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Catfight Royale by J. Coleman

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Catfight Royale by J. Coleman
« on: June 01, 2010, 11:30:31 PM »
by J. Coleman

     I've always heard the old saying "the reality is never as good as the fantasy", and while that may be true in most cases, I can give you an example to the contrary.  Having always been a female fighting enthusiast, my personal fantasy was always to have two gorgeous, sexy girls get into a real no holds barred catfight over me.  Not a bare knuckle duke out, but a dress ripping, hair pulling, titty mauling battle between two babes who weren't shy about fighting dirty.  My fantasy became a reality a month ago and believe me, it was even better than I had ever dreamed.
     I was dating a foxy blonde named Veronica, or Roni for short as she liked to be called.  She was 23 years old, had gorgeous wavy blonde hair that hung below her shoulders, big blue eyes, and a body that caused traffic jams when she walked across the street.  I'd met Roni in a singles club and her long sexy legs were the first thing I noticed about her as I saw her dancing.  She turned out to be great in bed and like to use those long legs during sex to wrap around my waist and pull me deeper inside her.  Roni wasn't shy about oral sex or playing a kinky dress up game now and then and we had a pretty good relationship going.
     She and I were at a party one night at a friend's city tower penthouse apartment and it was quite a gathering of the cities social elite and the subsequent parasites that usually frequent these types of parties.  Roni and I were there as a favor to the host and we'd agreed to stay for an hour or so and then go out on the town for some real fun.  We were both dressed up and Roni was wearing a slinky black Frederick's of Hollywood minidress, black stockings, stiletto heeled pumps with ankle straps, and she looked h-o-t.
     We'd been mingling for a while and I noticed a redhead who had been watching me out of the corner of her eye.  Each time I turned to face her, she'd look the other way and try to act as though she hadn't been looking, but I knew she was, I could feel it.  My friend, the host of the party, pulled Roni away to show her off to some friends, and the minute she was out of sight, the redhead caught my attention and pointed to one of the bedrooms.  My curiosity was too great and I followed her down a hall and into a corner bedroom well out of ear shot of the loud party going on.
     "What's your name?" the redhead asked softly.
     "My friend's call me J.J." I said. "And yours?"
     "Ashley," she replied as she moved very close to me.
     Her perfume was intense and almost hypnotic as she smiled and cocked her head slightly at an angle.  I could tell she was drunk by the liquour on her breath and the way she teetered slightly on her tall high heels.  She was a real knockout though and if I was reading her right, she wanted to get laid.
     Her long loosely curls red hair was almost waist length and she was wearing a gold sequined cire dress that looked like it had been painted on it was so tight.  Her breasts were magnificent and her hard nipples, without a bra, were pressing against the thin fabric of the dress.  Her legs were lean and shapely and her ass cheeks were tight and perfectly rounded, just like Roni's.
     "And who are you here with?" I finally asked after I was done drinking in all her attributes with my greedy eyes.
     "You now," she said, putting both arms around my neck.
     "Sorry sweet thing," I said shaking my head. "I'm with someone."
     "I know," she said as she pulled my face to hers and thrust her tongue into my mouth.
     I kissed for a long moment and then remembered Roni and pulled away. "Maybe another time," I said regretting the words even as I spoke them.
     "Fuck your little girlfriend," Ashley said softly yet with a calculated coolness in her tone. "I believe in going for what you want . . . and I want you."
     With that, she kissed me again and started rubbing her thighs against mine.  She slid a hand down and started rubbing my growing cock as our tongues danced and probed the depths of our mouths.  I almost forget who I was and where I was as Ashley lured me under her erotic spell, binding me to her, turning me into so much clay upon the potter's wheel to be molded and shaped at her whim.  I felt my arms slid around her tiny waist to pull her even tighter to me and I gently squeezed her taut little buttocks, relishing the sensuous feel of the silky cire dress and how it glided so smoothly back and forth across her silky panties beneath.  My cock was about as hard as it could get when reality nailed me like a blow from a large hammer. Roni! Jesus Christ, what was I doing with this bimbo.  I pulled my mouth from hers and moved back a step to regain my composure.
     "I know you want me," Ashley said in an almost cooing voice that nearly melted me.  I couldn't help but see her large, rock hard nipples stabbing against her dress and she saw me looking.  She tweaked both her nipples with her fingers as she spoke. "I know you want to taste these, so go ahead. No one needs to know except us."
     "And me," Roni said, standing at the door with her hands cocked arrogantly on her hips and her feet planted wide apart in her most ominous looking pose.
     "Blow off bitch," Ashley said haughtily.
     "Get the fuck out of her right now you man stealing little tramp or I swear I'll rip your fucking out." Roni hissed between clenched teeth.
     Ashley spun on her heel to face Roni and as she did, a waft of her perfume attacked my olfactories.  "Don't even try to threaten me, bitch!"
Ashley snarled. "I don't scare easily and if you want to tangle with me, then let's do it."
     I knew I needed to step in and stop things before they got out of hand, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.  This was like a dream come true and if they wanted to fight, I was going to let them, at least for a while.  I'd wanted to see Roni in a catfight since the first time I saw her and Ashley was her equal in both body and looks, if not better.
     Roni didn't say anything else, she just took off her long ear rings and kicked off her high heels.  Ashley did the same and just as Ashley was taking off her second shoe, Roni screamed and charged at her, grabbing two fistfuls of Ashley's long red hair and the fight was on.
     Each sexy little cat wrapped her clenched fists around the other's long hair as they jerked and pulled and hissed and screeched and spat like two alley cats.  They crashed over a chair and slammed against the wall with Ashley pinning Roni's back against the wall near a tall, upright dresser. Roni brought a knee up into Ashley's crotch which backed the redhead up a step and Roni pushed off the wall and started them struggling back the other way, still pulling hair.
     I saw faces in the doorway and heard someone yell "Hey, there's a girl fight in here!"  People started pouring into the bedroom one after another as Roni and Ashley continued their hair pulling ritual.  No one at that point made any effort to break them up and the girls who were watching were yelling at Ashley and Roni to rip each other's hair out and scratch each other's eyes out.  The male spectators wanted to see skin and urged the girls to rip off each other's clothes and tear off one another's titties.
     Finally, getting too close to the bed, the fighters fell onto the mattress, rolled once, and crashed onto the floor in a tangled heap of arms and legs.  Both of their short dresses immediately rode up around their waists giving all the guys the peep show they'd wanted and were yelling for.
     Roni had on black string bikinis underneath her black pantyhose and Ashley was wearing sexy little silk leopard print bikinis and real long beige thigh top stockings that had the wide lacy elastic tops around them to hold them up without garters.  They were quite a picture rolling around on the floor, locked together in their catfight, oblivious to the crowd of cheering spectators.
     Their nylon clad legs were entwined and I kept staring at their legs and how their stockings bagged and wrinkled as their muscles contracted and relaxed during the struggle.  Their tight little asses jiggled as they rolled, especially Ashley's whose ass wasn't confined by tight pantyhose like Roni's was.  Even the delicate silk of Ashley's panties moved in waves, wrinkling and stretching as her buttocks flexed and moved.  Ashley's nylons were slowly working their way down her shapely legs since the elastic that held them up couldn't endure the writhing and squirming of their battle. Roni's pantyhose were staying up well and I found myself wishing she had worn a garterbelt and stockings like she was going to.
     Then they started grabbing and clawing at each other's dresses in classic girl fighting style, each now wanting to maul her opponent's tits. I could never understand why all girls do that to each other in a fight, but I, along with all the other guys, anxiously awaited the first bare titty to pop out of it's dress.  It didn't take long as the sound of cloth being ripped was loud enough to be heard over everyone's loud cheering.  Ashley's tits came out first, and as a matter of fact, all of Ashley came out as Roni completely ripped off her sexy little gold cire dress, leaving the busty redhead in just her little panties and her nylons which were now down around her knees.  Ashley finally managed to expose my girl's tits but Roni's dress was a bit sturdier and while the top was ripped, the rest of it clung around her waist in a roll.  Ashley made short work of Roni's lacy little bra and once bare chested, both girls dug their long nails into each other's vulnerable mounds.
     Shrieks, squeals, yipes and yells followed each clawing attack as Roni and Ashley viciously mauled one another's tits with wild abandon.  The female spectators now started urging the guys to break them up, knowing that
the fight was now out of hand.  I knew also it should end, but I didn't want it to, not yet.  Then, just as we were about to pull them apart, they broke off the tit fight and reverted back to hair pulling.
     Entwining their legs again, the girls starting rolling around on the rug with their big bare tits mashed together, pulling hair and clawing at each other.  Both girls were a mess at this point with hair tossed and spiked and matted, bare flesh scratched and red and bruised, and the floor strewn with shards of torn clothing.
     Roni then finally managed to pin Ashley on her belly and sat on her back, straddling her.  Pulling her head back by the hair with one hand, Roni dug her long talons into Ashley's ass cheek, right through the sheer nylon of her panties.  Ashley squealed as she bucked and pumped and writhed in pain but Roni had her pinned well and wasn't about to let her up.  Ashley clawed wildly as Roni's legs, ripping gaping holes in her black pantyhose but Roni kept up the attack.  Ashley's sexy little ass jiggled like jello under the silk of her bikinis as Roni dug and clawed and scratched and pinched her buttocks while keeping Ashley's long red hair wound around her fist like the reigns of a horse.  Ashley's big tits were smashed against the carpet and I knew they had to hurt from being ground against the rug as Roni rode her.
     Finally Ashley gave up in tears and begged Roni to stop.  The crowd went wild as Roni let go of Ashley's hair and raised her arms in victory. My girl gingerly got off her felled opponent and teetered on her weak knees before regaining her sea legs and standing tall and proud.  Ashley curled up and cowered as someone threw a blanket over her to cover her and then, to add insult to injury, Roni yanked the blanket off the cowering redhead and warned her that if she ever came near me again, she kick her ass even worse than this time.
     People at the party still talk about the fight and Roni has become quite a cult hero among the girl fight enthusiasts in our crowd.  Everyone keeps asking her if Ashley's been around and Roni just smiles and says she wouldn't dare show her face again.  I wonder . . . maybe I should call Ashley for a date . . .
                                   THE END