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E-C-C 258 "Barrister Titfight" !!!

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E-C-C 258 "Barrister Titfight" !!!
« on: November 07, 2016, 11:25:50 AM »
This clips are now also avaible in our C4S store:

E-C-C 258 "Barrister Titfight" !!!         
Sexy Mo and Danielle are today sitting in the jury of the Girl Fight Club to vote on newcomers. Who is allowed in, who falls out and between victory or defeat. And the event today is over as they meet each other alone in the Club Rooms. Both have lovers and favorites who will fight against each other tomorrow and of course they are also here again in the jury. "My girl has much stronger breasts" claimed Mo. "That think even you. My girl will be the next star here" provoked Danielle back and pushes Mo with her big breasts. Soon starts a back and forth tussle with dirty provocations, tit to tit squeezing with hands on hips and trashtalking that ends in an agreement: D: "Okay, if I defeat you, you must vote for my girl". M: "That is a deal ! You will lose and then you have to vote for my girl". And a long tough titfight catch fire. A hearty thank you to the sponsor of this "Fantasy Uniform Catfight" for the pleasure till they finally can take no more and the winner are has destroyed the loser.

Here you can find the free preview clip:







