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Fyre's Fight Journal, Chapter 13: Pre Fight Preview and Poll

  • 2 Replies

Offline FyreCracka

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Fyre's Fight Journal, Chapter 13: Pre Fight Preview and Poll
« on: January 30, 2017, 03:59:24 PM »
Fyre's Fight Journal, Chapter 13: Pre Fight Preview and Poll

In this chapter, I have just finished my workout and am starting to take a shower. I hear a voice call me by my 'Catfighter' name- Fyre. I turn around to see an acquaintance of mine, Keisha, standing there. She challenges me to a no holds barred catfight right there in the shower room.

Tale of the tape:

Kelli : 5' 5 1/2", 137 lbs, 37 years old, B cups, blonde hair and brown eyes.  She has been trained by her husband, a self defense instructor, and she loves to brawl. She is mother and does real estate and remodeling. She also works out 3 times a week spin class and Pilates. (seriously, who doesn't know me by now?)


Keisha: 5'4", 143 lbs, 25 years old, D cups. She is a light skinned African American woman with tight braids, she is a little chunky around the midsection but attractive. She has no training but spends about 3 days a week in the gym, lifting weights and cardio mostly. She hasn't had many matches but has showed some early promise.

So how does the community think this will play out? Will Keisha's ambush give her the advantage or will my experience carry me to victory in the wet and slippery battlefield of the gym shower room?
Fyre: a 5' 5 1/2", 130lbs, 39 years old, blonde hair and brown eyed brawler.

If you're interested in being in a story feel free to contact us.

We are now on Trillian: Fyrecracka


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Fyre's Fight Journal, Chapter 13: Pre Fight Preview and Poll
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2017, 07:20:41 PM »
You're so pissed at having your schedule messed up that you freak out on her.


Offline FyreCracka

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Re: Fyre's Fight Journal, Chapter 13: Pre Fight Preview and Poll
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2017, 08:23:22 PM »
Wow, this thing has tightened up...I guess they aren't buying your theory, Sinclairfan, but I appreciate your vote of confidence  :)
Fyre: a 5' 5 1/2", 130lbs, 39 years old, blonde hair and brown eyed brawler.

If you're interested in being in a story feel free to contact us.

We are now on Trillian: Fyrecracka