell me to do Mistress.”

I laugh as I throw this fat cow right off of my lap and Maggie falls right onto the cement. I grab her by her hair and I pull her over onto her hands and knees, and I start dragging her, by her fuckin hair again, right on her hands and knees, right over to where my Aunt Greta is standing and I scream, “Now tell my Aunt Greta how sorry you are, and beg, fuckin beg her to forgive you Maggie you big fat cow.”  Tears start streaming down Maggie's cheeks, mixing with her blood and her black eye makeup, and Maggie looks right up at my Aunt Greta standing over her. Maggie's face is bright red in humiliation as she cries out I'm sorry Greta. I'm so, so sorry Greta, please forgive me. I”m begging you please forgive me.”  My Aunt Greta leans down and she spits right into Maggie's face screaming, “I will never forgive you for what you did to me you whore.” I grab this whore by her hair and I drag her up over the bench. Her knees are on the ground, her head is hanging over the other side of the bench and her ass it facing upwards. Then I grab the sluts panties and I pulls them right off of her. I rip Maggie's panties off and the whole crowd is cheering. I say, “Aunt Greta, why don't you help me spank this fat old cow.” I start spanking Maggie's right cheek, “bam, bam, bam, bam,” over and over again, and Aunt Greta starts spanking her left cheek. The two of us are “bam, bam, bam, bam,” smacking the shit out of Maggie's big fat ass, and Maggie is crying and crying, and the crowd is cheering. Greta and I spank Maggie's ass until Maggie's ass is all swollen, and black and blue, and we're leaving bloody red welt makrs all over her ass.

Aunt Greta says, “Please Gisela, keep this fat ass cow here just like this until I get back. Then as Aunt Greta walks away, I scream, “Alright ladies, make a line, it's spanking time.” Several ladies make a line and one by one they step up and spank Maggie's big, wide ass over and over again, and Maggie's ass is swelling up bigger and bigger and her ass is really black and blue, and blood is rolling from the welts on her ass. Aunt Greta comes back and Aunt Greta has a huge vibrator. She asks me if she can fuck Maggie's ass hole with it. Maggie is crying and crying and begging, “NO PLEASE, I”M SORRY, I”M SO, SO SORRY,” but Aunt Greta is really excited now and she takes that big, plastic cock and she shoves it right into Maggie's ass hole. Maggie lets out a bloodcurdling scream, “AAAAAAHHHHH,” as she falls that big cock sliding right into her ass hole, and Maggie tries to push her way up, but I sit down on her back and she can't go anywhere. Aunt Greta turns the vibrator on and “RRRRRRRRRR,” it's vibrating in Maggie's ass hole. I can feel Maggie's whole body shaking as Aunt Greta is plowing that big vibrator in and out and in and out of Maggie's ass hole.

I scream to the same women that had just spanked Maggie's ass, “Ladies, line your husbands up all around this fat cow, and all you women line up right next to them. I ask Aunt Greta to help me turn that fat cow over onto her back and Aunt Greta pulls the vibrator out of Maggie's ass hole and she helps me turn Maggie over onto her back. I take the vibrator from Aunt Greta and I shove it right into Maggie's cxnt. Then I wrap Maggie's right hand around the vibrator and I scream, 'Now you're going to fuck yourself you cow, right in front of everyone, and you're going to make yourself cum, you got it.” I turn the vibrator back on and it's “RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR,” vibrating inside of Maggie's cxnt, but Maggie is crying and crying and she's not fucking herself, nor does she answer me. I grab Maggie's big, cow tits and I start twisting and digging my sharp fingernails into Maggie's huge breasts, and Maggie starts fucking herself with the vibrator over and over again screaming, “YES, YES, I”M GOING TO FUCK MYSELF UNTIL I CUM.”   

I scream, “Alright, gentleman, drop your pants and your underpants, and when they do I scream, “ladies jerk your husbands off. This fat fuckin whore wants your husband cum so bad, jerk your husbands off until they squirt their cum all over her. Each and every woman takes their husbands big, hard erect cocks into their hands and they start jerking them off. Maggie is fucking herself with the vibrator as “RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR,” it's vibrating in her cxnt. I can see Maggie's big nipples get all hard and erect, and she's starting to get covered in sweat. Maggie is “AAAHHH, AAAHHH, AAAHHH,” making these sexy little noises as one by one the men start “OOOOOWWWWWEEEEE,” OOOOOOOOWWWWWWEEEEEEE, OOOOOWWWEEEEEEE,” exploding and squirting their hot cum all over Maggie's face and hair, and on her big, sexy tits. You can see cum squirting onto her big, hard erect nipples and rolling down onto her big, sexy tits, as one by one the men are having orgasm after orgasm all over this fat cow, and “RRRRRRRRRRRRRR,” “OOOHHH, OOOHHH, OOOHHH,” Maggie starts “OOOOOOOOOWWWWWWEEEEEEEE, OOOOOOOOOWWWWWWEEEEE,” OOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWEEEEEEE.”


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Re: "The Neighborhood Bully" Gisela vs Maggie (young woman vs Milf)
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2015, 12:09:02 PM »
Oooh, always hot to see a bully bullied ... grins!  ;D :P ;)
Proudly butch and living as a 'man'. In this catfight fantasy there are no losers, and in the end all should be winners!


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Re: "The Neighborhood Bully" Gisela vs Maggie (young woman vs Milf)
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2015, 03:23:21 PM »
Great story Johnny! Gislea did a number on Maggie!


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Re: "The Neighborhood Bully" Gisela vs Maggie (young woman vs Milf)
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2015, 11:33:57 PM »
great writing, its just a shame the wrong woman won.