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Fetisher Hunter - Ryoko

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Fetisher Hunter - Ryoko
« on: May 20, 2017, 06:14:33 AM »
Author: zj41j4 & Hiraki Ardi Pratama

- Package -

- Story 1 -

Ryoko: "Ever see this before?"

The boy: "Mmmm, Never..."

Ryoko: "OK..."

Ryoko: "Geez..., it's not as easy as I thought to find them..."

The lady: "..."

Shakira: "Are you looking for someone girl?"

Ryoko: "Huh? Oh yeah, do you ever see any man with this mask?"

Shakira: "No, I don't."

Ryoko: "I see."

Shakira: "But I ever heard a rumor about it."

Ryoko: "Tell me more."

Shakira: "Well a few weeks ago I hear that a girl was killed with great damage in the belly."

Ryoko: "Just like an information that I need."

Shakira: "She was alone that time and she got ambush by a group with same mask."

Ryoko: "And let me guess she was tortured."

Shakira: "Not only that, they destroy her belly untill she was out of breath."

Ryoko: "Interesting."

Shakira: "You really know what I'm talking about? Your belly."

Ryoko: "What's wrong with that?"

Shakira: "You expose your belly, I think they will targeting you after this."

Ryoko: "No worries, my belly is strong. Actually I hunt those people, and my belly is just like a sensor to detect them."

Shakira: "I hope so..."

Ryoko: "So can you give me more information?"

Shakira: "Well, there is a pub not far from here. How about to continue our conversation there?"

Ryoko: "Sounds great!"

Shakira: "Welcome to my pub, please have a sit."

Ryoko: "Your pub? Oh! Surprise!"

Ryoko: "Well it's so quiet here... No I mean no other people here."

Shakira: "As you can see this is just a like dead place. Since the rumor about the fetisher spread out, people started to scared."

Ryoko: "Oh I'm so sorry."

Shakira: "Nah don't mention about it. Here have a seat, How about a few a bottle of beer?"

Ryoko: "No, I'm sorry I can't."

Shakira: "Come on at least you are my only customer now. Anyway it's free."

Ryoko: "Oh fine, I think I'll drink some."

Shakira: "And how about I give some challenge?"

Ryoko: "Like what?"

Shakira: "You have to drink this at 60 second."

Ryoko: "Well that's very kind of you but...."

Shakira: "If you did it, I'll give the information that you need."

Ryoko: "Ok, I got your word."

Ryoko drink the beer at 60 second. And she did it.

Ryoko: "Oh I feel dizzy right now."

Shakira: "Wow you did it. Now look at your belly, Are you sure you're okay?"

Ryoko: "Don't think about it, now as you promised."

Shakira: "I know I'll tell you every...."

Ryoko: "Wait sorry I think I have to go a toilet now."

Shakira: "Oh ok, the toilet is behind pub anyway."

Ryoko: "You mean there? Oh OK~"

(To be continued...)
« Last Edit: May 20, 2017, 06:21:02 AM by zj41j4 »