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Cafe catfight RobertaRed N actress Stana Katic

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Offline stormbolt7

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Cafe catfight RobertaRed N actress Stana Katic
« on: February 15, 2016, 04:49:29 AM »
This is the overdue story. Roberta won, winning the Christmas catfight poll last year. Well done Roberta, hope you enjoy it.

RobertaRed Vs Stana Katic

It was a pleasant day outside.
The sky mostly clear. With a few soft, white clouds.
Drifting across it, with little chance of any rain.

The temperature, just about right. Warm, yet not overly hot or humid.
Basically the perfect day. To take in a meal, at an outdoor cafe.

I had arrived early, making sure to get a decent seat.
The tables, laid out, along the front of the store.
Near the corner of the building.
A fountain, with more tables ringed around it.
The gentle gurgle, from it. Helping to add a relaxing ambiance.

The soft buzz, of people chatting. As they sat waiting service or others walking by.
More seating inside.
Still, this felt the best way. To enjoy meeting someone, for the first time.
Nearby, around the plaza.
Planted trees, stretched their limbs skyward.
Soft rustling of leaves. As well as some bird songs.
I figured I would be warned, by the sound of heels, on pavement.
As my luncheon guest, likely would be walking across the nearby sidewalk.
"Is this seat taken?" A pleasing woman's voice asks.
I turn, and find her standing, smiling down at me.
RobertaRed, was fit, attractive, and sexy.
Her soft looking brunette hair. Hanging down around her shoulders.
Dark sunglasses, on a very enticing face.
My eyes unable to resist.
I take her in.
A crisp, white blouse. That is undone enough down the front.
To give you hints of firm, smooth, and a nice amount of cleavage.
While making you want to see more.
Yet still stylish, and in good taste.
Her dark colored skirt.
Seeming to cling so tight. Almost as if painted, against her pleasing curves.
Stopping well above her knees. Allowing a nice showing of shapely legs.
At the same time, giving you the notion.
If heading away from you. This lady would also have a very nice ass.
That her skirt, would cling to, and highlight nicely.

I hear soft laughter, as my eyes take in her tan flats.
Then begin to travel back up to her face.
Roberta taking her sunglasses off.
To reveal very vibrant, yet sensual brown eyes.
The lady very smart. Yet also full of sex appeal.
"I figured changing into the flat." "Would be more comfy, for walking here, from the office." She informs.
I quickly rise, blushing at being caught off guard.
Not wanting to. I had begun, undressing her, with my eyes.
Liking what I was imagining.
Then finding myself, staring into her eyes.
Roberta smiling, not offended.
As a woman this confidant and sexy. Had this happen all the time.
"Please join me, glad you could make it." I tell her, trying to keep things, from being awkward.
My server comes closer, as she sits down at the table.
Roberta ordering light fare from the menu. Along with her drink.
As the waitress heads off. We begin to chat, and get to know each other.

Roberta is a charming woman. Her laugh, full of life, and her conversation, is intelligent, and enjoyable.
Her drink soon to her.
As we both enjoy the atmosphere, weather, and company.
Our orders soon arrive.
We begin enjoying them.
Even as the buzz of agitated conversation gets closer.
Roberta just has her glass raised for a drink.
Her head turning slightly, to see who was becoming so close.
Another woman, with some friends, angrily speaking into her cell phone.
The heel of her boot, catching, in the cracks, in the sidewalk.
Loses her balance. After a few stumbling steps.
Knocks into our table.
Even worse bumps into Roberts.
Sending Roberta's drink, spilling all down her front.
I can not deny enjoying. The way her blouse, starts clinging to her chest.
Revealing, even more of her curves, as it wetly starts clinging to it.
My first instinct. To try and dab at or blot the sodden area.
Wanting yo help Roberta out.
While realizing, I would be doing that. All over, and across her firm breasts.
I mentally picture. Opening her blouse.
Her breasts heaving, skin supple, and glistening.
Maybe getting to feel her lips, brush against mine.
As I gently clean, some of the spill, from her firm breasts.
I did mention, how Roberta was beautiful, and sexy right?

Roberta sets her glass down, her eyes turning angry.
Her glass on the table, close to her sunglasses.
"Stupid bitch, watch where your going!!" Roberta blurts out, rising to face the other woman.
The other woman, very beautiful. Easy model class beauty.
Lovely face, framed by flowing, light colored brunette hair.
Like Roberta, wearing a very business like white blouse.
Her blouse, also undone in the front. To tease you, with what was underneath.
Creamy complected skin, with the hints, of firm breasts.
She is also wearing a skirt, that exposes her long legs.
Unlike Roberta, she is wearing spike heeled, black boots.
The heels, helping to start all of this.
Not to mention, making her stand even taller than Roberta.
"Look, let's not do this." "I'll give you the few dollars, your outfit is worth."
"Just sit back down, and don't start acting stupid." The woman replies.

The duo, both lovely, fit, and eye catching. Standing facing off.
Roberta obviously wet, down her front.
Attention, from the cafe. As well as people on the street turning their way.
Roberta grabs my drink. Before anyone can act.
Throwing it, into the face. As well as down the other woman's front.
"How would a street walking whore like you." "Even guess, at how much my outfit costs?" Roberta asks.
"Stana we need to go." One of her friends informs.
Stana holding her hand up, to quiet her.
"I told you, that is Stana Katic." Someone in the growing crowd informs.
Soon others begin talking. About the woman facing Roberta.
Being the actress Stana Katic.
Stana standing, wiping her other hand across her face.
"I will warn you." "This is not the day to test my patience bitch." Stana hisses.
"Please, I would like to see." "What a prissy bitch like you would do." Roberta replies.
Her hand grasping, then lifting her salad plate from the table.
"Don't even think of it slut!!" Stana advises.
"Here Stana." One of her friends says, placing a glass, in her hand.
It seems like slow motion. Cell phones all over, starting to record it.
Stana throws the contents of the glass, into Roberta's lovely face.
Even as Roberta tosses, the rest of her salad.
Against Stana's front, and even into her slightly gaping blouse.
Plate, and glass dropped.
With shrieks of rage from both.
Arms rising, fingers grasping, and curling into each others hair.
With a growing crowd of spectators.
The catfight, at the outside cafe had begun.

Other patrons at the cafe.
Began to spread out, giving them room.
A table, and it's sun umbrella, turning over.
Food, drinks, and utensils hitting the ground.
As they whirl around, smacking into them.
The two ladies, both trying to use hair. To control the other ladies movement.

As some more glasses, spill, and tumble.
Chilled liquid, and food. Spattering, and spurting onto them.
As Stana works to use her height, and leverage.To her best advantage.
Roberta finally is able to use her lower center of gravity.
Wrenching Stana off balance. Before smashing her, against a table.
Then taking her down to the ground.
Roberta tries to mount Stana.
Her fingers tearing Stana's blouse open.
Stana's bra soon being yanked off as well.
As she tries to sit on her. Roberta's fists, and claws.
Start smacking against soft flesh. Nails raking across Stana's pert breasts.
Stana crying out in pain.
Her own fingers tearing at Roberta's blouse.
Soon both ladies fighting, with blouses gaping open.
Roberta still trying to fully lower herself onto her rival.
Just as Stana bucks, and twists her slender body.

With a cry of surprise. Roberta starts falling off to one side.
Stana arching again, then rolling free.
Roberta landing hard on one side.
Then rolling herself, unsure of where Stana would strike.
One of the spiked boot heels, just missing kicking her in her side.
Roberta quickly trying to get to her feet.
Only to have Stana use her own long legs. To sweep Roberta's out from under her.
As Roberta topples again.
Stana lunges after her.

Roberta begins trying to use her arms, and elbows. Quick wicked shots aimed at Stana's body.
Even as Stana rolls her over. Getting to position Roberta almost face down.
Stana laughing, as she slaps at the back of Roberta's head.
Roberta's bra soon being torn free.
Stana clawing at the bobbling sides, of Roberta's breasts. As they proudly thrust, and heave.
"Had enough you annoying slut?" Stana asks.
Even as Roberta now cries out in pain.
Just as she is about to shove Roberta's pretty face. Into a spilled mound of food, on the ground.
Roberta rears up, driving one of her elbows back.
The elbow, hitting Stana, hard in her side.
Stana gasping, at the pain, and loss of air. As she hunches over.
Roberta now writhing, and jerking her own body.
Another elbow sent, not fully hitting the target.
Yet Stana pulling away, trying to avoid being hit the same way again.
Roberta kicking, and clawing to get free.
Is finally able to force Stana off, from her gyrating figure.

Stana backs away slightly. Roberta moving ahead, then turning to face her.
The lovely duo now both essentially topless.
Their bra's gone, blouses gaping open.
Eyes intent on each other.
As they start moving closer to each other again.
"Ready to admit, who the better woman is yet whore?" Roberta asks.
"You are looking at her bitch!" Stana replies.
As they both rise to their feet.
The crowd growing even larger. As more people start trying to find out. What all the commotion was about.

Each of the ladies, now showing scratches, and some bruising on their supple skin.
They close, as Stana backhands Roberta's face.
Roberta responds, with a hard slap. Across the mounds of Stana's breasts.
People in the crowd wince in sympathy.
As the sound of flesh, striking flesh can be heard.
faces, and bared breasts. Being struck time, and time again.
Fingers rake, exposed skin.
Then begin to curl into fists again.
A punch, to Roberta's left side. Is answered by a soft thud. As Roberta's fist, slams between Stana's tits.
Stana staggering a step back, from the impact.
As well as the effect. Her air, partially driven from her body.
Roberta advances to try and finish her.
Only to receive, a forearm, to her own midsection.
Roberta doubling up, as she also. Is now breathing hard.

Spilled drinks, glistening on their skin. As the afternoon sun, shines down on them.
Their once clean, crisp wardrobe.
Now torn, stripped or food smeared.
Their soft, well maintained hair. Now flying in a messy display, or some torn loose.
Chests heaving, legs growing weaker.
Still, neither one looking to give up.
As they move ahead. Their bodies clenching together again.
Roberta taking a few hits, to her sides.
Trying to gain her balance fully.
Then as Stana over extends a punch.
Roberta grabs her hair, yanking her head wickedly by it.
Stana stumbling, as Roberta forces her back to another table.
Stana's friends yelling encouragement to her.
While being held back, by others in the crowd. Keeping them from ganging up on Roberta.

Stana's back its the side of the table. Roberta slowly forcing Stana's body. To arch up over the side of the table.
With another shove.
Stana's belly is fully exposed.
Roberta shifts back.
Then begins to hammer, against Stana's midsection.
Stana desperately, tries to hit, kick or claw at Roberta.
Then simply tries to cover up.
A last desperate move. Stana manages to bring one leg up. Her leg driving against Roberta's hip.
The impact, forcing Roberta to move slightly away.
Still, in place of any more attacks.
A gasping, aching Stana. Slides from the table.
Clutching her belly, she sinks to the ground. Curling herself.
While pleading, for Roberta not to hurt her anymore.

Roberta was wobbly on her own legs.
Stana barely moving.
Roberta sinking down to her own knees beside her.
Chest heaving, body seeming to ache everywhere.
Two stunning, topless, catfighting beauties.
Each having not much more to give. Roberta ready, in case she needed to fight some more.
As police arrive, and begin breaking things up.
Gawkers, and spectators, still taking. A few last videos or photos.
Of Stana losing the catfight to Roberta.
The fight was over, Roberta the victor.

As they begin to ask questions.
The cafe owner arrives.
A fan of Stana's acting. With the offer, for damages to be paid.
Along with some autographed items from Kata.
The owner, refuses to file charges against either of them.
The two ladies, agreeing not to file charges against each other.
Some severe warnings, for both ladies.
With nothing to hold against them, as no one wished to file any charges.
They are let go. With orders to cover themselves, and leave the scene immediately.

Stana and Roberta, having earned some respect for each other.
Begin to talk, and cool off together.
Stana having found out, her car had been vandalized.
Roberta simply having been in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
The lovely duo, agree to meet and chat later.
After resting, and cleaning up.
They would let me come along. Since my lunch, had been ruined as well.
My offers to do what I could. To pamper or ease, their aching bodies, if possible accepted.
We would have a dinner together.
As the ladies got to know each other.
With neither one of them. Willing to give a guarantee.
That they might not catfight each other again.

They later enjoyed each others company.
Some food, laughter, and mutual respect.
Each of them knowing. With a single change of how things went.
It could as easily have been Stana that won, instead of Roberta.

A ruined lunch. Ruined blouses, bras and wardrobes.
A first meeting, between two very impressive, and beautiful ladies.
With a very public, and widely seen catfight.
That the very capable, and hard hitting.
RobertaRed had won. Yet her aching body, for some time.
Let her know, she had been in a very hard hitting catfight.
That if they fought again. Next time, she may not be victorious. As she had this time.

« Last Edit: February 15, 2016, 04:49:55 AM by stormbolt7 »


Offline Matrix21

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Re: Cafe catfight RobertaRed N actress Stana Katic
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2016, 12:32:57 PM »
Love this story, absolutely love Stana Katic, and would love to see a possible sequel where the two of them fist fight again, maybe in private so they won't be interrupted, awesome work, absolutely loved this story.
Not into roleplay, so please do not contact me about roleplaying catfights please, thanks.


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Cafe catfight RobertaRed N actress Stana Katic
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2016, 03:06:14 AM »
Thanks for the nice comments ...

Also always like seeing. The lady the story written for enjoyed it.
That makes it worth the effort.

If you or anyone else peeking in. Heads over to my profile page.
I do have links, to a lot. Of the stories I have posted here in the past.

Hopefully, you will find some more you can enjoy.



Offline griffin

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Re: Cafe catfight RobertaRed N actress Stana Katic
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2016, 01:26:34 AM »
Good story stormbolt7  ;D