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Things a Bitch Should Know--Gas Pumping edition

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Offline sinclairfan

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Things a Bitch Should Know--Gas Pumping edition
« on: September 17, 2019, 02:27:32 PM »
Dear TABSK--My name is Brooke, and I'm a 36 year old soccer mom.  Simple question:  why, when I'm standing at my SUV pumping gas, do I catch myself making eye contact with other women my size and age and locking up in an eye challenge with them?  I fought in high school and college, but hardly at all since then.  Brooke

Dear Brooke--A simple question deserves a simple answer.  Pumping gas is, in Western culture at least, a bot of a masculine activity, so both you and your eye-stare opponent are under the influence of a hit of testosterone.  We also can't help but note, however, that you emphasized that your vehicle is an SUV.  We think you are making a socioeconomic comparison with your gas pump rivals, and enjoying how you stack up.  Don't resist what you're feeling.  Just go with it, and see whete it leads.  Maybe you'll get to enjoy some of the School Days excitement you seem to be nostalgic for.  TABSK


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Things a Bitch Should Know--Gas Pumping edition
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2019, 12:12:35 PM »
Dear TABSK--My name is Kim; I'm a 41 year old stay-at-home mom, and your recent writer Brooke confirmed to me that "I'm not the only one" who enjoys indulging in an activity that I stumbled across two years ago in September, when my youngest went off to kindegarten.  I don't work, so I suddenly found myself alone at home from 9am to noon on weekdays.  The three hours of freedom was exhilarating--just enough time to run a quick errand or two, usually grocery shopping or filling up the SUV with gas.  I found myself eye-challenging other women, either other stay at home mom's like myself, or night shift working women on their way home.  I found myself wondering what would happen if I let the eye challenge escalate to a confrontation (like Brooke, I had my fair share of fights pre-adulthood, but very little since).  The day at the gas pump, I saw a fit, attractive young blonde nurse (she was in full scrubs) who must have felt the same.  We locked stares at the gas pump, and I followed her into the gas station convenience store, where we accidentally-on purpose bumped into each other 2 or 3 times.  She grabbed my wrists, and asked me , "Are you looking for trouble, bitch?".  My high school tough girl persona kicked in seamlessly (even though I was secretly almost peeing my pants in fear), and blurted out, "Yes.  I'm free till noon .... cxnt."  I thought we might actually fight right there in the aisle.  Instead, she had me follow her to the nearby town lake, where we parked, took a short walk into the woods, and engaged in a brief but violent hairpulling catfight.  Since it was my first fight in two decades, I suffered a decisive ass-kicking--I'll omit the lurid details.  I never saw the nurse again, although I've looked.  But I have met other women looking mostly for the verbal sparring that ensued in the aisle, and .... sometimes, just sometimes ... a full-on fight.  My only tip to Brooke, and your readers--never let the cat-and-mouse game extend back to your house ...  or hers.  Those are stories I don't have time to write about today.  (I'm only free till noon.   :)    )  Kim

Dear Kim--Wow, quite the story.  And good job teasing what sound like even tastier stories!  You must enlighten us some day when you have more time!  (Your youngest is in 2nd grade now, if your nurse fight was 2 years ago, correct?  Doesn't 2nd grade get out at 2;30 or 3, nott noon?  Just sayin'.)  Thanks for thinking of us, and reading.  TABSK


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Things a Bitch Should Know--Gas Pumping edition
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2019, 02:40:24 AM »
Dear TABSK--Hey there.  Karla here, another soccer mom and a long-time lurker who thought I would never write in, but I can't resist.  Your recent writers on this topic, Kim and Brooke, struck a chord with me.  I, too, am guilty-as-charged of stirring up crap while fillin' 'er up ('er being my 2015 Land Rover, my purchase of which changed my life ... to the good).  Kim referenced catching the eye of an attractive blonde rival, and successfully engaging her in a catfight.  News flash, ladies--the attractive women are the one's you want to approach in this exciting activity.  I'm not sure what it is (I guess that's why I'm broaching the topic with you, TABSK), but I've always found that the more attractive the woman, the more likely she is to reciprocate my stare ..... and follow up with a fight.  This is counterintuitive, at least to my simple mind .... don't the attractive women, and the attractive blondes in particular, have the easiest path to finding physical excitement?  Anyways, my question is ... what's up with that?  Why is it so easy to get an attractive blonde to say 'yes'?  Karla

Dear Karla--Thank you for correcting an important omission in our responses to Kim and Brooke.  Just as attractive model-types ard frequently the one's sleeping alone, because everyone is too intimidated to sexually proposition them; they also frequently pump gas alone, without any SUV/LandRover MILFs meeting their pining gaze.  Such a shame; they're ever-so-hoping to make that short drive to the woods or jogging trail or bike trail, if only the right MILF would ask.  So, MILFs, the ball is in your court; Yes, that blonde at Pump 9 is looking for trouble.  Hell, yes.  TABSK


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Re: Things a Bitch Should Know--Gas Pumping edition
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2019, 07:47:11 PM »
Dear TABSK--It's Brooke, again.  Thank you so much to Kim and Karla for the benefit of sharing their expeiences, which resulted in an exhilarating catfight, just yesterday, between myself and a young, statuesque, frisky blonde whose name I don't even know for certain (I saw her remove a bracelet which I think had the name 'Tricia' or 'Trish', but don't know for sure if that was her name).  I worked up my courage pumping gas just after school dropoff.  Candidly, I started shit with her after seeing how stunning she was, not because I thought she would say yes, but because I assumed she would say no.  But, like you at TABSK, and Karla, predicted, she was not only respinsive to my stares, she was outright "down to fight" within 30 seconds of us starting a nose-to-nose staredown.  I suggested a nearby jogging trail with plenty of private cut-thru's where I had taken my kids when they were toddlers, and Blondie accepted without hesitation.  I was still half-expecting her to have a change of heart in the quick drive over, but instead she somehow actually beat me there.  TABSK, I swear to Gawd, I don't know how we both resisted the urge to fight right there in the gravel parking lot, as she was already removing her (extensive) jewelry, and tossing it contempuously in her car, but she followed by direction to a private clearing.  And it was ON, full-on, within seconds.  Hair, claws, feet, elbows.  Shit, her elbows were sharp.  I took her cue and responded with mine.  Then with my knees.  I guess I sort of lost it, in a good way.  I was 21 years old all over again and fighting like a gangster girl.  Not that I was one, but I acted like one when fighting in those years.  And yesterday.  I won!  And I want more.  I want to do it again.  Not tomorrow, or even next week.  But soon.   Brooke

Dear Brooke-- Wow.  Congratulations.  And since Blondie knows where and when you pump gas, maybe she'll accomodate you with a rematch.  Thanks for sharing!  TABSK


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Things a Bitch Should Know--Gas Pumping edition
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2019, 10:04:19 AM »
Dear TABSK--My name is Connie.  I'm 54 now, and thus unlikely to follow thru on Brooke's enticing plan of starting a gas pump line rumble.  Based on where I was living and working at the time, it must have been around 1992 or so, which would have made me about 27 (goodness, where does the time go), I got into a grocery line catfight with another woman my age.  We didn't fight there in the grocery store, but did follow each other back to my place to settle things female to female.  Let me back up a bit.  It was a Thursday night on the way home from work, so I was wearing early-1990s office attire--NOT casual (the office casual wear boom was still 3-5 years away, so I was wearing a knee-length skirt, a silk blouse, an open suit, and EXPENSIVE heeled booties--very feminine and sexy and not in thd least comfortable).  I was very on edge, because I had a pair of important weekend events with a man I had just begun dating, and remembered I was running short of the lipstick, eye shadow, and coverup I needed to match my new auburn hair dye (long story--I was very experimental with hair colors at that age, and sometimes the color that came out was a surprise both to me and even my semi-competent stylist).  So I impatiently dashed into the health and beauty section of my neighborhood grocery store, starving and with a bit of a chip on my shoulder, hoping to be in and out and a flash.  Well, bad plan, Connie, because who should be blocking the shelf area I'm trying to survey but a young-30s woman, my size, also in office wear, with the EXACT same auburn hair color, and the EXACT SAME expensive uncomfortable boots.  I clucked my unappreciative surprise with my tongue (and possibly even heaved an audible exaspersted sigh at the delay this woman was causing me), and tried to survey my buying options AROUND the woman blocking my view.  Which of course only encouraged her to slow the pace of her selection to a crawl, specifically to block me (and to protest my rudeness).  We were careful at this point to avoid direct eye contact, knowing the implications, but I did catch her eyeing my boots--she was none too appreciative to see they matched hers.  In hindsight, it was already "game on" at this point between her and me.  We brushed shoulders and hips a couple times (which amped up the tension by a factor of 100) while completing our item selection, and headed in different paths to the checkout.  I went to Aisle 5, she to Aisle 4, and we eyed out each warily out of our peripheral vision, each wanting to win the imaginary "race" of who could pay faster.  I finished first, and delightfully skipped out into the dark parking lot with my bag, in search of my red Toyota Camry.  Wait a second, I muttered as I approached to row I had parked in, there's 2 Ted Camry's there-which is mine.  And--oh dammit you have GOT to be fucking KIDDING me--SHE's walking to the second Camry.  We're parked right next to each other, and now we death stare each other as we unlock our car doors.  I broke the ice.

> What's your fucking problem??

> I don't like you staring at me, honey.

> Then make me stop, sugar.

>  What???? You don't think I could???

> Pffft.  Doesn't look like you could.

> I'd love to show you you're wrong.  Like, literally right now.

I don't know where the sudden outburst of aggressiveness came from--I had been in fights, but rarely sought them.  My first instinct at that age, say, at bars or dance clubs, was to de-escalate the situation.  My something about this bitch's cocky attitude, and matching boots, got my adrenaline pumping.  My pussy was also soaked with arousal from our encounter.  It was at this point I said something arguably insane.

> I'd love to see THAT.  I'm a mile down the road, Ventor Gardens, number 416.  You can show me what a tough girl you are there.  Bitch.  [My nameless new rival paused and considered--not whether she wanted to take up my challenge, I could tell by her body language, but how much time she had until her next appointment.]  Please say yes, sweetie.  The parking spot is covered.

I don't know what caused my to chime in with the last detail, but its inviting intimacy seemed to work the trick (sometimes, even an aggressive woman is a sucker for the pull of hominess).  We agreed to drive straight there and to face each other in my apartment.

I arrived first and showed my rival where to park.  We proceeded into the lobby, the surrounding cars and fellow residents giving my opponent comfort that even if I was an axe-muderer, it would be darn difficult for me to carry out any such plan.  My fingers were shaking at the prospects of an imminent catfighting.  The elevator ride up to the 4th floor wad taught and thrilling, each of us considering the emergency button, and whether we would have enough time to finish in there before maintenance arrived.  The doors opened, and she followed me down the hall to 416.  I opened to door for her, motioning her in.

> Ler's do this.  I don't have all night.

> You think I do, bitch??

She shoulder checked my breast as she walked past me.  I saw red.  I was pissed.  I slammed the door shut behind us, latched it, and charged her from behind, wrapping my arm around her neck, and ripping her thick auburn hair as hard as I could.  She had have anticipated my tackle, and coolly arched her back into a crablike pose, and barrel'rolled both of us onto the floor.  We were in full mutual hairpull catball position, our legs snaking around each other, our boots trying to reverse heel-kick each other in the groin area.  I remember thinking to myself:

> Is this why she bought these boots??  To catfight in them??  Is that why I (subconsciously) bought them?!?  Because, dammit, these suckers HURT.

Like I said, I had fought before, some of the fights quite violent.  But I had never really kicked .... nor BEEN kicked .... in a fight.  And always in the shin, not the groin.  But both of us were on a mission now, angrily catballing on my carpetted floor and lining up hard boot kicks through each others' skirts and at each others' pussies.  We were both trying score a knockout via low blow.

Which, at least speaking for myself, was a scary prospect, because the spark of excitement "down there" which I had felt at the grocery store had exploded into a 7-alarm inferno.  The combination of the grunting sounds we were making during the fight, our head to toe body contact, and our perfumey-sweaty smells acted upon me like sexual foreplay.  My pussy was aroused with pleasure, but super vulnerable to the pain of each kick to the crotch.  We both knew the rules for the war we had entered.  We were nose to nose on the floor as we said:

> I'm the to put my boot right thru you, sweetie.

> Not before I tear you a new one with mine, darlin'.

If this fight was a dance club alley fight with a crowd of shouting spectators, I probably would have taken the sensible course, mounted my enemy, and ground and pounded her face with my fists to victory.  Unfortunately for both of us, we had declared a kick war on each other, and that was the only face-saving tactic to end our battle. 

And, nobody wins a kick war.  Not when you're both in open skirts, and not when you're in heeled boots.  Within seconds of each other, we each connected with direct hits.  I know from how the one I received felt, it was to my clit; by the involuntary wincing and tears in her eyes, I'm guessing that's where my heel got hers, too.  Those vicious lowblows unlocked our catball grasp on each other.  I was actually quite vulnerable at this point, alone in my apartment with a stranger, semi-helpless on the floor, wondering if our fight had a Round 2, and worse, would I even be able to answer the bell.  Minutes of anxious anticipation passed on the floor.  She got up first.  And, thank goodness, let herself out.  But not before saying:

> Told ya I could shut you up.  Bitch.

I never saw her again.  We had pretty much frightened each other .... and ourselves .... at what we were capable of in a catfight.  And, at shopping.  Connie

Dear Connie--A wonderful tale, and well told.  The ending was a bit of a bummer, but probably more true to life than what we normally hear on here.  Glad you lived to tell the tale.  And, who knew what an adventure can result from a quick trip out, whether it be gas, cosmetics  or ...  some catfight action.  TABSK