. Janet Stacey - USA

Jane King - USA

USA One Piece Swimsuit
https://www.etsy.com/listing/281027086/one-piece-swimsuit-stars-and-stripes?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=USA+ONE+PIECE+SWIMSUIT&ref=sr_gallery-1-41&organic_search_click=1Bell rings*
Announcer: The following contest
is a first round match in the Angelfist Invitational tournament! introducing first from Raleigh, North Carolina JANET STACYII!
Diamond Dave: Last tournament, Janet Stacy defeated a few fighters to advance in the quarterfinals but had to step down due to family leave.. So Janet has a pretty good advantage heading into this match!
Lee Marshall: : But the real question is, can she do it again?
Diamond Dave: That is the real question. I 'm sure her opponent, Jane King has done a lot of training to thwart her comeback..
Janet enters the ring, and waits for her opponent.
To a rally of cheers, out comes Jane King.
Announcer: And her opponent, from New York, New York weighing in at 134 lbs pounds, JANE KING!!!
Lee Marshall: A year before, Jane King was unsuccessful in gaining a win in her match against Janet Stacy hopefully this time, she can turn that around.
Diamond Dave: Easier said than done when it's Jane King, that woman is always 12 steps ahead!
Lee Marshall: You'll never know. King is a former New York lightweight champion, I 'm sure she's gonna use the inner strength she used to win the title, and get one over Janet Stacy.
Jane King hops over the top rope, and into the ring.
The bell rings, and the match is underway.
Janet and Jane lock up in the center of the ring, Jane takes her down with an Arm Drag, and applies an Arm Submission of sorts.
Janet then gets up, reverses into an Arm Wringer, but Janet flips out of it, and takes her down with another Arm Drag.
Lee Marshall : So far, Jane is doing a good job!
Diamond Dave: Two arm drags, both taking Jane down with ease!
Janet then goes up to Jane and goes for a hook punch.
Jane caught it, and does another Arm Drag,!
Lee Marshall : Third times the charm! !
Diamond Dave : 3 arm drags, and Janet is already in trouble!
Janet gets up, runs at her, Jane drops down, and Janet umps over her.
Jane gets up, side steps Janet , and hits Janet with a sidekick!
Janet rolls to the side, but Jane measures her , and connects with a windmill kick to her face!
Lee Marshall And look at Jane!
Diamond Dave: ,BOOYA!
She waits for Janet to get up,Jane goes for a head kick, Janet ducks, and hits a Bicycle High Knee to the side of her head!
Jane goes down to one knee, then Janet puts her in a front face lock, and hits two knees followed by an uppercut to the face!
Lee Marshall: To WHOM THE BELL TOLLS!!!!
Diamond Dave: Jane is in trouble now!
Lee Marshall : But did she hit it too early?
Janet slowly gets up
Diamond Dave: You're right, Lee, I believe Janet went for it too early, that's how Janet was able to get up!
Janet now sees Jane slowly getting to her feet, Janet goes for a sidekick , but Jane knocked her out of the air with a front kick‘ to Janet's chest!
Lee Marshall : OHMYGOD!!!
Diamond Dave: Jane absolutely out of NOWHERE with that kick!
Jane picks her up, and hits an uppercut r!
Lee Marshall : And a uppercut to seal the deal!
Janet slowly gets up t!
Diamond Dave: WHAT! ?
Lee Marshall : Janet Stacy was able to Withstand that onslaught!
DIamond Dave : Man Janet is something else, guys!
Janet gets up,and receives a double underhook to her side followed by a right hook to the face!
Jane then puts her in position,and then goes for a uppercut but Janet bounced out of the way!
Lee Marshall : oh no!
Diamond Dave: Nobody home!
Janet quickly recovers, and nails a Jinx Knee from behind to Jane !
Lee Marshall : Oho, Janet sending a message to the rest of the Angelfist competitors!
Janet then hits thunderous side kick on the staggering Jane as she drops down to the mat with authority as Janet stands over Jane.
fur the cover, not taking his eyes
Bell rings!‘
Announcer: The winner of this match,JANET STACY!!!!
Lee Marshall: UNBELIEVABLE! Despite the setbacks, Janet was able to pick up a win against Jane King!
Diamond Dave l: But did you see the way Janet went for the win? She never took her eyes off Jane!
Lee Marshall : This rivalry gets hotter by the minute but in the meantime it is Janet who once again remains victorious!
The updated bracket then appears on the titantron.
Vic: And there you see the updated bracket right there,Janet advances, and will face the winner of Akousa Kwasi or Jessica Cunningham in the second round!
The referee raises Janet's hand