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FTW Fury, Episode 4 (Pro Wrestling RP)

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Offline Lindsay C

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Re: FTW Fury, Episode 4 (Pro Wrestling RP)
« Reply #15 on: August 02, 2015, 08:44:39 PM »
„The Pin-Up Girl“ Judy Greene is already in the ring, stretching her old bones out in her corner of the ring as the ring announcer begins

Ladies and Gentlemen, this next match is set for one fall! Introducing first, already in the ring, from Sand Springs, Oklahoma, standing at 5'6'' and weighing in at 174 pounds. The Pin-Up Girl – Judy Greene!

The crowd greets her with boos and a few little “PLEASE RETIRE” chants start echoing through the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Auditorium. Something she's gotten used to in the last couple of years. She started wrestling back in the early 1970s and even used to be a superstar back then. Impressive enough! But sometimes maybe you should just know when enough's enough. Unfortunately she never really learned anything other than wrestling, so this is pretty much the only job she knows which is why, even though she can barely keep up with the younger competition, she's still dragging her big butt into the ring to get her paycheck.

Her hair obviously dyed in a startling maroon shade, heavy make-up all over her face to try and cover up the wrinkles. She's wearing a vintage white one-piece suit with matching boots and pads and of course, just like back in the 70s, her trademark white swim cap.

RP: Can you imagine? This woman used to be SEXY!

LvK: This woman is about 60 years old, Rick.

RP: So is Hillary Clinton, and I'd do that.


I'm standing behind the curtains, waiting for my cue and stretching out while keeping my eyes locked on the uber-grim looking Gorilla who's just standing there with his arms folded. The gears in my head work extra-shifts, thinking about how nice everyone was to me today...maybe because Lisa's not with me? that doesn't make sense! Why wouldn't they be nice when I'm with her!

Then again, maybe it's that look she always gives people when they say “Hi!” Being on the other end of that probably is as cozy as putting your hand in a meat grinder

Where was I? Oh yeah! Everyone's been so nice, maybe...

“Hi there!”

No reply

“How's it going?”

No reply

“Busy day, huh?”

He seems tense. Maybe a joke?

“I heard this joke the other day? It's like...Two cows are sitting on a tree, knitting. Then a sausage comes riding by on a bicycle. So one of the cows says...”

My music hits...DAMN!

He nods towards the curtains as as Rise Against's “Help is on the Way” starts blaring through the speakers of the Auditorium.

“Alrighty then!” I mutter and walk past him. Taking another deep breath, standing just behind the curtains before. And just before heading through I hear a deep voice from behind me say “Good luck” and with a bright grin I look back at him. “Awwww THANKS! Now nothing can go wrong!” I say with a wink before walking through the curtains, entering the arena.

Wearing my usual wrestling attire. A combination of a bright, neon-yellow and dark blue with red accents. A blue bikini top on top of a yellow sports-bra. A pair of tight blue shorts with a thick yellow stripe down the right side, and a red dragon climbing up the leg on the other side. My yellow wrestling boots covered from the ankle up by blue leg-warmers. Wrists covered by yellow wrist bands, and my hair flows freely over a yellow headband. And on top of that, I'm wearing a dark blue hooded short sleeve t-shirt. Red writing across the chest saying “A Dragon's heart”, with an arrow pointing to where the heart is (duh!). There are small, yellow back-plates centered on the back, running from the very top of the hood to the bottom of the shirt which divides the writing on the back.

“Lindsay | Campbell
Fire Breathing | NOT Included”

With the hood on, I stand on the ramp, arms angled out in front of me with my fingers extended in the shape of a claw (just imagine the talons there). The crowd cheers as they see me, while Perle, Judy and probably lots of people backstage are rolling their eyes. Finally I flick the hood back and off my head before jogging down towards the ring. High-fiving fans on the way to the ring.

And her opponent. From Dayton, Ohio. Standing 5'11'' and weighing in at 150lbs. One half of the Dragon Starrs. Here's “The Dragon” Lindsay Campbell!

Walking round the ring once to make sure everyone who paid good money to get front row tickets gets a high five from the Dragon. Then, after finishing the lap, I finally climb up the steps and into the ring.

Taking off my t-shirt to reveal my full attire. Bouncing on my toes as I toss the shirt out into the crowd to let some lucky fan get a hold of it before it goes on sale in the FTW shop. My music fades out as I bounce on my toes and stretch out in my corner to get myself all warmed up and ready. Looking across the ring at my, just slightly, overweight and aged opponent.

LvK: I think this is the first time we see Lindsay in the ring without her partner by her side.

RP: Starr's probably still in detention. Maybe being punished by the principal. She's been a bad, baaaaad lil schoolgirl.

The ref calls us to the middle of the ring, explains the rules and asks if we're ready. Which gets answered by a silent nod from my opponent, and a “Uh huh” from me. Then he calls for the bell.


LvK: And we're underway! Judy Greene vs Lindsay Campbell! The battle of the generations.

“SO great to be in the ring with you! You've been so awesome, like...a few years ago! It's totally an honor to get a chance to take you on. Good luck.”

I say and extend my hand for a handshake. The Pin-Up Girl looks at it the hand, then at me and with a grin, she accepts my hand. Only to give me one of her trademark moves with her free eye gouge!

“OWWW!” I cry out and hold my face, staggering back as my eyes start watering. Some of the crowd groan, others boo, and Mr. Perle? He's trying not to laugh

RP: I said it before, I'll say it again. As dumb as she's tall!

LvK: Because she's showing sportsmanship?

RP: Judy Greene's been wrestling for over 40 years. Over twelve thousand matches! And she's attacked the eyes in every single one of them.

“You have a lot to learn, kid” Judy says while moving towards me. She's not really fast or anything, but with me blinded for now there's not much I can do. Her hands go to my tummy, just below my top, and then she RAKES down across my abs, making me howl out in pain and turn away, giving her the opportunity to do the same thing down my back.

Her nails are leaving marks on my front and back. One thing she's done during her career is perfecting the use of her fingernails, much to the crowd's – and my – dismay.

Okay...that was a bad start! But I'm still in this. Just gotta focus and this should be easy...right?

She follows up by grabbing a handful of my hair and my arm to send me running across the ring. I go off into a sprint, turn to hit the ropes back first, and as I turn, I see her already standing in the middle of the ring, sorta...bent-overish. She can't get that far down anymore, but it's enough for a back body drop! Just not today.

On my way back I keep the run going, and then jump before reaching her. Leaping over her with my legs spread and my hands on her shoulders. Landing on both feet, I turn around and wait for her to straighten up and turn as well. And when she does


The crowd gives the usual reaction to a knife-edge Chop, and so does she. Wincing, clutching her chest and all that. After delivering that chop, I use my right arm again, throwing it forward to slam my forearm across her jaw to rock her back, followed up by another chop. Then one more forearm, and one more chop that drives her stagger back into the ropes.

It sure feels strange to hit an old lady! Takes some overcoming to do that. Her attacks from the beginning sure helped a lot! Made it much easier to deliver those hits.

Following the Pin-Up Girl to the ropes, now I grab for her arm and send her running across the ring. She's running a little slower than I did, which gives me a little more time to set myself up in the middle of the ring. And when she finally gets back to me, I bring my right arm between her legs, left across the back of her neck. Using her momentum to load her up across my shoulders before falling back. Putting my heavier opponent down with a Samoan Drop.

The crowd cheers as Judy goes down for the first time in this match, and I quickly get back up to my feet. Reaching down to get my opponent back up as well, so I can get my right arm between her thighs once more, left arm goes over her shoulder, and with a loud grunt, I get hear feet up off the canvas once more. Twisting her around before slamming her down with a Bodyslam.

LvK: The Dragon takes control here.

RP: Very impressive. She's beating up on an octogenarian.

After the slam I drop and go for the first pin of the match. But surprisingly enough, Judy gets her shoulder up right after the ref counted two. I kneel up and look at the ref with two fingers up. He nods at me, I nod and smile at him, and then I go back to work. Not wanting to waste any time here. I'm not the type of girl who plays with her overmatched opponents. I take everyone seriously, no matter if it's the champ or the champ's grandma!

“Come here, Judy.” I gasp as I cradle her head and get to my feet. Dragging her up along with me. She's NOT helping at all! Forcing me to drag all of her weight up, which isn't exactly easy. Then...FINALLY I got her up on her feet, and that's when “OOOOFFFF!” she drives her fist into my tummy. Driving some air out of my lungs and making me stagger back, bent over.

She tries to follow up, running towards me to stay on the attack, but as she reaches me I step forward. Pressing my shoulder into her abs, wrapping my arms around her thighs and then I straighten up. Once more using my strength and her momentum to get her off her feet. I spin around to my left and after a 180° turn I drop down to my knees and lean forward while pulling her legs around my waist. Using gravity to drive her down into the canvas back-first with a spinning Spinebuster that gets the crowd on their feet and Judy bouncing on the canvas.

She looks pretty breathless here, so I decide to finish her off. Keeping her right leg in my grip as I twist around to get to her right side. Hooking her leg as I press my chest against hers in a crossbody pin. The ref drops and counts “ONE....TWO....TH...TWO!”

“Huh?” I gasp and look at the ref with my eyes wide open. After two and three quarters, with his hand just inches off the canvas he stopped his count as the Pin-Up Girl weakly twisted her shoulder off the canvas to break the count.

LvK: Judy Greene still has some fight in her.

RP: How hard can it be to put her out? I mean, look at her! Every day she wakes up could be her last.

LvK: Oh stop it! She's not much older than you and me, Rick. Haven't you actually teamed up with her back in the 80s?

RP: What? No! NEVER! Lies! All lies! I wasn't even born in the 80s!

LvK: We have it on tape, Perle.

I'm still kneeling over Judy and looking at the ref who holds only two fingers up. “Well...okay, then!” Looking down at Judy and once again, getting up to my feet. This time I'm keeping some distance, though. Not wanting to be on the other end of one of those blows or nails or whatever again.

Standing bent over, left hand on my thighs and I swing my right arm in the air in a slow rhythm. Looking to get the crowd to clap along in that rhythm as my opponent starts getting to her feet. As she slowly makes her way back up, I move my arm faster, quickening the pace of the clapping. Once she's back on her feet I straighten up, and as she turns around I send a quick front-kick to her tummy to bend her over.

Grabbing for the sides of her head and I spread my legs a bit so I can get her head down between my thighs. Adjusting my position, setting myself up so I'm facing straight towards a corner. Pointing at it and letting out a “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan-like “Hoooooo!”

Bending over and wrapping my arms around Judy's big waist. Taking a few deeeeeeep breathes as I set her up.

LvK: Lindsay's going for the Bucklebomb! This could be it for the Pin-Up Girl!


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: FTW Fury, Episode 4 (Pro Wrestling RP)
« Reply #16 on: August 07, 2015, 04:42:15 AM »
With full respect to our wonderful N fine looking vixen here ...

Think we have discovered a secret family photo. That explains her powers to entertain and enthrall us with her presence.

If you look in the middle of the photo. I think you will see .. It is a young Purple Vixen, being coached on her next action.

With all the best to her, and back to your fun here ladies!!


Re: FTW Fury, Episode 4 (Pro Wrestling RP)
« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2015, 01:26:49 PM »
LvK: Finally the Red Enforcer gets a hold of Sadie. Looks like the interference is over and we can focus on the match again.

RP: Just as things were getting interesting. I say: Let her go! Watching Sadie lay a beat-down on someone is pure gold. And Red spoiled it...way to go! And it's not like this is a big surprise. We knew that something like this would happen as soon as that Bubble Dragon made her way to the ring...ALONE!

Yeah, right...alone.

She may have come to the ring unescorted but that doesn't mean she's on her own here. We just thought it might be a good idea to lure out the Countdown and fire off a little warning shot. And now might be the right time to do just that.

Lindsay's in the ring, so is her opponent. Catching her breath in the corner. Red started dragging a squirming Sadie around the ring to get out of here again. But once she's activated her HYPER-SQUIRM mode, he can't really move her anymore and they're stuck there. Which is pretty much my cue.

Sitting in the crowd, a few rows back and with a black hoodie on. The hood up, of course, because otherwise everyone would recognize me by my awesome hair. All dressed up in regular street clothing, a pair of light denim jeans, torn at the knees, and black Chucks.

And now, with Sadie and Red stuck at I come!

Getting up off my chair, I look for a clean path leading towards the guardrail and the embracing (sorta) Countdowners. Once I see a bit of a clearance I start making my way. Walking slowly at first, but once I've reached the third row, I start sprinting. Shoving the people that stand between me and my goal out of the way.

Right behind Sadie and Red, I jump up. Planting my feet on the guardrail. But not staying there very long as I quickly jump forward again, towards the ring apron. On my way there I give both Sadie and Red a little Mule Kick to the top of their heads to give them a little bit something to think about. They both turn around at first, finding nothing but fans, but once they turn to the ring again, they see my back as I hop up to the second rope, then to the top one and launch myself back.


I come flying through the air. Arms spread as I do a Moonsault towards the intruders and WHAM! Land right on top of the two. The crowd's on their feet as all three of us go down in a heap, with them obviously a little more stunned than I am.

RP: ARREST HER! Get her outta here! ARREST HER!!!

I flip the hood back off my head to reveal my identity (to those who didn't recognize me by this awesome move) and the crowd pops again.

LvK: It's Starr! It's Lindsay's tag partner Lisa Starr!


LvK: She's not a fan! See? It's Starr!

RP: I'll stick with it...ARREST HER!

Looking down at the two I just put there I see Red wrap his arms around Sadie again to try and scramble away. She hasn't had enough though it seems. Getting on her knees, huffing and puffing at me like the crazy lil choo-choo-train she is as Red has his arms wrapped tightly around her, making it pretty much impossible for her to even move. Looking down at this I'm thinking: Should I do it? I could easily kick her head off right now. Hm...nah! That'd just make Linds mad.

“Keep her away from me! Or I'll teach her some grace and dignity the HARD way!” I hiss at Red, then look back over my shoulder, into the ring, at Linds. “You alright?”

“Uh huh! Thanks!” she grins down at me “That worked pretty well!”

“It was my plan, of course it worked well!” smirking as I reach up for a fist bump. “Now focus on your match. Still got an opponent in there.”


Offline Lindsay C

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Re: FTW Fury, Episode 4 (Pro Wrestling RP)
« Reply #18 on: August 09, 2015, 04:20:46 PM »
This might look like chaos, but it's all been planned, really. We knew that at least one person back there couldn't resist it. The chance to get their hands on me while I'm alone. Especially Sadie and Countdown seem to want any piece of the Dragon Starrs they can get. And apparently, this was an offer they couldn't refuse.

All I had to do was get them in position for Lisa to strike, and she did that in awesome fashion! Jumping all over the place like a bouncy ball before Moonsaulting down on top of the baffled intruders.

There's just a tiny little problem. During all of this, my opponent had the chance to scramble away into a corner to recover and catch her breath. And while I'm leaning out over the top rope to have a little chat with Lisa, Judy comes out of the corner. Before I can turn around to look for her, she's behind me and slams a forearm into my back.

LvK: And the veteran takes full advantage of the distraction!

RP: No matter how old or beat-up your opponent is, you just can't turn your back on anyone in that ring. Campbell should know that. It's the first thing you learn in wrestling school.

I arch my back and lean forward into the ropes, and Judy takes advantage of my exposed back, once again getting her fingernails on my back and roughly raking down across my body, leaving red scratch marks all over my skin as I howl out in pain.

Slowly turning around against the ropes, and once I've turned, I'm greeted by a BIG slap right across my face. My head snaps to the side, the crowd lets out a loud “OHHHHH!” as the slapping sound echoes through the arena. My opponent has a smirk across her lips as my blood starts boiling after this show of disrespect.

LvK: I don't think this was a smart move by Judy Greene. The Dragon seems to be angry!

RP: Doesn't matter if she's angry or not. Judy has her and she knows it! She's just rubbing it in a little.

It was a mistake, and she's gonna find out very soon. She turns around and starts running across the ring into the ropes. Going to use that heavy body of hers as a weapon...but I can do that, too! As she comes running back towards me I push off the ropes and run right at her. She brings her arm out, going for a Clothesline, which I duck underneath and turn left, running into the ropes there as Judy continues her run straight on.

RP: Uh oh...

LvK: Brace for impact!

We're both running back towards the middle of the ring on a collision course. I lower my shoulder, tucking my right arm in and tensing my body as I come charging in. Leaning forward a bit as well, and once we're close I EXPLODE towards Judy to put all my weight and momentum to good use, slamming it into the side of her chest and shoulder with my Buckeye Bodycheck.

My body slams into hers, driving me back and to the side a little as she goes flying before landing with a thud on her back. Momentum leads her along the canvas, rolling and skidding over the canvas before coming to a halt.

I actually end up on all fours! I don't get to run into 170+lbs girls a lot. Usually I'm the bigger shoulder hurts!! I kneel up and rub my shoulder as I look around, looking for Judy, and eventually I find her, laying spread out on her back. Quickly crawling over on all fours, Hooking both of her legs as I roll my back up across her chest. Bridging up with my legs to put as much weight on her in the pin as possible.

The ref drops and counts along with the crowd





LvK: And it's all over! Lindsay Campbell with the Pinfall victory after the Buckeye Bodycheck. What a collision! She took Judy Greene for a big ride there.

RP: Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'm still mad they didn't arrest that crazy girl who attacked Sadie.

Getting to my feet as the ref comes over to raise my arm. A big smile across my lips as our music plays. Just loving the feel of the crowd cheering and victory and EVERYTHING!!! Lisa comes sliding into the ring as Red and Sadie move back up the ramp as we celebrate in the ring.

And with the image of the Dragon Starrs celebrating the screen fades to black


Offline Virginia Dare

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Re: FTW Fury, Episode 4 (Pro Wrestling RP)
« Reply #19 on: August 09, 2015, 11:35:16 PM »
The TV runs a commercial so bland, oatmeal is suing for gimmick infringement.

But then, we're back and our two ever-present announcers are ready to greet us.

LvK: Welcome back, fans!

RP: Jeezus, could we get some real sponsors on this show?

LvK: Rick, if you piss off the sponsors, they'll stop buying air time.

RP: Good. Maybe then we can get someone who has a marketing department with more experience than your grandmother.

LvK: (sigh) Ladies and gentlemen, we have a bit of tape here from earlier tonight, recorded before the doors opened.

RP: (whispers) please say it's Callista Punky porn... please say it's Callista Punky porn...


RP: WHAT? Like you weren't thinking the same thing!

LvK: I wasn't because I know what it is.

RP: It's Callista Pu—

LvK: No, ladies and gentlemen, it's a sit-down interview with one of our newest stars, the Daredevil Jenny Dare!

RP: (as the screen goes black) Jenny Dare Punky porn?

CUT TO: Int. Locker Room

Jenny Dare sits on a bench with erstwhile reporter Danny Higgs. He has a cute smile, big blue eyes and wears a handsome blue suit. I'm wearing blue jeans, boots and a cut up Jenny Dare t-shirt.

DH: Jenny, thank you so much for this interview.

I take a swig from my water bottle.

JD: No problem, Danny.

DH: You may be new here to FTW, but you actually have a storied history in professional wrestling.

I nod.

JD: Got my start in Texas, trained there, learned the ropes, took a few bumps. Then, moved to Phoenix Fire Pro.

DH: That's where you met Rowan Chance?

I nod slowly.

JD: Yeah. She and me go way back.

DH: You two had quite the feud back then.

JD: You could say that.

DH: But you also met someone else there...

I pause. I knew this was coming. Might as well get it out of the way.

JD: Yeah... me and Red. The Red Enforcer. We started off bad, got worse. Then... I don't know. Maybe he got hit in the head or something. But he saved me from getting choked out by Rowan's gogaplata.

DH: We actually have some footage of that. Let's see it.

You can see me take another long drink from my water bottle as the camera cuts to the Phoenix Fire Pro arena.

And there I am, blood gushing from my forehead, my red-white-and-blue just red. On my knees trying to get to my feet. The ref is out cold and Rowan's got a chair in her hands, just waiting for me to get up.

I manage to push myself up enough to see what's coming. Not that I could stop it. The steel chair hits me like a thunderclap. That's the last thing I remember. Even watching it now, I can still feel the impact, feel my brain bang against my skull. I watch my eyes glaze over as my body topples like a helpless, broken toy. I hit the mat and my blood splashes on the canvas.

The referee starts to stir. Rowan throws the chair away. She can't pin me. This is an "I Quit" match. Only way to win...

She kneels down over my neck and wraps her legs around my head. Then, she rolls me over, my limp body on top of hers. My arms, unmoving. My eyes closed. My blood dripping down on her face.

And she's laughing. That crazy witch is laughing.

The referee clamors over to us. He asks me if I want to quit. I'm so far beyond unconscious, I can't see it from where I'm at. I can't see anything. Can't feel anything.

He asks me again. There's no reply.

A third time. The last time.

And I make no sound.

The referee calls for the bell. Rowan's won. Beaten me at last. After so many failed attempts, this time...

... but she won't let go of the hold.

The referee tries to break it... and he can't.

He calls for the bel again. Rowan's face, covered in my blood, laughs at me. Her lips taunting me.

But I don't move. I can't do anything.

I'm finished.

And then, a massive figure rushes into the ring, raising a chair above his head. And he slams it down on Rowan's face.

She drops the hold. He's moving too fast for the camera to pick up. A wave of motion and rage.

He picks up Rowan's stunned body, her nose bleeding. He lifts her into a powerbomb position and...

... walks her to the edge of the ring... where he slams her down to the ground below.

Her body nearly breaks in half as she arches and screams... then falls silent.

And the Red Enforcer is there... kneeling beside me. Yelling at the back to bring out the paramedics.

He saved me. Even watching it now, I can't believe it.

He saved me...

Back to the locker room and Danny looks at me.

DH: Is it still fresh in your memory?

JD: I can't remember anything from that night, Danny. Except...

DH: Except?

JD: Red carrying me to the back. That's it. His strong arms carr—

I stop right there. My voice catching in my throat.

DH: You two were a team for a while, weren't you?

I nod. I don't say anything else.

DH: What happened?

What do I say? How do I say it? What's really to say?

JD: It just didn't work out.

DH: Well, you're back here in FTW. And both Rowan and Red are here...

I shake my head.

JD: That's not Rowan. That's Aika.

Danny nods.

DH: Yeah... we should probably be careful about what we say about her.

I nod.

JD: You don't know the half of it.

DH: But what about Red? Is there anything you want to say right now about him?

I pause, looking at Danny. My eyes glaze over, remembering another time. A time not too long ago if I'm honest with myself.

I nod. I look at the camera.

There are really two choices here, Jenny. Choose carefully.

I take a deep breath.

JD: Red...

Choose. Because there's consequences either way.

JD: Red...

I nod. Yes. I know what to say. And with my full-throated West Texas twang, I say...

JD: ... payback. Payback... is Hell, daddy.



Offline Matriarch_Tina

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Re: FTW Fury, Episode 4 (Pro Wrestling RP)
« Reply #20 on: August 25, 2015, 01:42:48 AM »
The camera moves down a hallway where the sound of a voice counting can be heard…175.. 176… 177… As the camera gets closer we can begin to hear the rythmic sounds of a chain whipping thru the air scraping the ground followed by the short squeak of sneakers skidding on the cement over and over… 185… Whoosh… Clink… Squeak… 186… Whoosh clink squeak…187…  The cameraman follows the bends in the corridor and finally the “mystery” is solved.  There I am jumping rope with my chain wearing a plain black sports bra and grey leggings.  198… Whoosh.. Clink… Squeak… 199… Whoosh.. Clink… squeak…. 200! 

I lace my chain loosely around my chest and hold onto it as I pace a bit shaking out my legs as I see the cameraman…  Perfect timing!  The cameraman sets himself and squares me up in the frame.  I double-fold my chain and wrap it loosely around my neck… my hands settle on my hips.  My tummy extends slightly as I breathe just a little harder than normal.  A thin layer of sweat glistens off my tan toned frame. A very small sweat stain at the rim of my bra.  I smile broadly and confidently into the camera and begin when he seems set. 


Crowd POPS!  I pause for a moment to let them cheer but I'm interrupted the by the green cameraman. 

Is this it?  No set? No makeup?. I roll my eyes and sight… smile and laugh breathing just a little heavy… Yeah… This is it.   I roll my eyes and shake my head.   I continue to pace for a few moments trying to re-find my mood.  So how do you want to do this  . I finally catch my breath and stand still. We are doing this right now!   Huh?

I wipe some sweat droplets beginning to collect on my forehead and chest with my wrist. I roll my eyes and then smirk towards him.  What's my nickname?

Uhhhh…. The Spectacular Tina Lee…

Well, yeah… The other nickname

Uhhhh… Mizz Fantabulous?

Hehe… True… But my other nickname….

Madame bad… Bad….

Say it… It's Madame Badass but that's not what I'm going for either.

I give up

That's ok… The nickname I was looking for is Leader of the Old School

My face suddenly becomes serious.

Ive been around quite awhile… And while I change to adapt to the times, I also still remember my roots… And when I started in this business… I wasn't concerned about production values or editing video or who is writing my little skit.  I grew up in this business in the tradition of Ric Flair,  Jake the Snake Roberts and rest in peace, The American Dream Dusty Rhodes…

I close my eyes and bow my head, with my hand over my heart while the crowd cheers some.
And what do all of them have in common? 

I don't know…

Rhetorical Rookie!  See there was a time in this business where you needed to get something over was two minutes and a camera… and that's what I'm here to do tonight sweetie… Did Roddy Piper didn't need skits to get over? All Arn Anderson needed to do is look you square in the eye and share his emotion and determination.  That was good for Dusty Rhodes and it is good for the Spectacular Tina Lee. 

You see Dusty Rhodes may have passed but the American Dream will never die!  And Sadie… the American Dream is about getting up early, putting in your 40 even 50 hours a week and climbing the ladder… The RIGHT WAY…. The American Dream is about toiling for 15 years... Busting your butt in that ring, night in, night out…taking the bumps, fighting thru the pain and finding out who the better woman is on any given night.  I admit it's not always been me in every single one of my matches. 

My voice changes to as good of a Dusty imitation complete with a lispy faux Southern accent that is as good as a lady from New Jersey can do.

There are nights I've been too slow and other nights I've been too small… But Sistah, My opponent always leaves the ring knowing I am one badddd mama jamma! 

And Sadie Davis, what exactly do we know about you? We know from your short career that you are unproven in the ring.  We know you are good with ropes… Not gonna help tonight! 

We know you don't “fit”  into a nice little box.  Boo hoo!

We know Sadie Davis you cheat every chance you get.  We know Sadie you are NOT the American Dream. Instead of working your butt off in the ring, you attack from behind.  Instead of paying your dues and working hard in the ring, you literally sleep your way to the top.  There is a name for that kind of a woman but I'm too much of a lady to say it. 
. Crowd does it for me  “SLUT!... SLUT!  SLUT!” 

Well if you haven't noticed, this ain't no reality show but oh yes it's very real.  To be at the top of a WRESTLING company… You have to… you know…. WRESTLE.  Can you WRESTLE Sadie?  Really?  Did you go to Red’s school presumably to wrestle or did  you just do all of your training off your back?

BANG ON THE DRUM LIKE DUM DEE DEE!  WHO WANTS TO SEE ME BUST UP SADIE!?  See tonight when you step in that ring with me.  There's no shortcuts left to be had. You are going to have to face me one on one.  You are going to have to show, toughness, athleticism, grit, determination and WRESTLING skills… Everyone here thinks you are a fraud.  That you are a little backstage drama queen wannabe posing as a wrestler. 

Tonight Sadie, for the FIRST time in your career you are going to pay your dues in front of me, in front of Countdown, in front of every lady backstage who despise you…  and in front of all my Leegionaires!  You are gonna sweat… Your body is gonna ache… And you are gonna have to pay the IRON PRICE the moment you even THINK you can beat me.

I step forward and puff out my chest with my hands on my hips.

Tonight's is going to get very real.  Are you ready? 

Tonight is going to be very spectacular.  ARE…  YOU… READYYYYYYY? 

Re: FTW Fury, Episode 4 (Pro Wrestling RP)
« Reply #21 on: August 25, 2015, 03:01:19 AM »

LVK: And with that, we are ready for the next great match on Fury tonight! We have a debut here in FTW, with TEAM SAFETY facing off aga- -ulkey c- -rnburner!

RP: What th- -ck was th- -an Keel?

The voices of the announcers cut in and out, as if there were trouble with the microphones. There's the rhythm of a fingertip tapping a mic and then the house lights flicker and fade.

RP: I guess someone forgot to pay the power bill.

The screen turns suddenly goes black and ominous music plays ( ).

After a couple of seconds an image appears on the screen, showing a bundle of wheat falling to the soil.

The image stays only a couple of seconds, then it vanishes and shows a group of tribespeople watching the sun slowly fade to darkness in an eclipse.

The screen turns black again for a moment before showing again this symbol, blazing strangely.


It stays there, flickering, for a seconds.

Then writing in bold white characters appears:


It vanishes, and the screen fades back to the befuddled announcers.

RP: Again with that nutty symbol!

LVK: The same we saw last week during that unexpected interruption!

RP: And what the *BEEP* does "TENEBRIS MESSEM" mean?

LVK: It must be Latin. Something about a dark ... harvest?

RP: Farmers? Peasantry? Figure this out, van Keel! I don't want a bunch of farmers invading the arena with tractors! We have a reputation here! This is a classy joint!

LVK: Why am *I* investigating this mystery?

RP: I have to call the show!

LVK: So do I!

RP: ... but only ONE of us is indispensable.

Larry brings his hand to his headset, shaking his head at Rick distracted as he is listening to his headphones before he nods.

LVK: Looks like our production crew has taken care of that little bit of technical interference, and the show goes on!


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Re: FTW Fury, Episode 4 (Pro Wrestling RP)
« Reply #22 on: January 15, 2016, 10:04:46 PM »
I miss this. Guess we won't see these anymore :(

Sadly our booker has gone quiet.  And real life has impacted others of us as well.  I would love to continue or start anew if there's any interest.
"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie