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"Predator" against "prey" story?

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Offline andromeda

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"Predator" against "prey" story?
« on: May 05, 2010, 03:00:53 AM »

I would like to invite the good writers, like Morton (?), of Jobberjoe, or in fact anyone who feels free, to write out a delicate story, or tell weher we could find existing ones...

1. The main protagonists of the story would be in a role of "Predator" against "Prey", two delicately woven characters, a bit in the style of the superheroine stories (but not real superheroines but "real" characters)

2. The build up of the story must be quite slow, with the sexual tension more like being distant, but building slowly but steadily, until the ultimate erotic confrontation at the very end

3. Taking time for elaborating the psychological characterisation

4. The "prey" is preferably a gorgeous and athletic woman, in a dominant position. For instance: special team leader/martial arts trainer of a female elite squad of the Fbi or something

5. The "predator" is a vicious lesbian woman, who has put an eye on her prey, and sets up a trap for instance by doing other criminal activities  that must attract the attention of her prey)

6. There could be other female characters, in between there is also sexual tension or relation... for instance other gorgeous (younger) team members of the protagonist

7. The beginning of the story would shortly depict and describe the milieu in which the "predator" woman normally operates

8. The whole  bulk of the story, however, would be in the realm of the "prey" and her subordinates... headquarteres, fitness training, martial arts, on patrol, dominant and idolized position...

9. It would be extra interesting to add an exotic argument, for instance the gorgeous elite trainer is an Afro-american, the predator she is after (but in fact the roles are conversed) a Japanese dominatrix or criminal gang leader

10. The reader must know more than the characters, as like in a greek tragedy.. at first sight, or only by reckoning the lifeworld and capacities of the dominant afro-american prey, it would be clear that she would come out victorious, but we would have some hints that it would not be the case

11. A smaller confrontation between the predator and one the other characters (for instance female lover of the prey character) of could add tension to the story, but is kept secret for the gorgeous protagonist of the story (for reasons of emabarrasment or blackmailing)

12. The ultimate confrontation of both is really delayed or stretched to the very end, (even if the predator has been spying or fantasizing), with the unexpected but inevitable outcome in public...

So, I would know if a story like I described here already exists somewhere, or if there are writers willing to fantasize about and write it down


Offline LeeRoyCrane

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Re: "Predator" against "prey" story?
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2010, 03:09:30 PM »
Sounds like a 70's kung fu flick.

You should write it.

In this case, you should write about a duo of elite buxom gun wielding playmate bandits (a redhead and black woman who keeps bringing up a Rosario Dawson or Pam Grier image to my mind) trying to steal a sacred artifact in the jungles of Southern China.  They spend their time on a boat up the river (think Heart of Darkness/Apocalypse Now).

While at the beginning of the river, near the village, there is a beautiful, petite Chinese girl guarding the temple and practicing kung fu with her slightly more endowed kung fu mistress (it's not master, it's mistress.  Also, the mistress shouldn't be as well-endowed as the bandits since she is the ultimate prey).  

Once the mistress leaves to wash herself in the river, the bandits arrive.

The buxom bandits easily dispatch and humiliate the petite Asian student but are no match for when the 'prey' aka the Kung Fu mistress returns.  After a long, hard and almost equally fought battle, the Kung Fu mistress ties them up and shoves nunchucks into their mouths and private areas.  They're tied and bound together by the nunchucks (ass-to-ass), reminiscent of the Yin-Yang symbol, in which the ultimate lesson is taught to the foreign invaders.  She can even make a snarky comment saying something about "their silicon breasts holding them down the entire time".

I think that'd be an interesting story.  It'd tie into that "21st century 70's era" feel too.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2010, 03:12:50 PM by LeeRoyCrane »


Offline andromeda

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Re: "Predator" against "prey" story?
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2010, 04:14:33 PM »
The idea of a duo is very good I think, and a Sin City's Rosario Dawson - character would perfectly fit for he job of one of both

Better would be that the Kung Fu mistress already "planned" and fantasized about the invasion of the elite duo well before their arrival... with a bit of inseceruity too, since she isn't shure to be able to overpower and dominate the gorgeous women... also the reader is left a bit unsure on that part.. but in the end the mistress' wildest dreams indeed come true


Offline LeeRoyCrane

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Re: "Predator" against "prey" story?
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2010, 10:32:12 PM »

I don't think anyone else is as interested in this as we are.

I propose we write each others stories if no one else steps up.