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A catfight that's been brewing for years with an old friend and rival, Sandycat

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Offline michellecatfites

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Sandy and I have known each other for years and had several intense scenes involving just us as well as others. The dynamics brought us together. Some details as far as the set up didn't even cross our minds, we just went at it. So I wanted to share and Sandy agreed. So without any further a's the log....

sandycat46037 : Hey

michellecatfites : Hey girl
michellecatfites : :)
michellecatfites : Happy New Year

sandycat46037 : where you been hiding?
sandycat46037 : Happy New Year to you too

michellecatfites : busy at the store with the holidays
michellecatfites : How have you  been?

sandycat46037 : we were supposed to rip each other's hair out a week back and you never showed
sandycat46037 : grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

michellecatfites : Had to work unexpectedly

sandycat46037 : lucky for you lol

michellecatfites : now dont give me that grrrrrrrrrrr crap or I'll yank your hair right out of your head :-P
michellecatfites : lol

sandycat46037 : try it baby just you try it

michellecatfites : you'd love it wouldn’t you
michellecatfites : :-P

sandycat46037 : hell yes

michellecatfites : without yet even removing my heels I lunge reaches up and grabs at each side of your hair and shakes your head back and forth

sandycat46037 : I see you lunge and go for you too sinking my hands into your dark hair raking my long nails across your scalp as I drag your hair into my fists and start tearing and ripping while jerking your head around in a circle..."CMON BITCH I'VE WAITED A LONG TIME FOR THIS!"  yt

michellecatfites : changing my grip I make 2 claws and digs my freshly manicured nails into your scalp and digs in with all my

sandycat46037 : forcing each other back and forth...dancing around in a circle...twisting each other...using each other's hair as the leash in this Hair War..."FUCKING BALD YOU BITCH!"

michellecatfites : "I'll rip every fucking hair out of your head ya big bitch”, as I pull you around neither weak enough just yet to loosen her grip, plus the fact that I've wanted to get back fighting you since forever. I try to push you against the wall and position you so I smack the back of your head against the

sandycat46037 : you pound me into the wall hard...and I use my long nails to rake and claw at your hair slicing it from your scalp at the roots!  My own scalp on fire as you do the same to me tearing my hair out...I raise my left foot now bare and push off the wall twisting and throw you backwards but you pull me with you and we fall onto the sofa like two fighting

michellecatfites :"fucking big bitch" kicking off her heels now in her bare feet has more leverage as my heels now what were an advantage now hurting my ability to stabilize my movements, the push off the wall causes us to fall into the couch, I use the opportunity to kick off my heels, thrusts my shoulder up and to the side trying to get on top of

sandycat46037 : you on top of me now, my fists still full of your dirty brown hair ripping at it like pulling weeds out of my garden...shaking your head side to side trying to pull you off me and to the

michellecatfites : big bitch still as strong as ever and has that 2 inch height advantage, I feel my head shaking side to side...I try to slide my bare feet in between your legs so you can’t move as well, as I try to slide up on your to make your grip more awkward, then pulling your head into my chest to try to sap some wind out of

sandycat46037 : struggling to breathe and can't get any leverage...I don't want to do it but...I chomp my teeth into your left boob pinching the meat under your

michellecatfites arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bitch resorted to that tells me i was hurting her, but damn I struggle now to lean back and notices your teeth ripped my top, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I let your hair go with my right hand and open’s my palm then SMACK BACKHAND, SMACK BACKHAND. "YOU FUCKING BITCH", hoping the slaps slow you

sandycat46037 OWWWWWWWWWWWWWW...Ooooooooooooooooooooooo...ripping my hands from your hair strands of brown hair under my nails...I grab your boobs in both fists and twist as I push up while you lean back trying to get you off me and the sofa..."GET OFF ME BITCH!" yt

michellecatfites : I can see some blood under your sexy nails as well as strings of hair, I can feel my scalp stinging from the open scratches. ARGHHHHHHHHH those long strong fingers rip open the rest of my top as you squeeze my boobs, "LET GO BITCH", resorting to dirty tactics as well, I make my right hand into a fist and aims it towards your mouth. A lil awkward now as your strong arms lean me back a lil. hoping to at least hit the right spot to slow you

sandycat46037 : you jar my head with a glancing blow to my left cheek..."Oh fuck no...!"  The punch angers me even more and I gather quick focus and drive my right fist from the sofa cushions up under your chin and dig my left elbow into the frame of the sofa pushing myself up and into you grabbing your hair in my left fist and taking you off and down to the

michellecatfites : FUCK SMACK your punch lands right on my chin and jars my senses enough so I lose my leverage and allows you the opportunity to get me down to the floor, I try to use the momentum and keep us rolling until I can find a way to stop you and get on top of

sandycat46037 : we keep rolling over and over hands back in each other's hair ripping and tearing leaving a trail of blonde and brunette hair behind us as we roll across the living room floor...legs locked tight...breasts pancaked...growling and grunting like alley

michellecatfites : pant pant pant sweat now sheening my topless body, that sweat stinging into the open wounds from your nails and teeth, neither of us wanting to give in to the other, both having hurt the other. I try to wrap my legs around you and lock my bare feet tight so as to slow you

sandycat46037 : we roll to a slow stop...locked tight a grip on each other's hair as possible...our fingers and fists nearly cramped from pulling so hard...glaring into each other's eyes...but also feeling a fight lust neither of us has felt in a long

michellecatfites : this fight rekindles memories of fights past, one of the best writers, realistic moves and just that certain spark between us that just lights the fire and brings out our mutual passion. We glare into each other’s eyes, the fight taking a toll on both of us, but as exhausted as we are, still wanting to know how this will

sandycat46037 : neither of us willing to let go of the other's hair for the moment while we catch our breath and regroup.  Finally, I hiss in your face, "So, you had enough or you want more bitch?"  My right knee up between your legs pressing in against your warm pussy feeling it pulsate against my thigh.  yt

michellecatfites : Feeling your knee right up on my dripping wet pussy, my clit fully erect almost since the beginning of the fight. As much as I don’t want to admit it feels so sexy and makes my body tingle from head to toe. I know this has to be having the same effect on my dear friend as well and the competitive urges that run through my body are impossible to ignore. i lift my knee up and slides it in between your legs looking for that right spot. I can feel your seeping through and feeling a wet spot on my knee as I move it up once I can feel your clitty all excited

sandycat46037 (11:43:37 AM): Our fists full of the other's hair refusing to release as we stare at each other...rocking slowly back and forth...massaging each other's pussy with our thighs...I lean in and plant a long hard kisssssssssssssssssss on your lips wrestling my tongue into your mouth tongue fucking you and wrestling with your tongue...grinding my 38D girls against your boobs wishing I was topless right about

michellecatfites : We massage each other’s pussy driving a sexual desire that has been burning for fucking ever. Our lips now bang together as I feel your sexy tongue invade my mouth, mine reaches out and wrestles along side of yours as our spit mingles together panting into each others mouths. I feel your bigger boobs mashing and pancaking mine as our nipples poke each other like pencil erasers. Its amazing how we can both sense what needs to happen next. while somewhat jealous of those big tits of yours. I’ve had no complaints about mine, I lean back as i brake the kiss momentarily makes my long fingers into a claw and reaches down RIPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL your top in my hands as I quickly toss it aside as I smile into your eyes and leans back down and smacks my lips
michellecatfites : and drills my sharp tongue deep into your mouth and grinds my tits on yours as my nipples find yours so fully

sandycat46037 : mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....pulling my hand from you hair stretching my fingers to get the blood flowing in them again...then letting my claws show and lightly dragging them down the sides of your face as I passionately kiss you...I drag my nails a little harder as I break the kiss pulling them on down to your breasts and latch on twisting your tit meat as I shake my hair back trying to shake some of the tangles

michellecatfites  : I see those long sexy claws and feels as you rake them along my face and then boobs. Sensations run through my body as we grind our legs on each others’ pussies. The smell our our scent permiates through the entire room. I look down and sees those fingers squeeze and titillate my nipples to a burning sensation. I show you mine as I rake them gently along your cheek and then rubs your big puffy nipples and then leans back squeezes gently as I begin to grind my knee into you a lilttle harder and

sandycat46037 : pulling my claws on down to your jeans, I unsnap the unzip them and scooting back plant my right foot on your pussy and start pulling them down your legs until they come sweeping off and I toss them across the room.  Wiggling my toes on your clit I smile then come up on my hands and knees and grab your thong and RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPPPPp it off you and pounce claws

michellecatfites : I look down and whispers that way you shook your hair was so sexy and so telling. I feel those sexy fingers unsnap my jeans and slides them down I moan our as your sexy foot comes up. This is so fucking hottttttttttt panting sweating as my juices run. Your bare toes work my clit as it protrudes through my panties until your rip them off and leaves my kitty totally exposed. I think how those toes have damaged me and now raining pleasurable sensations through my entire body. I reach down in the throws of passion, brings my foot up and with both feet push in and slides your jeans down. I use my hands the rest of the way and drops them to the floor as I rip your panties off and sees your glistening pussy lips, clitty all fully erect....mtc

michellecatfites : I use my toes and finds your clitty then moves my mouth down and kisses you slow and as deep as I

sandycat46037 : my hands back in your hair just to hold on this time...feeling your hot tongue penetrate me...and I pull you up knowing I don't have much fight or fuck left in slide my legs in between yours so that our pussies meet and then pull your head to me kissing you hard and rough as I hold your head by the hair...grinding in against you mmmmmmmmmmmoaning into your mouth....bouncing off the floor...mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm 
mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmichelllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   yt

michellecatfites : OMG panting faster and faster drenched in sweat now juices now oozing out of my pussy making it easy to pump and grind. Those strong hands that before you used to hurt, now increase the pleasure. our legs and feet repositioned as I feel your hard clitty grinding against mine. both of long given up hurting one another now want to make the other cum like fireworks on the 4th of July. I feel my body tensing from the grinding as i muster all the strength to grind your pussy. We bounce and grind as i yellllllllll OMFG SANDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM we moan loud as can be with our mouth locked hips flexing and grinding as i moan just a bit moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee yt

sandycat46037 : feeling that passionate explosion rip through my body...the extra lustful feeling that only another cat can understand...I finally relax and fall against you as we drift softly back to the thick carpet lying in our own hair.  yt

michellecatfites (12:23:08 PM): I shuuddder and feels my juices gush as i know what my dear friend says is true and we clicked about as well as two catfighters can. I then calm down looks deep into you and leans down holding you, noticing all the hair all over the floor as I hold you tight. yt

« Last Edit: January 01, 2016, 09:30:38 PM by michellecatfites »


Offline Primal Hunter

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very exciting and erotic, you two work well together in this fight.