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Would love to pay someone to write a story

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Offline goredsox

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Would love to pay someone to write a story
« on: May 21, 2015, 12:51:16 AM »
     Hey everyone.  As you all may or may not know, I am a HUGE fan of one sided beatdown stories.  This is especially true when it pertains to the jobber being a woman of very feminine attributes, such as wide hips, giant busts, sexy ass, tanned skin, beautiful hair, etc etc.  I also love it when the woman is punished by smaller, skinnier, paler, tougher girls that are much younger than the jobber.  Here is a link to this story written by an author pen named "MNV" that has turned me on for several years since it was first published on early in 2010.  I have tried to contact this author but to no avail
     The character in that story "Sue" played the roll of home wrecking slut and was absolutely destroyed by the 2 younger, athletic wives.  Her hair was pulled out in clumps and her huge breasts/nipples were tortured beyond belief.  Her crotch was injured by the cruel hands of the jealous assailants, as her vaginal lips were twisted, scratched, and mangled.  This story was just a classic, delicious, one sided mauling that got my cock hard as a brick.
     That being said, does anyone share the same philosophical preferences as I do when it comes to a female fight?  I truly enjoy the works of KarsaOrsalong, JJJ, WS2003 (The Amanda series), DG, ThePac, MNV, RobAndSceej, etc etc.  I am also a huge fan of the "Gina" stories that are mainly on seakingsfemfight.  If someone is willing to produce a quality one sided short story that incorporates the themes that I enjoy with Sue as the main character, please get back to me.  Thanks for taking the time to read this.  Later...