Jennifer Lopez had only recently recovered from an injury she suffered in a CFF match which had put her on the shelf for over a year. Once she recovered she had her agent notify the league that she was ready for her next match, but the league never responded. After Lopez herself attempted to contact the league only to be met with silence as well she did the only thing celebrities do when they don’t get their way, she took to social media.
Jennifer Lopez: So the dumbf**** at the CFF don’t want the sexiest celebrity alive for their two-bit federation? #theirloss
Only a couple of days later the CFF announced the latest challenger for the light heavyweight woman’s championship, Shay Mitchell. In the ensuing press conference one of the questions posed to Shay was “What are your thoughts on the Jennifer Lopez controversy?” Initially Shay attempted to dodge the question, but after being asked it multiple times by multiple different reporters Shay finally answered. “Alreight, I didn’t want to say anything about this, but I think it’s a good thing that the league want let her back in. Honestly there should be an age restriction for these leagues, we don’t want anyone breaking a hip in there.”
Immediately Shay’s comments sparked social media alight and it didn’t take long before Shay’s words got back to Jennifer. Unsurprisingly, she was none too pleased. In the wake of Shay’s comments Lopez again reached out to the league to try to set up a fight between the two of them with the built-in bad blood that had developed, again she had no response. So instead Jennifer decided to take matters into her own hands.
Shay was shopping in downtown Los Angeles with an even larger group of paparazzi following her recently due to her recent inflammatory comments about Jennifer Lopez. It wasn’t only the paparazzi following Shay however, in a long trench coat and a wide brimmed hat with sunglasses Lopez was waiting for the perfect time to strike, and as Shay walked into a high end clothing store that the paparazzi were refused entrance to Jennifer entered shortly after her younger rival.
Shay walked around the nearly empty store with an air of blissful ignorance about her. Jennifer watched from a distance as Shay browsed the clothing selection, pretending to be looking at the selection herself from afar. After impatiently waiting for the perfect moment Jennifer saw Shay pick out a gorgeous red dress that she quickly brought with her to the changing room. It was now or never for Jennifer as she made her way to the changing room. The changing room was comprised of a large room with many mirrors with four small changing rooms inside, Shay had already begun changing in one of the rooms. Jennifer checked to make sure the rest of the room was empty, once she was sure it was she used the belt from her trench coat to tie off the door of the outer room.
While waiting for Shay to finish up in her dressing room, Jennifer tossed her hat and sunglasses off to the side and slipped of her trench coat leaving her in a black leather dominatrix outfit. Inside the dressing room Shay had finished changing into the red dress and was ready to take a look at herself in the mirror, she opening the door and was stunned by the sight of Jennifer Lopez waiting for her. “Well, it’s about damn time, having trouble slippin your fatass into that one?” Shay was immediately at a loss for words, “Jenn-ifer, what are you-“ before Shay had a chance to finish the question Jennifer ran towards her in kicked her right in the midsection back into the dressing room. Shay went flying back and landed on the bench in the changing room holding her stomach in pain.
Jennifer pressed her advantage and jumped on top of Shay on the bench, she started unloading all of her frustrations on the young brunette in the form of fists. “Get off of me you crazy bitch!” Shay screamed as she pushed Jennifer off of her onto the floor, as Shay began to stand up, shaking the cobwebs out of her head Jennifer got back up and back on the attack.
She threw more punches at Shay’s head and body, things looked as though they were going very well for Jennifer until Shay dodged and blocked multiple shots. Jennifer sent a fist straight towards Shay’s face, but Shay caught her hand. “You’re too slow old lady,” Shay said to her attacker. Jennifer tried to strike Shay with her other hand but Shay dodged and delivered a flying knee straight to Jennifer’s forehead that floored the older singer. “I’m not gonna give you the chance of gaining any publicity from getting your ass kicked by me,” Shay said to the downed woman as she made her way over to the door to exit.
Shay tried to push open the door before realizing that Jennifer had tied it off, she started untying the weak knot that Jennifer had made on the door. As she was working on the know Lopez slowly got to her feet and approached Shay quietly. After struggling with the knot for a bit longer Shay managed to remove it from the door and swung it open to see that a couple of the paparazzi had made their way in once they realized that Jennifer was there.
“Nothing to see here, just a washed-up has been clinging to relev-“ before Shay finished her sentence Jennifer came up behind her and ripped the red dress from her lithe body. Underneath the dress Shay was wearing a black pair of panties and no bra, she immediately shrieked and tried to cover up when faced with the paparazzi and their cameras. Lopez wasn’t satisfied with just humiliating the girl however, as she grabbed Shay by the hair from behind and slammed her down onto the ground, smacking her head onto the hard tile floor.
“Not so high and mighty now bitch?” Jennifer cruelly remarked to the woman on the ground holding her head in pain. After a moment or two Shay tried to start to get up, either to run away or fight back, but before she even got to her knees Jennifer kicked the younger woman square in face. Shay was immediately knocked out. “Wow real tough girl,” Jennifer said to herself. She stood over the destroyed actress and noticed that most of the paparazzi were still waiting outside.
“I guess I’ll show them your new outfit Shay,” Jennifer said to the unconscious woman. Lopez wasted no time picking up the discarded trench coat belt, she first used it to gag Shay Mitchell’s mouth and then took the rest of the belt to loosely wrap around Shay’s neck to make a leash. Lopez sat down on Shay’s chest and began slapping her in the face to wake her up, it didn’t take long before Shay was stirring. Jennifer began dragging the hardly conscious Shay through the store passed the few paparazzi taking pictures of all of it. What a sight it was to see the 46 year old Jennifer Lopez clad in leather lingerie, dragging the 29 year old, naked, number 1 contender Shay Mitchell around like a dog.
Shay had come to by the time they made it to the door and she tried to pull away from Jennifer but she was too weak from the beating she had already taken. “Come on little doggy, don’t be scared they just want to take your picture,” Jennifer condescendingly said to the beaten girl. Jennifer dragged her pet out of the store and the paparazzi immediately took notice, they crowded around and snapped thousands of pictures as Lopez posed over her victim in various positions.
After about ten minutes of pictures Jennifer got bored and dragged the humiliated Shay over to a nearby bike rack. Jennifer tied the end of the “leash” to the bike rack and then kneeled down next to Shay and whispered into her ear, “Alright Shay just one more thing that I need you to do. Tomorrow after these pictures have had their rounds on the media circuit you’re going to come out and reject your title shot and announce that you’re taking an indefinite break from fight, can you do that for me sweetie.” Shay was a pathetic mess at this point, her mascara had run down her face with her as the gagged woman looked up to Jennifer and submissively nodded her head. “Good, and if you don’t do that, I’ll find you and I’ll make this display here look like foreplay.” After that Jennifer slammed the younger woman’s head into the metal bike rack, again knocking her unconscious. Jennifer then slipped off Shay’s black panties and left her completely naked, she walked away as the paparazzi again swarmed. “That should get them calling…”
Jennifer Lopez

Shay Mitchell