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Offline supporturgoddess7-11-57

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« on: February 13, 2010, 02:56:43 AM »
    FINAL SHOWDOWN: Allison vs. Claire, ALL OR NOTHING!!! Pt.2

       Either the cheering crowd hadn’t seen the incredible events that led to this moment, or they didn’t care. Mike’s dream girl, Allison, lie in a heap just beyond his chair on the opposite side of a guard rail. She looked up at him, her beautiful face streaked with blood and tears.
       Claire kicked Allison over onto her back and forced Allison to look up at her last remaining fan, as Claire rubbed her foot in Allison’s face to humiliate her.
       “Suck my toes,” Claire taunted, “or, maybe you’d rather suck something else? Ha! Everyone knows you were the worst slut in the biz!”
       Mike desperately wanted to help Allison, but if he made one wrong move in a crowd made up of thousands of rabid, pro-Claire fans, they might tear him to shreds! Could he really risk his neck to save Allison from a fight she had demanded?
       The answer came when Claire knelt and dug her fingernails into the cut on Allison’s forehead. Allison let out a deafening wail and then just looked up at Mike, sobbing so hard she shook. She tried to pull herself up by curling her fingers around Mike’s chair. She looked up into Mike’s eyes, as he slid his hand over hers in what she assumed was a gesture of sympathy. Allison’s eyes opened wide, as she felt him slipping something between her curled fingers.
       Claire sneered. “Get up and fight, Bitch!”
       Claire pulled back Allison’s shoulder. Allison spun around and slammed her fist into Claire’s jaw. Claire hit the floor, lip bloody, eyes closed, motionless! The fans gasped, believing they had witnessed an incredible knockout punch. Allison surreptitiously dropped the roll of coins Mike had slipped into her hand. Fortunately, no one saw what really happened. Allison seized Claire’s thick ankle, dragged the Hollywood B-List star back to the ring, and rolled her in. She hooked Claire’s long legs, sending her feet shooting up and rolling her onto her shoulders. 1,2,3!
       The secret weapon Mike gave Allison devastated Claire. He sat back and waited for the strawberry blonde to be counted out, but a mighty roar rose. Both Allison and Mike looked on in shock, as Claire slowly stood. Claire looked back over her shoulder at Allison with fire in her eyes. Her full lips silently formed partial words, as if unable to even express the level of hatred she felt for Allison. Mike swallowed, recognizing that look. It was the look Claire had worn in all her old adult films, just before turning the tide and tearing Allison up! Something had snapped. The conceited, spoiled, pampered star was gone. The old Claire was back!
       The women fought desperately until they fell. They sat up facing each other, kicking wildly. The foot-to-foot war raged for almost a minute before Allison’s smaller feet lost. Aware a sprained ankle would leave her defenseless and at Claire’s mercy, Allison broke it up by wrapping her leg around one of Claire’s legs, forcing a leg wrestling contest. Thighs pounded thighs, sending sweat splashing. Legs coiled and squeezed, flesh on flesh. They both strained until their faces turned blue, but finally, Claire’s legs prevailed. She rolled Allison to her shoulders. 1,2...NO! Allison powered free.
       Claire tackled the smaller brunette down and tried to pin her. Claire’s weight and leverage were too much. Desperate to avoid another pin, Allison lifted her head off the mat and bit Claire’s lower lip! Claire wailed and broke free, Outraged, she tried to bite back. Mouths open, the two beautiful women tried to bite each other. Teeth snapping, tongues swiping and saliva swapping, they fought wildly, each trying for a solid bite. Claire won, sinking in on Allison’s thin lips. Allison’s feet kicked in mid air and pounded the mats until they almost broke, but she bravely refused to surrender. She finally kicked free.
       Allison looked up, her beautiful face drenched with both Claire’s saliva and her own. She knew what Claire was doing. This sort of body-part-to-body-part, mine-are-better-than-yours action had long been a staple in adult wrestling productions. Claire had beaten her breasts to breasts, legs to legs, feet to feet, and now mouth to mouth. She was trying to prove herself superior to Allison head-to-toe, for real!
       Flat on her front, Allison’s eyes bulged as she felt Claire’s much larger though far less firm hips covering her own. Claire sat on Allison, grinned, and bounced up and down, thrusting her hips back into Allison’s hips, flattening them. The crowd laughed. Poor Allison buried her face in the inner bend of her elbow, trying to hide her shame.
       Claire pulled Allison up by her black hair and choked her over the top rope. Allison gagged and spit, her thin body quaking under her bright red bikini. Claire dragged Allison’s face along the rope, giving her a vicious rope burn across her cheeks. Allison screamed and fell. Near the ropes, she could have run as Claire had done, but Allison bravely turned to fight. The fans cheered!
       Astonished, Claire shouted, “Shut up!”
       As Allison struggled to stand, Claire rubbed her bruised jaw. “So, you want to fight dirty, Allison? How’s this?”
       Claire rammed Allison’s face into the steel ring pole. Allison dropped. Claire casually covered her. 1,2, NO! Allison kicked out. The crowd cheered the brave brunette on! Allison’s head throbbed from a probable concussion. The floor beckoned, but instead of running, she once again struggled to stand and fight. The crowd gave her an ovation.
       Furious to see the crowd turning in Allison’s favor, Claire screeched, “I’ll prove I’m better than you, Allison! I’m gonna make you beg me for mercy and tell the world that I’m the better woman!”
       Claire doubled Allison over with a fist to the gut. As Allison bent low. Claire slammed a skull-splitting knee between her eyebrows. Allison fell, bringing her feet up in a reflex action meant to keep Claire away.
       Claire seized Allison’s foot and tried to twist it off, yelling, “Tell them who the better woman is, Allison! Admit you’re a joke next to me!”
       Allison’s fist drummed the canvas, but she refused Claire’s demands. Frustrated, Claire bit the bottom of Allison’s bare foot. Allison’s let out long, harsh screams, but she held on. Claire seemed determined to break the girl, even if she had to bite her foot in half! One minute of anguish passed, then two, but Allison would not be broken!
       Outraged by her inability to break Allison’s spirit and by the growing sympathy Allison received from the crowd, Claire yelled, “So even if I kick her scrawny old ass all night, some of you will still think she’s a match for me? No way! I’m not letting her lie at my feet and run out the clock! Allison, I challenge you to forget the time limit! Let’s finish this, no holds barred! The loser leaves Hollywood and even California!”
       Allison spit, and choked out, “Okay. I accept, but I have my own challenge! Let’s make this all or nothing! If I win, I get your contracts, your cars and your houses. You still have fame to fall back on. If you win, you finish me. I’ll freeze to death this winter, a forgotten homeless woman. Come on Bitch, agree! Or…are you afraid of me?”
       Claire’s agents had to be restrained, screaming at her to back down. Claire’s massive ego won out. She agreed!
       The women threw mad punches for several minutes, but in the end, bleeding and crying, Claire fell to her knees, cowering…losing! Mike’s heart glowed! Losing and knowing it, Claire kicked, pulling the referee into it. Claire’s huge foot cracked between his legs. The crowd roared. The ref collapsed. Free from any rules, Claire caught the distracted Allison and almost scratched her eyes out! Claire let out a banshee scream and sent Allison down. She cupped her foot over Allison’s throat, using her considerable weight advantage to choke the smaller woman. Allison wrapped her lovely leg around the ropes. Claire leapt up and stomped down on Allison’s outstretched leg, almost breaking it. Allison sat up, screamed, and tried to crawl out of the corner.
       Seeing her advantage, Claire stood on Allison’s foot, keeping her from crawling away and spreading her creamy leg out on the mat. Claire stomped away at Allison’s knee. Claire then switched to grinding her foot into Allison’s foot. No one actually heard the crack, but it seemed to echo through the auditorium. Allison sat up, eyes bulging in horror, letting out a flat-tongued scream. Mike turned pale. Claire had broken her foot! Sobbing hard, Allison tried to crawl away on her side, dragging her foot behind her. Claire wickedly covered Allison’s foot under her own, grinding foot to foot. Allison wailed, but looking out at Mike, she refused Claire’s demands for surrender.
       Allison was at Claire’s mercy, and Claire had none. She held onto Allison’s foot and rolled out of the ring with it, dragging the red-clad brunette to a corner.
       Claire screeched, “Tell the world I make you seem like a joke! Do it, or else!”
       Allison sobbed and whined, but refused.
       Claire then ran forward, slamming Allison’s knee to the steel pole. Allison let out an ear piercing scream. She fell, but to Claire’s dismay, she just wouldn’t quit! Claire pouted and sulked, hearing Allison’s name chanted! Hate filled her heart. She pulled Allison’s leg as far back as possible and then ran forward, again slamming her knee to the steel pole. Allison went ghostly pale, unable to even scream. Mike did that for her. Allison’s leg was broken. Crying so hard she shook the ring, Allison tried to scoot back and away, dragging her useless leg. Claire reentered the ring and mercilessly dug her heel into Allison’s knee, demanding she admit Claire was the better woman. Fighting just to remain conscious, Allison couldn’t even form the words to obey. Claire slammed both her knees down across Allison’s knee. Allison dropped, arms out, lying lifeless on her back. Claire dragged her to mid ring and put her in position, before climbing to the top rope. Mike looked away. It was over. Claire posed for cameras, setting up for a spine busting off the top rope splash. Claire leapt off. Allison looked up through half-open eyes, watching Claire flying down over her. Allison’s good leg suddenly shot up! Her foot caught perfectly under Claire’s chin on her way down. As if caught in a hangman’s noose, Claire’s eyes bulged and her cheeks puffed out. Her head snapped back and she fell motionless on her back!
       For several moments, both women lie side-by-side. Then the referee stirred, and seeing both women down, began to count them both out! Drooling, Allison turned her head and looked out at Mike. Both their eyes grew wide, having the same realization at the same moment. The count was on. If Allison stood before it ended while Claire’s shoulders remained down, Allison would win! But to do that, Allison would have to stand on her broken leg! It seemed impossible!
       The count began! “1...” Allison’s fingernails broke as she clawed the canvas, pulling herself to the ropes, dragging her broken leg behind her! “Two!” Allison’s heart pounded! She tried to pull up on the ropes, but her sweaty arms slipped off! “Three!” Allison screamed, trying to force her trembling arms to lift her body. “Four! Five!” Claire moaned. Allison was in a last, desperate race, all-or-nothing! Her entire life came down to these seconds!” Allison stood, but only by clinging to the ropes. “Six!”  She knew what she had to do. Eyes filled with terror, she stepped back away from the ropes! Unable to lift her broken leg, pain surged through her!
       Mike stood on his chair, screaming, “Stay up, Allison! Stay up!”
       “Seven!” Unbearable pain flooded Allison’s body, but teeth bared, she refused to fall!
       “Eight! Nine!” Time stopped. Claire sat up, sneered, and kicked Allison’s good foot out from under her. All of Allison’s weight fell back onto her broken leg, causing it bend backward. Allison’s eyes rolled back in her head. She fell to her back. Allison stared up blankly, only vaguely aware of Claire as she mounted her. Allison saw blinding flashes and heard a sound like the sound of old-style flashbulbs exploding distantly, unaware it was the result of Claire’s fists cracking into her face.
       Claire then stood over Allison, looking down with an evil sneer. “You’re no match for me! You were never a real star! Next to me, you’re just a bug. Let me show you what happens to bugs that get in my way!”
       Allison looked up through red, glassy eyes, thinking of a life filled with mansions, red carpets, and fancy cars, as she watched Claire’s foot lower and press onto her face. Claire ground her foot like she was stepping on an insect. Allison was soon out cold.
       Mike’s heart broke for her. It was so unfair! After all she had gone through, after her miraculous comeback and last stand, the better woman still lost. Claire basked in cheers. A couple of men carried Allison to the back. Mike could not follow.
       In the weeks the followed Mike looked for his angel, but couldn’t find her. She was gone.

       About six months after the fight, the worst blizzard in a generation hit the East Coast. Shops and restaurants closed early. Lives were at stake. The storm was a killer.  A sole, gaunt figure braved the howling wind. Wrapped in tattered clothes, the figure staggered down empty streets like a zombie with nowhere to go. Penniless and unfamiliar with the city, she couldn’t find shelter. With the sun down and the temperature plummeting to well below freezing, she was on a final death march.
       Car lights swept over her. Mike ran from the car and pulled down a scarf, revealing Allison’s dry, colorless face.
       “Thank God! Do you have any idea how hard I’ve been looking for you?”
       A tiny, raspy voice asked, “Why?”
       “You’re everything I’ve ever dreamed of! You’re a beautiful goddess who--”
       Thin, ice-cold fingers covered his lips. Tears ran from red eyes. “Will you stop? Claire wiped her feet in my face. I’m not the woman you dream of. She doesn’t exist. I’m a loser. I’m nobody. Claire deserves her good life. She earned it. I deserve…this….”
       Mike shook his head. “A woman is a goddess as long as one person worships her.” He put his hands on her shoulders. “As long as I live, you are a goddess. Allison, the better person isn’t always the bigger, more powerful one who always wins. The better person is the one with the most heart. Your fan will always love you. You’ll always be beautiful to them. You’ll always be a winner.”
       Allison peeped, “You’re my biggest fan, huh?”
       Mike didn’t need to answer. “Stop trying to do what you think people expect of you and start being good to yourself for a change.”
       “How? Look at me! I can’t even take care of myself!”
       Mike summoned all his courage. “Maybe you could…let me take care of you, at least until you get back on your feet.”
        Allison didn’t know what to say. She simply nodded.
        “Okay. Let me drive you home.”
       In the tiniest of voices, Allison peeped, “I don’t have a home.”
       “Home is where you’re loved most. As long as I’m around, you’ll always have a home.”
       Allison’s eyes welled with tears. She stood on her half-frozen toes. Mike leaned down and kissed her trembling, purple lips. The kiss meant more to both than either could ever know.
       “Come on, Allison. Let’s go home.”
       They returned to the car and drove away, to begin a new life, together. Allison knew she would be admired, worshipped, and loved every day of her life.

       In the following weeks, some of Allison’s old costars came forward to counter the claims in Claire’s book. They admitted Allison had faked losing to them sacrificing her career to help countless younger women get their starts. Before long, the internet was buzzing. No one doubted that Claire had won both her grudge match with Allison and their old feud, but people began to appreciate the heart Allison showed. In total defeat, Allison gained something all Claire’s fame, fortune, and choreographed matches could never give her. Allison won respect. Allison’s old producers dug up all the outtakes and extra footage they could find from her old feud with Claire. Hearing the buzz on the web and bowing to what the fans wanted, they edited the clips together in accordance with their patrons’ wishes. They finally released a production billed as the twelfth and final adult match between Allison and Claire.
        Allison won.

                  Hope you have (or had, depending on when you read this) a happy Valentine’s Day!


Offline peccavi

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Re: FINAL SHOWDOWN: Allison vs. Claire, ALL OR NOTHING!!!
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2010, 08:34:33 PM »
excellent story, thank you.
Blondes are cool Brunettes are Hot!!


Offline Kayla

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Re: FINAL SHOWDOWN: Allison vs. Claire, ALL OR NOTHING!!!
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2010, 08:26:14 AM »
Brilliant twist at the end there with Allison cumming out on top despite everything - loved it!  ;) :-*

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline griffin

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Re: FINAL SHOWDOWN: Allison vs. Claire, ALL OR NOTHING!!!
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2010, 08:08:53 AM »
Very good story supporturgoddess!!!  Thanks.  Hope to read more from you soon.