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Repost - Apple's Holiday

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Offline TheScribbler

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Repost - Apple's Holiday
« on: May 13, 2017, 03:45:27 PM »
A while ago, Apple (Busty Asian Apple) sent me an account of a real-life encounter she had while on holiday in Spain, and asked me if I’d like to use it as the basis for a story.  It was not only a hot tale but extremely well-written, so I didn’t do very much to it except polish up the presentation a little.

Here’s the result.  My thanks to Apple.




About four years ago, my hubby and I went on a holiday to Spain – a kinky holiday.  In fact it was an unofficial swingers resort.  There were a lot of good-looking people there, men and women, but we stood out like we always do, not only because I’m Asian and he’s white, but because he’s good-looking and ripped, and I’m – well, check out my profile and you’ll see what I mean. 

At that time though, I wasn’t so well-endowed as I am now.  I was just a 32C or maybe a small D-cup, though I turned more than a few heads with my slender figure and hard muscles.  I guess you could compare my body then to Tia Ling, the porn star, but my chest was more like Asa Akira – fake tits, but perfectly natural-looking.  I’d paid a lot for them and gotten my money’s worth.  I was proud of my body and I loved to go everywhere in little more than a micro bikini, even to the hotel gym where hubby and I spent a lot of time.  We’ve always been a couple of keen gym rats.

Anyway, we seemed to catch the eyes of a group of Dutch girls – three of them – who were also staying at the resort.  I’d often catch them glaring at me as I walked past them at the pool, often topless in just a tiny thong and high heels to show off my pert, round ass and long, slender but well-muscled legs.

Here’s what I looked like, back then…


The three of them were all typically Dutch – tall and well-built, broad shoulders and high cheekbones.  They all had enormous tits too, which really caught my hubby’s attention.  He would stare at them as much as they would stare at us.  He’s always been a fan of big boobs, which was one reason I’d gotten mine enhanced, though of course they weren’t as big then as they are now.

Hubby was particularly attracted to the biggest of the three – and I mean she was the tallest as well as having the biggest tits.  She was about six foot one and blonde.  Her chest was huge – I guessed she was a 38, probably an H or double-H cup.  Her boobs were the size of my head.  Hubby couldn’t keep his eyes off her.

Her friends were also pretty striking.  One was a brunette, about five foot eight with a really well-toned body.  I put her chest at about a 34G, again much, much bigger than mine.  The third one was another blonde, maybe five foot ten.  Her chest was bigger than the brunette’s but still smaller than the taller blonde.  She had to be a 36FF.  She reminded me – a bit – of the porn star Gianna Michaels.

All three of them were spectacular – even I had to admit that.  I’m very bi, even though I’m married, and I could see what hubby saw in them.  They had big, hard, powerful bodies – not just hubby’s type but mine too.  They got a lot of looks from everybody at the hotel, not just me and my hubby, but they were clearly lesbian so hubby assumed they had no interest in him and their hostility toward me was pretty obvious.  Even with their huge tits they didn’t go topless around the hotel – not even around the pool – unlike me. I was always parading around with my boobs out, and this seemed to annoy them.

To keep hubby’s eyes on me – I could sympathize with him eyeing them up but that didn’t mean I liked it – I would spend a lot of time carefully and seductively massaging tanning oil into my body, taking extra care to do my tits as provocatively as I could, especially my long, puckered, reddish brown nipples.  I could tell that got hubby’s attention, not just from his eyes but the bulge in his black Speedo too.  It also got the attention of the three Dutch girls though, and not in a good way.  The looks they gave me would have curdled milk.

One afternoon, hubby and I drove to the beach, a few miles from the hotel.  There were several beautiful beaches nearby.  This one was the local nudist beach, but for a change I was actually dressed, though only just, in a tiny black thong with a sheer black and blue micro bikini top, and a loose-fitting cropped tank top over it.  My long glossy black hair was pulled up behind my head in a ponytail.  Unlike me, hubby was completely naked as we walked hand-in-hand along the white sand.

We came across the three Dutch girls sitting quite a way back on the beach, at the bottom of some sand dunes.  This time, all three of them were completely naked.  The biggest one not only had huge tits but huge nipples too.  It occurred to me that I probably couldn’t get one of those aureolas in my mouth.  Then I realized what I was thinking and pushed the thought out of my mind.

Hubby was staring openly at them.  I glanced down and saw his dick was semi-hard, so I decided to take pity on him, and told him we should go up and introduce ourselves.  Maybe once we broke the ice, they’d at least be friendly.

We walked up to them and introduced ourselves.  To my surprise, they weren’t as hostile as I thought they’d be.  Their English was really good too.  We struck up a conversation and quickly found out quite a bit about them while we told them about ourselves. We explained that while I’m bi and we were into swinging, we played as a couple and since we assumed they were lesbians, we hadn’t introduced ourselves until now.   As it turned out though, they weren’t strictly lesbians after all but as the brunette explained with a smile, were just choosy.

“We’ve seen you looking,” said the taller blonde to hubby.  She leaned back on her arms, pushing her shoulders back and sticking her tits out.  Hubby’s eyes were almost falling out of his head.  “We could tell you’re a big tit lover.”  She looked over at me and saw where my eyes were looking too.  She gave me a wink.  “I think you are too, babe.” She actually used the word ‘schatje’ which I knew was something you’d say when talking to a little girl – a put-down.  She confirmed this right afterward when she looked at my chest and added, “Shame you’re not a member of the big tit club…but I’m sure he loves your perky little titties too.”

Hubby smiled at her words – he adored my tits.  As for me, my blood was boiling at the insult but I kept the smile on my face and didn’t even let my anger show in my eyes.  I wasn’t just hot with anger either, but also with lust at being surrounded by these three women with their hard bodies and massive tits.  Like I said before, they were just my type, though that didn’t stop me wanting to teach the big blonde bitch some manners.

To save me some face, and probably to stop me saying something that would cause trouble – he knows me well – hubby interrupted and explained how he loves ripped girls with hard abs, toned glutes and killer thighs.  That described me to a tee – but the description matched any of those three too.

The biggest one – her name was Stella and she seemed to be the leader – replied, “Yes, we noticed you in the gym, babe.” She looked me up and down again.  “You’re quite a fit little thing, aren’t you, with your sexy little six-pack and your pert ass.” She licked her lips.  “But I noticed you don’t bench press much, do you?”

I told her I’m more into circuits, squats and cardio.  “Oh,” she exchanged glances with her two friends.  The other blonde was Simone and the brunette was Lindsey.  “She’s into endurance, girls.” All three of them laughed as they shared some secret joke.  I felt my jaw tighten and my eyes narrowed a bit.  She looked back at me again.  “So, I suppose those sexy little muscles are just for show, then.”  A mocking smile flickered across her lips.

I wasn’t going to let her get away with that.  It was a struggle to keep the anger out of my voice as I told her I’d done some submission wrestling in college and been champion in my year.  “I’ve even done some erotic wrestling for hubby.” I took her raised eyebrows for a lack of understanding and added, “Have you ever seen a web site called Ultimate Surrender? Kinky wrestling…and I’ve got an almost perfect record.  So no, they’re not just for show.”

She looked at me for a moment.  “An almost perfect record…that must be against other, little…” she glanced meaningfully at my chest again and giggled, “Asian girls.” Her two friends grinned.

I got really angry then.  “I’ve got speed, agility and I’m super fit.  I can beat girls a lot bigger than me.” I looked her right in the eye.  “Even a girl as big as you!”

There was a sudden hush.  “Well then…why not try me, here and now, darling?  Or are you all talk and no action?”

I didn’t even think about it.  I was so infuriated by her arrogance that I said yes right away.

“Do you want to show me your ‘Ultimate Surrender’ style skills?” she asked as she got up.  She was so tall that I didn’t even reach her shoulders.  “Or are you afraid?”

I pushed my face up toward her.  “I’m not afraid of you!”

We agreed to find a secluded place, in the sand dunes at the end of the beach, where there would be nobody to interfere.  All five of us walked in that direction.  Hubby tried to have a quiet word with me, to talk me out of the fight, but I was determined.  The three Dutch girls were walking a little behind us and I heard Simone say “She won’t go through with it.  She’s scared.  You can tell.”  That only made me angrier.  She’d said it in English, obviously for me to hear.  I shook my head at hubby.  I was going through with this.

In a flat area of sand between the dunes, hubby and Stella’s two friends used towels to mark the corners of a makeshift ring.  We agreed on some rules.  Since it was already late afternoon and we didn’t have a lot of daylight left, we agreed to five rounds, each lasting five minutes.  A round could end early if one of us submitted, but only if the other girl accepted the submission.  That meant one of us might have to endure a hold until the end of the round but I didn’t care.  I could take it if I had to, but I planned to give this bitch a lesson she wouldn’t forget.

Since we had all come to the resort for sexual encounters, we agreed that winner would take the loser back to her hotel room for the night, and do whatever the winner wanted.  That was my suggestion.  I was thrilled at the prospect of having the big Dutch girl at my mercy, and enjoying her with my hubby.  We also agreed that the winner could invite the rest of the group to watch and join in if she wanted.  I loved the thought of humiliating Stella in front of her friends.

I kept my bikini and tank top on for the fight.  Stella decided to put her own thong – black like mine – back on to make it a bit more even.  I didn’t object.  I didn’t want anybody to say she’d started with a disadvantage, after I beat her.

We stood in our corners, me with my hubby and Stella with her two girlfriends.  Hubby had a wristwatch on, so we all agreed that he would keep time.  He called for us to start the first round.

Straight away I went into a half crouch and stalked quickly to the middle of the ring, partly to get a feel for the size of it and to make sure I had enough room to retreat if I needed to.  Stella strode in with an arrogant air, topless with her huge tits swaying gently from side to side.  I’d been wrong before.  Each one of them was bigger than my head.

As we got close to each other, I looked for opportunities to sidestep and quickly get in behind her, but she was quick as well as big.  Between that and the sand slowing me down, it was almost impossible to outmaneuver her.  All I could do was back off and avoid her grasp.

We locked hands on a few occasions, both of us squatting slightly for a lower center of gravity.  She tried to raise my hands up over my head so she could use her height and bring her weight down on top of me.  Each time she did this, I got a face full of her humongous tits for a while before I managed to disengage and back off.  It was only because of my background in kung fu and the breakaway techniques I knew, that I was able to escape.  I circled, staying out of her reach, trying to find an opening.

She was smiling, taunting me, saying things like, “I thought you wanted to wrestle, ‘big girl’, not dance with me,” or “Awww, I think she’s starting to get scared” and laughing.  In truth I was starting to get concerned. She was much more powerful and seemed at least five times stronger than me.  If I couldn’t evade her, I was going to be in trouble.  I had to think of something.

Hubby called an end to the first round, with no decisive contact between us and with no submission.  I went back to my corner and looked across the ring at her.  She was whispering with her friends.  I knew she had a game plan, and I also knew I didn’t.  Fighting on sand was a lot different to fighting on mats.  The sand robbed me of most of my speed and I didn’t have a backup plan.  Sooner or later she was going to grab me.  She was an Amazon and I was getting nervous but I was way too proud to call off the fight.

The second round started.  I decided to charge her at full pace, hoping to surprise her.  I dropped my left shoulder, then went to spring to the right and get behind her.  She didn’t fall for it though, and just left her big left leg in my way.  I stumbled over it, she spun around and got behind me.  I felt her slam into me, her arms wrapped around my waist.  She twisted her body and yanked me off balance.  I went down and all of her body weight crashed down on top of me.  My face and tits were squashed into the sand.  I couldn’t breathe.  I was terrified for a moment that she might try to suffocate me, or to crush my chest and pop my implants against my ribs.  In a panic, I was able to twist my head to the side just enough to get some air, but that was all.  I kicked my legs and bucked my hips but it was useless.  She was just too heavy and I had no leverage.

She held me pinned down like that for a long time.  Finally I felt her getting up and I tried to get onto my knees immediately, but she straddled my back and dropped her weight onto me again.  My body was smashed straight back into the sand, with her ass just above the base of my spine.  I kept trying to lift myself up with my arms, groaning with the effort, but I just couldn’t do it.

I heard her taunt me again.  “I think it’s time this little doll lost some clothing.” I felt her lean back, grab my thong and begin to peel it down.  I kicked and squirmed even harder but I realized that was probably just helping her.  She pulled it down my legs all the way to my ankles.  The way my legs were twisted and spread apart, I knew that not only my bare ass was on display – it had been anyway in the thong – but my pussy too.

Stella grabbed my hair and pulled, lifting my head up.  My face was covered in sand and I blinked it out of my eyes.  “I want you to look at your hubby,” she ordered me.  “Look him in the eyes while I do this.”  One hand still holding my hair, she reached back with the other, over my ass and between my legs.  I squirmed even harder but I couldn’t stop her.

She began to finger my pussy.  “Oh, you must be enjoying this.  You’re all wet!  Tell your hubby how much you like it!”

I blushed beneath the sand that coated my face.  It was true.  I’d been turned on from the start, by the thought of dominating and humiliating this arrogant Amazon.  Now that lust was turning into something different as I felt her strength and power, controlling me.  I was damned if I was going to admit it though.  “Fuck you, bitch!  You’re so going to pay for this!”  I tried to buck my hips but each time I did, she just pulled my head back further and dug her fingers deeper inside me.

“Just say the words…’I submit’…and I’ll think about letting you up.”

“No…way!” I retorted in a strained voice.

“Ok…have it your way.”  With that, she let go of my hair momentarily and pulled her fingers out of me.  I gasped. Like I just said, I knew I was turned on but I didn’t realize just how much – not until then.

As she sat on my back, she grabbed me under both arms, lifted my back off the ground and draped my arms across her muscular thighs into a camel clutch. Now that she had my arms where she wanted them, she reached forward, put her hands inside my tank top and pinched my right nipple, hard, through my bikini top. I bit my tongue so as not to scream.

She began to grope and fondle my tits.  My nipples were rock hard and so sensitive that every pinch, every twist sent a shudder through me.  I moaned, shaking my shoulders, but she had me in a bad position and there was nothing I could do.

“You’re not missing much, girls!” she called out to her friends.  “I’m just feeling some bony ribs and some stretched out silicone, with a little tiny cherry on top.”  I could feel the weight of her huge tits pressing into my back.

She cupped her hands under my chin, interlocked her fingers and leaned back, pulling my head up and applying pressure to my back.  I was in agony and could barely breathe, let alone scream.  It felt like air bubbles were popping in my spine and I was starting to see stars.  I was determined not to submit – though, believe me, I thought about it.  I was on the verge of passing out when, mercifully, the round ended.

Stella let go and I slumped to the ground.  I lay there for a moment before I could summon the strength to get up to my knees.  It took a while longer before I could stand.  I brushed some of the sand off my sweaty face and staggered back to my corner.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw her bouncing back to hers.

I had two minutes to recover before the next round.  Thankfully all those circuits and all that cardio served me well.  My powers of recovery are pretty amazing, and I began to feel better almost immediately, once I was out of that hold.  She had rattled me a bit with her fingers in my pussy but this wasn’t the first time that had happened to me.  It just made my determination to humiliate her all the stronger.

Hubby asked me if I was sure I wanted to go on, though he knew what the answer would be.  I ignored the question, stretched out my hamstrings and showed off by going into the splits.  I wanted to show Stella that she hadn’t weakened me.

It was hot under the late afternoon sun and I felt like my tank top had gotten in my way during the last round.  I decided to take it off and tossed it down outside the corner of the ring.  I was naked now apart from my tiny little micro bikini top.

I stalked slowly into the center of the ring, as Stella advanced to meet me.  Her body, huge compared to mine, rose up like a mountain in front of me.  I didn’t let her size daunt me though.  I still had more than a few surprises in store for this bitch.

This time I didn’t try to get around the back of her.  The sand was making me too slow and I was too easy for her to pick off, so I changed tactics.  I wanted to get her off balance.  As we closed with each other, I decided to feign what I’d done at the beginning of the last round, stepping from side to side.  As she stuck out her right leg to trip me, she was crouched down with her legs out wide.  I shot upright and slammed myself forcefully against her shoulders while she was unable to dodge, intending to throw her down on her back.  In her awkward stance, she couldn’t push back against me and to my satisfaction she started to fall backwards.  I followed through, shoving as hard as I could against her. This was my chance.

However, she was able to reach back and brace her left arm against the sand, to keep herself from falling all the way over.  She got her right hand up into my chest, between my tits, pushing back against me and stopping me from capitalizing on her momentary loss of balance.  She flexed her powerful muscles and I was pushing against a brick wall. All her bench pressing in the gym was paying off. She was going no further.

She twisted her body and got one knee to the sand for more support.  That freed her left hand and she grabbed for my right as I wrestled her right hand off my chest with my own left.  My foot skidded in the sand and I also went down on one knee.  Now we were locked in a battle of pure strength, and I was under no illusions as to which one of us was the stronger.  Nevertheless, I mustered all my strength and let out a huge groan as I strained against her.  She barely flinched and I could tell that while I was in top gear, she was barely in first.

Stella lifted her arms, pulling my hands up above my head, taking advantage of her superior height.  Her enormous tits crashed into mine and would have knocked me over if she hadn’t been holding onto my hands so tightly.  My own tits were flattened against hers and my implants were squashed painfully against my ribs.  The only thing separating her nipples from mine was the thin material of my bikini top.  They jabbed hard into my flesh like spear points.

I began to fall backwards and twisted sideways, landing on my left side.  Stella fell forward and landed horizontally across my body.  She immediately wrapped her left arm around the back of my neck while she held me down with her right.  I felt her push down with her right hand on my right hip, levering herself up to her knees.  I tried to flip over onto my stomach and scramble out from under her, but I couldn’t.  She had me trapped again, and I could only wait helplessly for her next move.

She swung her right leg over my hip and down past my ass.  I was still on my left side and she was straddling me, leaning forward, her pussy pressing down on my hip and her massive tits hanging against my cheek.  I turned my head, trying to twist my body too, to flip myself to the right and shove her off me, but her tits filled my vision.  They pressed hard against my face.  I could smell her sweat.  It was disorienting.  It made me think of things other than fighting her.

I felt her grab me by the right shoulder and shove me back onto my left side again, then further, forcing my shoulders down to face the ground.  My twisted position put more strain on my back and I wriggled my hips frantically, grinding my pelvis into the sand.  That helped relieve the pain but it also meant I was face down with her straddling my back again.  I groaned, but I realized that I still had my elbows under me.  I still had a chance to flip her.  Then she reached forward and planted both her hands on my forearms, pinning them to the sand.  I felt the sand between my clenched teeth.

Suddenly she leaned up over the top of my head, shifting her weight.  That gave me hope.  I was able to get up on my knees.  Her body was still pressing hard against my upper back, her giant tits squashed against the backs of my shoulders, mushrooming out to either side, but she was no longer leaning on my lower back.  My naked ass and pussy were sticking up in the air behind both of us.  Maybe I could get enough leverage now to flip her off me.

I didn’t get the chance to find out though, because right then she rolled us both to the right.  I hit the sand but continued to roll, until she ended up under me, with me lying on my back on top of her.  I quickly tried to plant my feet in the sand and strained to break the hold of her hands on my forearms.  My hot little six pack tensed as I leaned forward trying to get up.

She pulled my arms out wide and her oversized tits shoved my own chest upward.  She whipped her powerful legs up and hooked her ankles inside my legs, just below the knee.    She pulled my legs wide too.  With my feet resting on the sand, my back arched over her enormous tits, she held me now in a yoga bridge pose.  I realized my pussy was exposed to her two girlfriends and I growled.

Stella heard me and laughed.  I ground my teeth together angrily, but she just pulled my arms up over my head, stretching my body even more.  I jerked right and left, trying with all my might to break free, but she was totally in control.

Rolling us both onto our left sides, she released my legs and scissored her own around my waist.  She lay with her left elbow resting on the sand, her arm hooking both of mine and holding them above my head.  The muscles of my back were in agony as she leaned back, stretching me like a bow.  My spine began to pop again.

“Come on, little China doll.  Use your wrestling experience.  Don’t you have some kung fu magic you can use to get out of this one?” Her friends laughed from the corner of the ring.  “You’ve been a bad girl, parading those pathetic little tits…those fake tits of yours…around the hotel like a cheap whore, as if they’re even worth anyone looking at.” She stretched my back further and I cried out, kicking at the sand, squeezing my eyes tight shut against the pain.  “But then you cover them up, here at a nudist beach.  Where’s the sense in that?  No, it’s time for us to see those little gems of yours again.”

Her right arm was free and she used that hand to undo the knot at the back of my bikini top.   Then she rolled over onto her back again, dragging me up on top of her.  She grasped the front of my bikini top, clenched her fist and ripped it off me, baring my tits.  Now I was lying naked, stretched over her body, back arched, nipples pointing up at the sky.  My muscles burned as I strained to break free, but her strength was just too much for me.

She dropped my bikini top and began to grope my tits.  “No wonder your hubby keeps staring at real women like us,” she said scornfully in my ear.  “Poor itty bitty titty baby.” She squeezed them cruelly.  I groaned.  It hurt but this Amazon was beginning to have a quite different effect on me.  The burning in my muscles was now joined by another kind of fire, deep in my belly.  The groan turned into a gasp of pleasure as she twisted my left nipple hard.  I blushed again, hoping she hadn’t noticed, but she was too engrossed in torturing my tits.  “Little fake tits…hardly worth having…though you must have saved a lot, buying from the junior department.”  I heard the other two girls laugh again at that.

Stella slid her legs down lower and spread mine wide again, opening up my pussy.  She bucked her hips upward under me, shoving my own hips up, arching my back even more as she let go of my tits and used both her arms now to stretch mine even harder.  I felt like she was going to pop my shoulders, like she could snap me in half.  I was panting with pain.  She held me there for what felt like a lifetime, before she said, “Not going to submit?  Ok.”

She let go with her right arm then, just holding both my arms hooked in her left.  There was no risk of me getting loose.  I felt weak as a kitten, rendered helpless by the pain, the burn of fatigue and the growing lust inside me.  I knew it and so did she.  She reached down over my trembling stomach, past my navel and down to my pussy.  My hips bucked, but not entirely from the desire to get away now.  I bit my lip.

“Let’s see what we have here,” Stella crooned.  “Mmmmm...big juicy pussy lips on a nice tight little Asian pussy.” She laughed softly.  “I would have thought your hubby’s big dick would have stretched it right out.”  Her next laugh was a little harsher.  “Well well…looks like my twelve-inch strap-on is going to come in handy.” I groaned and rocked my body from side to side, trying frantically but weakly to break free.

I was rapidly using up all the energy I had left – not that there was much left to use.  I was exhausted and Stella had barely broken a sweat.  Two of her fingers were buried deep in my pussy, opening me up wide. She whispered in my ear.  “Twelve inches long…seven inches around…it will fill you and stretch you and make you scream.”  I struggled desperately.  I managed to kick one leg free and rock myself off her body and back onto the sand on my left side.  Her fingers came out of my pussy with a wet sound that made me groan with embarrassment.

Before I could do anything else to get away from her, her legs scissored around my waist again.  She held me on my back on the sand, her right leg over my belly and the other beneath my back.  My hands were still stretched up over my head.  I wriggled vainly but she held me there effortlessly.  She waited until I stopped struggling, my chest rising and falling as I fought for breath, bathed in sweat, before she rolled up onto her knees to straddle me again, this time with me on my back, staring up at her helplessly as she loomed over me.  I couldn’t move at all.

Stella looked down into my eyes.  “You thought you had a chance?  Really?  Stupid, arrogant little bitch.”  She laughed wildly.  “Let me give you a taste of what a real woman’s tits are like…a close-up taste.” With that she leaned forward further, her tits dangling in my face, and began to sway her body back and forth, beating them against me.  They weren’t just huge but heavy too, and each slap stung my cheeks.  Before long my head was whipping left and right.  I moaned out loud, battered and shamed.

Then she dropped down on top of me, her chest shoved hard against my face, completely smothering me with her tits.  She remained like that for ages.  I couldn’t breathe.  I tried to twist my head but my neck ached from the slaps of her tits and she held me tight between them.  I kicked my legs weakly and jerked my body but against her weight, I was powerless. 

My lungs started to burn from lack of air.  I began to panic.  I tried to scream but I had no breath to scream with.  All that came out was a gurgle and even that was muffled by her tits.  For a second time, I was on the verge of blacking out when she lifted herself off me.  I opened my mouth wide, panting hard, gasping for air. 

Stella turned her head toward where hubby stood in the corner.  “Does she pant this much for you, big boy?” she called out.  I looked in his direction and saw him standing there like a statue, eyes wide as he watched this Amazon dominate his petite wife.  His cock stood out like a flag pole.

Sitting up, still straddling my naked body, Stella let go of my hands.  I didn’t have the strength left to struggle and she knew that.  All I could do was lay there as she slid up my body and planted her crotch over my face, her knees pinning my arms to the sand.  She reached down with her right hand and pulled her thong to one side, baring her smooth, shaven pussy.  I stared at her puffy, dark lips, then up between her colossal tits into her eyes.

“One more chance to submit this round, doll,” she warned me.  I opened my mouth but no words came.  No matter what, I wouldn’t give her the satisfaction.  She tilted her head questioningly and shrugged.  “No?  Oh well…”

She planted her pussy straight over my lips.  I stiffened, but she immediately began to rock back and forth.  She leaned back, holding my face against her with one hand.  My nose and mouth were shoved between her lips.  I could breathe a little but every breath was full of the smell of her pussy.

Stella twisted her body, reached back and gave me a punch to the stomach.  I gagged and my head jerked up harder against her body.  She leaned back further, reaching between my legs again.  There was nothing I could do to stop her.  Her fingers plunged into my pussy and she began to finger me, hard and fast.  I moaned and did my best to twist my hips away but it was no good.  I was weak and getting weaker by the moment.  She had the strength, the reach, the power to do whatever she wanted with me.

Hubby finally called an end to that third round.  Stella pulled her fingers out of me and reluctantly got off my face.  I lay there in the sand, gasping, almost sobbing with relief, my face dark with rage under a coating of sweat, sand and Stella’s juices. She had been seconds from cumming on my face.  I hadn’t been far off cumming as she face-sat me, either.  My pussy was twitching, my thighs trembling from the attentions of her fingers.

She stood looking down at me, but I closed my eyes.  “Do you want to quit?” she asked.  “You’re not going to cry, are you?  You still owe me another two rounds, slut!”  I couldn’t look at her and lay there spread-eagled in the sand until her shadow disappeared.  Then I slowly sat up and looked for my bikini top.  It was gone.  She had taken it – taken it as her trophy.

I was embarrassed.  She was humiliating me!  She’d managed to strip me completely naked, and I hadn’t even gotten her thong off.  The embarrassment fuelled my anger and the anger gave me strength.  I felt the energy began to flow back into me, and I clambered to my feet, seething.  I had to find a way to get this bitch.  I stumbled back to hubby.

Standing in my corner, heart pounding, my bare chest rising and falling with each adrenalin-filled breath, I looked across the ring at my opponent.  She was truly huge.  Her massive tits – I decided they had to be a 38HH – made mine look like insect bites.  The contrast was humiliating in itself.  The fury was growing inside me.  I knew my hubby was loving this.  I had to find a way to turn this monster into my bitch.

Round four started and we moved toward each other.  Stella had a smirk on her face now.  In a mocking tone she said, “You look so angry…am I in trouble this time, little thing?” She nodded toward my corner.  “I’ll give you one more chance to turn around and run to your hubby, before I break you.”

I shook my head.  “You’re mine this time, bitch.”

I began to stalk her, dancing around her, looking to put her off balance and strike.  She turned with me.  “Oh, not this silly game again.  Wrestle me, you scared little girl!” She lunged, but her left foot slipped in the sand.  I saw my moment, leapt forward and tackled her standing leg hard.  She stumbled and began to fall backward.    The adrenalin surged inside me.  I finally had her down.  Now I had to capitalize quickly, to get on top of her.

She suddenly stopped falling, regained her balance and there I was, bent over almost double beside her right leg.  I tried to shove us apart but before I could so, I felt her bend forward over my back and grab me around my waist.  With all the force I could gather, I tried to drive forwards.  I had to push her off her feet, to knock her on her ass, but she was so big and heavy.  She crouched lower.  I felt her heavy tits flatten against my sweaty back.  I was practically curled up into a ball now, with my hands gripping the hard muscles of her big calves.

Her arms clamped tighter around my body, just above my hips, and without warning I found myself lifted off my feet.  She let out a huge yell as she heaved me into the air, held upside down against her body.  I had my back to her, my head hanging by her knees, my ass against her tits, my kicking legs draped over her shoulders.  The blood was already rushing to my head, making me dizzy.  The monster had me under her control again.

“Nice try,” Stella mocked me as she squeezed my naked body against her.  “I bet you thought you had me just then, didn’t you?” She laughed again.  “Stupid girl.  Your hubby’s so disappointed in you and your skinny little excuse for a body.” She laughed again.  “You don’t deserve to fuck him.”  She squeezed me tighter, lifted me higher in her arms. “Now, I’ll give you one last chance to submit, before I drop you on that empty skull of yours.”

She began to count down from five.  I remained silent, though I kicked my legs and did my best to bend my body upwards away from her.  Again though, it was no use and at the end of her count, she dropped suddenly to her knees and spiked me into the ground.  I hit flat on the top of my head and for an instant everything went black.  Then I felt myself crumple over as she released her grip, landing face down in the sand.  I lay with my arms by my sides, bare ass stuck up in the air. I barely knew where I was, and I certainly had no idea how long I lay there.

I was brought back to reality when I felt her place her feet on the backs of my thighs, just above my knees.  She bent my legs up, hooking them behind her own knees.  I had no idea what she was doing as she reached down and grabbed my wrists, pulling my arms back.  I groaned in pain at the strain on my shoulders, then screeched when the pain suddenly increased sharply as she fell onto her back, lifting me skyward. 

My back was arched, my tits thrust up and out.  My legs were wide, giving her girlfriends another perfect view of my shaved pussy.  The pain and pressure on my entire body was immense.  I’d heard of this hold – a Romero or a Ceiling, it was called – but I’d never seen it done and I’d certainly never had it done to me. I wished that was still the case, as I screamed in agony. 

“Enjoying the view from up there, slut?” sneered Stella.  “Everybody’s getting a good view of your skinny little flat-chested body.  Do you think she looks cute, girls?”  I heard her two friends call out something, but my tortured muscles screaming in my head drowned out the words.

Stella spoke to me again though I could barely hear her through the pain.  “Little bitches like you think they can challenge me and not pay for it.” She pushed down with her legs and pulled up with her arms, stretching me even harder.  “Are you ready to submit and be my bitch?”

“AAAGGGHHH!!!” I shrieked as she tortured me.  The agony was making my head spin.  Dark spots danced before my eyes.  “NEVER!”

She kept me in that excruciating hold for what must have been a minute.  I was completely drained by the time hubby called the end of the round.  She lowered me but just before I reached the ground she kicked out and sent me flying forward to land face- and chest-first in the sand.  I lay there again, hurt and exhausted.

Stella walked over to my naked, quivering body.  She kicked at my waist, rolling me onto my back.  I lay staring up at her, still half-dazed, bathed in sweat and covered in sand as she stood over me.  “Stubborn little bitch, aren’t you?  Resilient too. Most girls wouldn’t last as long as you have.” Her face darkened.  “But I warn you, if you’re stupid enough to go one final round with me, it will be even worse…so much worse.  Why not just quit now?”

“In…your dreams.” My voice was a breathless croak.  My throat hurt from screaming.  I swallowed painfully and added, “I’ll get you.”  I rolled over onto my belly.  It took a while for me to push up onto my knees, and it was touch and go whether I could stay on my feet all the way to my corner but I made it, limping and stumbling.

My hubby massaged my shoulders and upper arms, trying to work some strength into my aching muscles.  He told me how brave I was, but also how stupid I was.  The way I felt by then, I was inclined to agree with him.  He didn’t try to talk me out of going back out for the last round though.  He knew there was no point.  He knew I wouldn’t let him interfere, no matter what – not now and not later. Even now I could feel myself growing stronger again, and that gave me hope.  I would find some way to win. 

Before the last round started, I turned to face my Amazon opponent.  I stared right into her eyes, to show her I had no fear.  I bent down and did another splits, showing off to show her just how flexible I am, and how much energy I still had left.  I even sprang back up to my feet from the splits, to show off the results of the plyometrics I’d been doing at the gym.  I wanted her to know she’d worn me down but she hadn’t worn me out.

Hubby called for the start of the round.  Stella came toward me in an arrogant strut, tits swaying, a smug grin on her face.  I let her come close, then bolted toward her at full speed.  “You’re MINE, BITCH!” I leapt in a star jump straight at her.  My naked upper body crashed into her face, my hands locked around her neck and my toned legs curled around her back.

She staggered backwards.  “You crazy kut, I’ll – MMMPPPHHH!!!” Her threat was cut off as my tits slammed into her face.  They might have been only a 32C/D, but they were enough to shut her up.  She kept reeling backwards, fighting to keep her footing.  She had to fall soon.  She had to.

But she didn’t.  Instead, somehow, she kept her feet, regained her balance and grabbed at my back and shoulders to loosen my grip around her neck.  “Get your pathetic little excuses for tits OUT OF MY FACE!” she bellowed as she pried me off her.  I clung tight to her neck but I was no match for her strength.  I began to slip down her body.  My legs were wrapped around her just above her hips.  We were chest to chest, her hard nipples poking mine, though her nipples, or least her aureolas, were almost as big as my entire tit.

It had a been a last mad gamble – all or nothing – but it had failed.  The moment was gone and I was in trouble now – deep trouble.  I felt her arms go from prying me away to holding me tight against her, her hands clasped together behind my back.  With an almighty burst of energy, she pulled me into a bear hug.

Our tits mashed together.  Hers engulfed mine, flattening them, crushing my implants into my chest.  They were so massive that not only did they make mine disappear, but they swelled up under my chin as she squeezed me, and soon they were practically strangling me too. 

Her arms were like steel bands tightening around my body.  The air shot out of my lungs.  I couldn’t take another breath against the pressure.  I gasped.  My eyes widened.  I felt a rush of panic.  My arms flew away from around her neck but I before I could even try to free myself, she crushed the last of the fight out of me.  My legs went slack around her waist.  My arms dangled loosely.

Stella held me with my face inches from hers.  I was like a limp, naked rag doll in her arms.  “You’re gonna pay for that stunt, you crazy fucking slut,” she snarled. She spun around, carrying me with her.  My legs slapped against one another, my feet not even touching the ground.  “Ready to submit now, little girl?”

I blinked at her.  It was over.  We both knew it – but knowing it and admitting it were two different things.  I managed to get one word out.  “No.”

She squeezed me even tighter.  The little breath I had came rushing out in a strangled cry. “Argghhhhhh…you’re going to break my ribs and pop my tits, you psycho – ”

“Submit!” she hissed in my face.

“…never…” I gasped.  Defiance was all I had left.

She looked at me like I was something foul that she’d just stepped on in the street.  “Ok then,” she said.  “You deserve everything that’s coming to you.”  Still held tight against her chest, I felt her take a quick step forward, then a jump into the air.  Then we were falling, and then we hit the ground.  For a brief instant there was overwhelming pain, but then there was nothing. 

I don’t remember what happened.  Hubby told me later that after she body slammed me to the ground underneath her, she got up off me and stood over my naked, tangled body, admiring what she’d done to me as I lay there unconscious.  He told me she slapped my face and tits, even pulled hard on my nipples to revive me, but I was well out of it. 

The next thing I remember was waking up with my head hanging upside down.  The big bitch was standing with my bare body draped over her shoulders. I could see her two friends standing at the corner of the ring, alternately clapping and hugging each other.  She had one hand on my chin, pulling my head down as far as it would go and holding it inverted.  Her other hand was between my legs, clamped around my thigh, almost brushing my pussy.

Here’s a pic that shows what this hold looked like.  It’s not me and not Stella…of course…but you’ll get the idea of how it felt.


I felt movement as she pulled down harder on my chin and leg.  Searing pain ripped through my spine.  I realized that she must have done that before.  That was what had brought me back to consciousness.

“Wakey wakey, sleepy head,” she taunted me.  “Such a waste, you know? All that time and hard work in the gym, and still those sexy little abs of yours are completely useless.  I crushed you like a bug, you weak little slut.” She shrugged, and that caused me more pain.  “Still, your little performance with the splits earlier tells me you’re flexible enough for this.”

She pulled down even harder, bending me viciously across her shoulders.  The pain was unbearable, not to mention unbearably humiliating to be tortured like this.  She had complete control over me.  I wailed in anguish.  I was hurt and humiliated but I was also hotter than I could ever remember being.

“I shouldn’t be greedy though,” said Stella.  “Let’s make sure everybody gets a piece of you.”  She walked over to her friends, walking with an exaggerated bounce to her stride that sent waves of pain surging through my back.  I felt nauseous from it.  “Go on, girls, play with her.  Get your fingers into that tight little pussy.  Give those tiny tits of hers a good hard slap, and tweak those little nipples.” 

The other two did exactly as they were told.  One of them dug at least four fingers into my defenseless pussy, and the other was slapping my tits and yanking on my nipples.  I wailed in pain and shame.  “No…please…stop! Stop!  I’m begging you, stop!”

They ignored me.  “You know what girls? I think she likes this,” said Stella playfully.  “Is she getting wet?”

“She is!” the brunette – Lindsey – affirmed.  She was the one with her fingers inside me, stretching my pussy open wide.  I was terrified she was going to shove her whole hand in and fist me.  I trembled on Stella’s shoulders but even that little bit of movement was agony.

“I knew it!” shouted Stella.  “You love being my bitch!  You LOVE being owned by a superior woman like me!”

“NOOOOOO!!!” I screamed at the top of lungs, not only because I hated her words but because I knew there was more than a little truth in them.  I panicked, thrashing wildly with what little strength I still had, but the pain and the blood rushing to my head almost made me black out again.  “I SUBMIT!” My shriek trailed off into a defeated mumble.  “I submit…you win…please…put me down.  I can’t…I can’t take any more.”

“Say you’re my slutty little fake titty bitch, first!” She bounced me again.

“AGGGHHH!!! I’m…I’m your slutty little titty bitch!...fake titty bitch!” I was horrified that I’d said it wrong.  She might get angry.  She might hurt me more.

I stopped, disgusted with myself.  She might be the most powerful opponent I’d ever faced.  She had wiped the floor with me, but I was damned if I’d shame myself.  Anger swelled up in me.  “Put me down! Put me DOWN, you PSYCHO!!!”

“Well…that wasn’t very polite, was it girls?” Stella teased me.  “Remember the rules…I can decide whether or not to accept your submission…and I choose not to.  Now I need to teach you a lesson…that little sluts like you are too weak and pathetic for real women like me.  It’s a valuable lesson and you’ll appreciate it in the long run, I promise.”  She got a firmer grip on my chin and leg.

My anger evaporated, dried up by sudden terror.  “Please!  You’re going to break my back!” I wailed.  “I beg you!  Put me down!”

“Ok,” Stella replied.  “I’ll put you down.” With that she took her hand off my chin and thrust it under my shoulders instead.  She changed her grip on my thigh, lifting it up rather than pulling it down.  She stepped back and, like an Olympic weight lifter, jerked my body up high above her head.  I gasped and held myself rigid, knowing there was nothing I could do.  She totally controlled me.  Then she dropped suddenly down to one knee and lowered me – no, dropped me was more like it – into a back-breaker over her big hard thigh.  I didn’t have the strength to scream.  I lay there quivering, wracked with pain.

“There, that’s more comfortable,” said Stella, and added with a cruel smile, “for me at least.”  She grabbed me by the hair and forced me to look up at her.  “Now, since your tight little pussy is all wet and hungry, I’m not letting you up until you cum for me and my girls.  Understand, slut?”

I looked up at her submissively.  “Yes…” I mumbled.

She jerked my hair viciously.  “Yes what?” she snapped.  “A little slut like you should call me Mistress.”  She looked down her nose at me.  It was hard to see her face past her huge tits.  “So let me ask again, slut.”

My lip trembled and I stammered, “I…I understand…Mistress.”

“Good.” Her proud eyes traveled down my body, past my trembling tits, over my tight stretched out abs to my crotch.  “Well…what are you waiting for? You don’t expect me to make you cum, do you?  Why should I do all the hard work?” She grabbed and twisted my left nipple.   My legs twitched as my pussy clenched hard. I whimpered, and not just in pain.

It was an effort to pull my right hand up, slide it over my belly to my pussy, between my swollen lips. I was already really wet.  Like I said, there was more than a bit of truth to Stella’s accusations.  I love going up against big, fit, arrogant girls and dominating them – seeing the look on a girl’s face when she realizes she’s getting owned by a petite little Asian girl.  There’s a part of me though, that loves the feeling I get when I’ve given everything I have to a fight, used every ounce of strength, every trick I know, and it still isn’t enough.  I don’t feel that way often but when I do, I open myself up to it.  That was how I felt right then, being completely controlled, humiliated by this huge-breasted Amazon. 

I began to massage my clit, slowly at first but quickly getting faster and harder. Stella leaned forward over me, and I felt her massive tits press into mine, pancaking them into my chest.  She held me by the hair and looked into my eyes.  “Look…look at your hubby’s cock.  He’s rock hard, watching me own you.” She twisted my head and I looked.  Hubby had come closer and stood just a few feet away.  He was so hard the tip of his cock was bobbing up and down with each heartbeat.  He’s seen me like this once or twice over the years, and it always turns him on.  Seeing his arousal made me even hotter.

“Look at my tits covering your silly mosquito bites,” Stella taunted me, pushing my chest down with hers, arching my back again. Her voice seemed to come from far away.  “You’re a pathetic little loser, aren’t you?”

My breathing got heavier and heavier.  I moaned, “Yes…Mistress…” My hips bucked all by themselves.   I was shaking, right on the edge.

“Don’t!” Stella barked.  I jumped.  “Not until I give you permission.”  I bit my lip, struggling against the urge to climax.

“Little sluts need to beg for permission to cum.” She rubbed her enormous tits over mine, pushing them up under my chin, stretching my back even more.  I whimpered.  My pussy was streaming.  The pain in my spine combined with the growing pleasure in my pussy was making me wild. 

“Please!” I cried.  “Can I cum?  PLEASE???”

“Please what?” she replied from close above me.  I could feel her breath.

“Please…Mistress…ahhhhh! Can…can I cum???”

She kept me waiting as I moaned and shuddered, desperate for relief.  Then she said, “Yes…cum for me, slut.”

As soon as I heard her words, the orgasm burst out of me.  I screamed out loud, bucking and thrashing, completely oblivious to the pain it caused me, stretched over her knee like I was.  She gave me no time to enjoy the feeling or to let it spread though.  Almost as soon as I came, she straightened up and tipped my writhing body over onto the ground.  I landed with a thud, still frantically rubbing my clit, gasping and moaning.

Stella rose to her feet and stood over me, watching as I kept pleasuring myself in the sand at her feet.  She let me continue for a few seconds, but then she lifted a foot and placed it on my belly, pressing down hard.  I stopped, panting, staring up at her, begging her with my eyes.

“Don’t be a selfish little cum slut,” she scolded me.  “Now it’s my turn.” She took her foot off my abs.  I lay still, not daring to move as she walked slowly around me to stand by my head.  “You’re such a pathetic loser, you couldn’t even get my thong off.  I’m going to have to do it for you.”  She wriggled her black thong down over her hips, down her legs and kicked it aside.  Now she was naked too, standing with her feet apart, hands on hips as she looked down at me.  The look of her, strong and powerful, and me beaten and helpless at her feet, almost made cum all over again.  I whimpered.

Stella smiled.  She knew exactly what she’d done to me.   Slowly she lowered herself, squatting over my head, facing my feet.  “Now, my little slut…lick your Mistress’s pussy.”  She placed her pussy over my mouth and nose.

I slid my tongue up between her lips – she was juicy, oozing into my mouth – and licked her as fast and as hard as I could.  She moaned, pushing down, grinding her clit harder onto my chin as my tongue swirled inside her.  “Oh…yes…” she breathed.  She kept slapping my tits and pulling hard on my nipples.  I squirmed in the sand underneath her, moaning into her pussy.  Her voice grew into a shout.  “You really…ARE a GOOD…LITTLE…SLUT!!!”  Her pleasure at what she’d done to me, what she’d taken from me, what she’d made me into, quickly took over and she came hard after just a few minutes on my tongue.

Once she had recovered herself, she stood up over my body and looked down at me again.  My whole body was covered in sweat and sand, my face and hair soaked in her juices and my thighs glistening with my own.  She was gleaming, golden, those massive tits jutting out proudly from her powerful chest.  She placed her right foot on my chest and dug her toe into my tit.  I whimpered again.  I felt so weak – and so turned on – as I watched her flex both her arms.  Her friends got out their mobile phones and took pictures.

« Last Edit: May 13, 2017, 03:48:22 PM by TheScribbler »


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Re: Apple's Holiday
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2017, 03:46:08 PM »
“You need to clean yourself up, slut!” said Stella when they had finished.  “I’m not letting you into our hotel room like that.” She bent over, dragged me up to my feet by my hair, and shoved me in the direction of the beach.  I stumbled a step or two but I was too weak to stand and I collapsed to my knees. 

Stella gave a disgusted sigh.  “Pathetic slut.  Do I have to do everything?” She seized me by the hair and led me, crawling, through a gap in the dunes, onto the beach and down to the ocean’s edge.  There she waded in, knee deep, hauling me after her, and threw me face down in the water.

I gasped but the cool water seemed to revive me a little, and I was able to wash the clinging sand and the sweat off my battered body.  I stumbled back onto dry land, hubby handed me a towel and I dried myself off, though even that was an effort.  I noticed his cock was still half hard, and he couldn’t keep his eyes off Stella.

“Get yourself dressed and get back to the hotel, slut,” Stella ordered me.  “There’s still the matter of consequences.” I couldn’t meet her eyes but I shuddered at her words.  With all that had happened, all she’d put me through, I’d forgotten that there was still another, maybe greater price to pay.

“I want that pathetic little body in Suite 800 in half an hour,” she went on, “and bring your husband with you.” She grinned.  “His big dick will come in handy.”

Stella must have thought I’d try to escape, because she told the brunette, Lindsey, to drive back to the resort with me and my hubby.  She needn’t have worried.  I fight to win and I’ll use a bitch hard when I beat her, but if I lose, I don’t run away from the consequences – especially not when I lose to someone like Stella.  The thought of what was to come, filled me with fear – and lust.

Before she let me dress though, Stella demanded that we all walk back to the car park together with me in the middle, still completely naked, being frog marched by her two friends.  She wanted everyone on the beach to know that she’d defeated me, and to show off how powerful she and her two Amazon girlfriends were, compared to me. 

I felt their strength, their superiority.  I glanced left and right, at their big tits, then down at my own, so much smaller. We passed more people than I would have liked. Stella and her friends even stopped along the way to pose for photographs. Each time they did, they pressed their huge tits against mine and chanted, “3…2…1…BIG TITS!” as if I hadn’t been humiliated enough. All the self-assurance – all that was left of it anyway – drained out of me.  I blushed with embarrassment.  Who was I, to challenge somebody like Stella, or any of these three to be honest?

It took us five or ten minutes to reach the car park and the blue BMW that hubby and I had rented. Stella kept my thong and bikini top.  They were her trophies, she said.  I didn’t object.  I couldn’t.  I had clothes in the boot of the car though.  Stella let me keep my tank top and I put it on over a white push-up bra, then my denim hot pants, bright red high heels and matching round sunglasses.  I knew Stella would strip them off me soon enough.

Stella and her friends had driven to the beach in a red Audi.  They also had their clothes in their car.  Lindsey dressed herself in white cotton shorts, a tight blue t-shirt and flip flops. Then the busty brunette hopped brazenly into the front seat next to my hubby and told me to sit in the back.

On the short, ten-minute drive back to the hotel, Lindsey told me that the three women had all been watching me in the gym ever since we’d arrived at the resort, a day after they did.  They had discussed and fantasized about taking me back to their hotel room – they shared a suite on the top floor – but they’d seen me with hubby and assumed I was straight, so they hadn’t approached me.

Stella was the leader of the three – Lindsey called her ‘our Alpha’ and I sucked in my breath sharply as Stella’s earlier words clicked into place.  When she made me call her ‘Mistress’, it wasn’t just to humiliate me at that moment.  She really meant it.  The brunette heard me, looked over her shoulder and laughed.  “You really have no idea what you’ve let yourself in for.”

Stella and Simone arrived at the hotel ahead of us, and had already gone up to their room by the time we arrived and hubby parked up.  He was in black shorts and a white t-shirt.  He’d dressed at the same time I did.  The brunette escorted us through the foyer and up in the lift to the top floor. 

Room 800 was at the far end of the corridor.  It wasn’t just a room though.  It had double doors with the name ‘Artemis Suite’ on them in gold letters.  Lindsey pressed a bell push beside the door and almost immediately, we heard Stella’s voice from inside, telling us to come in.  I went first, followed by hubby with the brunette bringing up the rear.

The room inside was rectangular and at first it seemed quite bare, though it soon occurred to me that that was just because it was so much bigger than hubby’s and mine.  It was entirely white, walls and ceiling, and the floor was tiled with white marble. A two-seater sofa sat against the wall on the left, with two armchairs to the right facing the sofa across a glass-topped coffee table.   There were full-length windows – French doors actually – at the far end with a balcony beyond, overlooking the ocean, and a table with four chairs right in front of the doors. 

It was right on sunset by then and the sky was orange, fading to pink and purple.  The lights in the room were turned on – two lamps on end tables either side of the sofa bathed the room in a yellow glow.

Stella sat at the table, one leg crossed over the other at the knee, in a tiny red thong and a black bra that barely held her massive tits.  She wore knee-high boots with spiked heels that had to be four inches high at least.  They were black leather and shone in the pale light.  Simone stood next to her in an identical outfit.  They both looked stunning, superb – frightening.

Stella gazed back at me coldly.  “Shut the door…loser.”  She beckoned to hubby.  “You, mister…come here and take a seat next to me.” She pointed to the chair across the table from the one in which she sat.  Hubby did as he was told.  Stella looked at Lindsey.  “Go and change.” The woman nodded and disappeared through a door off to my left.

“Now, slut…come closer.” 

I took a few cautious steps into the room. Stella’s icy gaze raked me from head to toe.  “Look at her.  Look at her little titties wiggle in that bra of hers.  It must be magic…she looks like she might even have some tits in there.”  Simone laughed at her joke. 

Stella held up a hand.  “Stop there.”  I stopped and stood there, staring at Stella with a lump in my throat.  I felt very small right then.  Even sitting down, I felt every inch of her height, every ounce of difference in our sizes.  I felt it in my mind, in my heart – in my pussy.

“Look at you, slut,” she said to me.  “Who wears high heels to the beach?”  I didn’t have anything to say.  My legs felt rubbery.  It was all I could do, not to fall to my knees in the middle of the marble floor.

The brunette came back into the room.  She was dressed like Stella and the other one now.  She went over to stand by Stella, on the other side of the table with her hand on my hubby’s shoulder.  He was watching the three of them, his mouth open.  He had a massive bulge in his shorts.  I didn’t blame him.  My hot pants were soaked.

“Girls, I want you to strip her,” ordered Stella, “but leave her bra on.  Those little bumps of hers aren’t worthy of attention...yet.”

Lindsey and Simone walked over to stand either side of me.  Both of them towered over me, even more so in their heels, and I knew neither of them was as big or as powerful as Stella.  They lifted my arms up to remove my top over my head, peeled down my hot pants and told me to step out of them.  They laughed at how wet I was, and I blushed dark.  I began to remove my heels but Stella ordered me to leave them on.  I felt very vulnerable, standing there in just my heels and my push-up bra.

Stella stood up.  “Now, undress me, and then each other.” She smiled at me.  “Since we have tits worth showing off, you two take your bras off too.”

I stood there and watched while the two of them removed Stella’s bra, then her thong, leaving her in just her boots.  She was magnificent, like some kind of warrior Goddess.   Then they undressed one another, taking their time and obviously enjoying it.  My hubby watched transfixed, never taking his eyes off their massive tits.  He didn’t look at me once.  That should have made me angry but just then it only made me wetter.

When they were all nude, they turned and faced me with Stella in the middle.  “Get this slut on her knees, girls.  Tie her hands behind her back too.”

Her two friends walked over to me again.  Simone stepped behind me, her big tits pressed against the backs of my shoulders.  Lindsey pressed close in front of me, her huge chest riding up over my tits.  I was sandwiched between them.  I had a mental vision of them embracing each other with me in between them.  I’d be crushed, smothered by their tits.  I shivered involuntarily.

The blonde grabbed my ponytail and yanked my head backwards.  I gave a tiny whimper as she handled me so easily, so confidently.  Her friend placed both hands on my shoulders and pressed downward.  My legs were too unsteady to resist her, even if I’d had the willpower by then, and she forced me to my knees.  She took my wrists and crossed them behind my back. Then I felt the bite of rope against my skin as she tied them tightly.

While they were doing that, Stella disappeared through another door to my right.  The other two were standing either side of me when she came back a minute later.  I couldn’t see her at first – the blonde was blocking my vision – but I saw hubby’s eyes widen and when she stepped in front of me again, I gasped.  Strapped to her waist was the biggest, most life-like strap-on that I’ve ever seen – before or since.  My heart missed a beat, and my pussy almost went to spasm right then.  It was a good twelve inches long, just like she had threatened me with in the dunes, black and glossy.

I knew right then that this was going to get bad for me – very bad.  I’ve been with women before, more times than I can count, and I know how women make love to women.  We use our fingers and tongues and all the rest of our bodies to pleasure and enjoy one another.  We might use toys too, but we don’t need cocks so we don’t use strap-ons.  A strap-on isn’t for pleasure.  It’s for domination, for showing your power over another woman, for fucking her hard and sending the message, ‘you’re my bitch and you’re damn well going to feel it.’  I shuddered.

Stella turned to wink at my hubby.  The enormous cock swung as she moved.  “You’re going to enjoy this much more than your wife will,” she told him.  Her words gave me chills – all kinds of chills.  She turned back to me, stepped closer and with a twist of her hips, slapped me hard across the face with the heavy rubber dildo.

“Open your mouth, bitch,” she barked, “and taste some winner cock.”

I trembled.  I wasn’t even sure that I could even get my lips around the thing, but I tried.  Opening my mouth as wide as I could, I leaned forward and placed my lips on the massive head.  My lips didn’t fit around it but I leaned in and Stella thrust her hips forward too.  The cock made a wet noise as she pushed it into my mouth, forcing my lips even further apart.  I began to suck on it, my mouth straining to contain it. 

“It’s not a lollipop, you worthless little loser!  Suck it in deeper!” She jabbed her hips forward and I gagged as she forced the head of it past my tongue and down my throat.  My eyes were wide open in shock at the girth of it.  “That’s better.  Suck it down like the slut you are!”

Spit was oozing from my overstretched lips, dripping down my chin onto my chest.  Tears were streaming down my face.  The shaft of the strap-on completely filled my mouth, and it was so far down my throat that I could feel it stretching my neck wider.  I could barely breathe, even through my nose.  I was beginning to grow dizzy, on the verge of panic again.

Stella grabbed my chin and tilted my head up so she could look down at my purple face.  She was choking me with her cock.  I begged her for mercy with my eyes as I made a strangled sound around the shaft.

At last she eased back.  The head was wedged so deep in my throat that at first she pulled me along with her, almost jerking me off my knees.  The brunette had to hold my shoulders so Stella could pull the cock out of me. I gave a huge “GGGUUUHHHHHH!!!” as I gulped air into my starving lungs.  My head slumped forward.

Stella stared down at me as knelt gasping in front of her.  “At least you suck cock better than you wrestle.”  She motioned to the other two.  “Get that bra off her little chest.  You’ll need to untie her hands.  Get those tiny tits out, and then tie her back up.” 

They did so and as they unhooked my bra and pulled it down my arms, Stella went on, “I can see your hubby loves big tits.  I bet he loves titty fucking.” She turned again to hubby.  “Is that right, mister?”

He was still sitting at the table, his fingers gripping the arms of his chair, watching with fascination as these three Amazons totally dominated his wife.  He opened his mouth but no words came out.  He managed to nod.

Stella laughed.  “I thought so.” She turned back to me and gave my tits, now bare, a long look.  “Surely he must have done that with an ex though…someone with decent tits.” She looked at his face. It told her everything she needed to know.

She laughed as she looked back at me. “So it’s true. She was bigger than you.  I bet despite your fake little tits, you’re still the smallest he’s ever had.”  She curled her lip into a sneer.  “These little things…” She made a dismissive noise in her throat. I hung my head in the face of her contempt.  I was her bitch and yes, she was making me feel it.

“But we’ll see how you do,” she added, and stepped forward again.  She slapped me in the face again with the strap-on, leaving a wet smear of my own saliva across my cheek.  She bent her knees a little, pushed the dildo between my tits and, using both her big hands, tried to force them together around it.  My tits weren’t big enough to wrap around the massive shaft as she slid it up and down against my chest.

Stella laughed loudly.  “Oh honey, he must be really missing all the other big, natural women he’s fucked.  There’s no way you could give him a tit job with those.” She shook her head in mock sadness.  “Such a pity.  You obviously paid a lot of money for them, but you’re still a pathetic little itty bitty titty bitch.”  I couldn’t lift my eyes.  My face was on fire.  So was my pussy.

She turned away from me.  “Why don’t I give him what he wants.” She laughed again as she saw hubby’s straining shorts.  “…what he so desperately needs.”

She walked over to him.  His eyes were riveted on her tits.  “What are you waiting for?” she told him. “Get that big cock out…now.”

Hubby stood up, stripped naked and sat back down.  His cock was at full attention, the veins on his shaft standing out, the head swollen and shiny.  Stella had him put his hands on the arms of the chair again, and tied them in place with lengths of red silky rope.  I imagined it was the same rope her friend had used to tie my wrists.  Now she had us both at her mercy – and I doubt she needed the ropes for either of us by then.

Stella knelt in front of his chair, leaned forward and squeezed his shaft in between her huge tits.  She began to move, leaning in and out, up and down, massaging his cock.  Turning her head to look at me and still rubbing him firmly, she said, “Your hubby is rock hard for me, slut.  I bet he hasn’t been this hard since the last time he had sex with a real woman.” I shuddered, wishing I could take my eyes of her – but I couldn’t.

She made hubby cum in no time.  He erupted like a volcano and she milked every last drop out of him, rubbing his cum all over her tits.  She left him there gasping, slumped in the chair, and walked back over to me.  “On your feet.”

I went to get up – it was awkward to keep my balance with my hands tied behind my back, and especially since my legs were shaking hard by then.  Before I could move though, she bent down and grabbed my nipples.  I screamed as she pulled me forcefully up, but the pain shot straight down an express line from my nipples to my pussy and turned itself into some kind of dark but exquisite pleasure on the way.  An intense spasm ripped through me as I almost came.

Simone looked at my flushed face and trembling body, and mistook my humiliation for anger. “Ah, look how angry she is,” she laughed.  “She wants to fight you again, Stella.  Pathetic loser hasn’t learned her lesson.”

Stella tilted my head up by the chin again.  I shivered at her touch and kept my eyes lowered. “Oh that’s not anger…is it, slut?” I tried – unsuccessfully – not to whimper. “The little bitch is on the edge of cumming, just from the shame.”  She laughed softly as she slid her fingers along my jaw, under my ear to the back of my head.  “Just think…how proud you were this afternoon when we met on the beach.  Now you’re just a whimpering little slut…the little slut who’s going to clean up my tits with your tongue…ok?”

My lip trembled.  “Yyy…yes…Mistress.” 

She pulled me toward her effortlessly and forced my face into her deep cleavage.  It didn’t take much force.  She wiped my head back and forth.  The cum – my own hubby’s cum – smeared all over my face.  It got in my mouth and up my nose.  I could smell and taste it, mingled with Stella’s scent.  I closed my eyes and licked it from her skin – all of it.

“I bet you enjoy feeling a real woman’s tits for a change…?” she gloated as she lifted my head up to look down into my cum-covered face.

“…yes, Mistress…”  I couldn’t help myself and I licked my lips.

“Good little slut.” She slipped her hands around my back, lifting me up off the floor in her strong arms and pulling me against her.  It was just a fraction of the power she had shown in our match this afternoon, but still it made me gasp.  She squeezed her huge tits against mine, making my tits disappear again. I felt like my chest was about to burst.

She finally released me and I crumpled to my knees at her feet, holding myself up on my trembling arms.  I caught myself before I fell forward on my belly with my face pressed to her feet.  Part of me even wanted to do that.

“Now,” she said, “I want to see if that magic bra works on me!” She bent down and picked up my push-up bra from the floor.  I craned my neck up to look at her as she held it up and placed the cups on her tits.  The cups barely covered her nipples.

She slipped her arms through the straps and told Lindsey to fasten it at the back.  She had to pull it ridiculously tight just to get the clasp shut and when she did, Stella’s flesh bulged out around it, the little white cups dwarfed by her colossal tits.  She flexed her arms, her massive chest swelled up even more and suddenly the bra ripped open down the front.  Her tits sprang out and jiggled violently from side to side. 

When all three women finally stopped laughing uncontrollably, Stella turned to me and said, “Never mind, little bitch.  You can have mine.”  She beckoned to her girls.  “Untie her hands again, and put my bra on her.”

Simone and Lindsey hauled me to my feet, lifting me easily, and untied the rope that bound my wrists.  They placed – hung – Stella’s huge bra over my pert tits.  One held it against my chest and forced my arms through the straps while the other did up the hooks behind my back.  As soon as they let go though, the bra fell down around my hips, baring my tits again.  They laughed at me.

“It doesn’t fit you,” said Stella.  “Tell us why it doesn’t fit, loser.”

“It…it’s much too big, Mistress,” I replied shakily.

“And why is it too big?” she asked in a condescending tone.

I lowered my head and looked at the bra hanging on my hips, the straps caught on my elbows.  “Because my tits are much too small, Mistress,” I replied, realizing that was the answer she had wanted the first time.

“Because you’re a little titty loser…aren’t you, loser?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

She sniffed.  “Get my bra off…you don’t deserve to wear it.” I let it slip down my arms and dropped it to the floor between us.  “Get on your back, bitch.  Girls, get those slutty heels off her feet, too.  I want the slut completely naked.”

I lowered myself to the floor, down onto my back on the cool marble.  Stella’s friends took me by the ankles, pulled my high heels off and threw them to the side.  They held my legs while Stella walked around me, knelt behind my head and leaned over to me grab my ankles and force them up over my head, folding me in half, my bare pussy sticking up for her girlfriends to see how hot and puffy and wet I was.  I groaned.

Stella held my left ankle and wrist, and tied them together.  Then she did the same with my right ankle and wrist.  I was completely immobile, on my back with my pussy wide open for these three Amazons to do whatever they wanted with me.  I didn’t know whether to feel more afraid or more aroused – so I was both in equal measure.

The big blonde began to roll me over, onto my side, then up onto my knees. She didn’t leave me like that though.  Instead she played with my naked, helpless body, rolling me from my knees onto my back and back to my knees again like a toy, until I was dizzy and disoriented.  She finally stopped and left me with my face and chest pressed into the floor, my ass and pussy shoved up in the air.  I felt horribly exposed.

She rose up on her knees behind me and slapped both my ass cheeks hard.  I moaned. She grabbed my ponytail.  I felt the head of the huge dildo pressing against my pussy lips.  “This is the price you pay for challenging me, bitch!”  She pulled me against her.

I opened my mouth to scream, but the sheer size of the strap-on drove the breath out of me.  It opened me up, spread me wide, filled me and then kept on stretching me. I’d never had anything so big, so thick, inside me.  I gasped and clenched my fists tight, digging my nails into my palms as she pushed it deeper, inch my inch.  It wasn’t pleasurable – it hurt – but what she was doing to me wasn’t about how it felt.  It was about what it meant.  She had all the power here, and I had nothing.  That was why it made me moan with lust.

Despite its thickness, it slid smoothly if slowly into me.  “Look at how wet that little pussy is!” Stella jeered.  “You’re nothing but a dirty little slut! And you’re going to get what a dirty little slut deserves.  I’m going to fuck your brains out.”  With that she thrust the last few inches of the dildo deep inside my pussy.  I finally found the breath to scream, almost overwhelmed by the incredible sensation of fullness.  I felt like a balloon about to explode.

Stella hauled on my ponytail, bending my back and twisting the huge shaft inside me.  “Look at your hubby!” she ordered.  “Turn your head and look at him!  Look at his eyes.  Look at his cock!”

I obeyed her command – I had no choice.  Hubby was gaping at me, open-mouthed.  His cock was at full erection again, even after Stella had brought him off just a few minutes before.  I was staring at him when Stella shifted her position and planted her right foot on my right cheek, pinning my head to the floor.  She shifted the other foot too, for balance, and then she pulled back, sliding the gargantuan cock out of me.  I gasped with relief but shuddered with terror because I knew what was coming.  I wailed as she rammed the dildo back into my pussy.

“Are you proud of your loser wife?” Stella called out to hubby.  “Look at her, getting her pathetic little body dominated…fucked senseless…by a REAL woman!”

I screamed with each savage thrust.  I would have skidded along the floor if she hadn’t held me tight.  “Aaahhhhhh!!! My…pussy! You’re…killing me!”  But it wasn’t pain that washed over me in waves, but raw need.  A torrent of fierce emotions – the feel of this huge cock thrusting inside me, fucking me like I’d never been fucked before, the shame of being punished for my arrogance, put in my place, brutally owned by this powerful woman, the smell of her pussy, the taste of my hubby’s cum on her tits – all of it was blending together, overwhelming me, tearing at my senses.  I felt myself falling.  “Oh…shit…I’m going to...cummmm….”

Stella slapped my ass viciously.  It didn’t snap me out of it but it did bring me back from the edge for a moment.  “You cum when I TELL you to cum, you greedy little WHORE!” she yelled at me in a voice that made me tremble even harder.  “Go on!” She rammed the strap-on deep inside me again.  “Let me hear you BEG!”

I could hardly control myself enough to get the words out.  “Ppp…please,” I stammered.  “Please…Mistress…can….can I cummmm???” The plea turned into a whine.  My body bucked as I fought the orgasm that threatened to overpower me.  “I can’t….ahhh!...oh my…fuccckkk!!!” I was incoherent.  “I can’t…I’m begging you!…let me cummm!!!”

She took her foot off my face and planted both feet either side of me.  The room was air-conditioned and cool but the floor underneath me was slippery with my sweat.  I cried out as the enormous dildo deep inside me actually twisted my whole body around.

Reaching over the top of me, Stella pressed her huge tits down on my back, grabbed my face with both hands and pulled my head up off the floor.  My mouth was wide open, drooling on the marble.  She stuck both her index and middle fingers into my mouth and pulled back hard.  I screamed again.  I thought my spine was going to snap, there was that much tension in my back.

“Now…cum for me, my little China doll,” she shouted.  Her hold pulled me back even harder onto the dildo.  I was terrified – it felt like the head of the thing was going right up into my womb – but incredibly turned on as well.  Nobody had ever used me like this.  I was in awe of Stella and her girls.

An orgasm tore through me.  My entire body was convulsing with the force of it, spitted on the shaft of her dildo as she kept her fingers in my yawning mouth and pulled even harder. I was squealing, gasping, howling, cumming helplessly.  I don’t know how long it went on.  I dimly remember her dropping my face back down to the floor and yanking the dildo roughly out of me.  That feeling – the sudden emptiness – set my poor gaping pussy into spasm again as my tortured muscles didn’t know what to do.  They twitched, clenched, cramped – and I came again, shrieking.

Finally I lay there in a pool of sweat and spit, shuddering with aftershocks and panting uncontrollably.  Stella stood over me.  “You’re not done yet, slut,” she informed me as she bent to untie the ropes from my wrists and ankles.  “Oh no.  We’ve got a lot more work for you.”  I moaned.  I was powerless to resist her.

As soon as the ropes were off, she yanked me up off the floor by my ponytail.  I let out another wheezing groan, hurting helplessly as my whole body hung by my hair in her hands, but also amazed and aroused at being so completely conquered.  I felt her body push into me from behind.  She spun me around and drove me, chest first, into the wall, crushing my body with her own.  I opened my mouth but I couldn’t make a sound.

I felt her face next to mine.  “I’m going to teach you never to fuck with a big girl, ever again!  Girls!” she called out.  “Get your strap-ons on!  We’re going to teach this tiny titty slut some respect!”

She spun me around, still held against her chest.  By the time my dizzy eyes could focus enough to see, her two friends were both approaching me, each wearing a strap-on of her own.  They weren’t as big as Stella’s but still huge – at least eight inches long and thick.  I whimpered at the thought of what they’d do to me, together.

The three of them clustered around me, pressing their huge tits against me, bashing my own tits, the rest of my upper body and even my face with them.  They were doing it to break my pride, to crush my ego, to make me feel small and weak and worthless – and they were succeeding.

They forced me to the floor, on my back.  Stella immediately spread my legs apart while her friends held my arms down at my sides, and shoved her strap-on back into me.  I cried out again as the huge thing stretched my poor pussy past its limits, but it wasn’t quite as bad this time since my pussy was still gaping from before. 

She began to fuck me missionary style, leaning over me.  Her huge tits bounced wildly up and down with each thrust, and mine were bouncing violently too.  Stella laughed.  “Look at those little things jiggling away…I suppose to some, they’re cute!  But look at mine!  Wouldn’t you love to have these instead?”

She rocked back on her knees, still inside me, cupped her tits in her hands and looked left and right at the other two.  “Hold her arms up above her head!” They did so, stretching my body out and holding my wrists against the floor.  “Ha! Now they’re hardly moving at all.  But still…” She put both her hands on my tits and leaned forward again, putting her full weight on my chest.  “There…that’s better.” I gasped.  I couldn’t breathe at all, and I was certain that my implants would burst any second.  I was about to black out when she took her hands away and I could gulp a painful breath again.

After she ripped another orgasm from me, leaving me exhausted on the floor, she pulled the dildo out of me again and lay down on the floor beside me.  I looked at her fearfully.  I had no idea what she was going to do next.  Would she force me to lick the strap-on clean?  Would she make me suck it again?  I knew she might do any or all of those things, and I couldn’t do anything to stop her – not even if I’d wanted to.

She called out to my hubby.  “Come here!” He tried to do as he was told but his wrists were still tied to the arms of the chair.  “Girls, untie his hands and bring him over here!”  Lindsey and Simone got up.  They didn’t need to hold me any longer.  They untied his ropes and led him back to where Stella and I lay.

Stella looked up at him.  So did I, but in a very different way.  He was breathing hard, his face red and his eight-inch cock redder.  His eyes went from Stella’s face to her tits to her crotch and back again.  “Here’s your chance to fuck a real woman… the kind that really turns you on!” she told him.  She pulled the crotch strap of the strap-on aside, giving him access to her pussy.  “Put that big dick in me…NOW!”

He obeyed immediately, dropped to his knees and shuffled forward.  “Mmmm...that’s good,” moaned Stella as he entered her.  “How does it feel to fuck a real big-titted babe?”  He didn’t reply, but I could see the pleasure on his face as he thrust his cock into the woman who was so utterly dominating – owning – his wife.

Stella ordered Lindsey to keep fucking me.  She shoved her strap-on into my already gaping pussy.  I moaned.  It was smaller than Stella’s and didn’t fill me the way the Domme’s did.  It didn’t fulfill me the way Stella’s cock did, either, but still my pussy clamped around it immediately as she thrust deep, until her mound was mashed against mine.  My hips started to move in circles and the brunette laughed at me.  “Cock-hungry little whore!”

Hubby was fucking Stella harder and faster, his eyes fixed on her tits as they swayed in time with his rhythm.  They were bouncing around so much they were even smacking against my shoulder as I lay beside her, my own tits bobbing about too as the brunette drove into me again and again.  Stella kept taunting me even then.  “Look at my tits!  Look at them crash and smash together!  Now look at your pathetic little wife’s tits, hardly big enough to jiggle!” The comparison was right on the mark, and I knew it.  I moaned in shame at my own inadequacy and the feeling made me hotter still.

I knew hubby was about to cum inside Stella.  He made that little noise he always makes when he’s right on the edge.  She heard it too, and shoved a hand up into his chest.  “Stop!” She shoved him off her.  He moaned.  I could actually see his cock throbbing, and a trickle of pre-cum was oozing from its eye. 

She ordered the brunette off me too.  I let out a whimpering cry as she pulled out of me.  I’d been close to cumming again myself. I lay there gasping, wishing I had the strength, or the courage, to pleasure myself.  I trembled at the thought of what Stella would say – or do – if I did.

Stella got to her feet and went over to the sofa.  She sat down in the middle of it, leaning right back, her legs out, and held the huge dildo so that its shaft stood straight up.  Even from my position on the floor I could see it was still slick from my juices.

“Bring the little loser over here!  She’s going to get the ride of her life!”  Her two Amazon assistants lifted me to my feet and dragged – almost carried – me over to the sofa.  They lifted me up off my feet, each holding me with one hand under my arm and the other under my knee, and lowered me down over Stella, facing her, making me squat over the enormous head of her strap-on with my feet on the seat of the sofa.  I moaned as it touched my pussy lips again, wanting it but afraid of it at the same time – afraid of how I knew it would feel inside me, and how it would make me feel.

“Get this big cock into that tight little pussy of yours,” barked Stella as her friends held me upright by my arms.  She laughed.  “Though I bet it’s not so tight right now, not after being fucked hard with this monster!  But still…” She grabbed my hips and pulled me down, “get it inside you!  Do it!”

I couldn’t hold myself up.  Despite how toned my legs are, they were exhausted – I was shattered, body and mind – and even if they hadn’t been, I was no match for her strength.  I sank down slowly onto the dildo, crying out as it entered me, taking it inch by agonizing inch until it was devoured inside my pussy.

“It’s time you did some work, slut!” sneered Stella, staring up into my face.  “Prove that you can fuck better than you can wrestle!  Go on, work those toned little thighs of yours!  Ride my cock!” 

Biting my lip, I lifted myself up a little, moaning with the effort as my thigh muscles quivered and burned. 

“You fuck like you fight, you pathetic loser!” spat Stella.  “I’m going to have to do all the work…again!”  She began to thrust her hips upward against me.  Her strength – gawd, her strength! – made my whole body bounce up in the air, then plunge down on her massive dildo again.  My tits began to jiggle violently with the pounding she was giving me.  I was mewling like a cat in heat.

“Look at them wobble!” she taunted me.  “Little tennis balls!”  She began to slap them repeatedly.  “But why care about them…there are real tits on show today!” She reached up, grabbed both my hard, mahogany-coloured nipples between finger and thumb and yanked me forward, pulling my tits down onto her own, rubbing my nipples hard against hers as she bounced my body on her cock. My tiny C cups lost inside of hers.  “You should feel privileged that I’m letting my tits touch yours, slut!” She rammed her cock up into me.  “Do you feel privileged?”

“Yes…yes, Mistress,” I cried out.  It was hard not to scream, and harder not to cum, but I knew I wasn’t allowed to, not without her permission.

“Now my friends are going to join in,” she told me as she twisted my nipples hard, making me howl again, “and you’re going to be grateful for whatever they give you!”

“NNNUUUGGGHHH!!! Yes…Mistress!!!”

Lindsey climbed onto the edge of the sofa behind me, between Stella’s spread legs.  I felt a smooth wetness as she poured something – it felt like baby oil – between my ass cheeks.  “Ohhh…SHIT!!!” My voice cut off suddenly as she rammed her dildo into my ass, slamming me forward against Stella.  The thick eight-inch shaft drove up into me alongside the even thicker twelve-inch dildo, double-penetrating me, spreading me until I felt like I was going to explode.  My scream was from pain and lust and terror all mixed together.

The third one, Simone, climbed onto the back of the sofa and sat above Stella’s head.  She pointed her own dildo, identical to the brunette’s, in the direction of my face.  Stella and Lindsey continued to thrust their cocks into my ass and pussy, the brunette jerking my head back by my ponytail, Stella yanking me forward by my nipples.  Simone grabbed my head in her hand, looked into my eyes and said, “Suck this, loser!”  She speared her shaft into my mouth.

I gagged as she deep-throated me.  Saliva erupted out of my mouth and sprayed over Stella’s chest.  The Domme swore.  “You filthy little slut!  You SPAT on me!  You’ll regret that, bitch, I promise you!”  She grabbed my tits in both her hands.  “Fuck her brains out, girls!” I screeched around Simone’s hard cock as Stella began to maul both my tits savagely.

All three of them were ramming their dildos into me, hard and fast but randomly so I couldn’t anticipate, couldn’t ready myself, couldn’t do anything except bounce and squirm and squeal as they fucked me in every hole.  I couldn’t even breathe.  My body was completely out of control.  It was so painful but so deeply, darkly pleasurable too.  I was ashamed to the core of me that somebody could make me feel this weak, this worthless, this helpless, this submissive.  But the shame only poured petrol on the fire of my arousal.

“She LIKES being our little cum slut, doesn’t she, girls?” remarked Simone.  “Oh, I think she wants to say something!” She slid backwards, popping the dildo out of my mouth.  A string of saliva hung between the tip and my quivering lips.  I gasped, trying to get enough air to speak, to get enough control over my shuddering, bucking body to get the words out.  “I…I need to cum!” I howled.  “Please, can I…can I cum, Mistress???  PLEASE!!!....NNNGGGHHH!!!”

Stella jerked on my nipples.  “Tell us you’re a weak, tiny titty cum slut!” she ordered.

“I’m…I’m a weak little…weak tiny titty…cum slut!” I panted.  “I wish…I wish I had a body…had tits like yours!...PLEEEAAASSSE can I – ”  The smaller blonde rammed her dildo back into my mouth, gagging me.

“Cum for us then, China doll!” yelled Lindsey, grinding in my ass.

“MMMNNNGGGHHH!!!” My body went into complete overload as I gave myself up completely to Stella and her girlfriends, and totally lost myself in the pleasure.  I think I blacked out.  Maybe I did.  All I know was that I wasn’t me.  Apple was blown away and all that was left was Stella’s fuck toy – penetrated, violated, desecrated, everything-ated.  Even now I don’t have words to describe how it felt to utterly surrender myself like that.

It seemed like an eternity later when I felt Stella’s hands grab me under my ass cheeks and lift me off her and Lindsey.  I cried out again as my ravaged body slid off those two huge poles.  My pussy and ass ached and twitched.  I could feel the juices pouring out of me. 

Stella lifted me up and turned me around in her hands.  I thought for a horrible moment she was going to pull my ass down onto her own strap-on – I’d have died, I swear – but she held me as she stood up.  Simone slid down to take her place on the sofa, and then Stella lowered me again, skewering my ass onto the blonde’s dildo, reverse cowgirl style.  I groaned as my weight drove it all the way inside my ass.  My feet were on the sofa but I was way too weak to hold myself up.

The smaller blonde snaked her arms up under mine, behind my neck, and pulled me back against her massive tits. Her brown-haired friend knelt on the sofa between her legs. She, like Stella, revelled in letting me know how small I was, how weak I was, compared to them. With my back arched and my tits sticking out towards her, she grabbed my hips and thrust her giant tits into mine, completely smothering them.   She whispered into my ear, “This is what you get for daring to go topless, parading those stupid little apples around the swimming pool.”  She slid her own shaft into my still-stretched pussy. 

I looked up into Stella’s eyes as she stood beside us, off to my left. My body shuddered.  I gave her a defeated look. Stella looked at my body, ran her hands over my tight abs and laughed.  “I guess that amazing endurance of yours has its limits, after all.”  Then she looked me coldly in the eye.  “Remember the rules, little bitch.  Remember what you agreed to.  It’s not over until I say it’s over.  I say you’re not finished yet.” She smiled.  “And it won’t be over until you’re completely finished.”  She waved to her two companions.  “Do your worst, girls.”

Simone and Lindsey thrust into me hard, alternately and then together, thrusting my body back and forth, impaled on their two thick cocks.   They had obviously done this before because they double-teamed me like a well-oiled machine.  Despite my pain, despite everything they’d done to me, I felt the fires rising again.  “No!...No, I can’t…I can’t…!!!”

I didn’t even realize Stella had disappeared until she came back and stood over me with a marker pen in her hand.  She popped the lid off it and, as they continued to fuck my helpless, shaking, almost-cumming body, she wrote something across the tops of both my bobbing tits.  I didn’t even try to lift my head and see what she’d written.  I couldn’t.  I was too far gone.

She climbed up onto the sofa, in front of Lindsey with her feet either side of me and Simone, and stood straddling my body.  She had gotten rid of the strap-on now.  Her naked pussy glistened wetly above me.  I opened my mouth but before I could say anything or even manage a proper breath, she shoved her pussy into my face.  “Lick me, loser!”

I obeyed.  I was hers.  She totally owned me now, body and soul.  I licked her eagerly, lapping at her clit which was swollen up like a little cock, sucking her juices into my mouth, drinking them – drinking her power.

She moaned.  “You don’t cum until I do, loser!” she warned me.  “Lick faster!”

I did as I was told.  She was my Mistress.  I was hers.  I licked her greedily as her girls continued to brutally fuck my ass and pussy.  The white heat was building inside me.  I wanted to cum, I needed to cum, I was going to cum, but I didn’t dare.  I heard her moan loudly, “You lick pussy like a good little whore…yesssssssss!!!”

“Can I…can I cum…Mistress???” I screamed desperately, my whole body shaking like a leaf.

“No, slut!” 

I howled in tormented lust as she denied me.  “We cum…together…NOW!!!” I felt Simone, beneath me, grab my tits and squeeze them viciously.  The pain sent me over the edge.  My orgasm tore through me like a hurricane.  I screamed into Stella’s pussy as my Mistress came hard, erupting in my open mouth.  I gagged, swallowed, choked, drowning in the deluge, still cumming myself, my body and mind completely overwhelmed.

I know I blacked out that time.  When I came too, I was spread-eagled on the marble floor, soaked and laying in a pool of pussy juice – mine and everyone else’s.  My body ached all over, but also quivered with the aftermath of my orgasm.  I tried to move but all I could manage was to lift one arm, weakly, before it flopped back to the floor again. 

Stella sat in one of the arm chairs opposite, looking at me.  My hubby knelt on the floor, naked, in the spot he’d been when he was fucking Stella.  He was still rock-hard.  Lindsey was on the sofa.  I could see her feet.  I didn’t know where the other blonde was, but then I felt her hand grab my ponytail and she heaved me up onto my knees, then lifted me to my feet.  I was too weak to hold myself up and I hung like a toy in her arms. 

She turned me to face Stella.  The Domme smiled at me.  “Yes…I think now, girls, she’s completely finished.” She nodded toward the door.  “Throw her out like the garbage she is!”

Simone dragged me across the room like a sack of potatoes.  I had no strength and no will to resist.  Like Stella said, I was finished, broken, beaten like I’d never been beaten before.  All I could do was mumble, “But…my clothes…” as she opened the door and flung me out into the hallway, naked, covered in sweat and spit.

I tried to stand.  I failed and slid back to my knees against the wall.  I looked back at the open doorway.  All three women stood there, smirking scornfully at me.  Stella tossed something at me.  It fluttered in the air and hit me in the chest.  I stared blankly at it before I realized it was my room key.  “Get lost, loser.  You’re finished here.” Stella smiled cruelly.  “Come back when your tits are bigger.” She jerked her head, nodding back over her shoulder.  “We’re going to find out if your husband can fuck any better than you do.  We’ll send him back when we’re done with him.”  Then she slammed the door in my face.

I tried to stand again.  I still couldn’t.  I had to crawl the length of the hallway to the lift, and then down to our own room.  I passed several people along the way.  This was a swingers’ resort and seeing naked people in the hallways was nothing unusual, but they all gaped at me.  It was obvious to anyone that I’d just been fucked out of my mind.  They looked at my chest and grinned.  One or two even laughed out loud.  I was still too sore, too dejected to see what Stella had written there.

At last I reached the room, shoving the door shut behind me.  I crawled into the bathroom where I lay spread-eagled again on the cool floor for quite a while before I found the strength to lever myself to my feet, using the vanity counter for support.  I stood there swaying.  My legs were shaking and my pussy was still pulsating with the aftershocks of my orgasms. My mascara was streaked all down my face after the way I’d gagged on Stella’s huge dildo.  In fact, my whole face, neck and chest were covered in my own saliva and the Dutch women’s juices. 

My tits were red raw.  Across them, in black permanent marker, I finally saw what Stella had written.  Even though it was back-to-front in the mirror, I could read the words, “little titties” on the left and “worthless slut” on the right.

I sank to the floor, rolled on to my back and lay there, wishing I could think of a way not to think, cradling my sore, little, unworthy tits.



Offline Holly Deacon

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Re: Repost - Apple's Holiday
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2017, 03:45:41 PM »
Wow! Amazing fight! I'm sure it won't be your last defeat either


Offline lulufights

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Re: Repost - Apple's Holiday
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2017, 09:36:32 PM »
mmmm love it! I'm no Amazon but I'd love to bounce you off the walls, Apple  ;D

Great job Scrib!


Offline lulufights

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Re: Repost - Apple's Holiday
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2017, 03:30:03 PM »
You're right Hon it was a great account of my experience and yes, you ain't no amazon. Where you're very wrong is the bit about bouncing me off the walls. It takes a big, strong and skilful bitch like Stella to dish out that type of punishment to me. Girls your size are just what in need to 'bounce' back from such a defeat.

mmmm be fun to try that some time and see what happens ;) either way it'll be fun.

xox Lulu


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Re: Repost - Apple's Holiday
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2017, 04:24:36 AM »
Great recount of Apple's experience ...the write-up is a 10 and so is Apple.

Very Hot...


Offline TheScribbler

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Re: Repost - Apple's Holiday
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2017, 06:56:48 AM »
Indeed she is, KPNY, and thanks to you and Lulu for the compliments.

I understand there was a return encounter, so hopefully Apple and I can collaborate on bringing that to you all.



Offline Old black man

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Re: Repost - Apple's Holiday
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2017, 10:47:53 PM »
Excellent writing and fight thanks for posting it.