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The City's Greatest Heroes (Annie Atom Defeats her first Hero)

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Offline Daisy Daisy Daisy

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Hey all, I hope you liked the first story.  This one is a little bit of an origin story of Annie Atom I cranked out.  It's a mixed fight this time, kinda one sided.  Still I hope you like it!

   Annie Atom was new to the city and had been building a fierce reputation.  On the surface she seemed like some mid-level criminal.  She raided the usual places: banks, armored cars, museums, jewelers, and the homes of the city’s wealthy.  What made her stand out was her extraordinarily high success rate.  Most “super criminals” hit a few targets and laid low for a while, or they were captured by the city’s well-oiled superhero team.  Not Annie Atom.  Annie had been hitting mark after mark, and had been successful in every confrontation.  She was plowing through the city’s heroes like a bull through a wooden gate.

   Her first splash on the scene had been after a seemingly run of the mill bank heist.  She had been part of a team employed by a crime boss to knock over a bank known for its high dollar safety deposit boxes.  Annie and two other criminals ran through the drill of holding the bank hostage with guns, and forced the workers to unload the safes at gun point.  Before they could make their getaway, the doors burst open and they were confronted by Sam Houston, a fresh-faced hero from the southwest who rode a motorcycle and could control lassos.  He wasn’t the highest on the hero pecking order, but he was good enough for a bank heist.

   He used his lassos to tie up the three criminals pretty quickly. He turned his back to them to address the crowd, and give them the whole, “Evil doesn’t pay” shtick. But when he turned back around, only two of the criminals were still tied up.  A pile of rope tangled with black rope lay where the third criminal, Annie, had been.  The confused cowboy spun around, looking for the third, dumbfounded.  That’s when Annie resolved right in front of him.

   She was wearing what was to be known as her trade mark outfit: Short black hair with a red bandana wrapped around it, knot facing forward, septum piercing. White halter top with a nuclear symbol on the front, tight black denim short shorts, black boots, white knee high socks.  She smiled at him and kneed him hard in the crotch.  He went down.  She reared back and cold clocked him, laying him out.  Annie thought of this confrontation fondly.  She there and then decided it wasn’t good enough to beat a hero, but she had to send a message that she couldn’t be fucked with.  She had to decimate and destroy these heroes.

   Annie stood with her arms crossed, and waited for the cowboy to struggle to his feet.  Naturally he grabbed for one of the lengths of rope that hung from his belt that seemed to stretch, grow and move at his will.  He flung it at her, and she allowed it to ensnare her. The rope wound around her and bound her arms, and she made a good show of being caught.
“Oh goddammit! You got me!” She whined.
Sam Houston snarled. “I don’t know how you got out, but that’s it for you, sister.”
Annie sighed. “Oh no.  Please don’t turn me in.  I promise I’ll be good.”
Then, she dissolved, and the rope fell useless to the ground.

“What in the name of Sam Hill—“The cowboy gasped.  Annie resolved behind him and hugged him around the waist.

“Aw come on, big guy.  You didn’t fall for that did you?”
The cowboy spun around, and swung a fist at Annie, who dodged it and punched him in the stomach. Annie worked him over, dodging every punch, and peppering him with blows. Sam Houston was still standing, but he was swaying and dazed.  Annie picked up one of the ropes, which had lost their connection with Sam Houston. She grabbed his arms and tied him together at the wrists.

“Sorry about all this, big guy,” She grinned.  And then she laid him out a second time with a haymaker. The whole ordeal had barely lasted three minutes.

Annie faced the crowd and soaked up their shock. “Listen, I’m Annie Atom.  You didn’t know me before, but you sure as hell will after this.”
With that, she straddled the cowboy’s chest who was just coming to.  She ripped his shirt open and ran her hands over his muscles.  She then smacked his face a little to make sure he was awake enough to know what was happening.
“You’re mine now,” She sneered. She slid her thighs over his face and got him into a head scissors.  She grabbed his hair and slowly ran her denim clad crotch over his face.  She could feel him groaning in embarrassment and that excited her even more.  She grinded her crotch faster and faster. Sam Houston struggled against his own ropes, but was totally powerless.  She reached into her shorts and started rubbing her clit as she rode the beaten hero’s face. Her breath grew shallower and her thighs shook as she orgasmed on top of him.
She felt empowered. She shifted her position so her ass was on his face.  She loved his struggled breathing.  She reached into his pants and pulled out his cock.  It was hard.

“Look, your little hillbilly hero loves this shit!”  She started stroking his cock with both hands, watching the precum spill out.  She slowly stroked his cock, making eye contact with different bank customers and smiling wickedly at them.  She could see horror in their faces, but knew that this was turning a lot of them on.  She heard his breathing change and felt his muscles spasming, and knew he was about to cum.  So she stopped stroked his dick and watched it twitch when his orgasm was denied.  She then stroked him again to the point of cumming, just to stop at the last second.  She slid off his face.

“I want you to beg,” She demanded.

“W-what?” stuttered the cowboy.

“W-what?” Annie mocked. “I want YOU to beg ME to make you cum in front of everyone.”

She then kneeled down and took his dick in her mouth and bobbed her head up and down.

“Oh fuck…”Sam Houston moaned. “Let me cum.”

She pulled the cock from her mouth, a stream of saliva dripping from her lips.

“Louder, big guy!”

“Let me cum, please.”


“Please! Make me cum!”

Annie then held her hand up and showed the crowd as it started vibrating.  She grabbed his cock with her vibrating hand and within in seconds, he was gasping and writhing on the floor.

“Should I let you cum?”

“Please!  Let me cum!”

“As you wish!”

He groaned and his cock erupted, blowing his load on Annie’s hand and his own body.  Annie wiped her hand off on his pants, then stood up and faced the crowd.

“Listen, assholes.  I’m Annie Atom.  I do what I want, when I want.  If you don’t like it, fucking say something.  But before you do, take a look at your little cowboy here on the floor. “

With that Annie grabbed the loot she had taken, and marched out of the bank knowing she had started a firestorm.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2016, 01:28:16 AM by Daisy Daisy Daisy »