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Jinxtit or Denise_Fights, who is tougher?

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Offline Glamour Fights

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The End of the Fight but not the Final Chapter
« Reply #45 on: March 20, 2010, 01:17:51 AM »
     I must report that the fight ended with Denise the clear winner. However, as we shall see from the story it is not the end of the animosity nor combat between these two. We have much to look forward to. And now the details of the ending of the fight.

     Denise had stripped Jinx and was brutally mauling her tit and crotch. Denise had bitten Jinx’s breast earlier and was not digging her nails into the broken flesh, twisting pulling and digging even deeper. The sharp nails on her other hand with driving deep into Jinx’s vagina. She worked her fingers in and scraped the sensitive inner walls of her pussy. The pain was excruciating.
      OOOOWWWW YOU DIRTY BLONDE BITCH!!!! Big Nose, you are wrecking both my tit and pussy!!! Stop it slut stop you're hurting my womanhood!!! Jinx claws Denise’s wrist trying to pull her hands off her tit as she kicks her legs in the sand helpless. With her other free hand Jinx aims a punch at Denise’s gloating face AAAIIIEE GET OFF MEEE!
      Denise easily avoids Jinx’s slow punch. She lets go of the tit long enough to grab Jinx’s arm and start twisting it ferociously. Joints make a popping sound as it appears Jinx’s elbow may be dislocated. Fortunately it jumps back into place but the remaining pain is too much to bear. Give up DOG FACE! BITCH FACE! Or I’ll break your fucking arm right off and shove it up your damage pussy.
      I give! I give! Please stop!
      Louder, cxnt! Glamour can’t hear you and I’m not convinced you mean it.
     Denise remembered the way Jinx had continued to torture her and humiliate her after she had given up in preference to drowning. She was out to extract revenge and was not going to let Jinx off so easily. Say ‘YOU ARE THE BETTER WOMAN…… My win was a fluke…… You are the better fighter.’
      Denise twisted Jinx’s arm harder and dug even deeper into her vagina.
      Jinx passed out from the pain but just before losing consciousness she mumbled. You are the better woman….! But mumbled even softer I whipped your ass the first time….]
     Denise let Jinx crumble to the ground. She stood over her occasionally stomping on her back’ kicking her in the sides; placing her foot on one cheek and grinding the other cheek against the sand; and driving her toes between Jinx’s legs, pummeling her already excruciatingly painful cxnt. The she stood back.
     Eventually Jinx woke up. Her whole body was racked with pain. She couldn’t remember if the fight had ended or not. She called upon every nerve in her body to stand up and fight this bitch until she was done for. It was a pitiful sight watching Jinx struggle to get to her hands and knees and then to finally stand up on wobbly legs. A painful sight but you had to admire Jinx’s courage to continue to fight on will alone.
     Denise watched Jinx’s struggles with a sinister smile on her face. Just as Jinx got almost all the way up she lashed out with her long, slender, gorgeous leg and nailed Jinx right on the side of the head..
     Jinx went down immediately, bouncing on her stomach. It is a tribute to Jinx’s toughness that she was not completely unconscious. She tried to force her muscles to lift her up but her legs and arms just slid on the sand in a sort of swimming motion.
     Denise waited again for Jinx to start to revive. Finally Jinx got to her hands and knees. Denise was immediately on her back. She grabbed Jinx’s hair and whipped her head back and forth. Then she moved into a riding position. She yanked on Jinx’s hair and slapped her ass to propel her forward.
Come on, doggie, Denise wants a ride.
Let’s go over and say hello to Glamour. Giddyup BITCH!
     Denise rode Jinx all over the place, spanking her on the ass and kneeing her in the sides when Jinx faltered. Jinx was furious but in too weakened a state to do fight back.  She had to do as Denise commanded. Denise even forced her to bark like a dog now and then. Yes Denise was extracting her revenge in spades.
     Finally Denise steering Jinx right in front of where I was sitting. She got off to the side and then pulled her had way back. Putting all her weight into it she smacked Jinx on the ass as hard as she could three times I a row:
     Jinx’s butt cheek was flattened then bounced back and quivered when Denise hand bounced off. A big red hand print was clearly visible.
     Satisfied she had spanked Jinx right in front of me Denise looked at me, smiled and said Well, Glamour, I beat this bitch just for you. Now it is time to be merciful and put her out of her misery. Since you said it was a battle for breast supremacy there is only one fitting way to finish her off.
     With that Denise placed her foot on Jinx’s rump and shoved her flat on her stomach. Then she used a half nelson to roll Jinx onto her back. She positioned her body on top of Jinx. First crotch to crotch, belly to belly and tit to tit. Then she slide up and place her gallon jugs over Jinx’s face. Jinx eyes went wide eyed as Denise lowered her boobs around Jinx’s nose and mouth.
     Then she slyly looked at me as Jinx’s face disappeared between her enormous boobs..
     She held her tits there until Jinx passed out. Finally she sat up on the unconscious Jinx and flexed her powerful bicep in a victory pose.

     This may have been the end of this fight but it is not the end of the story by far. A week or so later Jinx sent me a note that she wanted another fight with Denise. This time in a ring with a referee to make sure it was an ‘fair NHB’ fight. An oxymoron, Jinx admitted, but she meant that Denise wouldn’t be able to cheat her way to a win. She would show Denise that Denise would be on the short end the next time they met. She sent me a picture of what the result would be.
     I will not only beat her in the tie breaker. I will be proclaimed the champ! Not only that but I will rip out her pearl belly piercings and make them my own. They do look much better on my full belly than on her scrawny one if I may say so myself.
     When I passed this on to Denise she just chuckled and said Let her bring it on. ANY PLACE! ANY WHERE! ANY KIND OF FIGHT! I’m not afraid of her. She will end up the loser she is once again. She will be a CHUMP, not a CHAMP. She tried to rip out my pearls once and failed. They certainly look better on my firm stomach and I don’t have to say so myself.  She may call me big nose but she will be flattened nose.
     This is what the ending of the fight will look like:
See, I AM THE CHAMP! Jinx admitted that lefthandedly when she claimed she would be champ if she beat me.
Now she’s the CHUMP and I’m the CHAMP!

« Last Edit: March 20, 2010, 03:15:05 PM by Glamour Fights »


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Re: Jinxtit or Denise_Fights, who is tougher?
« Reply #46 on: March 20, 2010, 08:36:53 AM »
Glam, great effort!


Offline edfrompa.usa

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Re: Jinxtit or Denise_Fights, who is tougher?
« Reply #47 on: March 21, 2010, 04:56:38 PM »
Awesome story, i look forward to the third fight!