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undesirable neighbor-18 year old Mary (maryfighter) 28 year old topless dancer

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Ana- 28 years old, 5'7", 140 lbs, 32 H



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Mary (maryfighter) 18 years old, 5'7", 120 lbs, 33D



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  • I love catfights!



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It's summertime, and I just graduated from high school. My part time job while I was in high school, recently turned into a full time job, and I'm blessed that they gave me a nice bonus, and my new salary is very generous. My girlfriend and I decided to get our own place, and after looking around for a week, we finally found a place that we both loved. It's a townhouse, a brand new townhouse. No one has ever lived there before, and it has a back yard, mostly cement, with flower beds scattered around, and then a barbecue built in. We were among the very first people to see the townhouse, and we took a two bedroom townhouse . The townhouses filled up very quickly, mainly because they are beautiful, they have plenty of amenities, and the best thing ,the very reasonable price.

The very day that we moved in we met our neighbor to the right, and she gave us an ear full about our neighbor to the left. Lisa told us about Ana, who just moved in recently, and she is a topless dancer, and an S&M Mistress, and she has a biker boyfriend. Lisa said, “my husband and I were taking in some sun out on their terrace, and this big cow titted bitch is sitting on her terrace with no top on, not even a bra.

It didn't take one day before I realized that it's quite possible that we have the neighbor from hell living right next door. It was 2:30 in the morning when I was shook awake by the roar of a motorcycle. It was right outside of my window, and the engine kept revving up. Then there was finally silence. I had just managed to fall back asleep when I could hear the sound of someone being slapped over and over again, and a male moaning, “AAAHHH,,” each time I heard the slap. Finally at 4 am it became quite again, and just as I was about to fall asleep, I can hear them fucking. The headboard and the bed is apparently up against the wall, and every time they bounce up and down, the wood bed frame smacks against the wall, and the springs of her mattress are squeak, squeak, squeaking. Then I hear them having loud, long orgasms. They didn't just do it once, they did it three times. It was almost time to go to work when I finally fell asleep.

I had three nights like that, and then Thursday, my girlfriend and I invited our boyfriends for a barbecue. We realize that there are a few things that we need for the barbecue, so my girlfriend and I ran to the store, and we told the guys to go out on the terrace and start the fire. We were gone for about 45 minutes, and I beeped the horn like I told them I would, so they could come out and carry the bags in for us. We wait a few minutes, but no guys. We go into the house and call out, no guys. We walk out onto the terrace, and there are the guys, no barbecue started, and they're talking to that fat cow, with the big tits, and her tits are naked. All she is wearing is a small pair of cut off jeans. One of the guys starts to introduce us, but I'm already fuming, and I put my hands on my hips screaming, “How fuckin dare you show off those flabby, fat cow tits of yours to my guests. “ I don't know what made me feel so bossy, but I wanna show this fat cow that I'm not scared of her, and that I'm in charge, so I tell the guys, “and you start that fire right now, stop gawking at this saggy old cow.”

Now we start exchanging threats and insults at each other. My girlfriend, and the guys start pulling me into the house, and my face was blood red, as I was flailing, and kicking and screaming at Ana. I was infuriated, so much so that they wouldn't let me go back out on the patio. I was infuriated for quite a while.

My anger didn't even get a chance to change on Friday, but luckily we were having a party to celebrate our new place to live, and we had to buy liqueur, and meat to barbecue. We had a lot to do, and I didn't have time to think about it.. As soon as I see the house I have that excitement in me, wondering if I was going to come to blows with her today. Oh, I'm telling you, if it's not today, it's coming soon. Then when I was getting into the shower, I stood there posing in the full mirror, making muscles in each of my arms, and I was happy with the firmness of my whole body. Then I thought of the fighting element, I had to laugh as I thought that this big, fat cow must really think that she can beat me up. I'm jab, and poking in the mirror, throwing combinations, round houses, uppercuts. This woman has no idea of what I can do to her. I'm throwing more punches, combo's, uppercut. I know I can kick this fat fuckin whore's ass. I would just love to use those big, saggy cow tits of hers as punching bags.

Part 2
The party is really going good, the people were drinking, and eating, and the DJ was playing music, and people are dancing.  That's when my girlfriend comes outside, and she tells me that Ana, our neighbor from hell is at the front door, with these two guys on their hands and knees, each with a dog collar, and  a dog chain, and she wants to talk to you, but just as I look up to start to go see her, I see her walking across out onto the patio, and she has her two pets crawling along behind her.     

The fat cow tells me how she's some kind of Mistress, and that if I don't respect her, she is going to knock my face in, but I'm crazy and I have an explosive temper, and I punch her with my left fist, “bang,” right in her nose, swinging her head back and forth, and making blood  trickle from her nose. Then before she has a chance to think, I hit her with my right fist. I send it smashing, “bang,” right into this fat cow's nose again. Her head snaps back, and blood starts rolling from her nose as she stumbles backwards a few steps on her high heels. Ana is shocked, she didn't think a young woman like me could beat her up. She puts her hand to her nose, and seeing blood she cry's out, “look at what you did to me you stupid little bitch, I'm bleeding.” Shock turns to anger, and Ana's face turns red. Ana loses her temper, and she lunges at me. Then she pulls her right fist back, and she sends it plowing full force, right at my face, but quickly I manage to step to the side, and out of the way. Ana's punch misses me completely, and now Ana really has this shocked look on her face, as she stumbles right past me quite off balance. The look of shock turns into a look of anger, and Ana's face is bright red as she spins back around to face me again, but as she does, I step forward and I send my right fist plowing, “boom,” right into the rounded bowl of Ana's stomach. My fist sinks deep into Ana's stomach, and “OOOFFF,” I knock some of the air out of her, and she grabs her belly, and she leans forward in pain.

I'm elated, I feel like a heavyweight boxer, and I just pummeled my adversary, but I'm still really pissed off, and I'm much more cocky than I was when we started. I held my fists up screaming, “What's the matter, I thought you were so tough. Come on, stand up and fight me.” Ana's chest is heaving up and down, and up and down, and I can see sweat start to glisten on her body. The two of us stand there, both of us with our fists raised up like men. I'm up on my toes, faking lefts and rights at her face. She's standing there flat footed, turning to face me as I dance around her. I go after her, with my left fist. I send it right at her face, but as Ana raises her hands up to block my punch, I send my right fist plowing, “bang,” right into her nose again. Snapping her head back and forth, and now blood is really rolling from her nose. I charge right at her, grabbing her flimsy blouse and I shove her back hard, and I rip her blouse right off of her. As she stumbles backwards. I go after her, and I take my right fist and I punch her left breast. Ana's huge left breast comes bouncing out of her bra. Then with my left fist, “bam,” I punch her right breast. Ana's bra falls to the floor. I'm really elated now. I'm getting off on this, and I can't believe that I feel my own nipples hard, and my own cxnt moist. I start punching Ana's big, saggy tits, right fist, left fist, right fist, left fist, “boom, boom, boom, boom,” over and over again. I'm using Ana's fat cow tits as punching bags. Ana's huge breasts are swelling up and turning black and blue.

All of a sudden I feel my head burning, and I start to scream “AAAHHH, AAAHHH, LET GO,” as Ana picks me up by my hair. She's holding me up so that my feet are practically dangling in mid air, as she walks me backwards until “boom,” she smashes my body into the brick wall of the house, and “bang,” my head does too. Ana has this crazy look on her face, and her face is red as she starts “bang, bang, bang, bang,” hammering my head against the hard brick wall. She just keep cracking my skull against the wall of the house over and over again, until I'm seeing stars, fuckin stars, and then when she lets go of my hair, I just go sliding down the wall, onto my ass on the cement with a bang.” I'm just sitting there, and I'm fuckin startled. Ana starts taunting me, just like I had taunted her only minutes earlier, screaming, “get up, I thought you were so tough. I thought you wanted to fight me.” She grabs me by my hair, and she yanks me standing straight up on my feet.  I'm screaming in pain, “AAAHHH LET  GO,” as I'm reaching up with my hands, trying to pull her hand out of my hair, and Ana smashes her right fist, “boom,” right into my aching belly, “OOOFFF,” she pounds the air right out of my stomach, and I double over in pain, trying to catch my breath. Ana is vicious, and she still has her hand laced through my hair, and she wrenches at my hair. I cry out, “STOP,” as she stands me up straight on my feet again, and I'm desperately reaching up, trying to get Ana's hand out of my hair. Ana starts “boom, boom, boom,” punching me in my stomach over and over again, until my knees buckle under me, and I fall right over onto my knees on the cement. I'm coughing and gasping for air, and Ana walks over and she grabs her pocketbook. She walks back over to where I'm in a ball on the cement, and she opens her pocketbook and she pulls out a huge, strap on dildo. Then she grabs me by my hair, and she yanks my head up, and she shows me that big, rubber cock, and she's laughing as she screams, “before I'm finished with you slut, you're going to beg me to fuck you with this dildo. Feebly I try to pull away from Ana crying out, “NO, NEVER.”

Ana is crazy, and now she's really pissed off. She throws the dildo to the cement, and then she grabs me by my hair, and she starts dragging me around the patio on my hands and knees. She's swinging me around like a limp little rag doll, scraping my knees up, and my knees are all scraped and bloody, and I'm screaming in pain, “STOP, PLEASE STOP YOU'RE HURTING ME.” Ana stops, and she jerks me standing straight up on my feet, and I scream, “LET GO.” Ana grabs me by my white dress, and she holds me up right in front of herself, screaming right in my shocked face. ”I'm going to make you my slave. You're going to beg me to humiliate you.” Ana shoves me back hard. My dress rips right off of my body in Ana's hands, as I go stumbling backwards on my high heels and I almost fall over. Ana walks right up to me, and she brings her right fist around from the side, and she sends it plowing roundhouse, “bang,” right into the left side of my jaw. You can hear my teeth knock together and chatter in my head, as my head snaps sideways, and I'm spun completely around in a circle from the full force of Ana's hard punch. I'm just standing there, and now I'm really seeing fuckin stars. Ana punches me so silly, I don't even know where I am any more.

Ana grabs my shoulder, and she spins me around so that my back is to her. Then she grabs my bra, and she unsnaps it, and my big, sexy breasts just come flopping out of my bra. Ana grabs my shoulder and she spins me back around to face her again, and she grabs my hair and she pulls my face right into her big, right tit, screaming, “you think I have cow tits, look at my tits bitch, does this look like a cow tits to you.” Ana's big hard nipple is poking my face. Feebly I try to push Ana away from me crying out, “Alright, you win, enough,” but Ana has knocked all the fight out of me, and I'm weak, and I'm dazed, and I can't do anything to stop Ana from beating me up. Ana screams, “you better answer me bitch, or I'll knock the shit out of you all over again.” My face is beet red in humiliation, and I just want to end this, so I cry out, “no, you have beautiful tits.” Ana laughs, that's right, kiss my nipples bitch.” She sticks her right nipple right in my face, and I have no choice. I don't want this crazy cow to beat me up any more, and I pucker my lips, and I kiss Ana's nipple. Her nipples grow bigger and harder and more erect under my lips. Then she sticks her other, her left nipple in my face screaming, “kiss this one too you stupid little bitch.” I kiss Ana's other big nipple. Ana is laughing and she screams, “lick my tits slut,
kiss my tits, worship my nipples you fuckin big mouth.”

I'm normally quite dominant. I'm used to telling people what to do, not being told what to do. I don't want to do this, but I have no choice. Ana has her big tit right in my face. I start kissing her nipples, first one, and then the other, back and forth. Ana screams, “lick them bitch, stick your tongue out and lick and kiss my tits you weak, stupid little bitch.” I close my mouth tight, and I shake my head from side to side, “NO, NO, NO.” Ana grabs me by my hair screaming, “lay down on your back bitch.” I scream, “AAAHHH,” as she pulls me over onto my back. Then she sits down right on my stomach, and she takes the open palm of her right hand and “bang,” she crack it right across my face, swinging my head to the side from the force of her hard smack. Then with the back of her hand she smacks me, “bang,” backhand across the other side of my face screaming, “You stupid little bitch, you better get it through your head, you're my slave, you're my fuckin slave, you're going to lick my tits when I tell you, you're going to lick my cxnt when I tell you, you're going to beg me to fuck you with my dildo, you're going to do whatever I tell you to do.” She leans down over me, so that her huge breast are right in my face, and she screams, “Lick it slut, lick my tit.” I hold my mouth closed, and I'm shaking my head from side to side, “NO, NO, NO.”   

Ana starts swinging her upper body from side to side. Then she leans down and she starts smacking my face with her big tits. Back and forth and back and forth, ”boom, boom, boom, boom,” over and over again. Then she shoves her right tit in my face again screaming, “lick it bitch.” Tears are starting to well up in my eyes, and once again I shake my head from side to side, and I cry out, “enough, enough.” Ana balls up her right fist hard and tight and she smashes it “bang,” right into my nose. She starts “bang, bang, bang, bang,” hammering my nose over and over again, until first blood is rolling from my nose, and then blood starts gushing out of my nose, and it's starting to fill up in my mouth. I'm sputtering blood out of my, as desperately I start crying out, “alright, I'll lick it, I'll lick your tits.” Ana holds her right breast just inches over my face, and I raise my head up, and my head is all wobbly, as I stick my tongue out and I lick Ana's nipples. I can feel Ana's nipple grow bigger, and harder as I lick her nipple over and over again. Then  she holds her other tit over my face screaming, “suck my nipple whore.” I stick Ana's big, hard, erect nipple in my mouth and I start sucking it, like a baby sucks on it's bottle's nipple. I suck one nipple, and then the other, over and over again.

Ana gets up and she walks over to where that strap on was on the floor, and she puts it onto herself. Ana grabs my hair and she sits me strait up. She holds that big, rubber cock right in my face screaming, “suck it whore.” I'm totally humiliated, but I have no choice. I reach up and I grab that big, rubber cock, and I stick it right into my mouth, and I start sucking that dildo as it was a man's cock. I'm sucking it, and sucking it over and over again, and Ana's big, tits are flopping around. I don't know why, but my nipples start getting hard and erect. The eroticism of being dominated by Ana is turning me on. Ana starts laughing as she screams, “You're enjoying this you stupid little slut, aren't you. Look at her everyone. Look at how hard and erect Mary's nipples are.” I'm embarrassed, but I'm turned on too. Ana pushes me down on my back, and she moves down. She plunges that dildo right into my cxnt, and her big, sexy tits slap against mine. She starts fucking me like a man, and our breasts are smacking together, and our hard erect nipples are poking into each other. I can't believe it, I'm breathing harder, and letting out these sexy little noises, “AAHH, AAHH, AAHH, AAHH,” and my body is glistening in sweat. I start dry squirting, screaming, and contorting over and over again. Then I start squirting, and squirting, and squirting. I'm howling like a wounded jungle animal.

Ana gets up off of me. She's standing over me screaming, “get on your hands and knees whore.” I'm totally fuckin humiliated, but Ana starts laughing as she screams, “now whore, suck this cock clean.” I'm submissive, and I get onto my hands and knees, and I grab a hold of the dildo, and I stick it right into my mouth, and I start sucking it clean. I suck it and suck it until Anna pulls it out of my mouth, and she takes it off. Then she walks over to a chair, and she lowers her panties, and she kicks them off. Then she sits down and she spreads her legs wide open screaming, “crawl over her whore.” I crawl right in between Ana's legs, and Ana screams, “lick me into orgasm slave.” I crawl in nice and close, and I stick my tongue out, and I start licking Ana's wet pussy. Ana grabs my hair and she cry's out, “that's right Mary, lick me, kiss me, making passionate love to my pussy.” I'm submissive, and I start licking, and kissing, and making hot, passionate love to her cxnt. Ana is moaning, and sweating, and making these sexy little noises, “AAHH, AAHH, AAHH,” and then she starts to howl like a wounded jungle animal as she cums and cums over and over again right on my tongue.

Ana gets up and she says, “that was fun, perhaps we can do this again one day soon.” Then she takes her slaves and she leaves........................... 


Offline DogWithABone

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5 posts, 4 of which are pictures, just to write another terrible story.
RIP the account of Sophie Cees.


Offline MistressVicky

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Mary, Mary, Mary. It seems like Johnny has himself a new girlfriend. At least in this fight Mary got her ass kicked.