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Looking for a poll

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Offline StacyB

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Re: Looking for a poll
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2016, 03:59:39 AM »
Looking for a poll

You misspelled "pole."  Strippers, hookers, and whores enter from the door on the left.....

Nice to know what door you came in from

Good to see you know your right from your left.  I came in the door on the right.  The one of the left leads to your favorite street corner.


Nice to now someone has been through Kindergarten, taking my comeback and flipping it on me, so original from a negative asshole who is out here posting negative comments on a thread supposed to be a poll challenge and went out here looking to negatively talk to people, if you want to keep battling I can end your life so don't try to roast when your a little bitch hiding behind a keyboard and unsuccessfully trying to make fun of people for no reason in mean ways.

Really?  I was playing with you and you threaten my life?  Wow.  Just wow.  Nice to see people who take this so seriously.

Wow so someone doesn't understand what I mean, you must be an old bitch, end your life meaning I will roast so bad Comedy Central can't even put on their channel because it's not safe for viewers