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WBACCF Amazon 3: Torrie Wilson vs Kelly Brook

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WBACCF Amazon 3: Torrie Wilson vs Kelly Brook
« on: July 15, 2016, 05:04:20 PM »
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Kelly Brook walked around the ring and Torrie Wilson demanded that Kelly let her get in.  After the Maria Kanellis fight people knew not to turn their back on Kelly.

Kelly smiled and got in the middle of the ring.  “Come in and I show you why I’m dominating.”

“Back up and let me in.  “  Torrie screamed and the ref was getting Kelly to back up and as Torrie got up on the apron, Kelly pushed the ref away and hit a running knee to Torrie’s ear. 

She wasted no time getting a front headlock in place and moving back.  Kelly brook had Torrie Wilson hanging off the second rope “Fuck this American.”  She dropped down hitting a draping DDT Randy Orton Style.

She picked a knocked out Torrie Wilson up and then put head under Torries arm hands on the thighs she lifted Torrie up to the top turnbuckle and hit the same move.

Kelly Brook covered Torrie Wilson by going on top of her.  Huge tits on the face of Torrie Wilson she easily pinned Torrie Wilson.  It was Kelly’s third fight and she won all with ease but not due to her own skill but her killer instinct.

Kelly Brook was a  vulture in this tournament and just upset who many thought was going to win it all.  She would not apologize for doing what it took to win