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The McCormick Twins

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The McCormick Twins
« on: February 03, 2016, 02:47:21 AM »
Writers note- The McCormick twins are characters from my Holm v Rousey 2 story that I decided to write a prequel about and I am also working on a story for them after they were involved in the Holm v Rousey story.

The Marvelous McCormick Twins
  Meghan and Morgan McCormick were born into humble beginnings in rural Mississippi in 1998.  The fraternal twins were the pride and joy of single mother Mary McCormick.  Mary was a plain looking air headed blonde who never finished high school and got a job as a bartender at the local dive bar in Booneville when she turned 18.  Mary, being very petite herself was always attracted to men of short stature and one night while bartending she met Harlan  Cook.  Harlan was a 26 year old  5'3" smooth talking jockey and gambler from Kentucky. He was on his to New Orleans to party and stopped in Booneville for the night.   Mary was immediately taken by  his blonde hair, Tennessee accent not to mention the huge wad of money he was flashing.
   When it was time for Mary to close the Slippery Salon, Harlan paid his bill and tipped Mary a hundred dollars, more money than she had made all week.  On the way out he very coyly said he was staying at the Holiday Inn in room 217 if she wanted to stop by for a drink.  Mary had dated guys in high school but since  dropping out two years before she had not even been on a date.  Most of the guys that came in the bar repulsed her but Harlan was different and exciting and got her juices flowing.  Mary could not stop herself from pulling her beat up Ford Escort into the Holiday Inn parking lot and knocking on the door of room 217.
   The pregnancy was very rough on the 5 foot tall 104 pound Mary who still lived with her mother in a clapboard shotgun rancher on the north side of Booneville.  Her father, a first generation Irish immigrant with flaming red hair had passed away from lung cancer years earlier.   The fact that Mary would not reveal who was the father created tension between the mother and daughter which became thicker when Mary learned she was having twins. Times were hard and diapering and feeding two babies was not going to be easy.
     The truth was Mary did not even know Harlan's last name and had no idea how she could track him down and never even tried.  Mary's lack of prenatal care, refusing to stop smoking and familial traits all combined to result in the twins being in the bottom one percentile in height and weight for full term babies. The girls were also born with their grandfather's red hair.
    Growing up the twins were inseparable and despite not being identical shared similar looks and a deep bond.  Mary got a second job at a local diner to help her mother with the household bills. Meghan was always the bigger and more dominant of the two and she fiercely protected her frail sister from neighborhood bullies.  You had to be tough or you would get ran over by the girls in the McCormick's neighborhood, so Meghan was forced to get tough for both of them.  By the time they were 12 years old Meghan's toughness had earned  the respect of a group of girls that lived in the Daniel Boone Trailer Park at the end of their road.  The DBTP Crew as they were known were lead by big Joanie Stuckey  and they did not take shit from anyone at North Booneville Middle.
    Despite  having a less than a fairy tale beginning the middle school years were good ones for the McCormicks.  No one dared give the girls any trouble thanks to Meghan being part of Joanie and the DBTP Crew.  Mary's mother was able to provide her daughters decent clothing and she traded the rusted out old 1987 Ford Escort in on a 2004 Yugo.
  A few months after their 11th birthday the girls hit puberty which resulted in a much needed growth spurt.   By the time the girls turned 13 they had blossomed into cute young women. This was especially true of Meghan who had  developed into a buxom beauty with the body of a powerful gymnast.   Morgan on the other hand remained rail thin which she learned to embraced as she had dreams of being a runway model.
   Mary had lied and told the girls that their father was a marine who was killed in Afghanistan, not a jockey passing through town.  "How tall was my papa?" Morgan asked one day as she daydreamed of being a model.  "Oh, he was very tall Morg, probably 6'3".  Mary lied to her reluctantly to help her daughter's self esteem. "That is so awesome mom, I just know as thin as I am, Im a goin to be tall like my daddy."  Morgan said with a huge smile.
  The good times for the McCormicks' took a turn for the worse in the summer before high school.  The twin's grandmother who had a gambling problem allowed their house to be foreclosed on, thus they were forced to rent a trailer in the DBTP.  Hanging out with the trailer park girls was one thing but living in the Daniel Boone Trailer Park was a huge blow to the girls. 
    Not long after moving into the dilapidated trailer, Morgan stepped through a rotted board on the porch and had to go the emergency room with a badly sprained ankle.  Dr. Baker treated the ankle and started to send her on her way when Morgan who had become concerned of her dreams of being a fashion model as she had hardly grown in a year asked  " Doctor, can ya tell me how a tall I going ta be by lookin at my bone plates or somethin.  My pappa was reeel tall and I'm a gonna be too."
     Old Dr. Baker tried to hold back a smile and said... "Well young lady,  this is not my field of expertise but by looking at your chart, the size of your feet and hands... and that fact that I knew your grandfather McCormick who you got your red hair from and he was a small man,  the fact that you are 14 year old girl who has been through puberty...  the chances of you reaching an above average height are astronomical... In fact....And I am very sorry to be the one to tell you this but my medical opinion is that you will never reach even a normal height."
     Morgan was in complete and utter shock and her temper exploded.    "That's fucking bullshit!! My daddy was 6 foot fucking three and you are tryn ta tell me that I'm goin to be a short shit like my momma"  Morgan screamed... I'm a gona be  a model".  "Please settle down at once young lady. We will call your mom in and we can discuss this properly without the cursing"  Dr. Baker responded sternly.
   Mary and Meghan were brought into the room and Dr. Baker got a smug look on his face seeing their height.  He told them what  had transpired and that his medical opinion was that  Morgan would most likely be a "midget , clinically speaking of course".  He was upset about being cursed by the disrespectful teenager and abandoned his bedside manner at this point.
   He told them the rule of thumb with predicting females height was to take the father's height and subtract 5 inches and add the mothers height and divide by two.  If her father was 6'3" and Mary being 5 foot nothing  that would  mean the girls should attain near average height but all indications were they would be in the bottom 1 percentile.
    Mary decided it was time to come clean and told the truth. "Girls, your father was not tall... or a marine, he was a jockey who was only slightly taller than me."  Doctor Baker responded "As I thought, perhaps you could be a jockey like your father and abandon that nonsense of being a model young lady" with a smirk on his face.  "How bout ya fuck off old man" Morgan replied.
     The kids from North Booneville Middle were looked down upon from the kids from the more affluent South Booneville Middle.  None were looked down upon more than the kids from the trailer park. Joanie, Meghan and the rest of the DBTP Crew still had cred for being tough but they were not unchallenged as they had been in middle school.
     Meghan soon found this out when she was confronted by Jennifer Stewart who claimed Meghan was flirting with her boyfriend.  Jennifer called Meghan a trailer park slut and slapped her in the face in the parking lot after school.  Jennifer seriously underestimated the shorter redhead who grabbed her by the hair and slammed her to the ground.  After jumping on top of Jennifer, Meghan began wailing away until she was pulled off.  Despite her abnormally short stature, her reputation as being a bad ass was kept in tact at Booneville High.
   The McCormicks had been the only set of twins in their middle school class but this was not so in high school.  Teagan and Brooke Sutton were the identical twin daughters of Booneville's wealthiest family that had attended South Booneville Middle School.  In addition to being the daughters of a multi millionaire, the twins were  drop dead gorgeous.  They were dead ringers for the Britany and Cynthia Daniel when they played the Wakefield twins on Sweet Valley High.  Having two sets of female twins in the same class of 193 kids created a natural  competition between the McCormicks and the Suttons.



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Re: The McCormick Twins
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2016, 02:51:26 AM »
Writers Note. I am having trouble posting with multiple pics so I am breaking it up

Teagan Sutton was the more athletic and dominant of the two and was a superb volleyball player who would go on to play at Mississippi State. Brooke Sutton was the captain of the cheerleading squad but  humble and volunteered at the local nursing home.   All of this added up to the McCormicks being diminished in the eyes of all of their classmates when compared to the Suttons.
    They were no longer thought of as the cute red head twins, they were the short gingers  from the trailer park.  The Suttons did nothing to add to this and in fact did everything they could to be nice to Meg and Morg.  However this did not stop both McCormick's from being bitter and spiteful to the Suttons, especially Meghan who never missed a chance to bully sweet Brooke.
    The McCormicks were just plain bitter at life by the time they turned 18 and in their senior year of high school.  They were spiteful that they were poor, that they were going to barley graduate,  that they were short and that in the summer when most of the other girls got a nice deep dark Mississippi tan, their skin would only turn red like their hair.  They rebelled like 18 year old girls do.  Both girls had taken up a pack a day habit smoking Winston cigarettes that they payed for by working at the Dairy Queen.  They had also gained the reputation as being a lot of fun in the backseat of many a young man's vehicle.
    Brooke Sutton dated the captain of the football team and best looking guy in class, Matthew Sanderson.  Matt was the typical jock asshole who would go on to be a Sig Ep at Auburn.  He took Brooke for granted and they fought over her giving up her viginity.  By the time the class of 2016 was nearing the end of senior year, Brooke had enough and dumped the future frat boy.  Matt was pissed and formulated a plan to get Brooke back.  A few of his friends told him how fun Meghan McCormick was and he knew if Brooke saw them together it would upset her. His plan was to kill two birds with one stone, have some fun with Meghan and make Brooke jealous enough to want him back.
    Meghan had a boyfriend from the trailer park at the time, but when Matthew Sanderson asked her to go to a party Friday night she dumped him  like yesterday's garbage.  Meghan was an 18 year old with the body of a porn star. She was a 4'10" and 113 lbs with enormous milky white breasts with nipples the size of saucers.  Her legs were thick and insanley short  as she had a 25 inch inseam.  Even little Morgan teased Meghan about her chubby short legs.  Atop her stubby stems sat a nice plump ass that looked great now but was destined to be grossly obese by the time she was forty. Many students and teachers alike walked around with visions of her compact pale body in their heads.


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Re: The McCormick Twins
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2016, 02:53:49 AM »
Going to a party with a rich hunk like Matt Sanderson was the highlight of Meg's high school days.  Seeing the look on Brooke's beautiful face when they walked in together made her freckled face smile from ear to ear.  "Don't worry ya stuck up cxnt, I will take real good care of Matty tonight" Morgan said to Brooke as she walked by. A big tear welled up and ran down Brooke's face as Matt looked back and winked.  Matt was winning in life as usual.
   Brooke had promised Matt that she would give up her virginity to him after she turned 18, but her birthday was March 4 and this was the first weekend in May.  After the party, Meghan did take care of Matt in the back seat of his fully  loaded Toyota Tunda.  Matt might have not gotten Brooke's virginity...yet., but that did not mean he was a virgin.
     He rough fucked her  for two hours straight only pausing long enough to shoot cum over her tits and face.   Meghan had been around but she had never been pounded by a 6'2" 195 lb muscular stud with an 8 inch cock like Matt. She had lost count of her orgasms and was dizzy and exhausted when Matt blew for the third time making sure to hit her right in the eye.
  When Matt dropped Meghan off in front of the trailer, she asked hopefully "Will ya paleese take me to the Spring Fling Dance next Saturday?"  "Um yea" Matt said lying through his teeth.  Brooke had already left him a string of text messages on his Iphone and he knew his plan had worked to perfection.  He kicked up gravels in his 2014 Toyota Tundra that was worth twice the amount of McCormick's trailer that they bounced off.  Meghan thought to herself  "He is such a bad ass."  She was clueless that she had been laid and played.
    When the night of the dance rolled around Meghan was stoked beyond words.  She had bought an old prom dress for twenty dollars from a friend in the trailer park.  It was a metallic green strapless spandex-polyester blend that was way too small for her  32Gs and her thick ass but she squeezed into it. She had found a pair of size five open toed pumps at Payless with a four inch heels for thirteen dollars that almost matched her dress.
   Alex had avoided Meghan all week at school and when she did corner him and try to pin him down about the dance all he would say "Sure, I will be at the TP at 6."  He had no intention of going back to the DBTP but he did not want a confrontation and thought she would get the picture when he did not show.
   Morgan McCormick never gave up her pipe dream of being a model despite facing the reality of the fact that she was never going to get any taller than 4'9".  She was also painfully thin at 82 pounds, her pasty white skin was covered with freckles and she had perky little tittys with pinkish nipples.  She was ultra feminine and incredibly trashy at the same time with a Confederate Flag tramp stamp that said "Dixie Girl".



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Re: The McCormick Twins
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2016, 02:56:41 AM »
  Because of her abnormally small size she was forced to either shop in the girls section or make her own clothes.  Morgan had  to used her money she had saved from working at the Dairy Queen to buy a sewing machine and sew her own clothes out of hand me downs. She figured if her dream of being the first runway model under 5 foot did not happen she would be a designer.
    Morgan had taken an old white cotton dress of her mothers from the 80s and sewed it into a "fashionable" 2016 dress that clung to her tiny body like a glove.  It was cut so high that it hardly covered her bony ass and as she wore no bra the thin white cotton did not do much to obscure her tight AA cups and her nipples that stayed hard. She had also made a cut out in the back to show off her racist tramp stamp.
It was impossible for her to find heels in size 4 so she was forced to wear a pair of off beige ballet flats she had bought from Kmart last summer.  Morgan had also taken to wearing too much make up to try and make her look older as she was often mistaken for a kid.
   The Sutton twins had been laying out at their parent's pool all week working on tanning their flawless skin for the dance.  The Sutton's at 18 were breathtaking visions of American youthful beauty.   Both girls were now 5'8" like their mother with perfect 34C breasts and legs for days. Brooke weighed 124 lbs while Teagan had a little more muscle and weighed 128 lbs. They wreaked of money and class and would have been more suited for Beverly Hills High than Booneville High.
   Brooke confided in Teagan while that were at the spa getting ready for the dance with professional facials, hair styling, manicures and pedicures that she was terrified of Meghan showing up and starting trouble.  "Don't be afraid of that munchkin Brookey." Teagan said.  "But she is so mean..and  tough. You remember what she did to Jennifer." Brooke said. "Come on sis, that was  years ago and she has not gotten and bigger, except that ass and those boobs.... hehehe.  Plus she smokes those nasty cigarettes.  I have seen you in the gym and when you cheer.  You are in such great shape Brookey"  Teagan said.
    It was true, the girls never missed an opportunity to take a work out class at the gym their father owned and were in tremendous shape.   "Come on Teags, that doesn't matter. You know I have never been in a fight.  I would be so afraid and not know what to do" Brooke said.  "Well, neither have I, but don't worry.  I have never liked the way that trailer park trash talks to you and if she starts anything I will protect you" Teagan said.  "I love you Teags but we should not look down on those less fortunate"  Brooke responded as they were getting pedis on their flawless tan feet.


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Re: The McCormick Twins
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2016, 03:00:53 AM »
The Sutton's father had put a thousand dollar limit for them to buy dresses and shoes for the Spring Fling.   When they spent $1150 on Ralph Lauren linen dresses and shoes  their dad just chuckled and said 'those are my girls."  Brooke had bought a white dress linen dress and Tegan's was a muted pink color.


  When Matt did not show, Meghan got a ride to the dance with Morgan and her date.   Meghan walked in and saw Matt dancing with Brooke Sutton and her face went flush with rage.  Meghan grabbed Morgan and said "come outside with me and smoke a cig, I need to settle down before I beat this bitches ass."  The McCormicks ended up smoking two cigs talking about how bad Meghan was going to hurt Brooke before they walked back in tossing their butts in the trash can.
   They walked in at the perfect time.  The chaperones were going out to get high and Alex headed to the bathroom while Teagan and Brooke took a seat.  Meghan kicked off her high heels and said "This bitch is going to bleed." When Brooke saw the McCormicks approaching her heart started racing and she was having trouble getting her breath.
   Brooke thought that this confrontation was a coming and she was ready to try and talk her way out of it.  "Listen Meghan, I hope you are not mad at me but Alex and I got back together and he asked me to the dance."
  "I didn't come here to talk, you rich cxnt.  You made a huge mistake fucking with me. Matt is my man.  Now stand up or I will drag your prissy ass out of that seat."
  "Pulease Meghan, You only went out on one date with Matt. We dated for years. I could be as easily mad at you but I am not" Brooke said trying to reason with an unreasonable person.
    "I will give you one more second to stand up" Meghan issued her last ultimatum.
  " You know I have never been in a fight. Please leave me alone." Brooke said as she was trying to hold back the tears.
  With that Teagan stood up towering over the McCormicks and said "Do not mess with my sister Meghan."  Morgan, like both of the Suttons had never been in a fight before but stepped toward Teagan.  Reluctantly now Brooke too stood up and all four girls were involved in a stare down.  And it certainly was a stare down as the Sutton's in their strappy sandals with  4 inch heels were over a foot taller than the McCormick's.  The tall blondes wearing dresses and shoes that cost more than Mary McCormick made in a month made the McCormicks' look like poor white trash, which they were.
    "You better go set down little girl before you get hurt" Teagan said to little Morgan.  "Fuck ya cxnt, this ain't volleyball" Morgan responded.  With that Teagan took a step toward Morgan and shoved her with all of her strength.  The 82 pound weakling went flying backwards off her feet and landed with a thud on her skinny ass and slid back across the floor. Roars of laughter erupted from the crowd who had now gathered around. 
  Now Meghan was standing alone against the Suttons as Morgan was trying to figure how she ended up on her ass 10 feet away.   Fortunately for Meghan, 5'9" 168 lbs of Joannie Stuckey had just seen the confrontation and  said "Step back Teagan, this fight is between Meg and Brooke. Don't make me smash that pretty face of yours."  Teagan knew she was over matched by Joannie so she stepped aside to let Brooke and Meghan fight. "I am sorry Brooke, but you don't need me. You can do this"
  Brooke kicked off her shoes and everyone got a better view of her gorgeous size 8 and half feet and perfect toes with a professional French pedicure.  In comparison Meghan had painted her chunky size 5 troll feet with cheap green polish.


Almost all of the Spring Flingers were now gathered around the girls in a circle.  No one wanted to see a sweet girl like Brooke getting beat up, but how could you not watch.
   Brooke looked like a frightened kitten as Meghan launched her assault by grabbing two handfuls of her hair with both hands and tried to pull Brooke to the ground. Brooke started to go down but steadied herself and grabbed Meghan's hands and tried to free them from her hair to no avail.
   Meghan was not expecting Brooke to keep her feet and she certainly was prepared for the 2 knees that Brooke had thrown right into her stomach. "FUCK!!! FUCK!!! OW!!! OW!!!  Meghan screeched as Brooke's Tae Bo class was paying off.
  The crowd started cheering for Brooke, still sure her eventual demise was coming.
Meghan was a tough  girl though and she would not release Brooke's hair and pulled down harder and she was close to getting her on the ground.
  "If she is going to pull hair, pull hers." Teagan screamed.  Brooke responded by doing the exactly that, which resulted in the classic catfight stand off of 2 girls with 4 handfuls of hair.  This lasted over 2 minutes with Meghan using her aggression to balance against Brooke's reach.   Finally from the crowd Joannie Stuckey screamed ... "Hit that bitch preppy bitch"
   The crowd who were almost unanimously cheering for Brooke was gaining volume as it looked like Brooke was going to put up a fight.
    Meghan released her right hand from Brooke's hair and started trying to tomahawk punch over her head  as she was giving up 10 inches of height.  These punches fell a few inches short though and Brooke, gaining confidence, really beginning to yank Meg's head back and forth.
    "Come on Meg, kick her  ass, stop fuckin round."  Morgan screamed.  Meghan released her hold and now it was her trying to get Brooke from pulling her hair as she was stuck and the continuous yanking of her head back and forth was making her disoriented.  Brooke was not trying to yank Meghan down, she was making Meghan's head go from left to right.   Meghan was beginning to become even more dizzy from having her red hair yanked back and forth and her breathing was getting heavy. Her pack a day habit was not good on the respiratory system.
    "Punch her Brooke, she is tired." Teagan screamed.  Brooke had never punched another person in her life but she thought to herself...{She is the one who started this, I have no choice}.  With that she released her right hand from Meghan's hair and began to bring down unorthodox hammer fists across Meghan's face.  "Fuck, Ouch, Ouch, Owie, Owie Ouch, Fuck that hurts" Meghan exclaimed as the punches landed flush on her nose.
    Meghan was trying everything she could to get free and trying to punch or kick Brooke but nothing was working.  Brooke held Meghan just out of reach and had now switched to upper cuts.  Meghan  was really struggling to catch her breath now huffing and puffing.  Brooke, now feeling ultra confident as she could hear Meghan panting and feel her wince with every punch and could see her nose was bleeding.  "Do you give up" Brooke asked.  Meghan managed to get out "F F Fuck ya, ouch, y y you aint a ouch hurtin me, Fuck, Ouch" between her gasps for air.
    "She might not be hurtin ya, but ya leakin from ya nose. Do somethin, you embarrasin me" Joannie  said.  But Meghan had no answers and she now began to plead with Brooke 'Le Le Let me catch..ouch.. my fucking breath... ouch, Stop hitting me bitch... owie...Wait a second...Please FUCK that hurts"
WOOOHOOOO!!!! The kids screamed as Brooke hit Meghan with punch after punch.
    "Just say you give and I will stop" Brooke demanded. But Meghan said nothing as she could not bring herself to tap out to Brooke Sutton.  It was just too humiliating for her to consider.
The crowd of kids were now in full ecstasy seeing Brooke completely humiliate the little loud mouth bully.
    Brooke being the merciful girl she was stopped hitting Meghan and let go of her hair.  Meghan melted into the floor gasping and holding her nose trying to stop the blood that was running down onto her hideous dress.  Miraculously Brooke did not have a drop of Meghan's blood on her white dress. She looked as fresh as a daisy and wore a look of bemusement of seeing Meghan trying to get to her feet.
   'Wow, you were right Teags, that little munchkin is all talk." Brooke said smugly as she was more shocked than anyone about what had just happened.
   Meghan was mortified beyond words of how Brooke Sutton had handled her so effortlessly.  She finally caught her breath and her nose bleed was down to a trickle.  "Your a fuckin cheatin hairpullin bitch" Meghan screamed.  "You pulled my hair first, don't be a sore loser" Brooke responded.  "Loser? This just gettin started. You are a weak ass bitch for letting me go. Im a gonna fuck you up so so bad."
   Meghan had one thing in mind, charge Brooke as hard as she could and tackle her to the ground and get on top of her.  The charge was successful and with her low center of gravity, Meghan had taken Brooke off her feet and landed on top of her.
"Oh No!!!!! Fuck, she has got her now" The crowd exclaimed.
  "Yea!!! Meg. You got her,  Smash her face" Morgan said relieved that her sister had taken control of the fight.  This was premature celebration though as Brooke instantly bucked Meghan off and a struggle for top position ensued.
"Come on Meg, get back on top of her!!!! Ahhh...Oh  no" Morgan cheered then gasped in disgust as she saw Brooke climb on top of her sister who was already gassed again.  In the struggle Meghan's dress had come down and her dingy white bra was visible trying to contain her massive breasts.
   Meghan was now mounted in a school girl pin and totally exhausted by Brooke who now had the look of a lioness in her eyes.  "Get her off of you" Morgan screamed.  Meghan futilely tried to bridge up and buck Brooke off but it was no use.  Brooke's leverage was too good and Meghan was gassed.
   Brooke began bouncing up and down on Meghan's stomach and with her dress riding up,  contrast of her tan tight ass bouncing up and down on Meghan's flabby pale stomach was another visual highlight of the "fight"
   Meghan was trying to bring her legs up to kick Brooke but her 25 inch legs were too short.   "Your bitch ass sister is finished" Joannie said to Morgan, "pound that little ginger bitch" she then told Brooke abandoning her old friend.   Brooke was unsure what to do at this point, punching another girl who was pinned beneath her was unthinkable.  "Do you give Meg, please give up, don't make me hurt you anymore" Brooke said.
  "F F Fuuck No" she said as she gave her the finger and  started throwing little pitter patter punches into Brooke's rock hard abs.  "Now you are just being silly and embarrassing yourself"  Brooke said talking to her like a child.  Meghan totally gassed kept trying to throw these meaningfulness punches.
   Meghan had managed to squirm under Brooke enough that it allowed her to reach the middle of Brooke's back when she kicked.  With that Brooke shifted her weight forward and when she did, Meghan's old double D bra strapless bra could no longer hold her mammoth jugs. POP!!!!
WOOO HOOO!!! Look at those big titties...the kids screamed.
    "Oh heavens, I am sorry Meg, I really did not mean to do that. Now please just say you are done" Brooke said.
  "Fuck no, what you don't like my pretty tits. Matt sure did" Meghan said
  Brooke looked up and saw Matt in the crowd high fiving his best friend and realized Matt had liked them.  This verbal taunting of Brooke was a bad idea as she moved even further up on Meghan's body which caused her arms to be pinned under her tormentors knees.  It also caused Meghan's own tits to be forced in her throat and making her breathing become even more distressed.
    "Why don't you give me the finger again you white trash short freak. That is right, it is because you can't move your scrubby little hands." Brooke said condescendingly.
     Seeing her sister pinned helplessly was too much for Morgan who started to run to help her.  She did not get 3 steps before Teagan Sutton grabbed her by the arms and although Morgan's feet were moving she was not moving and inch.
    "Now where you think you going Morgan the Midget" Brooke said as her fingers wrapped around Morgan's 7 inch bicep.  "Stop struggling and watch your sister get what she deserves." Teagan said.  But Morgan was in pain seeing what her twin sister was going through and would not stop fighting.
   "Okay if you want it the hard way" Teagan said as she scooped Morgan up like a rag doll.  The rec center had a large metal garbage can that Teagan dropped her head first into.  She was stuck in the garbage not being big or strong enough to get out or flip it over as she screamed for help as she kicked her feet little feet.
By this time the crowd was in a frenzy. Even the few that at one time were cheering for Meghan were now stoked as seeing this event that they would talk about for decades.
   While Morgan's humiliation was gentle and comical, what was happening to Meghan was the exact opposite.  She was being chocked out by her own giant boobs.  Her struggling began to wane until finally the bad ass girl from the DBTP  was out cold.  "Way to go Brookey, she went to sleep..HAHAHAHA" Teagan said
    "Ok, I guess I will let her go now  that it looks like her slut sister is asleep."  Teagan kicked the trash can over and Morgan crawled out, her hair covered in bits scraps of food and  cigarette butts that had been tossed in the trash.
   Looking over and seeing Meghan who was trying to figure out where she was sent tears streaming down Morgan's face.  Morgan helped Meghan to her feet and pulled her bloody dress back over her tits.   As the McCormick  twins slowly made their way out of the dance, the kids hooted and hollered and laughed.  Brooke, who still had managed to look as hot as she did when she walked in, said "Let's Dance"  Morgan's date snuck out hoping no one would know he was the one taking them home.
   The McCormick's were the laughing stock of Daniel Boone High for the rest of the school year even after Meghan's face healed.  Both girls hardly talked to anyone except themselves.  Teagan, in particular never missed an opportunity to tease and taunt them about the Spring Fling fight.
   All of the girls had team sports together for 5th period.  On one of the last days of school, Teagan talked the teacher who was also the volleyball coach to have a 2 on 2 basketball tournament.  And of course in the first round the Suttons would face the McCormicks.  The McCormicks needed the easy credit to graduate but rarely participated in class as they had no athleticism.
    When Mr. Jones announced the basketball game the McCormicks refused to play.  "Well, I will have to fail you and you will not graduate, just like your mamma.  How is your mamma. Still slingin drinks at the bar I am sure.  hahaha."
   Teagan was a division 1 volleyball player but she was a damn good basketball player also.  She relished every second of the "game" as she scored 9 baskets as Brooke stood there and laughed.  At one point Teagan got down on her knees and said 'here I will make it fair and get on my knees so we are the same height".   'Come on Teag, they have had enough embarrassment. Stop making fun of them." Brooke said jokingly. She stood up and drove in and scored the 10th and final beating the McCormicks 10-0.
    The day after graduation, Meghan looked at Morgan and said "start saving your money. We are movin to LA."

Up next...The McCormicks in LA


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Re: The McCormick Twins
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2016, 10:28:30 PM »
I forgot to post this pic with story,,,

Brookey's taut tan ass...

Also, not to be too needy but not one


Offline Ginny38

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Re: The McCormick Twins
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2016, 01:29:17 AM »
"Not one comment" It's really sad when people can't hit "REPLY" and type five letters... thanks (ok, six letters!)

I really enjoyed this "prequel" and I look forward to finding out where the McCormick's go between here and Rousey... and what happens to them afterwards.

It's always a wonder (you read a story about two people who's paths cross for a page or two, then they vanish and go their separate ways.) I usually wonder - and often pen a few pages just for my own entertainment about what may have happened to the winner/loser. How that single event changed their life (for better/worse) and what became of them.

A downward spiral into drugs, meaningless sex and an early death? A revelation, getting straight and sober, perhaps meeting the "right" man/woman (we're flexible on the board) and living happily ever after - until their spouse cheats with someone who (lo and behold) turns out to be a face, and figure, from their dim, dark past!

So, yes, thanks for putting these (and other) thoughts in my head! I eagerly await the next chapter and I HOPE that others will tell you the same (over and over again!)


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Re: The McCormick Twins
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2016, 04:06:17 AM »
Thanks Ginny.  I am glad at least one person read my twisted story of humiliation. I am working on some seriously twisted fighting scenarios for these two little pretties. BaHaHa



Offline ninetofiver

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Re: The McCormick Twins
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2016, 07:37:03 PM »
Fun story....  ;)  Enjoyed it a lot