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Carl's Tales 5 - Fight, fight, fight!

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Offline Carl_Drogo

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Carl's Tales 5 - Fight, fight, fight!
« on: November 06, 2015, 02:46:10 PM »
“Listen Carl, I'm not going to show you any of my cyber matches and I'm not going to fight Helen, and that's final.”

Which meant as far as I was concerned that she really wanted to do it.  “Okay,” I said.  “The matter is closed.”

But I figured a few days of silence from me would be enough to broach the subject again.  “Mike was telling me about Helen's 'red mists'” I said after I'd softened her up with a couple of glasses of wine one evening.  “He says that she's fine most of the time, but that the tension builds up and up like a head of steam.”

“Yes, and I just got unlucky when she attacked me in the supermarket.  I can tell you,” she said slurring slightly, “that there is no way I want to go through that again.”

“I don't want you to,” I lied.  I still fantasise about her upside down in the freezer cabinet, legs kicking, skirt round her hips panties skewed.  “Mike thinks you might be able to help.”

That bit was true.  Mike did think Joanne could help, though I suspect his analysis was based on little more than his desire to watch his wife fight my girlfriend, having introduced him to my kink a few weeks back.

She looked at me sideways.  “By fighting her in front of you two, you mean.  Honestly Carl, you're like an open book.  A children's book at that!”

Banged to rights, as we say.  All I could do was shrug.  “That's what he said, but I know you don't want to help your friend, so forget it.”

“I've met her once.  We can hardly be called friends.” 

“Yes but you did hit it off, I thought.”

She paused and considered.  “You're right,” she said.  “We did get along and perhaps I should get to know her better.  I'll give her a call, but rest assured that it will not be to talk about fighting!”

So Joanne got to know Helen a little better, leaving me out of it of course.  Sun Tzu says  its always better to let your adversary move themselves to where you want them, rather than try and move them yourself.  Or if he didn't he should have done (this one's on me Sun!), and so I sat back and waited while Helen and Joanne's friendship developed, thus avoiding the pointless girly stuff many guys who are overly attentive have to put up with.

Occasionally I asked about Helen's 'therapy' only to be met with that rolling of the eyes I have become used to.

Then one evening she said they had broached the subject, and Mike had indeed suggested some kind of combat sport to let Helen blow off steam.  I thought that knowing my luck she'd join a judo club or something like Joanne had done, but no.  Apparently Helen thought that was too expensive, too much hassle and why not do something together?  “But you can rest assured 'Mr Pervert',” said Joanne, “that whatever we decide, it won't be in front of you two sickos!”

But she was reckoning without the hard practicalities of the situation.  These days, our risk averse thinking dictates that any combat sport requires someone else to be there in case of injury, and since Mike was a paramedic by profession, he was the obvious choice.  It was then quite easy for me to persuade Joanne that as he was also an interested party, I needed to be there to see fair play.

“You,” she said, after we'd discussed things, “keep it in your pants, okay?”

So I brought the bottle of wine and we turned up at Mike and Helen's.  Everything was as before (Ref Carl's Tales 4,51898.0.html) except the furniture had been pushed to the walls leaving a big space in their living room on which a large sheet was spread.  So we sat down and had a few drinks talking about everything but what was going to happen.  Time drew on and I was beginning to think it was all a dream, when there was a lull in the conversation.

“Well, I guess we'd better do this then,” said Helen, finally.

I nearly fainted.

I could see from the look in Joanne's face that she had got cold feet by now, but she shrugged and nodded, getting to her feet.  “Getting changed upstairs then?” she mumbled.

“Unless you want to strip in front of these guys!” said Helen.  I caught a glimpse of that 'killer' look in her eyes as she turned away.  “Come on.”

Both women went upstairs to change, while Mike and I helped ourselves to a couple of beers and took our places in the living room, my pulse threatening to blow my skull apart.  I could tell by the way his hand shook that he was pretty nervous too.

“Better than a London Derby,” I said.

He looked at me, then shook his head. “Nah, nothing's better than that, not even sex.”

That eased the tension a little.  “Which of the girls do you think will win?” I said. 

I was suddenly anxious to know if he cared.  I really wanted Joanne to win, to utterly dominate Helen.  Maybe it was one of those primitive things; 'Joanne is my bitch and if she beats your bitch, your bitch is my bitch too'.  Enhanced by my inherent laziness I found that idea extremely hot.  I'd have two women to myself without having had to lift a finger, and Mike would have none.

Not that it was ever going to happen.

“Doesn't matter what I think,” he said.  “Helen won't let Joanne win.  It's not in her nature.”

Good enough for me.  I had a hard-on just thinking about it.  Imagine how I felt when the girls made their appearance.

There are times when you look at someone's wife and you just know that if he knew what you were thinking, he'd give you a smack.

My eyes settled on Helen's nipples under her yellow swimsuit, which looked like little hill forts – short towers on top of a domed mound of earthworks.  Her tits seemed to move as she moved, a different weight to Joanne's, maybe, although pretty much the same size.  If Mike saw me gazing at those tits as they shifted, he didn't say anything.

I looked up at Helen, and as she smiled at me I closed my mouth and smiled back.  Being sartorially aware, I have to say that I felt her dirty blonde hair didn't really go well with the yellow swimsuit, but what do I know. 

Then I glanced at Mike and saw he was staring at Joanne in the same way I'd been staring at Helen.  Dirty bastard! I thought.  He's supposed to be my mate and there he is ogling my girl!

It was fair enough, I suppose.  Joanne looked a million dollars in her red swimsuit – no, lets be realistic; a thousand dollars.  Well, perhaps given her age it was closer to a hundred.  Whatever, she still looked better than I could afford.  She'd had her hair done, which didn't strike me as a good idea just before a wrestling match, but it looked good and shiny, a dark mane of straight black hair down to her shoulders.

“Come on boys, stop gawping.  It's not as if we're naked.  God!” said Joanne rolling her eyes (again), though I was pretty sure she was loving the attention.  Women of forty-five probably don't get that much, ordinarily.  “Helen and I have things to settle, don't we Helen.”

“We do,” said Helen, giving her that killer look.  I was loving the way these girls were getting into the mood.

Mike belched as he settled back, distracting Helen who gave him a black look, and by the time she got focussed on Joanne, Joanne was already moving.

I saw her loop her arm round Helens neck, and swing her hips inside her body, pulling Helen off her feet and following her down to the floor.

Helen grunted as she landed and I saw those boobs quiver deliciously under the impact, forcing me to put my hands in my pockets and make vital adjustments before my bishop burst through my pants to take a look.

“Come on Helen!”  Mike yelled, making me jump, as Joanne angled herself across his wife's body, smothering her face with her belly.

For a few moments Helen writhed delightfully, treating me to the sight of her torso flexing as her yellow suit stretched against it.  She managed to shift Joanne off her face, but Joanne had her left hand trapped and was forcing it against the floor, while Helen's other arm was trapped loosely between her legs.

Now it was Joanne's turn to be the object of my lust.  As Helen squirmed underneath her, she was struggling to maintain her position, and I just loved the way her arse wobbled as she shifted trying to maintain what was a pretty weak pin, and her suit slipped against the white flesh.

It wasn't working for her though, and it struck me that if Helen were to shift that arm up, it would be rubbing against Joanne's sex.  I was sure that wasn't going to happen because they both saw themselves as ladies, but Joanne wasn't going to take that risk. She pushed up to her knees, trying to shift her left shin to pin Helen's right arm.

As her right buttock started to push its way out of her red suit I was past caring who won or lost, and just hoped that I could get to the end of the fight without creaming myself.  Bringing her left leg forward, the bulge of her cxnt was now outlined by the stretched suit, and I could swear that a little tuft of pube was visible.

“Now!” yelled Mike. “Get her off you!”
Helen arched, and I struggled not to let out a groan as her suit dipped into her slit, threatening to bunch and expose far more of her than was decent, but Joanne managed to lift her right knee over her body, straddling her, at the same time gaining control of Helen's right arm and pushing both arms up over her head.

It was an exhausting process for all four of us, but mainly for the girls.  In that position, they both took a breather.  I guess if anyone had been counting Helen might have struggled harder to get free of the pin, but they weren't, and she just lay there body heaving as she got her breath back, while I wondered if it would be all right to 'accidentally' spill beer all over my pants in the event that I needed to disguise the fact that I'd shot my load.

From that position, though, there was a real danger that Joanne would be able to grapevine Helen, and if that happened I really would need clean pants.  Aware of the danger, Helen was careful to keep her ankles crossed and swing her knees.

Then suddenly there was a flurry of activity.  With a jerk that caught Joanne by surprise, Helen bucked up suddenly, throwing her opponent off.  Desperately Joanne fought to get back on top, but Helen was a ball of energy now.

“That's it, that's IT!” yelled Mike, casting me a sidelong glance.  “Payback time, Hel, get on top of the bitch!”

I stared at Mike in shock, half expecting Joanne to break away and tell him that 'nobody talks to her like that!'  But no one seemed to have noticed.

Having lost her position riding Helen, Joanne was trying to establish a body scissors, but Helen rolled out of it, ending up almost at my feet where I caught the sharp tang of her sweat.  I licked my lips, knowing that I looked like the dirtiest of dirty old men and not caring one bit.

Joanne snagged her body, though, flinging her left arm over her and dragging her back as she slid her right arm underneath, and locked wrists.  “Come back 'ere!” she growled.  I'd not seen that predatory look on her face before, and that, coupled with the flash of fear on Helen's face, thrilled me.

“Yess!” I yelled, as Joanne rolled onto her back and started squeezing.  “You got her!”

Helen cried out and started kicking wildly, and Joanne started fencing with her legs as she tried to trap them.

“Hang in there babe!” cried Mike.  “Use your elbows.”

She tried to jab Joanne's ribs, but couldn't quite get the angle.  The pain on her face was better than a work of art as Joanne pumped her arms, forcing her to focus on loosening Joanne's grip.

As she did so, delight of delights, Joanne succeeded in thrusting her feet between Helen's legs and pushing outwards, spreading her wide as she hooked her ankles.

“Jesus!”  Mike hissed.

I knew what he meant.  That thin strip of yellow swimsuit stretched over Helen's cxnt left little to the imagination, leaving less and less as she twisted from side to side, until the edge of her suit slipped into her slit, leaving half her sex in full view.

I was smiling from ear to ear and although Mike was a mate, there was absolutely nothing I could do about it.  Joanne was really punishing Helen now, forcing cries of pain from her, perspiration beading on her face as it twisted in agony.  Her tits rolled on her chest as Joanne took control, jerking her arms, those little hill forts all but inviting a good pinch.

“Squeeze the juice out of her!” I yelled.

Desperately Helen reached behind her to try and grab Joanne's hair, claw her face, anything, and as she did I noticed the sweat stains that had formed in her suit under the tits.  Joanne simply moved her head and punished her by squeezing harder, forcing Helen to turn her attention back to those vicious arms as she cried out in real pain.

“Alright, alright, I give!” Helen cried finally, thumping her right arm on the floor.

Joanne gave her a final squeeze and then let her go.  Helen rolled away as quickly as she could, gasping, massaging her ribs and Mike was beside her straight away.  “You alright, hun?”  he said.

But I wasn't interested.  Joanne looked magnificent as she pushed to her feet and punched the air. “Yesss!” she yelled, her boobs jumping up and down as she did.  I got up and gave her a hug, smelling her sweat and feeling the heat of her body as we danced around, ignoring the misery of our hosts.

“You were beautiful!” I said, kissing her hard.

She breathed in, pressing herself against me, and I swear she'd have had sex with me there and then if I hadn't had some sense of decorum.

Helen and Mike were sitting on the sofa scowling at us by the time it occurred to either of us to pay them any attention.

“Anyone for Vindaloo?” grunted Mike.

The girls went to shower and change as we ordered the takeaway.

“She got lucky,” Mike muttered without looking at me as he put the phone down.

“Seems to me people make their own luck,” I said, helping myself to a beer from his fridge, mainly because I felt I could now.

“Oh yeah?”  he said turning to face me.  “Well next time we'll see who has the luck won't we.”

I could see from his expression that Helen losing actually mattered to him, but I couldn't help winding him up a little.  “I'd understand if Helen wanted to call it a day, mate.”  I clapped him on the shoulder and he gave me such a poisonous glare I thought he was about to hit me.  I even stepped back, hands up.

The glare faded and he shook his head and laughed.  “Fetch me one of those,” he said, pointing to my beer.

I did and we both sat.  “I tell you what,” he says.  “Twenty quid says Helen will take down your Joanne next time.”

“Oh I dunno,”  I replied.

“Chicken?”  He raised an eyebrow.

“I was thinking more like fifty.”

“You're on!”

Joanne did most of the talking as we ate our dinner.  I watched Helen and occasionally those killer eyes fixed Joanne with a death stare that Joanne barely noticed.  I still figured I'd make a profit from our next bout.

“I'm starving,” Joanne said as she tore the meat of a scarlet chicken leg.  “Mmmph.  Nothing like a good fight to work up an appetite, eh Helen?”

“Yes,” said Helen, toying with the rice on her plate. “Nothing.”

“And did you see the way I took her down right from the off, guys?” continued Joanne with her mouth full, looking fro me to Mike, eyes sparkling.  “You should have been more focussed, Helen.”

“Yes,” said Helen, putting her fork down. “I should have.”

It was clear that Neither Mike nor Helen wanted us there longer than was decent, and so we headed off afterwards without helping clear up

“So what did you think, Carl?”  she said, snuggling up to me in the taxi.  “Everything you thought it would be, huh?”  I thought she was going to kiss me again, but then she leaned back and closed her eyes, smiling. “God, that is such a high!  Better than drugs, better than...”

“Sex?” I finished helpfully.

She punched me, rolling her eyes, but with no conviction whatsoever.

“Here, feel,” she said as soon as I'd shut the front door behind me.  She grabbed my hand and slid it down inside the front of her jeans, which I realised she'd already helpfully unzipped.

“Oh!” I said.  I was about to say 'did you piss yourself?' but that would have been badly received.  It certainly wasn't piss.

She was on me then, tearing her clothes off, mine and grabbing my prick, which erupted almost immediately, spattering all over her belly.  It didn't matter. There was plenty more where that came from.  It had been building all night.

I fucked her on the floor of my hallway, then we dragged ourselves upstairs and I fucked her again.  She was like an animal and I didn't even mind about the curry breath.

Incidentally I got no guidance from anyone regarding Mikes e-mail (Ref Carl's Tales 4,51898.0.html)  regarding what should be done after the events in Carl's Tales 1 (,51054.0.html) so I told her to go round and face the music (choice (c)).  She refused, so what should I do now?

(a)  Tell Mike about the situation and tell him it's probably best if we didn't do this any more, or
(b)  Ask if I can come too with a promise that whatever happens I won't intervene, or
(c)  Threaten Joanne with complete withdrawal of sexual favours unless she complies.

What do you think?


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Re: Carl's Tales 5 - Fight, fight, fight!
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2015, 03:45:13 PM »