We interrupt this episode of “Nutella Wars” for a special message . . .
First, thanks to Ewa and Mish for another fun yarn. But why do I have this urge to put Nutella on my shopping list now . . .?
For several years I have enjoyed the stories of the excellent writers who frequent the stories section of this forum. The well-told and descriptive tales are a great source of entertainment and those authors are deserving of applause. On the other hand, I have almost completely ignored chat logs of cyber fights. They typically looked like “I hit you (yt), I hit you back (yt) . . .” and were frankly not interesting. They were interesting to the participants, but they did not feel like a descriptive story to me and so I ignored them.
About one week ago I was tracing back the source of one of the stories in the stories section and it led me to this part of the forum. What I found here were a multitude of chat logs that did not at all resemble my notions above. What I found was detailed, free-form writing, and delicious story-telling by a number of talented people. The variety and depth of the stories told here are wonderful, and are great to read, re-read, and re-read again. Clever scenarios, witty writing, and a great deal of detail in the telling of the tales made me marvel at the talents shown. Clearly the intense time commitment required to do these logs shows in creating these masterful works.
All of you . . . all of you . . . ALL OF YOU who contribute here should be applauded for your talent, your creativity, your imagination, and your wits to create the tales told here. I am only one person, but I hope I speak for many others who have derived significant pleasure from reading this collection. Certainly some logs may appeal to certain people more than others, but they all show the labor of love that these stories must have felt like to the participants involved. I absolutely have my own favorites, but I have seen very little so far that I did not care for. Please note that I put this post in this specific thread since it is still toward the top of the forum and hopefully will be read by the authors currently working in this forum. (That, and I did like the concept of this scenario.)
Lastly, thank you to all of you for your charity in sharing these logs with the public. I understand the sacrifice of your privacy in publishing them, but those logs you choose to share with the world are cherished. I now eagerly look forward each day to see if something new and exciting has been posted. But even if you do not post, please continue to write these collaborative, free-form exercises for your own amusement. You deserve to be praised for your efforts, even if that praise is confidential between you and your collaborator.
I am grateful to all of the authors in this section for having the opportunity to read all of your works.
Thank you all.
We now return to our regularly scheduled mayhem . . .