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My Wife Gets Her Ass Kicked

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Offline Dan Zone43

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My Wife Gets Her Ass Kicked
« on: July 07, 2024, 08:28:23 PM »

My Wife Gets Her Ass Kicked!

My wife Teresa (Terry) is a catfighter!  Well, she’s had 3 fights so far with catfight rules.  Slaps, punches (sometimes), kicks (also sometimes), hair pulling and wrestling.   Some were fully clothed, some topless in shorts or panties.   She’s won all 3, one was an easy fight with a small Asian girl (fully clothed), another fight against a black woman (topless in Daisy Duke jean shorts) that was hard fought by both. Then an amazing scrap against a thick Latino woman (panties only).  Terry and Lucia fought on and off for an hour (yes there were lots of break periods) but in the end Lucia was too hurt and too tired to carry on, she gave up! 

Lucia had a friend who also liked to catfight.   She claimed her friend had 2 fights and won them both.  Lucia thought she should meet up with Terry.   We all met for drinks at a Mexican restaurant.   Terry loved her margaritas. There was myself and Terry, Lucia and her husband Marco and the new couple Maria and Louis.

Maria was 5’8 to Terry's 5’6.  Maria seemed to weigh 125 pounds thin but with muscles.  Terry was a stocky 138 pounds.  Terry had beautiful raven hair.  Maria dyed hers a fire engine red.  Throughout the meet up both women sized each other up.  I could feel my wife tense up, the fire in her eyes, I think if Terry could get away with it the would have fought Maria in the restaurant parking lot!  In the end both women agreed to a fight.  Schedules were checked and a month from now there was going to be a fight.  Over the next month I worked out with Terry while the 2 women worked out the rules for the fight.  Both thinking they were tough wanted a full on fight!  Punching,  kicks, tit twisting and wrestling!    The only thing they decided against was blows to the crotch and no pussy mauling (Maria's last fight involved that, while she did win she got her pussy so fucked up she couldn't have sex for over a week!).

The day came for the fight!  It would take place at Lucia's and Marco's house as neutral ground.  The furniture was removed from a room with mats placed on the floor.   The fighters arrived and shown to a place to change.  Both women wanted a sexy look in the fight so they decided on garters and pantyhose but no underwear.  Terry was in a satin red garter (she looked soooooooo sexy in them) and solid black pantyhose.    When Maria entered the room, she was in black garters with black fishnet pantyhose, with no underwear it was obvious Maria's real hair was a chestnut brown.  I love my wife very much and find her sexy as hell, but I do have to admit, Maria is a stunner as well! 

Lucia started the fight and it was on!   My wife and Maria circled each other for 20 seconds when Terry leapt forward with a right, left slap combo that…totally missed! Maria avoided the blows!  Circling some more Terry went after Maria again with a right hook punch!  Maria blocked it with her left and fired a straight right into Terry's nose!  Terry stepped back holding her nose, there was a bit of blood coming from it! This pissed Terry off!   She charged Maria swinging wildly, Maria stood her ground and swung back!   While Terry's blows were wild, they didn't hit much.  Maria on the other hand was more accurate.   Wild right, left by Terry hit Maria's arms.  Maria hit a 6 punch flurry of solid blows to Terry's body but mostly face.  Terry's left eye began to swell. One more right to the temple of Terry sent my wife down on her ass!  In all the previous fights I’ve seen Terry hit hard before but never had I seen her knocked down!  Maria pulled Terry up by the hair till my wife was up on her knees.  Terry's face was a mess, swollen eye, blood flowing from her nose!  Maria dragged Terry forward a bit then hauled off!  “Come on, bitch!  I thought you were tough!  Fight back!”  Maria fired off slaps and punches to my wife's head and face, there must have been at least 10 of them!    Terry was getting brutalized!  Terry raised her arms to block the blows.  Maria launched 4 kicks to Terry's belly and tits with Terry grunting each time. Terry lowered her arms to protect her chest and Maria started slapping and punching her face again!   

“Come on, bitch, get up!”  Maria yelled to my wife as she pounded away on Terry.   Not many could notice but Terry was my wife.  She was holding back tears, I saw it.  Terry ate 6 or 7 more blows when she waved her hands in the air.  “Stop, stop!  I fucking give!”  Terry hollered.   Maria landed a few more blows before she stopped. 

Maria raised her arms in victory, she jumped up and down.  Louis got up and hugged Maria.    Lucia and Marco congratulated Maria.    I went to check on Terry who was now curled up in a ball sobbing and trying not to show it.   Eventually everyone went to check on Terry, we helped her up gave her a cloth to wash her bloody face.  Maria and Terry hugged.  “Are you ok?” Maria asked her opponent.    “Yeah, my pride is hurt more than anything.  You really kicked my ass.”   

After a bit Terry and I left, I brought her home to take care of her.  “I need to train harder.”  Terry told me.  “I want to fight her again!” 

Is my wife crazy to want to fight Maria again?  Let me know. 


Offline kmane

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Re: My Wife Gets Her Ass Kicked
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2024, 11:31:23 PM »
rematch nhb


Offline Dan Zone43

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Re: My Wife Gets Her Ass Kicked
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2024, 03:34:41 PM »

Should Terry imidiatly challenge Maria again or have a training fight to get her ready?


Offline cflover

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Re: My Wife Gets Her Ass Kicked
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2024, 06:13:45 PM »
Six days have already passed, enough for Terry to recover.
Let her attack immediately, private place, nhb catfight....


Offline caryn1

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Re: My Wife Gets Her Ass Kicked
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2024, 12:20:59 PM »
she should get her rematch and hope she wins that one or her and yours life might change
to my regrets i have had to give up real fights because of injury