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Ami vs Ewa S: A Night in Gotham

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Offline lilfightingcutie2

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Ami vs Ewa S: A Night in Gotham
« on: January 21, 2016, 08:46:05 AM »
Just wanna say that this was one of the most fun and exciting matches I've ever had! Ewa is an incredible writer and I can't wait for our rematch!!! Hope you all enjoy our lil tussle!

lilfightingcutie2: My heart hammers in my chest as i stand up on the stage nervously watching for Fish to enter the room. My tight black dress clings to my slender 5'2 105lbs 34b body, strapless and coming just about midthigh. My hair loose around my shoulders but pulled back from my face by a pink rose hairclip on the right side. Palms sweating as i stand there waiting. I know Im just one of a few girls who have done this strange audition with Fish Mooney and although Im not sure what its for I know that its the only chance for me to get out of the deadend life I'm living. I try to put on a confident brave face even though Im almost shaking in my 3" black heels, my light pink painted lips part slightly as I see the curtain opposite slide open and a figure emerges.

I sneak a peek over at the newcomer, "Whats she doing here? I thought I was meeting Fish alone to decide if I got the job or not" I think to myself, "Who is that?" trying not to look suspicious as I dart quick glances your direction, Uncertainty tying my stomach in knots, this is a high stakes job and i know it. Any mistake here and I could end up dead or worse...The warm stale air of the room making my skin start to perspire slightly, my breathing intensifying slightly, perky small breasts heaving under my thin dress as my mind races through different scenarios. Finally just as Im about to speak to the new arrival, the door opens at the far end of the room and in walks Fish and her right hand man. My breath catches in my chest, my almond shaped eyes widening slightly as she walks towards the stage and takes her seat at the table in front of the stage. yt

evasonet: "Hurry up tuts... you don't wanna keep the boss waiting..." Butch Gilzean's voice fills my ears, and I immediately turn, a calm, seductive smile on my lips, despite the RAGE welling inside me... I hate him.. HATE HIM HATE HIM!!! And I hate that he calls me 'Tuts'... It's not enough that Fish got me to change my name from Ewa Sonnet, to Paige Daily..... She said my name was too Eastern European... And that I needed a new one... Well fuck it, did they have to pick a name worthy of a newspaper??? But I didn't care... I just walked ahead of butch, my 5'4" 109lbs body looking quite stunning in the black tight tube dress... It was held well in place, without the need for shoulder-straps thanks to my 36DD's...Black fishnets in my legs, that went up to my mid-thighs, the elastic waistband holding them in place, no need for garters either... It was pretty obvious that I had no bra beneath, only a black lacey thong under the dress, that ended just a couple of inches below where the thigh-highs started.... My heels black, and also 3" clicked on the wooden floor boards as I entered the empty lounge room of Mooney's club....

Her seat was vacant, where is she, and huh?? Who's that girl on stage??? I just looked, with surprise, my left eyebrow rising, and saw the matching confusion on her pretty face... An Asian?? And a talkative one at that, as you ask who am I; "Who the FUCK are you?" -- I respond abruptly, as I climb up the stage and stand next to I'm not even bothering to hide my Eastern European accent... That's for Carmine Falcone.... And certainly not for this little tart... I turn to Butch and I ask him; "Who's the Spring Roll, Butch..." -- My voice as sarcastic as it's catty... But before he answers, Fish and another of her men walk in, and I freeze... Taking in a deep breath, knowing that I better what I say in the presence of the BOSS..... otu

lilfightingcutie2: My almond shaped eyes widen, eye brows raising as you ask Butch who the spring roll is. "Spring roll? you euro trash slu----" i cut myself off as Fish steps into the room and I turn to face her. My cheeks are flushed, my breasts heaving a bit as you get my blood rising with your nasty comment. Who does this bitch think she is? I thiink to myself even though i have to admit you are STUNNING. Your amazing body just poured iinto ya dress, those big perky amazing boobs making me feel totally inadequate and I adjust my dress slightly over my slender curves. My tiny red thong with a light white ribbon on the front hugging my curvy hips under my dress, a black lace strapless bra hugging my perky breasts together and pushing them up against the neckline of my strapless dress. Fish sits down at the table and Butch walks over to stand beside her "Paige and my little asian flower, you both have done well in the auditions so far. Paige, you've got the voice, the look, everything I'm looking for in this job. Now Little Flower...."

my cheeks flush as i hear her. OMG i hate it when she calls me that!!! Making me sound like some weak little helpless girl! I just want to scream out, MY NAME IS AMI!!!! but i bite my tongue and continue listening "You have such an exotic look and theres something about you i just can't quite put my finger on.. Ive thought it over, discussed it with the boys here and I've decided that I can't make a choice here. So instead what I'm going to do is let you decide who gets the job" She finishes and looks at the both of us Wait what did she say? We decide? whats that mean? My mind racing when suddenly it clicks in my head, I sneak a peek at you and see the realization dawn on your face at the same time. I know I can't afford to hesitate, my heart hammering in my chest and I suddenly turn and lunge at you with a primal growl. My eyes narrowing, fingers curled into claws as I turn and lunge forward trying to tangle my slender fingers in your dark beautiful silky hair yt

evasonet: I hear you call me euro-trash and I open my mouth to respond, but Fish's entrance shuts us both up, as we turn to her..... I swallow hard, seeing the mysterious smile on her gorgeous face... Her fiery red bangs swept to a side, as she takes her place on the seat... She pulls out a cigarette, and flanks it casually to her right, her bodyguard, Buck lighting it up, while Butch walks to the bar, grabbing her Cognac decanter and brings it over, starting to pour her a glass.... I just breathe hard, looking at her face... I listen to hear talk... And then... What?? Decide?? Me and this... flower??? I open my mouth, partially objecting, partially annoyed; "Wait... what??? How will we...." But I hear the SHRIEK and turn, seeing the petite Asian bitch LUNGE at me, and I gasp, leaning back but it's too late, your claws SINK into my hair, sliding through my silky tresses and you PULL; "AHHIIEEEEE!!" I scream as your body crashes into my side and send me stumbling aronud with you, our heels click-click-CLICKING on the wooden stage... My back hits the microphone stand knocking it over, as Fish laughs, raising her right index finger in the air, those RIDICULOUSLY long and sharp claws of her perfectly manicured, and her index one points to the ceiling; "Uh-uh-uh Child!!!-- Lesson number one, always keep your eyes on the prize... and on every other bitch out there who wants it...." -- She then leans back and cracks into a laugh..

Butch smirks, his hands interlaced over the front of his belly, watching the 'Flower' yank and ragdoll me by the hair for few seconds, pushing me to one side of the stage... But the shock is quickly dissipating, and my arms shoot up around your petite frame, fully turned to you now, and I PULL you into me, hugging our bodies together... I'm few inchest taller, and a couple pounds heavier at MOST, and we both know where those extra pounds are.... Which means, you are probably as toned and strong as me, and the way you PULL my hair tells me you did it before... But I still manage to find the *ends* of your long streaming locks, forming to fists, and I YANK hard down, like I'm pulling on a Church bell, trying to knock your head backwards...And force you to stare at the ceiling, screeching; "Flower huh?? I'm going to enjoy PLUCKING each petal out BITCH..." And I try to use the shock of the hairpull to TURN us around and SLAM your body into the wall of the stage, maybe even bump the back of your head into it!! otu

lilfightingcutie2: I feel your silky tresses tangle in my slender fingers as my body slams into yours. Fish's laugh cutting through the still air, making my heart beat faster as I feel like I'm in control. My lips curled back, pearly teeth shining in a feral snarl as i slam into you when your arms slip around my waist. Your big perky breasts press into my smaller pair and that feeling of inferiority comes right back as those full firm globes mushroom around my smaller perky pair. My dark nipples perking up, lightly scratching against my thin bra when suddenly your fingers slip into my hair and I scream in pain as you rip my head back hard by my hair Im forced to stare up the ceiling, the lights burning bright down into my bright eyes glistening with tears from the sudden sharp pain.

Your curvy bod drives into mine slamming me back into the wall, I can feel the steely muscles under your silky skin as you press against me, your breath hot on my neck, my scalp burning but my fingers keep ripping down at your hair "GET OFF ME SLUT!!!" I hiss through teeth clenched in pain, I finish my statement by releasing your hair with my right hand, pulling it back and trying to drive my small fist into your stomach, hoping to land it just above where your thongs waistband is Your heaving breasts sliding against mine through my thin dress and bra, I can feel the heat of your body, smell your perfume and the musky scent of adrenaline and sweat as you press in close to me. Trying to bury my fist in your flat stomach, the knuckles grinding itno the flesh a bit hoping the sharp pain and impact is enough to force you to let go of my dark hair yt

evasonet: Pressing up into you feels... INCREDIBLE.... I've always regarded all Asian girls to be... very docile.... soft... and generally WEAK... But here I am, pressing against you and all I can feel is the toned abs, strong thighs, the powerful YANK of your arms and shoulders, and even those small breasts, several cup-sizes smaller than mine, feel perky and firm... And it takes the strongest of hair YANKS to stop you from bullying me back and to spin you to slam you to the wall. Fish leans forwards, her elbow resting on her thigh. Her mosit, pink tongue slips out, and pushes into the left corner of her mouth, then sloowwwwly starts tracing along her lips to the other corner.... Her eyes narrowed into slits, like a cat, watching every move, missing no detail....Buck leans down next to her and asks her; "What do you think boss?" -- "Phufff... They fight like guurrrllsss..." -- She says slowly, leaning back, her left arm tossed over the back of her seat; "I bet little Selina Kyle could kick both their asses with her hands tied behind her back... Ain't that right, Butch??" She turns to Butch sarcastically, and he reaches up with his left hand, touching his cheek in a little reflex move, feeling the raised, relatively fresh scar there; "Whatever you say, Boss.." He says with a little smile....

Her words, clearly reaching both our ears... And we feel.. INSULTED... And they just prompt us to fight HARDER.... Your right hand SLAMS into my stomach, and I GRUNT... There is barely a room between our tummies so the punch doesn't land too hard, but it's enough to rattle me and sends me stumbling back; "FUCKING cxnt!!" I screech into your face, and as I stagger back, I TWIST my body to the right, bending down, and I PULL harder on your hair, stretching my right leg, and trying to make you stumble into it, and TRIP, to fall down to the hard, wooden floor. otu

lilfightingcutie2: I hear Fish's taunt and it makes my cheeks burn. I haven't really been in many fights so im not sure what Im doing but still my fist smacks into your stomach and im rewarded with a grunt and your body pulls back some "stupid euroslu----AIIEEEEE!!!!" I shriek as you rip on my hair and Im yanked over your leg to land hard on my backk on the wooden floor. The stage shakes with the impact, my small breasts bouncing under my dress. "Thats it gurl!! Finally some real action!!!" Fish's laugh cutting through the room like a knife through butter.

Im stunned a little by the impact, breathing harder, strands of my dark hair hanging over my face but i pull my right leg back as you turn towards me and I kick up hard at you. Hoping to catch you just as you turn, the 3" heel aimed as high as i can, just above your thong covered mound My dress riding up, showing off my thighs and a flash of my little thong underneath. Tan silky legs flashing, the muscles underneath coiling, visible as they strain when i kick out at you. "You stupid fucking whore!!!!!" I scream yt

evasonet: I manage to YANK you hard, and send you stumbling, right into my extended leg, and you hit it, tripping, and thank GOODNESS that the fall causes you to release my hair, instead of tightening your grip on it, otherwise, I would have fell down with you... But even as we release our clutches on the other's hairs, I can feel few strands popping off by the roots as you CRASH down to your ass on the hard floor... I smile and straighten up, reaching and I brush my hair off my face, hissing tauntingly, and victoriously; "BITCH!! Is that all you go---ARRRGGHH!!!!!" My scream echoes LOUD and clear in the bar, making the boys FLINCH as your heel kicks up, and the pointed end of your heel slams hard into my tummy, just into the same spot that you punched, but this time, it feels like you rammed a fucking SPIKE into my toned abs!!! I GASP in pain, stumbling back, arched over in pain, feel like I was fucking STABBED!!!

"WHOREEE!!" I cry out in pain, my hands pressing against my tummy, feeling a RIP where your heel tore through my red dress, and some... moisture.. FUCK that bitch broke skin!!! And God KNOWS where those filthy shoes stepped!! But thoughts of getting innoculation shots come secondary to me right now, as I stumble back trying to put some distance and recover from the NASTY kick.... otu

lilfightingcutie2: Your scream echoes throughout the warm room, hearing the winces and OOHs of shock as my heel drives into your stomach. "Little Flower has spirit! I knew I saw something in her, you'd better do something quick Paige or she'll tear you apart" Her ruby lips curling in a smirk as she leans back and sips her cognac. I push up to my feet, pausing only to pull my flower hair clip out of my hair. My almond shaped eyes narrowing as I block out all thought of the people watching us, all my thoughts, all my focus, all my rage just centered on the beautiful european brunette across from me. "You stupid ugly bitch!!" I hiss as I suddenly throw the hair clip at your face.

Trying to distract you as I charge towards you right after the hairclip leaves my hand Hoping to draw your hands up as i charge forward and try to slam my slender body into yours. Hoping to drive you back into the wall hard, my slender fingers tangling in your beautiful silky dark hair near the roots. Pushing your head back against the wall, not too hard though most of my effort going into my body trying to bully your curvier, slightly heavier bod back against the wall yt

evasonet: Fish raises her glass to her lips, it's already emptied, her tongue gently tracing the rim, while watching us intently. Her eyes immediately notice the little stain of red on my already red dress, and the sight of blood; first blood; drawn by the little flower makes a moan ripple in her throat. She turns her head to Buck; "Who do you have your money on, Buck??" -- "The flower is on FIRE boss!! I have $50 on her!!" -- Her head turns to Butch; "And you, Butch??" -- He clears his throart, adjusting his tie; "I will put $50 on Paige, boss... She's fesity, that one..." -- Fish cracks out a laugh, watching you rise up and toss the hairclip at me and charge at my bent body, and send me CRASHING into the wall HARD!!"You just love Eastern European pussy, Butch...." -- Mooney purrs out, watching you grab my hair and SHAKE it wildly, rubbing my head against the wall, as I SCREAM... Butch twitches his neck nervously; "What about you boss??? Who would you bet on??" -- She smiles, leaning back, and rests her head on her index and thumb; "Only a fool bets on a catfight boys....." -- They both turn to each other, realizing pretty much what she did there, and made them look like.....

I'm completely oblivious to all this... I feel FIRE in my stomach, as the tiny cut your heel caused seeps blood, wetting my dress as it GRINDS against your black one; "FUCKING WHORE!!" I screech, and my hands moving up, and I PUSH my left palm against your chin, curling my fingers, I jab my nails into your cute, kissable bottom lip, three sharp claws PUSHING into it, as I try to shove your head back, and force you off me, my right hand balling into a fist, I pull it back and HAMMER it into your lower most left rib, the floating one! otu

lilfightingcutie2: I slam into you, my fingers yanking at your hair pulling on it smacking the back of ya head against the wall not too hard though when your fingers slide up and your nails dig into my lower lip I squeal, the sharp nails digging in and I taste a lil blood, my lower lip starting to swell a bit as ya push my chin back. I grunt and wrench down on your dark mane but suddenly your fist cracks into my lower rib driving the breath from my lungs I gasp, my slmond shaped eyes widening in shock and pain and I slump against you a bit Trying to catch my breath, just pressing my slender body into your curvier one, Your hand on my chin forcing my head back, my lungs burning and rib aching from your mean punch. I can feel a mean red mark forming on my skin under my tight dress, your big perky breasts mushrooming around my smaller pair making my dress slip down a bit.

I slide my right hand up, digging my nails into your wrist thats pushing my chin up, trying to pull your hand away from my face. My warm breath on your face, sweat slick body sliding against yours. My thighs pushing against yours making my dress ride up just below my booty. My other hand grabbing for your other wrist, trying to capture it as I pant and gasp for breath slumped against your curvy body yt

evasonet: My head thumps lightly into the wall, and I cringe in pain, seeing stars, but my left hand tighten more on your chin, my nails pinching your lower lips harder, peeling it a bit down to show more of your lower teeth and gum, as three red bubbles begin to form around where the nails are piercing your cheek... I can feel our bodies grinding tightly... My breasts swollen from the constant grinding, and my nipples have turned into small bullets, brushing against the tanned bra hidden under my dress.... And with my nipples stirring to life, I begin to... notice... your own... Your hands reaching up and you snipe my wrists, both of them and your nails DIG into my flesh making me WINCE in pain, as you pull my arms outwards; "BITCH!!!" --I hiss through clenched teeth...Our trio of spectators watch quietly now, as your arms move mine outwards, clearly trying to overpower and pin my wrists to the wall... And as Butch pours another glass of Cognac to Mooney; Buck chuckles watching our arms struggle few inches from the wall; "I wonder if they are equally strong, or equally weak -- HA HA HA HA!! Right?? Right guys??" -- And he turns his head to see Mooney GLARING at him... He swallows hard as she points a sharp claw at him and hisses; "Women are NOT weak.. And you better never forget that, or I will feed you your own sausage for breakfast tomorrow..." -- His face goes pale; "Sorry boss....."

Her head turns to us, as she watches us struggle, and your hands seem to be slowly winning the battle, pushing me steadily towards the wall.... But I suddenly slide my right leg forwards, between your legs, and around the back of your left one... My thigh *lifting* your dress skirt higher, and I PUSH the tip of my own 3" heel against the bulging calf muscle, digging it into the flesh and I RAKE down, TWISTING My body to the left, and trying to spin us to the wall, and if successful, step a couple inches back and HAMMER my body into a full body slam into yours! otu

lilfightingcutie2: Panting more now, my head resting against your shoulder as i finally pull your wrists out wide to the side Im still a bit breathless from your hard punch earlier to my rib, trying to focus as i press against you My dark nipples swelling, thick and poking out stabbing into my thin bra and through my dress I can feel your own excited nipples as they push and stab against mine through our bra's and dresses, our sweat slick bodies sliding together. Your thigh slides up mine, the silky feel of your stockings and toned thighs against my inner thighs sending a warm pleasant sensation through my bod that makes me blush a bit but then I feel the sharp point of your heel against my calf. My almond shaped eyes widen as your heel rips down the back of my calf and you spin to the left. A scream tearing out of my lungs as the sharp pain of your heel rips down my calf like a hot knife. I twist with you, my fingers still tangled in your hair as you trip us up and we fall to the floor.

My fingers twisted in your dark mane by the roots, my scream cut short as i slam back first into the hard stage. My bod bouncing a bit under yours, the rough carpet of the stage digging into my back scratching it as i gasp for breath and try to shake the cobwebs in my head away from the hard impact on the floor My dress up around my hips now, my tiny white thong visible now, hugging my wet kitty. my thighs on either side of your body, the top of my dress tugged down a bit to reveal my lacy bra and the tops of my perky breasts, skin glistening with sweat, my makeup smudged and smeared a bit, hair a mess, laying around my head like a dark halo yt

evasonet: Fucking... tough... BITCH... I can't believe how STRONG you are... And I'm sure you are having the same kind of thoughts about me too, as our wrists hover and tremble inches from the wall... But perhaps your nails pushing into my flesh are what are trumping things and breaking this stalemate, until I remind you that I too have heels on, and rake down your calf... You cry and we SPIN, your hands releasing my wrists and snatching at my hair as we lose our balance and CRASH down in a loud *THUMP* to the floor!!!The carpet provides really poor padding, and it certainly knocks some of the fight off you as you are sandwiched between us, and in turn, some of it out of ME, as the fall collapses my lungs and I lose half my air blasting through my lips and into your face... We lay there, moaning for a brief moment, my head turning and seeing the NASTY scratches your nails left on my wrists, but I know I must act quickly... My red dress hiked now up nearly to the curves of my tight buttocks, and I quickly spread my legs, and try to move them to either sides of you...

I try to sit up into a straddle, as my hands move upwards, and towards the now peeled-down top of your dress, I can see the curves of your tits, and the white lace of your bra peeking above it, but it's not the bra that I'm after... It's the filling as my hands curl like Eagle talons and I SHOVE them down, four nails pushing towards the unprotected flesh above the bra cups, while my thumbs, curl downwards and STAB towards those stiff nipples that I FELT brushing against my own chest moments earlier, trying to get as good of a grip as I can on your small, yet perky tits, just to CRUSH them in my fists! "LET ME WORK ON THOSE TITTIES A BIT, YOU FUCKING SPRING ROLL, I PROMISE THEY WILL BE A WHOLE SIZE BIGGER WHEN I AM THROUGH WITH THEM!!" -- I roar loudly, my wild feral screech drawing a smile to Fish's face, while Buck narrows his eyes and lets out an "oooohh!!!" wincing as he sees the red-painted claws jabbing down towards the soft flesh, beginning to worry that his $50 might be making it's way to Butch's pocket afterall! otu

lilfightingcutie2: sliding on the carpeted floor of the stage, my slender bare legs kick and slide on the carpet seeking some kind of purchase, some way to get leverage. Your sharp evil nails dig into my soft perky breasts, tearing sharp red furrows down them as you maul me. Your thumb nails stab into my stiff dark nipples sending shocks of agony through my body that make me shriek in absolute agony. Im desperate now, my mind racing, trying to think through the crippling pain in my breasts and finally I snap my head foreward. My forehead slamming towards yours, my dark hair flying, aiming for your forehead, knowing i don't have a whole lot of leverage but hoping the impact of my forehead against yours will loosen your evil grip on my poor stinging tits.

"Ouch thats gotta hurt!!" I hear Butch say. Fishs low laugh carrying through the building, the air stale and hot, the only sounds are of the two struggling women on the stage and the mocking laughter of the mob queen orchestrating the violence. Stars rocketing in my skull from the impact,  yt

evasonet: You scream, scream, SCREAM and it sounds like fucking MUSIC to my ears... Releasing my hair you go again for my wrists, that HURT like fuck from the scratches on them... But unlike our embrace on the wall when I was the one in trouble, I have very valuable targets in my hands now. And the more you claw at my wrists, the more I GOUGE and claw at your tits. My only real problem right now is the sweat that is making my nails slide slowly, leaving red welts on your flesh. My dress hiked up even more, now exposing the lower halves of my buttocks, and the black lace of my thong vanishing between the cheeks. The crotch of my panties, for some strange reason are... damp... It's a bit confusing to me, but I will have PLENTY of time when I am courting Falcone in his estate to think about WHY am I getting more and more turned on by mauling this Asian cutie's titties, slowly sliding them outside of the purely symbolic 'protection' of her bra. My teeth clenched tightly, lips peeled, as I glare at you, I lean down slowly and I hiss; "You smell like sushi, you pathetic Asian FUCK.... And I hate sushi... I'm going to chew you and spit you to the sidewalk unless you fucking qu---CRACKKKKK!!!!"

My own words interrupted by the surge of your skull, that seizes the opportunity of my head bending down and you SNAP hard at my head, and I CRY in pain, the boys cringing as Fish laughs louder, and I fall off you, crying in pain, my eyes SHUT tight, and yet I can see white and red fireworks exploding against my sealed eyelids... A tiny, tiny cut on my forhead from the point of impact, slowly seeping blood, as I clutch my hair and ROCK right and left, moaning in pain... otu

lilfightingcutie2: I dig my nails into your wrists but no matter how i pull it just works those sharp evil nails of yours into my poor boobs more. My bra slipping down, letting them spill free and as you spew your angry lil speech at me my head snaps into yours rocking you back and knocking you off me. I gasp in relief, sobbing a bit as i clutch at my stinging breasts, tears glistening in my almond shaped eyes. "OMG I fucking hate you!!! You dirty ugly euro trash bitch of a fucking whore!!!" I snarl as I slowly push up to my hands and knees I see you laying there groaning and clutching at your head and I crawl over to you My dress just a strip of cloth around my waist now. My bare booty wiggling back and forth, lil white thong riding up between my booty cheeks. There's a warm damp spot on my thong and im a lil confused and embarassed to realize how turned on i am right now but i push those thoughts out of my head as I crawl over to you.

"Time to finish you off bitch!!" I snarl as i try to scoot up and drop my curvy lil booty down over your face. My hands sliding down to your wrists, trying to push them down beside you as i work to lower my cute lil butt down onto your beautiful face. I sneak a peek at your features, even twisted in pain you're still one of the most beautiful women ive ever seen. Those amazing blue eyes filled with tears, fiery with passion and the pain I've caused you so far yt

evasonet: I lay there, groggy, sobbing, crying in pain... I'm almost OUT of it, but I know damn well that I can't fucking give in... I almost had this bitch.... I suddenly hear your voice, and it's coming from above... And my eyes flash open and I see your face high up, your bare tits swaying free, nipples stiff like diamond-tips on their centers, surrounded by ugly red marks where my claws dug, but it's your curvy buttocks maneuvering up over my face that make me shudder, and WHOOOMPP!!! You drop your butt down over my face, your hands moving to intercept my arms grabbing my wrists again!! "DAMN IT!!" Butch grunts in anger, his face red, as Buck claps his hands together, laughing hard... The turn of tables taking it's toll on them too, as they have both began to feverishly relate to their fighters... Fish on the other hand, leaning forwards, her hand holding her third, empty glass of Cognac, shaking it softly, as Butch shakes his head watching you face-sit me, as he pours her the next glass... Mooney's face amused, watching us, and unknown to her lackeys, her own nipples are rock hard, pointed under the chest of her frilly dress, and the reason her legs are crossed so tightly, is to hide the dampness between her thighs, and stop the aroma from seeping up in the air...

Their eyes watch your nearly naked back, covered in sweat tense as you wrestle with my arms and struggle to fully straddle my face, but I'm not going down without a fight... I shake my arms wildly, PUSHING them back, trying to get your arms as high in the air, and outwards as I can, I try to make your stay a bit unpleasant and make you LEAN forwards, towards my legs... My head turning slightly, my cheeks and nose brushing against your sweaty butt, and I open my mouth, SUCKING as much of your right tight buttcheek into my mouth as I can, and I BITE on the flesh, just to make you FLINCH up and jolt forwards....My legs kicking up and I try to SLAM my shins on your shoulder muscles hard, before locking my ankles *behind* your head and thrusting forwards, trying to send you crashing, busted-lips-first into the carpet, with your bare titis smacking down on my hips! otu

lilfightingcutie2: I slide my butt over your beautiful face, my hands sliding down pushing your wrists to the floor Im tired, every part of my body aching, my poor boobs stinging so bad, vivid red claw marks visible on my bare breasts. My dark nipples standing out thick and stiff, pointing out defiantly as i try to take control of this intense battle with my beautiful hellcat opponent. Suddenly I feel your warm breath on my bare butt cheek, your soft lips pressing against it and sucking the flesh into your mouth. I gasp a little, embarrassed at the tingling sensation running down my spine as your soft lips press against my flesh. Suddenly the pleasant feeling turns to pain as those sharp teeth dig into my soft flesh. I squeal and flinch upwards, my hands sliding off your wrists when your legs swing up and smack into my shoulders. I squeal as your ankles slip under my armpits and you yank me forward. I fall towards the carpeted floor, pushing my hands out, getting them under my face at the last second and just barely catching myself before my face smacks into the carpet.

Your legs are wrapped around me, your warm damp kitty pressing against my stomach and im a lil surprised to feel the dampness of your kitty against my tummy. My butt sticking back in your face, moaning as I know I have to free myself quick. Your warm thong covered kitty right in front of my face, smelling the aroma of your arousal, blushing as i can see you're as turned on as I am. "You fucking bitch!!" I hiss as its my turn to play dirty and I try to lean back a bit as I slide my right hand down and I try to grip your warm wet kitty lips through your thong. My nails digging in, not super hard but enough to hurt as i squeeze. "get those legs off me!!!" I hiss yt

evasonet: I can't believe this... That I am VOLUNTARILY wrapping my lips around this bitch's buttocks, tasting her ass-sweat on my lips and tongue, but it's about survival at this point, and the things that I would stoop to do get what I want are.... well... let's not go there !!! You lurch forwards and my legs hit your shoulders, ankles locking behind your neck and I THRUST you forwards, as you crash down, bracing yourself at the last moment against your forearms.... My own dress peeled down, and with it, the tan strapless bra... My large caramel colored areolas and nipples half visible, we lock and wrestle on the stage's carpet....Fish's eyes narrowing, even as i hiss at you, staring at your raised buttocks, with the double-crescent teeth marker I left on the right cheek; "Fucking BITCH!! I will RUIN you!!" -- But because unlike foolish, foolish me, she can see your head, tucked down, glaring straight up between my legs, with their black stockings rolled down to my knees and below... Right at the black thong sitting there, it's aroma alone sending all the world's invitations for you, as you reach up and -

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I scream loudly in pain, my legs flinching and they KICK open, releasing the back of your head, before I get the chance to surge and smash it down, hearing you cry out at me to release you, but I already have.... Your fingers gouging through the moist lace, and right at my sex, and I scream in pain, sitting up, trying to INCH away, but to where, your body is draped over my legs and as I drag myself back, you come with me!!! "LET GO! LET GO LET GO!!!" I cry out in pain, my left hand slapping wildly at the back of your right thigh, but you only tighten your grip... And at times like this, one must fight fire... with FIRE... My right hand sliding up between YOUR thighs, and I clamp at your pussy, through the white lace and I SCREECH; "I SAID LET GOO!!!" And I gouge my short, sharp nails through the fabric, and right back at your womanhood.... otu

lilfightingcutie2: My fingers dig into your slick warm kitty lips, pink painted nails stabbing into your soft folds, Pinching them and twisting them, my thumb nail stabbing against your thinly covered clitty. I squeal as you slap at my butt but i try to ignore the stinging sensation of your slaps on my bare skin. The smack echoing in the room, the bare flesh jiggling then suddenly those sharp evil nails stab into my soft kitty folds. My eyes widen and I scream in pain. "Let go you fucking bitch!!!" I shriek, biting my lower lip against the pain, I try to fight the crippling pain in my kitty,

My palm pushing against your mound as I push my upper body up a lil bit and try to drive my left fist down hard into your stomach just above your tiny thong. My sweat slick bod on top of yours, dark hair a total mess hanging down over my face, My fist aiming for that lil red spot where my heel got you earlier, hoping to work that sore spot and force your fingers to let go of my stinging aching kitty. Knowing if I can't make you let go here I don't know what I'll do. yt

evasonet: This is fucking HELL ON EARTH... I've always thought my life hit rock bottom when I moved to Gotham, and that's why I just called it that; Hell on Earth... But the true meaning of that phrase only hit me right now, when I found out that it's not just Gotham, but it's Gotham, in Mooney's club, on the floor, with a fucking flower shoving her THORNS into my pussy!! The thin garment is no match for your talons, and it tears and rips, allowing your sharp claws to gouge at me... I try to match you, but I start at it too late, and you keep your claw at me, as I stop slapping your butt and instead, I dig my left claws into your left butt cheek... My tears STREAMING down....Fish stops blinking, she just watches... THIS is what she wanted to see... Not two girls fighting and one winning with a lucky shot... But THIS... A torture grip, a battle of wills, where she can clearly see, who can take it more, and dish it back harder... We rock as you push your body up a bit, and then your fist THUMPS into the sore, bleeding spot on my abs; "AWWWHHH!!!" I cry in pain, my body jolting, spittle flying from my lips, as my twin claw grips on your ass and pussy weaken... and yours just begins to get tighter.... "NNNnnnnnngghhh!!"

I bite hard on my bottom lip, muffling the pain... My head darting right and left, trying to look for anything, but all I see are three faces, sadistically watching... None would help..And then I spot it.... The black 3" heel.... One of the four that we lost shortly as we tumbled around and fell to the floor, and this one, is not mine... it's yours..... Laying just two feet to my left, and I grunt, reaching to it, my legs trembling in pain, but it's just outside grip... And I GASP and TWIST harder to the left, trying to rock us and my fingers touch it, tugging on it and I grab it in my hand....I turn to you, your heel in my left hand, and I hold it up, hissing; "THIS.... Is why they call them; FUCK ME; heels bitch -- WELCOME TO GOTHAM!!!" And with my right hand on your pussy, I release the claw and PULL on your thong sideways, exposing your swollen labia, and I push the heel to your kitty and SHOVE the 3" heel inside it, trying to simulate a FUCKING motion with it!! otu

lilfightingcutie2: Im so tired, every part of me aching, sweat stinging the cuts on my kitty and poor breasts and the long scratch down the back of my calf My fingers pinch twist and maul your warm kitty lips, digging my nails into them working them and then when my fist hammers ya tummy I hear ya groan and I gasp in relief as finally ya hand slips off my stinging kitty. Tears in my eyes, Fuck why wont this bitch quit???? I feel like i've thrown everything i can at you and now that finally your hands slip off me I feel like im in control now. I twist and yank on your poor kitty lips, Bringing my fist down for another punch to your stomach when suddenly I feel the cold hard heel press against my kitty. "OMFG What are you doing??" I shriek as I feel it push inside me. My eyes wide, my fingers pausing in their mauling of ya kitty. Fish leans forward. "Oh that dirty girl! I knew she had it in her! Can the little flower get out of this?" she smirks as she leans forward. All three of them intent on the match. The switch from pain to pleasure in my kitty making me moan out, My head lifting up, back arching as you work the heel into my kitty. "Omg!!" I whimper out, my lil breasts hanging down, swaying a bit as my hips start to rock.

I know i need to fight back, my brain screaming at me to do something but the pleasure of your heel inside me clouds my mind Im desperate now, Knowing I can't let you fuck me like this! Not in front of these people, not when it'll drain the lil energy i have left out of me!! I have to do something and quick so I desperately drive my fist down trying to hammer that same spot on your stomach. Almost sobbing as i try to fight back against the urge to just ride the heel, my cheeks burning with embarrassment and the excitement and pleasure building inside me. "GET THAT OUT OF ME!!!" I almost scream as i try to hammer your stomach with two more punches, Trying to drive the breath out of you, knowing i have to get you to stop or im finished. The room silent except for our panting breaths, soft moans and whimpers and the slap of flesh on flesh as my knuckles drive into your stomach yt

evasonet: Thrashing on the carpet... Both are practically naked now.... Dressed peeled up our hips and down our torso's ending in a thick belted fashion around our hips.... Our bras swung somewhere down there with them... Thongs are shredded, torn to bits, the work of evil, nasty claws.... Your body atop of mine, in this 69 from HELL.... Your claw still mauling my pussy, twisting hard, your body risen a bit, hammering one fist after another into my sore, bleeding, nearly stabbed abs... The Achilles heels that you have so cunningly created at the start of the fight.... My left hand clutching weakly at your right thigh muscle, not even clawing it anymore... Just.... holding it, while my right pushes the heel deep inside you, and pulls it out....I grimace and sob in pain.... Watching the 3" heel coming out glistening with your juices, I'm practically PUMPING your inside out, tapping you for that honey that has been building DEEP within you since the battle started... My tears rolling down my cheeks... Moaning, when your first punch lands; "HUNNNGGHH!!" I gasp, more spittle flying from my mouth, landing on my naked tits.... I lose my grip on the heel, falling back, moaning in pain... The AGONY spreading through my abs like spider-webs of pain... I reach again, grabbing the shoe and I start to PUSH it back inside you, when the second punch lands; "NNNGGHHH!!! *COUGH* *COUGH!!!" I hack and thrash back...

Crying, my right arm trembling, I feel like I'm about to throw my instentines out... and I reach up again for your heel, but this time I don't even REACH it, as the third punch hammers into my abs, and I fall back, screaming in pain; "ARRGHHH!!! FUCK!!! STOP!! STOP!! I GIVE!!! I GIVE!!!" Buck yells; "YESSS!!!" And her turns to Butch, reaching out; "Cough it out Gilzean!!!" -- Butch shakes his head, cussing under his breath and pulling out his wallet, slipping Buck the money, while Fish leans back in her seat, moaning softly from her throat.... shaking the icecubes inside her 5th Cognac... A most satisfied smile on her face..... otu

lilfightingcutie2: My fist hammers your stomach and finally that shoe slips free a pang of regret as it slides out, my kitty so wet, almost aching to be touched but you say you give and i roll off of you. Panting, my body soaked with sweat, hair and makeup a total mess, my nipples sticking out, my breasts marked with red claw marks and a bite mark on my butt. I see you laying there, my hated rival, the tears pouring down your cheeks The humiliation and pain in those beautiful blue eyes making me feel bad for a second but this is Gotham, theres no room for mercy in this town. I Slowly push myself up to my feet, a bit unsteady but I brush my hair back from my face.

I turn to face Fish, "you should have your boys take this euro trash out to the corner where she belongs!" I say panting. My dark eyes shining from the victory. Every part of me tired and hurting, my breasts a total mess crisscrossed with your mean claw marks, breathing hard. Fish stands up and walks up to me. "Congratulations little flower, I knew you had something special i just wasn't sure. Now come with me, its time to show you your new job" She says as I adjust whats left of my dress back over my naked slender body and then follow her out of the room. leaving your sobbing crying form on the stage for Fish's boys to take care of yt

« Last Edit: January 21, 2016, 09:11:50 AM by lilfightingcutie2 »


Offline Ewa S

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Re: Ami vs Ewa S: A Night in Gotham
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2016, 08:58:37 AM »
Thank you so much AH-MIIIIIII!!! That was one of the most fun show-based fights I've been in!! And GOSH do I love Gotham!! I hope that anyone who enjoys that awesome show would appreciate the work Ami and I put into the scene.... And those who haven't seen it, maybe now you have a reason to check it out!!! (P.S. This fight is based on an actual one in the scene, except that ours is way hotter!!)

Loved every minute spent with you Ami!! And you're getting what I owe you SOON!!! Mrroowwrr!!! :*


Offline lilfightingcutie2

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Re: Ami vs Ewa S: A Night in Gotham
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2016, 09:15:16 AM »
Thank ya Ewa!!!! I can't wait for round 2!! I just love how well ya create a scene and just bring the whole thing to life. This was just so incredible and i can't wait to tangle with ya again!!!! LOVES YOU!!!!!!


Offline SexyNinja!

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Re: Ami vs Ewa S: A Night in Gotham
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2016, 05:58:44 PM »
With two wonderfully creative fighters, I expected nothing short of an awesome story, and I wasnt disappointed!

Congrats to the both of you for creating something special! :D
"The best compliment I can give or get is a rematch."


Offline LilMishyRocks

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Re: Ami vs Ewa S: A Night in Gotham
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2016, 11:43:27 PM »
Promise me that the show is anywhere near as hot as this fight, and I'll be an instant avid fan.  :)  Well-done, girls---wonderful piece of work!!
And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make.  :)


Offline Stephanie Gibson v2.0

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Re: Ami vs Ewa S: A Night in Gotham
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2016, 02:37:19 AM »
OMG!!!  What an awesome read!!!  You two are some of the best around, and I love you both to death!!

*bows down in respect*


Offline Heidikillerkat

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Re: Ami vs Ewa S: A Night in Gotham
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2016, 09:31:40 PM »
Wow!!!! That was great!!


Offline lilfightingcutie2

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Re: Ami vs Ewa S: A Night in Gotham
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2016, 09:46:23 PM »
Thank ya so much Sierra and Heidi and Natalia and Steph and Vera and Mish!!!! I had a lot of fun doing this match with Ewa and as ya can see she is AMAZING!!!!!! Hopefully we'll have another one to put up soon ;)


Offline Kim19

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Re: Ami vs Ewa S: A Night in Gotham
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2016, 10:16:09 PM »
Very very nice match by two amazing fighters. Very impressive by both of you. 


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Re: Ami vs Ewa S: A Night in Gotham
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2016, 01:52:35 AM »
Well done Ami

P.S. Phaedra ,, sweetheart ,, this is a fight log ,, the story section is that way ~ ~ Common courtesy is to commend both contributors. x x x

But !!! ~ ~ ~ Holy smokes !! ~ ~ ~

Superb !! ~ Loved the scene setting ,, atmosphere ,, and the fast action !! ~ Thank you ladies for sharing it ~ ~ ~ I didn't expect any less from Ewa S ~ ~ ~But ~WOW~ Ami!!! ~ You're so truly talented and I hope to see more of your work ,, or maybe get working on a joint~venture together !! ~ XoXo


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Re: Ami vs Ewa S: A Night in Gotham
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2016, 05:31:40 AM »
Omg... So many views already... Thank you Mishie, Natty, Kimmie, Stephie, Vera, Heidi, and Sierra for your sweet words... Ami is just an amazing inspiration and it makes it easy to excel when you're writing with her.... Stay tuned for a rematch real soon!!! :*


Offline Anna the Marine Chick

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Re: Ami vs Ewa S: A Night in Gotham
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2016, 06:29:08 AM »
Holy Brawling Babes Batman!!!! Ami and Ewa... Bravo!!!! You two kicked ass... Literally! Fan-fucking-tastic!!!!


Offline lilfightingcutie2

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Re: Ami vs Ewa S: A Night in Gotham
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2016, 06:36:22 AM »
Thank ya so much Anna and Phaedra and M!!! Again so much credit to Ewa for her amazing writing style and her incredible ability to just paint such a great picture and make the whole match come alive! And I'd totally love to chat with ya sometime about maybe a joint venture sometime :) Oh and big thanks to beautiful Kim :) im so glad ya enjoyed and i can't wait until we have our own lil rematch! I loves you tons!!!!!


Offline wendythewrecker

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Re: Ami vs Ewa S: A Night in Gotham
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2016, 11:11:37 PM »
Wow totally freaking out of this world!!!