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Request for Raycat- Amanda vs Mistress Caitlin

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Request for Raycat- Amanda vs Mistress Caitlin
« on: October 11, 2016, 08:50:59 PM »

Amanda 44 yo, 5'10", 140 lbs, 34 D


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Re: Request for Raycat- Amanda vs Mistress Caitlin
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2016, 08:54:19 PM »

Mistress Caitlin- 53 yo, 5'1", 170 lbs. 38 FF


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Re: Request for Raycat- Amanda vs Mistress Caitlin
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2016, 09:05:10 PM »

Mistress Caitlin


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Re: Request for Raycat- Amanda vs Mistress Caitlin
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2016, 09:07:22 PM »

Amanda is very hot, men walk into tree's looking at her on the street. Amanda is quite aware of how men look at her tall, sexy body and her beautiful face. She's a showstopper, and the 44 year old, 5'10”, 140 lbs 34 D, blonde takes advantage of people by various adjusting her attitude. She has an explosive temper, and she loves fighting. The big, tough blonde is quite dominant, and she brags about the couple of years of boxing she did when she was younger, and all the fights that she won back in high school. Amanda has always been tough, dominant, confident, spoiled and she's quite used to getting everything her own way. Amanda is cocky, and she conceited and convinced.

That was all before she graduated Police School a few weeks ago. Now Amanda is walking on water. I know, I'm Amanda's partner. I get to ride around with her every day in the police car. I'm supposed to show her the ropes, but she always wants to teach me something. She has gone crazy with her power. She wears a badge now, and she carry's a gun, and most of the time people try to be nice and show an officer respect, but Amanda has had several run ins with women. She seems to get an attitude with women, and there is this one woman that has given her a hard time on three different occasions. The third time Mistress Caitlin just keeps driving until she gets to the biker bar, and she called everyone at the bar on her cell phone, and everyone is gathering around in the back parking lot of the bar, as Caitlin got out of her car. She walks right over to Amanda's police car.

Amanda opens the car door, moving Mistress Caitlin back a couple of steps. Mistress Caitlin screams, “why don't you take off your gun, and take off your badge, and we'll settle this like two women.” There is a crowd standing around, and they're cheering. I just sit there in the police car, let Amanda make all the rookie mistakes, and let her learn the hard way. Mistress Caitlin is 53 years old, 5'1”, 170 lbs, 38 FF. Amanda says, “You have been very disrespectful to me you stupid little bitch. If you really wanna fight me, I'll fight you. Just tell me when and where.” Caitlin laughs and she says, “I can beat you up anywhere you want bitch. We can do it inside, in my S&M bar, or right here, outside. I couldn't believe that Amanda agrees to meet Mistress Caitlin tonight at 10 pm, to fight her inside of the motorcycle bar.

Part 2

I couldn't take it, and as soon as Amanda gets in the car I say, “what are you crazy, you want to fight some demented S&M Mistress, and in her bar, and in front of all of her friends. What are you going to do if she kicks your ass. What happens if the biker bar has a fuck down with you. All the guys take turns.” Amanda says, “if I would have backed down, I'll get my ass kicked every day, and no one will have respect for me, besides, did you see how old this flabby, little cow is. She's in her fifty's. I'll punch that flabby, fat old cow silly until she doesn't even know where she is any more, and I'm quite sure all the bikers will really get off on watching that fat old cow licking my cxnt.” I laugh and I say, “you're one crazy chick, you're going to be there alone.” Amanda laughs and says, “Oh, no, you're going to be there with me, and you're going to make sure no one kills me.” She spends the rest of the day bragging about her boxing, and her high school fights, and how tough she is, and she starts getting me hard talking about ripping clothes off, and kidding she says, “You've undressed me in your head a 1000 times, and don't say that you haven't, maybe tonight you'll get lucky and get to see my big, sexy tits, or my sex tight ass.” The thought of that has my cock hard, but still I don't think it's a good idea for Amanda to fight this bitch, even if she can beat her up. 


I pick her up, and Amanda looks really hot in her street clothes. She's wearing tight blue jeans, and a blue midriff blouse, and 4” high heels, and her ass has to be one of the finest asses I ever did see, and her tight blouse reveals her ample breasts. She's wearing lightly applied makeup and shiny lipstick. I felt like taking her home and................................. All the way to the bar Amanda is bragging about how tough she is, and her boxing training, and hat she scored the highest in her self defense class. She told me that when she was in high school, jealous girls were always starting fights with her, and talking about how she kicked all these girls asses. She has a real arrogant, cocky attitude, and according to Amanda, she can walk on water. As we started to get closer she starts telling me that this little fat cow is going to be punched like a punching bag. She won't even know where she is any more. I'll punch this flabby old whore silly, until she has a goofy little grin on her face. I asked her if she knew much about Mistress' and S&M, and Amanda said “that's disgusting. Only sick, demented people get involved with that.” I had to laugh to myself, Amanda thinks that she's so great, and she has no idea what could be waiting for her.” I decided not to tell her, besides, Amanda cry's out, “There it is.”

From the minute we opened the car doors we could hear the excitement, and a couple of bikers called into the bar, she's here, she's here. Then as we're walking toward the rear entrance of the bar, two very big bikers walk out the back door, and we walk up to them. The one biker says, “I am the owner of the property, and I want you to agree to the rules now, so that we don't have any problems later. First, there are no weapons allowed at all. We roped in an area at the back of the bar, a place that Mistress Caitlin uses as her dungeon. The two women will fight, and there will be absolutely no interference by anyone.
There are no weapons allowed in the fight area. The fight goes on until she winner says the fight is over. If you both agree to the rules, left go in and have a drink before the fight.”

We walk into the dungeon bar, and every man in the bar started cat whistling, and cheering and applauding Amanda. No man could keep their eyes off of her, and already, like me, they have to be undressing her. Mistress Caitlin walks in from a door in the back, and she has two slaves with her. The cheering died down as Caitlin walks right up to Amanda and she says, “I can't believe you had the fuckin nerve to show up.” Amanda and I slugged down a shot of Tequila, and Amanda stands straight up next to Caitlin, looking down at her, and she laughs as she puts her hands on her hips, and she says, “and you're going to be very sad that I showed up after I beat you up you stupid little bitch.” Caitlin is wearing a tight black leather micro mini dress and 3” high heels. She looks surprisingly hot too.

Caitlin says, “alright, you ready to do this. Amanda said, “let get this over with quickly. I have other things to do.” I looked at the roped in area, about 15 feet wide. The two walls are empty, painted black over the concrete. The floor is concrete, and the wall to the left has various S&M equipment, and a bench, and some metal lockers. Caitlin walked fast and first, and she stopped in the middle of the area. The crowd was already excited, you could hear the room fill with voices. I watch Amanda's hot ass as she walks down the aisle, as everyone made a circle around the ropes. Amanda lifts the rope and as she climbs into the fight area, but she doesn't wait. She lunges right at Caitlin, screaming, “You stupid fat cow, I'm going to kill you.”  Amanda pulls her right fist back to punch Caitlin in her face. She sends her fist right at Caitlin's face, but much to her surprise, Caitlin reaches up with her left hand, and she catches Amanda's wrist in mid air, and then Caitlin takes her own right fist, and she plows it, “bam,” right into Amanda's toned stomach. Caitlin's fist bounces off of Amanda's stomach, and Caitlin is shocked, she didn't think that Amanda was so well muscled. Amanda pulls her wrist out of Caitlin's hand, and she steps back. Caitlin raises her fists up like a man screaming, “alright, you wanna fight, you really wanna fight, I'll fuckin fight you Amanda, I'll,” but before Caitlin can finish what she's saying, Amanda balls up her left fist hard and tight, and she punches Caitlin “bang,” right in her lips, splitting her lower lip open, and blood was rolling from her lip.” Caitlin gets this totally shocked look on her face, as she puts her hand to her split lip. She wipes the blood back and forth, and then she looks at her fingers, and seeing all her blood, Caitlin loses her temper. Her face turns red, and she just goes plowing into Amanda, and Amanda isn't ready for her. Amanda attempts to throw a punch, screaming, “You stupid fat cow, I'm going to kill you.” but Caitlin leans down, grabbing Amanda's sexy midriff blouse with both of her hands, and she shoves Amanda backwards, across the whole area, until “BOOM,” Amanda's body crashes into the loud metal lockers, and “BANG,” her head does too. Caitlin is really pissed off, and she steps back, ripping Amanda's blue blouse right off of her body, screaming “you're not going to kill anyone pig.” The crowd is already cheering, but they start screaming at the sight of Amanda's big, sexy white bra.

Caitlin puts her fists up like a man, screaming, “come on Amanda. I thought you were supposed to be such a tough boxer. Come on, put you're fists up and fight me.” Amanda raises her fists up too, and the two women stand there, both of them with their fists raised up like men, ready to fist fight. Each woman wants to knock the other woman silly, and you can just tell that this is going to be a really good fight.” Amanda raises up on her toes, and she starts dancing around Caitlin, while Caitlin stands there flat footed, only turning a little to keep an eye on Amanda. Amanda moves to the left, and she punches Caitlin's left eye, “bam, bam,” a two punch combination, making Caitlin's eye turn pink and get all puffy, and then with her right fist she hits her, she sends it plowing, “bang,” right into Caitlin's nose, and now blood is really rolling from Caitlin's nose. Caitlin steps back and she puts her hand to her nose, and Caitlin loses her temper again. Her face is red and purple she's so infuriated. She lunges at Amanda. Amanda quickly sends her left fist into Caitlin's nose, and her right fist pounds into Caitlin's big breast, but Amanda's punches seem to have no effect on Caitlin, as Caitlin grabs Amanda's hair with both of her hands and she shoves Amanda back until “bang,” she smacks her head against the cement wall. Caitlin screams right in Amanda's face, 'I'm going to knock you silly you stupid bitch, until you don't even know where you are any more, and then I'm going to make you my slave. You're going to be my private pet, officer Amanda you stupid bitch.” The crowd is cheering, and laughing, a loud voice screams, “look at that hot cop getting the shit knocked out of her,” and everyone is laughing. Caitlin starts “bang, bang, bang, bang,” smacking Amanda's head against the concrete. She's cracking her fuckin skull over and over again against the hard concrete. Amanda is seeing stars, fuckin stars, and her eyes are swimming around in her head. Caitlin lets go of Amanda's hair, and Amanda is knocked silly. Her eyes are swimming around in her head, and her legs are all wobbly. She's just standing there with this silly little smile across her face, she's knocked so silly, she doesn't even know where she is any more.

Caitlin grabs Amanda's shoulder, and she spin her right around, so that Amanda is facing the wall. Then she grabs Amanda bra and she unhooks the bra, and Amanda's bra slides right down her body onto the floor. Caitlin spins Amanda right back around to face her, and to face the screaming crowd. Caitlin screams, “Alright bitch, tell everyone  that I'm your Mistress, and that you're my slave. Amanda has tears welling up in her eyes, and feebly she whispers, “please stop, I'm a police officer, don't beat me up any more.” Caitlin is laughing and she says, “what was that Amanda, did you say I'm a police officer. Was that an order that I should stop beating you up officer Amanda.” Tears start rolling down Amanda's face and she's crying out, “Please let me go. You win, you beat me up, now please let me go.” Caitlin laughs viciously and she says, “You're not a police officer right now, you are going to learn how to be my slave, and you will be my slave whenever you see me.”

Amanda starts trying to walk away from Caitlin. She's stumbling on her rubbery legs, and crying out, “enough, you win, enough.” Caitlin runs right after Amanda, and before Amanda can reach the ropes, Caitlin grabs her shoulder and she spin Amanda back around to face her, and she plows her left fist, “boom,” right into Amanda's  stomach, and this Amanda's toned stomach doesn't absorb the hard punch, and “OOOFFF,” she knocks some the air out of Amanda, and Amanda bends over in pain. Caitlin grabs Amanda by her hair, and she yanks her head up. Then she shoves her head back down, as she raises her right knee, and Amanda's jaw smashes right into Caitlin's rising knee. This time you can really hear Amanda's teeth knock together and chatter in her head, as her head snaps back, bang,” right into the cement wall, and Amanda just goes sliding down the wall until “boom,” her ass hits the cement, and Amanda's eyes are swimming around in her head. Her chest is heaving up and down in contrast to her otherwise lifeless body. Amanda is out cold. Caitlin has knocked Amanda unconscious.

Caitlin walks over and she grabs Amanda's legs, and she pulls the unconscious blonde away from the wall, out into the middle of the fight area. Then she grabs Amanda's hair as she climbs right on top of her, and she sits down right on Amanda's stomach. Caitlin takes the open palm of her right hand, and she slaps Amanda “bam,” right across her face, swinging her head to the side from the full force of the hard smack. Then with the back of her hand she cracks her, “bam,” backhand across the other side of her face, swinging her head back in the other direction. She starts slapping Amanda, forehand, backhand, forehand, backhand, “bam, bam, bam, bam,” back and forth and back and forth, screaming, “Wake up officer, wake up you stupid pig, I'm not finished with you yet.” She just keeps on whacking Amanda's face back and forth until Amanda's eyes blink open, and they're still swimming around in her head. Caitlin slaps her face back and forth again screaming, “wake up,” but Amanda is knocked so silly that at first she doesn't know where she is, or what's going on, and then she realizes that she's at this bar, and Caitlin just beat her up. Amanda is crying again, and she's feebly crying out, “Enough, please let me go.” Caitlin slaps her face back and forth, “bam, bam,” forehand, backhand, screaming, “how dare you tell me when you had enough. I'll tell you when you had enough, and I'm definitely not finished with you yet. Now tell everyone that you're my slave, and you better refer to me as Mistress, or I'll really knock your face in.”

Amanda is crying and she starts crying out, “I'M YOUR SLAVE MISTRESS. YOU ARE MY MISTRESS, AND I AM YOUR SLAVE.”  Caitlin laughs as she gets up off of Amanda screaming, “stand up slave,and face the crowd.” Amanda is scared, and she doesn't want to piss Caitlin off. She gets up onto her rubbery legs. Caitlin walks over to the side where the lockers are, and she grabs a big, strap on dildo, and she starts strapping it onto herself. The crowd is laughing and cheering as Caitlin walks up right behind Amanda, and she guides the point of the big dildo right up to Amanda's tight, sexy ass, right up to her anus. Amanda is still not sure what is about to happen, but then Caitlin plunges the big, hard dick, right into Amanda's ass hole, and she grabs Amanda's hair. Amanda lets out a bloodcurdling scream, “AAAAAAAHHHHHH,” as she feels that cold rubber cock sliding deep into her ass hole. Amanda starts leaping, jumping, trying to dance off of the hard cock, crying, “get it out, please get it out, you're hurting me.” Amanda is totally humiliated. Caitlin holds Amanda up right in front of herself, and she's plowing that dildo in and out and in and out of her ass hole, and Caitlin screams, “Now tell everyone that you're not a police woman, tell them that you're a worthless, pathetic pig, and then oink for them, and show them what a pig you are.” Amanda could never even imagine being this humiliated, not even in her worst nightmares.

Amanda is submissive and she cry's out, “I'm not a police officer, I'm a worthless, pathetic pig. OINK, OINK OINK.” The crowd is laughing, as Caitlin starts taking Amanda out. She's marching her around in front of everyone, until she marches my partner right in front of me, and Caitlin is laughing as she  screams, “Look at her officer, look at this big mouth, she thought she was so fuckin tough. She thought that she could beat me up. She doesn't look so tough with this strap on dildo up her ass. Say it, tell your partner that you thought you were so tough, and that you thought you could beat me up, but you were wrong. Tell the officer that I beat you up, and now you're my slave, tell him.” Amanda is looking right into my eyes, and her eyes look scared and submissive, and she's crying like a little girl, she starts crying out. “I thought I was a tough police officer, and that I could beat Caitlin up, but I was wrong. Caitlin beat me up, and now I'm Caitlin's slave.” Caitlin pulls harder at Amanda's hair, and she shoves that dildo higher, harder, deeper into Amanda's ass hole screaming, “You are supposed to refer to me as Mistress, or Mistress Caitlin.” Amanda has tears overflowing out of her eyes, and she cry's out, “I'm sorry Mistress. I thought I was a tough police officer, and that I could beat up Mistress Caitlin, but I was wrong, Mistress Caitlin beat me up, and now I'm Mistress Caitlin's slave.”

Caitlin pulls the dildo out of Amanda's ass hole and she laughs viciously as she screams to the crowd, “who wants to see officer Amanda suck my cock.” The crowd is howling and cheering her on. Caitlin screams, “alright officer Amanda, now I'm going to make you a common street hooker. Cop becomes prostitute, get on your knees officer. Amanda has no other choice. Mistress Caitlin has her shaking in fear, and obediently Amanda lowers herself down onto her knees right in front of Caitlin, and she takes that big, dildo in her hands. The crowd is screaming as she opens her mouth and she shoves that big, hard, erect rubber cock  into her mouth. She's sucking the dildo like it's a man's cock. Caitlin screams, “you suck cock like you're an experienced street walker. Perhaps you would like to suck off all the men here.” Amanda shakes her head from side to side, “NO, NO,” and she still has the cock in her mouth.

Caitlin screams, “alright, all of you that want a blow job from officer Amanda, please ge ton line over here.” I know right now that the once cocky, tough cop wishes I would stop this, but she got herself into it, and besides, I actually have enjoyed watching such a conceited, confident, cocky bitch slowly having her attitude being punched out of her. A long like of men lines up. Caitlin pulls the dildo out of Amanda's mouth, and Amanda was forced to walk down the line of bikers, sucking each and every one of them until they squirted their hot cum in her mouth. Then when she's finally finished, Caitlin screams, “Now lie down on your back whore. Caitlin takes off her clothes and she sits down right on Amanda's face screaming, “lick me into orgasm officer Amanda.” Amanda sticks her tongue into Mistress Caitlin's soaking wet cxnt, and she licked her over and over again until Caitlin has one explosive orgasm after another right on Amanda's tongue. Then Caitlin screamed, “everyone line up in two lines, and we will have officer Amanda crawl out of here. The men lined up in two lines and Amanda crawled all the way out of the bar. I was quite excited, especially looking at Amanda's naked ass as she crawled out. 



Offline DogWithABone

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Re: Request for Raycat- Amanda vs Mistress Caitlin
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2016, 07:32:07 AM »
4 posts just to put up a handful of pictures and the typically terrible story. How can you not figure out how to do it in just one post?
RIP the account of Sophie Cees.