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Good News Bad News by Catwriter

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Offline CatfightOriginals

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Good News Bad News by Catwriter
« on: December 30, 2014, 04:07:49 PM »
Good News/Bad News
I was blessed with a rich daddy.  He loved his only son, even more so because I was one sickly little bastard.  While I could move about, however slowly, I was confined mostly to my bed.  Mom had gone shopping one day several years ago never to return.  My dad had numerous business trips to Europe and provided care for me while he was away.
He provided initially a wonderful nurse and later a caring in home teacher.  My two care givers provided everything a sickly young man might desire.  Esther, my nurse, made certain I was never in pain and Joanne, my teacher, filled my mind with wonderful classical tales.  I was about as happy as a sick little pup could be.   
Esther was a lovely red head with a long lion-like mane of flowing tresses.  Her face was quite pretty and her green eyes were mesmerizing.  I guessed her to be around forty years old and her figure was a bit plump although quite stunning in its dimensions.  In her first several years she had always worn a crisp white uniform and matching hat.  It was constricting and altogether unflattering.  I could smell the starch as she would hover over me administering medications or just fluffing my pillow.
After speaking with my dad one day, the began appearing in civilian attire.  Sometimes it would be a simple blouse and slacks and on other days some very tight fitting pullover jerseys.  I was amazed at how large and full her breasts really were.  She was adept at changing my linens without me having to leave the bed.
She knew her presence excited me.  One day, her braless breasts encompassed only in a sheer blouse brushed tantalizingly against my rigid boyhood.  I let out a gasp and she turned to see me smiling.
"My, my, you're such a big boy."; she gushed.
I didn't want her to leave me and she did not disappoint.  Rather her bubbling breasts continued to graze over me, ever so lightly caressing my throbbing cock.  After several wonderfully teasing moments, she lifted her blouse and allowed her surprisingly firm breasts to encompass me.  She moved slowly left and right trapping me within her heated cleavage.  I closed my eyes, made some incredibly unintelligible noises and erupted over the creamy heaven pushing ever so lightly upon me.
She went into the bath, cleaned up and came back to bed.  She really never said anything but leaned over and began lightly kissing my forehead and eyebrows.  I greedily began suckling on her huge right breast and she moaned and cooed as she continued kissing me.  This went on a dreamily extended period of time until she convulsed somewhat and gasped, "yes, yes, yes.";
I was quite pleased at her happiness but I was having trouble breathing.  She finally noticed my discomfort and jumped up.  Realizing I was OK, she dressed and left the room giving me a sexy wink on the way out.
Joanne was my incredible in-home tutor.  She was, like Esther, a bit plump and around the same age.  She had lovely long brunette hair.  She wore what I considered very uptight clothing during her first several years as my teacher.  Again, after a chat with my dad, she began loosening up and in the process popping out.  She took to wearing pullovers showing a minimum of two inches of cleavage.  I was pleasantly surprised to see her breasts were huge and equal in size to Esther's.
I could never remember them being in the room at the same time.  Day after day, Joanne would move closer to me until finally she was sitting on the bed reading me the classics.  On one occasion, she placed her arm over my legs and rested her voluptuous breasts against my crotch.  I briefly considered calling someone to nominate my dad for the hall of fame.  Joanne quite deliberately began massaging my cock with her wonderful boobs.  She slowly pulled down the covers until my cock popped into view.  Rather than continue with the breast massage, she slowly encompassed me in her mouth.  It was heavenly.  She sucked me quite slowly running her tongue to the underside of my cock.  In perhaps three or four minutes I screamed out my orgasm.
The door flew open and Esther ran into the room having misinterpreted my scream of delight.
Her eyes grew wide as she realized what had happened and she glared at Joanne.
"What on earth are you doing?"; she screamed.
"Nothing you haven't done!";, replied a slowly standing Esther.
I must admit that I was in a state of shock over their obvious anger toward one another.  I would learn later that dad had encouraged them to please me but they appeared unaware that the other was also playing the game.
There was no further speaking.  Faces, normally so pretty, were knotted up in furious accusation.  They walked slowly toward one another until their breasts were only an inch apart.  Hands on hips, they glared at one another.
Joanne started the fight by thrusting her huge breasts at Esther who grunted and returned the breast attack with vigor.  Hands never leaving their hips, these voluptuous older women began a circling, viscious breast fight.  I don't know why, but I suspected that this was not the first time they had used their wonderful breasts to do battle.
Joanne's blouse popped a few buttons and her huge breasts suddenly swung into view.  Esther quickly removed her own blouse and Joanne allowed hers to fall to the floor.   
I was thunderstruck.  The sheer weight of these marvelous breasts was awe inspiring.  They hung aimed at one another in a gravity defying fashion.  Now topless and still truly angry, they began a furious assault, slinging their breasts at one another in rapid succession.  The slaps and smacks were like music to me.  They began by simply turning their torso but graduated to thrusting one shoulder ahead to slam their opponent.  This clearly escalating battle had both women moaning and crying out as they repeatedly slammed together.  For several minutes, their mutual assault was furious.
For a moment they stood back and paused as though suddenly realizing they were not alone.  Glancing toward me they quickly noticed my erection.  They looked toward one another and smiled slyly.  Approaching on either side of the bed, they crawled in and faced one another on their knees on either side of my erection.  Their breasts were quite red and sweaty.  They slowly lay down on either side of me in such a way that their breasts were spilling together around my cock.  Leaning on one elbow, the battle was rejoined in earnest.  Four huge breasts were slamming into me and each other.  Their other hand went to the opponent's shoulder which both battling females used for leverage.   
I reached down and pulled their hair, hard.  Somehow determining the other responsible they latched a hand into the others flowing locks.  The snarling hair-pulling, titslamming ladies moved left and right over my crotch, four breasts grinding together over my suddenly erupting cock.  The sperm had their breasts sliding and warbling together as they continued their one handed hair-pulling battle.
Their gasps and groans attested to the fierceness of the struggle as the four giant breasts continued to slam and grind together, bringing me once again to hardness.
Joanne released her hairpull and grabbed Esthers nipple and twisted.  Esther quickly reacted in a similar fashion.  The verbal battle was joined as they insulted each others hair and breasts and clothing.  The nipple twisting produced screams of protest.  They suddenly slapped one another and began grappling furiously all over me
Their herky jerky motion eventually propelled the battling women off the bed.  I heard the loud thump as they landed and their embroiled bodies spun into view.  Hands were tearing at hair and breasts were tightly compressed, bulging out from under their arms as the tightly entwined hellcats tore away at one another.
With some effort, I slid my legs over the bed and sat watching the incredible feline fury fighting furiously before me.  The bare breasted battlers finally wedged together against the far wall impeding further movement.  They were now engaged in a mutual bear-hug.  The womens faces  were beet red and their breathing came in harsh gasps.  They just would not stop and continued in this painful manner for three of four minutes.  I heard a groan come from one of the battlers.  They just lay their in a heap with no movement at all.
Ever so slowly, Joanne rose to her knees, reached down and twisted on Esters titties for a full minute.
Her breathing was gradually coming under control as she glanced over to see me sitting on the edge of the bed proudly saluting her victory.  She smiled and crawled toward me, full breasts swaying side to side.  Resting her gorgeous globes on either side of my throbbing erection she proceeded to send me to titfuck heaven.  I groaned out my orgasm in less than a minute.
She lifted my frail body into the bad and lay down beside me.  She was quickly asleep and I followed shortly to a wonderful dreamland known simply as catfight tales.


Offline Melcatfighter

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Re: Good News Bad News by Catwriter
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2014, 07:18:16 PM »
Great story. Wouldn't mine taking on either of,the two,protagonists
Been in few irl matches, mainly catty wrestling. Interested in cyber fights with few rules and trying out titfights. 46' 5'7 48dd' 195-205' married no kids. Love a good scenario &humiliation for loser


Offline chrisstevens

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Re: Good News Bad News by Catwriter
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2014, 11:00:12 PM »
Great story  :)


Offline Heidikillerkat

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Re: Good News Bad News by Catwriter
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2015, 05:14:58 PM »
Great story!!! I have read a lot of your stories and they are wonderful! Do you have any plans for new ones?


Offline CatfightOriginals

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Re: Good News Bad News by Catwriter
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2015, 03:20:09 PM »
Hi Heidi, thanks to you and the others for the kind comments.  I haven't written in quite awhile.  But I'll post another oldie for called "Hidden Island".  Hopefully it will be new to you.  Regards,   Catwriter


Offline adventerer2003

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Re: Good News Bad News by Catwriter
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2015, 04:35:17 PM »
That was my first time reading that one. It was hot! Great story!
Life is boring without adventure.


Offline adventerer2003

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Re: Good News Bad News by Catwriter
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2015, 09:41:06 AM »
Reread this about an hour ago.  Wow!  I remember getting wrestling magazines as a boy and there would be ads for women wrestling videos.  I used to wish I could watch them.  The boy in the story got much better than what I could imagine back then.  Note: I noticed something in the story.  The boy thought to himself, "I suspected this wasn't their first time using their wonderful breasts to do battle." I'm thinking, they have had some titfights and catfights for "dad!" How hot it would be to read a prequel to this story, where the dad requests them to titfight, then catfight in front of him! Of course, the single dad gets a happy ending.  Anyway, I guess my mind is wandering.  Hot story!   
Life is boring without adventure.


Offline justlooking9000

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Re: Good News Bad News by Catwriter
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2015, 10:30:28 AM »
Man, I wish my dad had done something like this for me