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Request for Aniim-Mom Trina vs dads girlfreind Allie

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Request for Aniim-Mom Trina vs dads girlfreind Allie
« on: May 29, 2015, 12:34:04 AM »




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Re: Request for Aniim-Mom Trina vs dads girlfreind Allie
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2015, 12:35:13 AM »

Dad's Mistress



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Re: Request for Aniim-Mom Trina vs dads girlfreind Allie
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2015, 12:38:30 AM »
Your dad has been seeing this other woman for quite a while now, and your dad has kept promising her that he was going to leave your mom Trina. Things really come to a head when the other woman Allie finds out that your mom and dad are having a big party for their wedding anniversary out in the back yard of their house on Sunday afternoon. She goes completely crazy. She starts screaming at your dad that she wants your home phone number. She's screaming that this party isn't going to happen. She demands that your father come to her house all day Sunday. She threatened that she is going to show up at the party to knock the shit out of your Trina, and she wants to drain every last ounce of dignity out of her right in front of him and all of their friends. She threatens that she will be  bringing a big dildo with her to use on Trina.

Your father tries calming Allie down, but he has never seen her this angry before. He can't make up his mind if he should tell Trina, or not. He is quite sure that Allie doesn't know where he lives, but he could be wrong, and what will happen if he is wrong. It's Saturday night and you aren't home to hear the fighting when your father admits to your mother that he has been fucking Allie for quite a while, and that the woman has threatened to come to their party tomorrow and bring a dildo. Allie was crazed and she decided to call Trina up on the telephone to fuckin tell her off, and the moment she hears Trina's voice she starts screaming, 'Whore, you are going to stay away from my husband, or I'll break your nose and blacken your eyes and knock your teeth right out of your mouth, do you understand me slut.” Trina is quite certain that Allie is going to back down, but when your mother finishes what she has to say, Allie starts telling your mother off, screaming, “Your husband thinks that you're an ugly fat cow, and he loves me, not you. If he doesn't come to my house tomorrow bitch, Ill come to your party and I'll knock the shit out of you right into front of your husband and all of your friends. I have a big, rubber strap on cock that I'll use on you bitch, and I'll drain every last ounce of your dignity right out of that big, fat cow body of yours, you got it.

Trina is infuriated and she tells your father that she can't wait for this whore to show up at her party. She starts reminding your father about all the fights that she had back in high school and that all the girls were afraid of her. The tough talk got your mother and father so fuckin hot that they fucked until they fell asleep in each others arms. Your mother and your father both had such pleasant dreams and realized that they had let nights like that slip away. 

Things really come to a fuckin head at the party. Everyone is on the big patio right behind the house, and there is a large crowd drinking, eating, dancing and having a really good time when who shows up but Allie, and she has this big, hard erect rubber strap on dildo in her hand. Allie see's your mother standing there next to your father and she is infuriated. Her face turns bright red and she screams, “You're even uglier than your husband said that you are you big, fat cow.” She throws the dildo to the cement and she charges your mother. She doesn't even care that she has her black rimmed glasses on as she starts throwing wild, hard overhand punches right into Trina's face. Many people start urging you to break the fight up, and you can hear them urging your father to break it up, but no one moves an inch to stop this fight. Allie punches your mother in her nose “bang,” swinging her head back and forth, and then in her nose again, and this time blood starts rolling from your mom's nose. Then she smashes her with her left fist, “bam,” right in her right eye, making your mom's eye turn pink and get all puffy.

Trina's face is still beet red, but now your Mom's face is red too, and suddenly Trina lunges at Allie, grabbing her hair with her left hand and plowing her own right fist, “bang,” right into Allie's nose. Allie's glasses go flying right off of her face. The two women have one hand in each others hair and with her other fist she's hammering the other woman's face. Blood is really rolling from your mother's nose now, and her eyes are both pink and puffy, but your mom smashes her fist “bang,” right into Allie's mouth. She splits Allie's lips open and cracks one of Allie's front teeth. Allie pulls herself away from your mother and she puts her hand to her mouth to feel her cracked tooth. She spits out the pieces of her tooth and she screams, 'You fat cow, now I'm really going to knock the shit out of you.”

Trina pulls her right fist back and she goes running right at Allie screaming, “Now I'm going to bash all your teeth in whore,” but before she has a chance to throw the punch, Allie sends her right fist plowing “bang,” right into your mother's chin. You can hear you mother's teeth knock together and chatter in her head as her head snaps back and your mom goes stumbling backwards on her high heels and she almost falls over. Allie grabs your mother's dress, she rips Trina's dress right off of her body, and Trina is just standing there in front of everyone at the party in her bra and panties. Trina is really embarrassed, and she's a little wobbly on her legs as her face turns beet red and she starts to stumble toward the door of the house crying out, “that's enough, enough,” but Allie doesn't think so. She runs right after your mom and she grabs her by the back of her hair and she pulls her back out into the circle of people. She rips your mother's bra right off of her chest, and the crowd is really cheering now. Your mother is starting to be silly. Allie is starting to punch her silly, and your mother is helpless as she stands there right in front of everyone with her big, flabby tits exposed. Allie laughs and she screams, “Now I'm going to use those big, flabby cow tits of yours as punching bags you stupid fat cow.' She raises her fists up and she starts “right fist, “boom,” left breast, left fist, “boom,” right breast, “boom, boom, boom, boom,” back and forth and back and forth, she's using your mom's big tits as punching bags. Trina's tits are all swollen and black and blue. Your mom is desperately trying to fight back the tears, but she can't. Tears start streaming down Trina's face and she's crying out, “Help me, someone please help me,” but not one person would move a fuckin inch to help this fat, helpless cow. They all just stand there watching as Allie really makes a fuckin fool out of your mother.

Allie looks down on the cement and she find that dildo, that big, hard erect strap on dildo that she brought to the party to use on your mother. She picks it up and she holds it right in Trina's face, and Allie is laughing as she screams, “From now on cow, your husbands cock is mine, and this is your new cock, say it.” Trina is crying and crying, her face is beet red, but she doesn't say a fuckin word. Allie takes her hard balled up right fist and she smashes it “bang,” right into Trina's nose again. Trina's nose is still gushing blood and Trina is scared. She doesn't want to be beat up any more and desperately she cries out, “My husband's cock is yours and this is my new cock.” Allie strap the cock on screaming, “lower your panties you fat cow.” Trina doesn't want to infuriate this crazy bitch again, so she lowers her panties and she kicks them off. Allie walks up right behind your mom. Allie is right behind Trina and she guides the tip of that big, hard erect rubber cock right to your mom's anus.

Allie rams that cock into your mom's ass hole. You're mom's eyes almost bulge right out of her head as she lets out a bloodcurdling scream, “AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH.” Allie starts fucking your mother up her ass. She's plunging that big, hard erect rubber cock in and out and in and out of Trina's ass hole, and Trina is stumbling, and she's swaying on her rubbery legs as Allie drags her around, showing her off to each and every person, showing your mom with that big hard cock in her ass hole to your father, and then to you. You're cock is about to explode seeing your mom with a dildo up her ass, but Allie isn't finished with her yet. She pulls that dildo out of your mom's ass and she screams, 'Now lay down on the ground you big cow.” Your mother has never been beat up or humiliated like this before and she lays down on the cement, right in front of everyone, and Allie lays down on top of her ad she starts fucking her with that cock. She's fucking your mother's cxnt with that strap on dildo right in front of everyone, right in front of the neighbor's and right in front of the relatives, and right in front of your father, and right in front of you. Allie looks up at you and she's laughing as she screams, 'Take a good look at your fat cow mother. Take a look at the only cock that is ever going to fuck her again.” She's plowing your mother's cxnt with tat cock. She's fucking her over and over again and your mother starts 'OOOOOWWWWWEEEE, OOOOOOWWWWWWEEEEEE, OOOOOOWWWWWWEEEEE,” squirting right on that dildo. Your mother is fuckin exploding on that big, rubber cock and you can't help yourself, you start OOOOOWWWWWWEEEEEE, OOOOOOWWWWWWEEEEE, OOOOOOWWWWWEEEEEE, exploding in your pants. This is one experience that you will never forget. You will never get it out of your mind how your father's slut beat the shit out of your mother and fucked her senseless right in front of you, your father and al of those people.............