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"Welcome pledges, welcome..."

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Offline kevan

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"Welcome pledges, welcome..."
« on: August 20, 2014, 06:57:17 PM »
      "Welcome pledges, welcome."
      "Now keep in mind your'e not officially with us, however this is a good start," the gorgeous drop-dead, super "stacked" athletic, perfectly tanned, superbly manicured and "fluffed" blonde lovely said as her beautiful baby blue eyes surveyed the crowd of both college girls and some of their mothers.....quite a medley; all rather pretty, no beautiful and quite sexy that stood around the big entryway to the most favored, most desired sorority on the huge college campus.
       "Just remember the rules, okay-we don't any trouble with those wonderful horney as hell college security buffs," Jenny continued....her eyes met with one of her best friends, then another and another and another and.....She winked, smiled; gave a muffled almost silent gasp of pleasure as she knew (from about three years of past experience) what was about to happen.
         Jenny was a hot, horney young rich popular conniving and sly as a fox "Bitch..." who loved to win, dominate and yes even humiliate her rivals or supposed competition any way she could; and she did have one favorite way.....Catfight.
         (Jenny's Mom had taught her well; from that very first day a few years back when Jenny had her first hairpulling, face slapping, clothes ripping fight with a rival cheerleader. Jenny got stripped to her bra and panties before a teacher intervened. But that was to be her entry (courtesy her Mom) the last fight she would lose.
        "Anything goes sweetie; so fight dirty, learn to rip and strip and invite your friends IF you must, but never ever lose again....." To Jenny's surprise her Mom took out one of those good old fashioned VCR's and to Jenny's total surprise and disgust (which later turned into intense pleasure and catfight lust) played recordings of several of her Mom's fight; with neighbors, with friends (at a bridge club) even unknown women like at her Mom's favorite boutique. Jenny was amazed at how many really down and dirty techniques there were; she loved it when her Mom quite often would rip her rivals top or bra off and then use it as a quite erotic whip or as a delicious tool to "tie the loser bitch" up.....
        "And don't forget this kind of stuff dearie," her Mom said as she'd point to the pictures of her slapping, twisting and pinching her rivals breasts and nipples. Spanking her rival to tears was another favorite well as most naughty facesits and oh my, the tickling......
       "And now you lucky privileged newcomers and possible members-remember; this is a "Free for All"; if You defeat any of your attackers you're in;But IF you cry out to submit or get stripped (down to your underwear or worse) you're outta here. No really violent stuff, okay; scratching deep or any blood or really naughty stuff and you're outta here......
        "And remember-as you might have guessed some of us here (both older and new) really like this kind of stuff....and you better know what I mean when I say, "LIKE."
        "Oh and yes, you're free to go all over the house-not outside of course...and yes you may double, triple-team...anything goes...."
        "Oh yes, I almost may keep anything you desire for a trophy." She giggled as her friend handed her purse..." Jenny giggled as she pulled out a sexy pair of torn panties and a ripped bra. More than a few of the new hotties (and some of the upperclassmen) felt a slight chill and yes a strange pleasant warmness as they noticed Jenny's flushed face and fully erect nipples poking against her tight top.
      "Ready....Set.....Let the "CONTEST" begin---"
(More TBC).


Offline AsianGigi

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Re: "Welcome pledges, welcome..."
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2014, 02:43:49 AM »
Great opening!


Offline femfitefan

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Re: "Welcome pledges, welcome..."
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2014, 10:29:38 PM »
Sounds like fun!  I think we've all fantasized about something like that.  Nice to see someone writing it.


Offline petelv

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Re: "Welcome pledges, welcome..."
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2014, 10:56:56 PM »
Very nice start to this story.  Looking forward to the chapter.


Offline cffanusa

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Re: "Welcome pledges, welcome..."
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2014, 07:59:01 PM »
Great start excited for next chapter


Offline Sandman13

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Re: "Welcome pledges, welcome..."
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2014, 04:53:26 PM »
I like where you're going with this.


Offline Bailey555

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Re: "Welcome pledges, welcome..."
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2015, 03:51:44 AM »
Tickle tickle tickle!!!


Offline kevan

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Re: "Welcome pledges, welcome..."
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2015, 10:40:32 PM »
   "Stop....Please...Not Me....Please," the gorgeous brunette screamed as she tried frantically to escape the lovely upperclass senior tho had attached her.
    "Screeeeeech." The loud whistle blasted from Jenny's sexy pouty lips.
    "Wait--before you ALL run eithe from or to the fight, we have a demonstration.."
    "See my friend Amber is demonstrating just what may or rather should happen."
     Amber was indeed quite on "top of things" as she yanked the stunned brunette from the crowd into the middle of the room.
     "Get her Amber dear, give us a good demo," Jenny laughed as she watched her gorgeous busty athletic redheaded friend work the the lovely underclassmen and possible "new sister" to the ranks.
     Whack. Slap. Wham. Whap.
     More bloes and sexy soundeffects than Batman, Batgirl or Wonderwoman could have imagined.
     "Yeah, pull her hair....
     "Rip her top.....
     "Go for her boobs girl!"
     Amber soon had the brunette staggering, stumbling around as she pulled her hair, ripped at her top. In between the slaps and fairly light yet still painful punches, Amber would give a quick squeeze to the brunette's firm peach sized breasts. Soon the lace biege colored bra was in full view.
     "Yes girls, the nipple pinch-always a good and effective move," Jenny shouted trying to make herself heard over the excited shouts of at least half the crowd. The official sisters were enthralled with catfight excitement; the "newbies" not so much----


Offline kevan

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Re: "Welcome pledges, welcome..."
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2015, 08:53:36 PM »
   "And girls, ladies, future sisters and you Older bitches like Moms, etcetera, etcetera, please note: A nipple pinch through the bra is highly effective-----
    "Aieeeee-Ouchie....please stop..."
    Amber, luscious, beautiful mean and naughty Amber was soooo enjoying "doing the demo" for Jenny; she fired a punch to the gorgeous brunette's chin snapping her lovely head back, causing her beautiful but glazed eyes to roll; a quick most erotic catfight move - she unsnapped that sexy bra, gave the brunette a push and yanked her bra off; quick as lightning she grabbed the staggering woman from behind, reached up and captured two thick fully erect nipples in her fingers, pinched, pulled, twisted them tenaciously as the brunette screamed in erotic catfight agony.
    "Just remember that's not the only naughty tactic," Jenny chirped as she motioned over towards her Mom who had another Mom in a combination head lock and vicious hair pull.
     "Ummmmm, wow Mom-get her, show her again, who's boss."
     "Uhhhhh-Ohhhhhh-Pleaseee....Let me go you crazy bitch!"
      (Seemed kind of like deja vue from last years initiation....the lovely Asian Mom had vowed vengeance both to Jenny's Mom and to another sorority sister-for her daughters' past unfortunate event (s))
     "Get her-take her down, Mom..."


Offline kevan

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Re: "Welcome pledges, welcome..."
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2015, 11:52:00 PM »
     "Don't let her call you a crazy bitch, Mommie-get her good!" Jenny shouted, almost giddy at the sight of Mom in control once again.
      "You just don't seem to learn you stupid, stupid bitch," "Mom" snipped as she squeezed the rival Asian Mom's head tightly; she yanked at her hair as she ran her headfirst into the nearest wall.
      "Uhhhhhhh," the lovely Filipino beauty gasped as her head erupted with pain. She screamed as she was pulled upright, spun around...
      Whack-whack-whackkkk....Jenny's Mom slapped the stunned woman silly, then switched from slaps to perfectly executed punches rendering her rival punch drunk.
      "Time for a bit of rip'n'strip-pay attention you little young babes in training," the older blonde Mommie said; she was so skilled, in such good shape that she wasn't even breathing half
as heavy as her dazed, screaming rival. Her lightning fast fingers shredded the expensive silk blouse of the rich upper class Asian. Soon that pricy and oh so sexy bra was coming into view
of all.
       "Ohhhhhh, stop, no more, please, I give," one gorgeous topless young brunette screamed.
       "Whatever shall I do to this lovely bitch, Jenny?"" Amber shouted. She had the hapless whimpering brunette tied up with her own bra, hands behind her back. She had up against a wall and was peppering her abs and ribs with occasional jabs; and of course delivering not so much wanted titty slaps and nipple pinches-just to keep things interesting for all; the new pledges seemed either to be really enjoying the action or wincing with each losing babe.
        "Oh, decisions, decisions," Jenny exclaimed acting like she was totally flustered as to giving instructions, advice, etc.
        "Oh, oh, OHHHHH, What the hell...."Mom, take her down, strip her! -And Amber dear, either tickle her, maul and strip her or turn her on, your choice....."
         Looking around intently at her sisters and pledges, Jenny swallowed hard, cupped her left breast, tugged on her erect nipple through her top and shouted-
        "Everyone--GO GET 'EM---CHARGE!"