Hunter, it really has no one answer, if 2 women are ready to fight, at times they will keep each other in sight and remove earrings and such, some will forget it and jump at the chance to catch other by surprise (again no rules mean just that), if you plan to meet each other, you won't be wearing jewelry to remove, if you see 2 women rolling about or bent hold hair in most cases the only time they will pause or stop and wait is with the much younger females 15 to 21 roughly who fight cause their friends get them to or boy friends make them, and those people will pull them apart and make them restart, for no good reason then to see the girls go after others face no chest, they even try to stop them from pulling hair (basically they are idiots) as far as women go neither wil want it cause we know the damage that we can do, but once it is on anything we wear, have on or on us is pulled, torn, yanked and clawed at and used against you to win