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Naruto Catfight: Hinata vs Sakura

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Offline luffy316

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Naruto Catfight: Hinata vs Sakura
« on: May 19, 2016, 07:03:46 AM »
a belly-centric catfight over a boy; helps to know the Naruto anime series, but not required at all to enjoy

Hinata had enough of the competition she'd been having with Naruto. This was, after all, not the "original" Hinata. She had grown up in a far more confident, sexy, and sharp-tongued woman than she had in the traditional universe. She had pegged Shion as her biggest rival for his attention; long blond hair, assertive and open about her love for him, and nearly as chesty as Hinata herself.

Hinata left a note challenging her at her doorstep, and soon the girls met out in a secluded part of the forest, traditionally used by ninja for private duels.

Shion wore a long yellow jacket to the challenge, similar in color to her hair. She had red shorts underneath it and  a white shirt that showed off some midriff. Hinata was in her usually alluring (though some other girls would say trashy or slutty) attire, her mesh top and short shorts showing off much of her legs and belly, her jacket pulled wide open to shamelessly exposed as much skin as she could.

"So what's this all about?" Shion demanded, scowling bitterly at Hinata. She had no real liking for Hinata herself. She thought the Byakugan bitch was entitled, foul-mouthed, and a massive show off, while Hinata thought of Shion as a haughty and stuck up little manstealer.

"I think it's obvious by now, you sneaky little slut," Hinata sneered at her, her hand on her hip confidently. "I've called you out to get you to stop chasing after my man."

"Naruto? What do you mean YOUR man?!" Shion snapped back at her. "He's allowed to pick whoever he wants! And just because I'm the best pick is no reason for you-"

"Oh go fuck yourself!" Hinata cut in angrily. "I'm here to make things easier for him to choose. Winner of this contest gets Naruto to themselves. Loser never speaks to him again."

Shion scowled back at her, then took up a fighting stance. Hinata reached into her coat, pulling out a sheathe of kunai, only to throw the whole stash of them away. She stripped off and threw off her jacket as well, left in just her small top and shorts. "Not like that. No tricks, no styles, no jutsus."

Shion raised her eyebrows, unsure who would have won in an all out fight. This new challenge tempted her though, eager to put the dark-haired whore in her place.

"You and I take turns punching each other in the belly. No weapons, no techniques, just raw fists. The loser goes away with a bruised gut, while the winner knows she has a stomach strong enough to carry Naruto's children!"

"Children!?" Shion demanded, though more outraged than really shocked. She'd thought of bearing Naruto's heirs for a long time, but Hinata was far more open and aggressive about these things. "Fine! You know what? I'm tired of your slutty ass stalking him! I'll save my Naruto from your skanky claws, you skanky witch!"

"Witch!? Oh that's it!" Hinata growled, stepping up to her. She adjusted her top a bit to expose as much of her abs and stomach as she could, leaning back to proudly thrust her belly out at her opponent. "Go ahead, princess. Take the first shot if you think you're tough enough!"

Shion leered back at the grey-eyed girl, rolling up her sleeves. "Gladly. You're basically giving me my wish come true!" Hinata looked back at her unflinching, knowing that this fight was for Naruto and she'd be giving it her all. The blonde finally wound up and swung a low blow right into Hinata's stomach. She grunted and staggered back a half pace, but waited a moment to see if Shion would keep attacking. She stuck to the agreement, though, adjusting her stance to stand up straight herself and fold back her jacket. Her own bare belly awaited Hinata next.

Hinata braced her feet, winding far back and throwing a hard straight right into Shion's navel. The lighter-haired girl gave a soft squeak and lost her footing for a moment, but she recovered quickly as well.

"Is that all you've got, you limp-wristed bitch?" Shion hissed at her, rubbing her stomach for a moment before she readied her own punch. Hinata braced both hands confidently on her hips, smirking back at her.

"You have another tickle ready for me, dyke?" Hinata mocked, but grunted as Shion's punch buried into the flesh of her belly. Hinata's eyes widened a bit at the hit and emitted a low cough, but she shook it off.

"Now you're in for it. Don't get scared and turn into a log or anything, shinobi Barbie," Hinata mocked as Shion got back into position, arms spread out and breathing readily. Hinata actually feinted with this one, throwing a fakeout punch that made Shion flinch before landing her actual blow, an arcing shot into her lower belly.

Shion let out a high gasp as some saliva sprayed from her lips, one hand going to grasp her stomach as she coughed out some air. Hinata laughed at her reaction as she was still doubling over in surprise and pain.

“You should have seen your face! For a ninja, you sure are gullible!” Hinata boasted, cackling at her humiliation. Shion just scowled up at her, not even rising or waiting for her to be prepared before she slugged the brunette in the gut in mid-laugh.

Hinata huffed hard, hugging her bare stomach. She coughed up a splash of saliva while her eyes watered. "You cheap little bitch!" Hinata snapped at her.

"Me!? You’re the one who said no tricks, and then you used that fakeout punch on me!" Shion argued back.

"At least you were ready for that! You were just too much of a blonde bimbo to think of it!" The girls were both in eachothers' faces, breasts pushing up against each other competitively, glaring into each other's' eyes.

"Let's take this up another level," Shion demanded with a snarl. "Three stomach punches in a row for each turn, then the other."

Hinata paused, Shion thinking for the moment that she may have intimidated her into stepping down from the challenge. "Make it five!" she insisted.

Shion raised her eyebrows in surprise, but nodded anyway. "Deal. Bring it, you weak bitch!" The blonde girl tossed aside her coat and flexed her slim abs to brace herself for the incoming challenge. Hinata cracked her knuckles a she stepped up to the plate, so to speak.

"I'll teach you to go for the wrong boy, blondie," Hinata threatened. She wound up and swung full force into Shion's belly, and even with her body braced, it forced a small squeak from her lips. Hinata quickly wound up and hit with another and another, getting more small noises from her but Shion refusing to flinch. Hinata paused and scowled at her, clearly annoyed by the fact.

Hinata switched up her tactics a bit by sending a punch into the side of her stomach. Shion let out a husky grunt as the knuckles dug firmly into her fresh and tender muscle, just shy of her womb and kidneys. Shion staggered to the opposite side unsteadily, but Hinata didn't let her regain her footing before she bashed her again.

Shion cried out and landed on one knee, holding her side where Hinata had struck her last. Hinata looked down at her with a confident smirk, jutting out one of her hips with her fists resting against her sides.

"Ready to run home and cry already, little baby?" Hinata cooed mockingly. Shion rubbed her stomach and rose up with a wince, but shook her head as she clenched her fists.

"Shut up and get ready, whore," Shion ordered.

Hinata smirked and patted her stomach proudly. "Go ahead and try. I'm not afraid of your weak-ass punches OR your flabby gut."

For all her talk, Shion's first punch got a quick grunt of pain out of Hinata. Still, the gray-eyed girl growled back at her "Bring it on."

Shion scowled and knelt down, grabbing hold of the top of Hinata's shorts for leverage. She pelted her with three more, spread out like a triangle around Hinata's belly button that got soft but high-pitched cries out of the dark-haired girl. Hinata's belly pumped in and out rapidly as she took deep breaths, trying to cope with the ache rocking through her midsection. Shion timed out her last punch until right as Hinata breathed in her deepest, sucking in her stomach so that the blonde could slam her blow in, sending her knuckles as deep and hard as she could get them.

This got a shout out of Hinata, legs shaking briefly before she fell to her knees and clutched her stomach with one hand. Shion smirked proudly as she stepped back, arms out mockingly.

"Who's the weakling now, you mouthy whore? You think Naruto's going to be gentle with his lover? You just don't have the stomach for it!" Shion pelted her with insults as Hinata grit her teeth and pulled herself back up. She wiped some sweat from her forehead.

“Oh, you’re going to pay for even mentioning my man, you little cxnt,” Hinata growled, rubbing her stomach. Hinata stepped suddenly forward, hooking her arm into a short uppercut that dug right into Shion’s stomach before she could even brace herself. 

The blonde was almost knocked completely off of her feet, saliva splashing from her mouth. She coughed wetly, trying to cover her stomach out of instinct.

“No blocking!” Hinata scolded as she snarled, grabbing Shionby the wrist and shoving it away. She immediately took another step closer, sending a hooking shot into the side of the blonde's tummy. Shion staggered weakly to one side, just for Hinata to shift and smash her in the other side. It straightened Shion back out, though her legs shook under her as she looked ready to throw up. Hinata wound up far back as Shion staggered, firing a punch forward into her abdomen.

Shion let out a huge gasp for air as she was knocked flat on her ass, wheezing and holding her significantly bruising stomach. Hinata cracked her knuckles and stood confidently over her. "Had enough, I see. Ready to give up the title of Naruto's bride yet, ninja Barbie?" she gloated.

Shion coughed some air back into herself at last and shook her head. "No... I can keep going," she grunted out, forcing herself back up despite how badly her abs hurt her. Hinata huffed, a bit disappointed that she wasn't putting her down as fast as she would have liked. She brushed some of her hair back behind her shoulders and shrugged, stepping back to brace herself.

"Alright, whatever. Just hurry up and take your shots. I'm really starting to enjoy beating the crap out of you." Hinata gave her a sly grin as she interlaced her fingers and folded her hands back behind her head. Shion took a moment to get her breathing back to normal, even as she was sweating and blinking rapidly to try to stay focused.

"Haven't got all day," Hinata cooed to her with a slight wiggle of her hips. "I've got a hot date with Naruto to get to be-"

Shion's face flared up angrily and she threw an uppercut as low as she could see on Hinata's stomach. Given her skimpy outfit, this was rather low indeed, making Hinata's big gray eyes bulge and spittle splash from her lips. Shion let herself go berserk on her opponent, forgetting the rules entirely in place of the bet. As soon as one fist left Hinata's gut, the other connected, Shion following that chain to pummel Hinata's stomach as hard as she could. Hinata was pushed back into the tree by her pounding, grabbing its bark for balance as Shion wailed away on her stomach.

"YOU! DON'T! TOUCH! MY! NARUTO!" Shion ranted, well beyond her 5 punch limit and not stopping. When Hinata seemed to realize this through all her stomach pain, she grabbed Shion by the hair and swung her knee up to spike it into the blonde's belly. Shion let out a soft squeak as she hugged her stomach and fell to her knees, shaking and sputtering as Hinata carefully pushed herself back up. She gingerly touched her own belly, feeling the aching muscles, bruises, and red marks from Shion's knuckles. She growled angrily as she stomped up to the downed blonde.

"You cheating little shit," Hinata hissed, stepping over and kicking Shion in her injured stomach. She was lifted briefly off the ground before she crumbled to the grass, coughing and rolling pathetically at Hinata's feet. "You think you're clever? You think your dirty ass is worth Naruto's attention? Come here!"

Hinata shoved Shion onto her back, straddling her chest to sit facing the blonde ninja's legs. Shion was still too winded to do much besides grab at Hinata's hips as she spiked her fist down into the blonde's pale belly. Shion gave another loud groan of pain, but Hinata went on tearing into her with more downward punches. “Stupid bitch! Thought you could get away with that!? Thought you could ditch our bet and walk away with the prize?! FUCK you, you fucking cow!” she snapped furiously as she beat her fists hard over and over into her as if her navel was a bullseye.

Shion wailed out in pain as Hinata beat around her pale, bruised belly like she was trying to rearrange her guts. Hinata ignored her pathetic noises as she buried her fists into her stomach, finally raising both at once and delivered a dual punch into her tenderized tummy. Shion kicked her feet and groaned pathetically, but the rough beating had drained the fight out of her.

"How do you like your new tummy tuck, you weak bitch? You're going to be wearing sweaters all summer to cover up that ugly gut!" Hinata slapped at her belly a bit before she dug her fist into it slowly, rotating her arm to drag her knuckles over Shion's stomach like a slow-acting drill. Shion squealed like a startled piglet as she kicked and thrashed helplessly under the brunette girl.

“Stop! Stop! You win!” Shion pleaded wildly, tears forming in her eyes. “I give! You can have Naruto!”

Hinata seemed to ignore her and kept on drilling her first into her, pushing the soft skin inward as Shion continued to squeak underneath her. “That’s good,” Hinata praised her as she worked her over. “That’s what I want to hear. Doesn’t mean I’ll stop though!” she laughed cruelly. “All those dirty tricks are bad enough, and trying to challenge me pissed me off. But you even dared to think about taking my Naruto away from me. For that, I’m going to slaughter that little belly of yours.”

She finally stopped her grinding to open up her palm, slapping it like a sharp spanking against Shion’s stomach. The quick sharp pain made Shion shudder as Hinata stood up over her. "I really love how pathetic you are," Hinata purred as she stood over her, running her fingers over her own beaten stomach lightly in an almost sensual way. "It makes me feel that much stronger and sexier. Like a REAL woman that's worthy of a man like Naruto."

Hinata suddenly stomped down on Shion's stomach, spiking the weight of her body behind her foot and pressing down on the blonde's pale stomach. Shion gagged and writhed, grabbing onto Hinata's foot and trying to pull her up, but Hinata grinned sadistically and twisted her foot in place, crushing her tender belly.

"You didn't believe me when I said I'd destroy you, did you?" Hinata hissed venomously at her former opponent and now victim. "Then maybe you don't realize how much I love MY Naruto. I love him even more than I HATE you!" Hinata stomped on her stomach again, and slammed her foot down a few more time to torment Shion's downed form. Shion screamed and cried as she writhed on the ground, simply trying to escape the pain and ignoring how dirty it made her skin and clothes.

"What's the matter? Can't take a beating? Only happy to give them out when you cheat at a bet that you're losing?" Hinata taunted, stopping her footwork only to press another foot onto her, stepping on with both feet to stand directly on her stomach. Shion squirmed and gagged beneath her, kicking at the ground to try to pus herself free, but Hinata's ninja balance kept her on top of her and pressing down into her navel. She lifted her feet one at a time, pulling off her scandals to brace her bare feet down on top of her stomach. As Shion started to whimper and pant breathlessly, she felt her every desperate breath go through her soles.

Hinata grinned down at her, clenching her feet slowly and raking her painted toenails across her damaged belly. Shion screamed as her eyes went wide, flailing and pushing with her hands to try to stop her, but Hinata went on scratching over her slowly. Finally her toes clenched against her, hopping off of her and landing back on the ground.

"Well that was a nice way to stretch your legs, eh?" Hinata grinned wickedly, Shion curling up and moaning miserably as she clutched her stomach. "Oh quit your whining. Imagine the abs you'll have once I'm done with you. Assuming you can heal that weak tummy back at all!"

Shion coughed and winced as even breathing was making her stomach sore at this point. Still, she shook her head and spat at Hinata's feet. She saw the fury in Hinata's gray eyes, trying to scramble away from her into the woods.

"Oh, you really ARE asking for it!" Hinata growled, grabbing Shion by her long blonde hair. She pulled back to reel her back into the middle of their meeting place, forcing her up to her feet. Shion tried to pull away fruitlessly, and found that standing with her stomach how it was created a consistent pulse of agony. Fortunately for her, Hinata didn’t stand her up for long before she lifted her up with a grunt of effort. It took her a bit of focus, but Hinata lifted Shion off her feet and swung her right back down, extending her knee as she came down.

“AUHHHH!” The blonde let out a pained shout as she was landed in a loosely executed backbreaker, the shock running up her back and out to sting her tender stomach. Her body arched in a half circle to compensate for the pressure of Hinata's knee, leaving her hair and head draped upside down over one side while her legs bent over the other.

"Aren't you just laid out for the picking," Hinata gloated down at her, bracing a hand downward against Shion's chin to hold her in the position. She traced a finger slowly over Shion's red and purple stomach, getting a miserable whimper out of her.

"Please don't! I'm sorry!" Shion pleaded. "I'm so sorry! I won't even look at him again!"

"Too late for that now," Hinata hissed down at her, running her nails lightly over the injured tummy before she squeezed the soft skin. It yielded and molded easily to her grasp, fingers pinching over and stretching it painfully over her sore muscles. Shion's weakened body spasmed from the agony, her feet kicking and flopping weakly on one side of Hinata's legs. On the other, Shion's face released tears and frantic, high-pitched cries of pain.

"AHHHH! OWWWW, stop! I'll do anything! Please!"

Hinata grinned at this offer, but she still squeezed her aching stomach muscles between her fingers.

Hinata grinned at this offer, but she still squeezed her aching stomach muscled between her fingers. "Oh, I know you will. Because you know what I can do to you if you go anywhere NEAR my Naruto." She loosened her grip and gave another slight squeeze, still enough to make Shion jolt and whine. "You WILL leave him alone, right?"

"Yes! OW! YESSSS!" Shion shouted as quickly as she could.
"You swear it on your life?"
"YES! Ow! Ow! Pleaaase! I swear on my life!"

Hinata giggled a bit to see her suffering and cowering from her, finally shoving Shion off of her knee and into the dirt. She wheezed desperately and clutched her stomach, sitting up with her shorts and top dirtied from her roll on the ground.

"Of course you do. You're too weak for a man as powerful as he is," Hinata said, a strange mix of venomous hate for her enemy mixed with a dreamy adoration for her true love. Hinata stood back up and jabbed her foot in a quick prod to Shion's stomach. "Aren't you, weakling!?"

"EEP! Yes! I'm too weak for you! Too weak for him!" squeaked the blonde, just wanting all the pain to end.

"You're just the weakest ninja we've had in our village yet, aren't you? You and that saggy, soft belly of yours."

"Y-yes. I'm too pathetic. I'm... I'm the worst," Shion sniffled miserably.

Hinata pushed into her chest with her foot, knocking her onto her back and starting to lightly press her toes down on Shions' stomach. Her whining squeals grew louder and higher as she eased into the pressure further and further.

"You didn't sound very sure about that. Are you absolutely certain? Because if you're not, I can always beat on that bullseye of a belly even harder~" she chimed in a cruelly singsong voice.

"NO! I mean, yes! I'm the weakest! I'm so pathetic, Mistress Hinata! I'm the lowliest of the ninja! I'm not fit for a powerful princess such as yourself! You would make a powerful and beautiful hokage, Hinata!"

Hinata grinned down at her, not just from the flattery but from her obviously defeated and broken rival. "Good to see you learn so quickly for such a stupid bitch," Hinata praised mockingly, easing up on the pressure a bit so that Shion could breathe again with only minimal aches and pain in her abdomen.

Hinata folded her arms and looked down at the truly beaten Shion with a sadistic smile. "I think you've learned your lesson. Now... give me your clothes."

"What!?" Shion blushed bright red as she recoiled instinctively from her. "But... but..."

"You're in the woods. Hardly anyone will see you on your way back. I'll even let you keep your underwear on. But I want you to remember just how badly you lost." Hinata gave her a devilish grin. "If that's too much for you, I could just beat you worse. Or if you can't undress yourself, I could always help." Her eyes gleamed as she knelt down and pulled a sharp kunai from a discarded pouch of hers.

Shion went a bit pale again as she shakily undressed, just glad that her attire had left her stomach exposed so that she didn't have to pull anything over her aching stomach. Hinata's gaze burned into her as she stripped in front of her, left in nothing but her pink bra and panties.

"Now there's the pathetic loser we knew you were all along," Hinata gloated. She walked up to her, Shion already cringing before she casually patted the blonde ninja on the stomach. "Go run along now, weakling," she chimed, Shion shivering and doubling over a bit as Hinata walked by her, holding her belly and nodding as she started to hurry home, the warm sunny air on her skin.

"I didn't hear a 'thank youuu," Hinata teased, turning and tossing the kunai suddenly. It zipped just past her head, making Shion gasp. It completely missed her face, but it discreetly cut through the shoulder strap of her bra. Shion gasped as it started to fall loose, grabbing it with one hand and running back home while Hinata laughed at her, victoriously going off to rest herself. She wanted to heal up with a medical ninja before going to tell Naruto the good news; that no other girls stood between them anymore.
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Offline luffy316

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Re: Naruto Catfight: Hinata vs Sakura
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2016, 10:47:43 AM »
she'll be in the sequel story coming
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Offline justlooking9000

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Re: Naruto Catfight: Hinata vs Sakura
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2016, 04:03:16 AM »
I'm looking forward the Hinata vs Sakura fight