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Sarah Shahi vs Alexa Vega

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Sarah Shahi vs Alexa Vega
« on: November 21, 2017, 06:54:22 PM »

Sarah Shahi won the tournament and should be on top of the world.  She wasn’t, she was madder than ever.  After she won the door opened and a falling Scarlet Johannsen was there and behind her was Alexa Vega.

She and Alexa fought and she won and Alexa being the petulant spoiled child couldn’t deal with that so she came at her again.  This time in a weakened state.  Alexa Vega had to pay for that, she had to pay for the damage she had done in the first fight.  Most of all alexa had to pay for daring to think there should be a war.

Since that moment she let it be known and Alexa let it be known.  Someone was going to pay. Hollywood was split as to who was more likely to pay.  No one took the fight to Sarah like Alexa Vega and no one promised to be the woman to finish the job on Shahi like Vega.

Alexa Vega had challenges but she let it be known all she wanted was to destroy Sarah Shahi.  The fact that no one hurt Sarah like she did and the fact no one put a hurt on her like Sarah did was to much for her to deal with.

She and Sarah tore each other apart but for anyone to think Sarah was some kind of champion.  Not happening she was going to fight her again and she was going to tear her even more apart.  She legitimately wanted to end Sarah Shahi and she knew Sarah wanted to end her.  Some day was today.  She was younger, she was faster, she was stronger and she was meaner and she was tired of waiting.  Sarah Shahi needed to pay today.

Alexa used her friendship with a director to get Sarah to a private ranch in Texas.  Sarah had to be assured no one would interfere in this and she was.  They had video cameras set up to prove the fight happened.

Alexa and Sarah waited for a couple of hours refusing to see each other until they were both ready.  Sarah was told that Alexa was in a living room and opened the door and stood there.  Alexa got up from a chair “You are finally ready.”

“Yeah Alexa and you’ll”
“Lets just kill each other.”

They were about to run at each other but Robert Rodriguez came in.  “Hold on”  He had a bag “I gave Alexa permission to have this fight here but I want something.  I loved old wrestling and I know how much Alexa hates you so I don’t you running away from her… Would you two do a Texas Cow Bell fight.”

Neither woman responded.  Instead of running at each other they gave a quick glance at Robert then Alexa took off her shirt “Whether I have that, whethr I don’t I’m going to fucking tear that embarrassing, saggy, beaten down, cracked skin body because I’m the real champ.”

Sarah was not embarrassed about her body and took off her shirt and threw it at Robert.  They were going closer and closer “You nearly cost me my championship, you jump me after I win it.  Bitch I won’t stop this time I’m a Texan who will beat that fat ass of yours.”

“So the…”

“STAY”  Alexa screamed

“WATCH”  Sarah screamed

“DON’T INTERFERE”  Both demanded

Robert sat down and watched the two women go chest to chest. “You should fucking know better than to call me saggy.  I fucking beat you because I’m fucking tougher mentally and physically.”

“I’m feeling the physical toughness right now you overrated bitch and I Know I’m right.  Was right then and I’m more right now.”

Their voices got quieter “Last time we fought my tits bleed until the finals.  I can only imagine how yours felt.”

Alexa pressed her forehead into Sarah’’ who matched the pressure “Yeah they did and I still wanted more of you.”


Right hands went up to the temple and dug down.  They backed up not because of the deep scratch but to start throwing punches.  Eyes stayed open for the first right and left but then went closed as they began to wing wild rights and lefts at the other

Sarah ducked down and drove forward slamming Alexa into the stairs and railing  Left hand on throat of Vega she hit three hard punches to the stomach then dug her nails into the left tit of Alexa Vega and got a large scream but she was quickly hit with a knee then Alexa grabbed the long black locks and pulled back on them

Alexa had enough pressure let one hand go and scratched a Shahi tit then spun around so quick she got shahi off her feet slamming her into the railing.

Hands dropped to the collar bones and the nails raked down and the sheer bra was ripped in shreds.  After the nails went over the nipples Shahi both screamed and threw her head forward getting alexa in a cheek bone now Sarah ducked low lifted Vega up and ran forward until both women crashed over the couch

  Alexa got her feet on the couch and as Sarah began clawing at her face she pushed off and the two went flipping position.  Alexa sat up beginning to rain punches down but that was stopped by a tit attack.

Vega’s bra gone she was put down to her side where Alexa Vega got her arm between Sarah’s and hit Sarah’s arm at the elbow joint then threw her hand up and the area between thumb and forefinger got Sarah below the throat but it was enough for Alexa to get her feet on Sarah’s stomach and kick her away in the air

Alexa scurried up and was hitting knees to Sarah’s stomach then swung Sarah by the hair into a large chair.

She took a couple of deep breaths and jumped at Sarah who moved and got on Alexa’s back hauled back on the hair and clawed at Alexa’s face.

Sarah got more on Alexa’s back one hand in the hair the other went to the chest.  Vega reached up got hands in hair and jumped back sending both on top of a coffee table that snapped on impact

Alexa spun around and slapped Sarah then dug her nails into Sarah’s amazing tits and began to scratch at them digging deeper and deeper but Alexa’s hair was to low so Sarah grabbed it pulled down and lifted her head.  They both hurt but Sarah twisted hard two ways and was able to roll Alexa onto her back

Now Sarah started ripping at Alexa’s tits “Mine are better and less bloody.”

Alexa actually lifted Sarah’s hands from her tits and sat up then spit in Sarahs face and threw her back

They were up on their feet and traded some punches but were quickly hand on back of head and the right torturing the left tit of the opponent.

Sarah dropped down and at first Alexa thought she was winning but then she was lifted up and the two went flying over the couch again.  This time Sarah began hitting knees between Alexa’s legs.

A lamp had fallen down after the latest tackle and Alexa grabbed it and smashed it on Sarah’s face.  She got up hurting, her pussy hurt so she grabbed the power cord of the now broken lamp and whipped Sarah across the back twice.  Sarah was crawling away but Alexa wasn’t’ stopping “You don’t like it.”

Alexa got the belt in both hands and lasso’d it on Sarah’s nose and pulled back.  She let go and allowed Sarah to drop.  Alexa wrapped the belt around her hand sat on Sarah Shahi’s back and pulled her hair back “Tell Robert you quit!”

“Fuck you.”  Alexa smiled at that response and hit two punches with the belt wrapped hand.

Alexa got up gave the belt to Robert “That’s souvenir one.”

Alexa stretched allowing Robert to enjoy her tits and enjoy her dominance.  She had told everyone if theres a rematch with Sarah if Sarah ever had the guts to try to fight her again she would destroy her.

Alexa turned around and got speared into the stair railing.  Sarah dropped down and then stood back up lifting Alexa up as well Sarah jumped in the air and spiked Vega down..  Sarah got up kicked Alexa’s legs apart and soccer kicked her between the legs.

Alexa was dragged by the hair to the fire place where Sarah lifted the protective gate and placed Alexa’s arms under then put it back down pinning Alexa’s arms “Give up or else.”

“Fuck you do your worst.”

Sarah was up on her feet and slowly took off her belt.  Watching Alexa the entire time, she wanted to see the fear come into Alexa’s eyes but there was only defiance.  She had the belt fully off and allowed the buckle to graze around Alexa’s face and now the fear was there.

Sarah began to whip each of Alexa’s tits and after a solid three minutes of sadistic whipping she stopped and looked at the disgusting damage she did “This time I want you to say you quit and agree to leave me the fuck alone!”

Alexa was sobbing loudly, she couldn’t even open her eyes she was in that much pain which got worst as Sarah stomped her pussy twice.

“Don’t want to quit yet… Ok lets take this up a notch.”  Sarah turned away from Alexa and walked around looking for what she could use .  Sarah was intent on permanently ending this feud.  She took the worst beating of her life from Alexa then today she had her body savaged by Alexa.  She needed to do more.

She kept looking and then thought ‘The bull rope’

She walked over to Robert Rodriguez “Give it” 

“Why do you think this is over she’s ready.”  Sarah saw something

“What’s that.”

“YOUR END!”  Sarah turned around and Alexa was running at her with the protective gate.  Alexa  slammed Sarah into the stairway railings an lifted the gate up the neck choking out Sarah Shahi.

She dropped it from the throat and slammed the gate into Sarah’s stomach twice.  Alexa finally threw the gate aaway and got a foot on each stair and began slamming the point of her elbow between Sarahs eyes.  “You hurt me bitch but you shouldn’t have stopped we were prepared for you to do that… Lets see if you are prepared for how much I want to hurt you!”

Alexa took the bull rope and wrapped it around Sarah’s throat then went back to the ground pulling on the rope .  She had Sarah on her tippy toes so she wasn’t being hung but she was being choked slightly.  Alexa then got the rope around one of sArah’s arms then the stair rail then through and tied up the other arm and tied the rope.

“Now you pay”

“Alexa I don’t want to watch what you’ll do to her.”  Alexa had already hit a sickening punch to the unprotected stomah.

“Leave in fact what I do to this bitches unprotected needs to be beaten body is going to be between me and her so get my night vision goggles and turn the lights off.”

Alexa grabbed Sarah’s chiin got up on the stairs pulled the hair back “I won’t kill you but “

“If you don’’t kill me then …”

“Yeah you come after me again … good I’ll get to do all this over again.”

She got the goggles and the room went dark.  Leaving alexa to do with Sarah what she wanted and for all others to imagine

(Coming soon:  Lucy Hale vs Elizabeth Henstridge, Sarah Butler vs Rachel Melvin, Erica Durance vs Jill Wagner rematch)