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"Fun Night Out" a very short story by Catwriter

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"Fun Night Out" a very short story by Catwriter
« on: October 10, 2017, 03:15:15 PM »
                                                           FUN NIGHT OUT

He just loved to watch her dress before an elegant evening.  And she loved to dress.  Occasionally, their eyes would meet in the mirror.  She would always wink sexily.  Evening dresses were made for her, designed always putting a long slit on the left side to show her beautiful legs.  Dave knew she could flirt with her legs better than most women did with their entire bodies, and he loved it.  He walked behind her putting his arms around her waist and sniffed her perfume.  She was the most beautiful woman on this or any other planet. 

Arriving early at a posh political dinner, Dave noticed an associate at the bar.  As they walked together, the men in the room were unable to keep their eyes from Leggy.  The slit went to the hip and her entire leg would reveal itself and suddenly disappear beneath the light black dress.  Women, too, looked jealously and quickly looked away, trying to remember exactly what it was they had been talking about just seconds before.  Leggy was hot.

Phil’s date, Jennifer, was a tall blonde wearing a blue silk dress.  She was very striking, almost as attractive as Leggy.  The women were introduced and gave each other a cool hello.  Jennifer couldn’t help but notice that Leggy stood in such a way that her entire leg was exposed.  “Very practiced move.” She thought.  Then she looked at Phil.  He was staring, fixedly, at the exposed leg in a way that he rarely looked at her.  Occasionally, he would act interested in his conversation with Dave, but his eyes rarely left Leggy.  The funny thing is that Leggy didn’t seem to notice at all.  She was chatting away with friends.  Jennifer, however, thought, “Damn hussy bitch”.  The blonde was turning redder by the minute.

Leggy excused herself and headed for the upstairs powder room.  Walking up the circular staircase was a grand performance.  Jennifer, fuming, followed at a slight distance.  Entering the rather large area, Jennifer saw Leggy at the mirror, and locked the door.

“If you don’t stop flirting with Phil, I’m going to slap your face” Jennifer said through clenched teeth.

Leggy turned, “What the hell are you talking about, bitch?  I think Phil is a total idiot.”  She turned fully facing Jennifer, arms crossed beneath her large breasts and her beautiful leg totally exposed. 

Jennifer, who also boasted 38D’s walked up until she was face to face with Leggy.  Hands on hips, their breasts brushed lightly.  “You are a tramp” and Jen pushed forward with her chest.  Leggy was getting pissed now.  “You stupid bitch” and pushed back.  Their massive breasts were bouncing into one another now and suddenly Jennifer hauled off and slapped Leggy hard.  That did it.  Leggy lurched forward grasping Jennifer by the hair and kneed her wickedly in the thigh.  “OOUUWWTTCCC” screamed Jennifer and she kicked out at Leggy, grasping two handfuls of Leggy’s hair.  The two tall beautiful females were enraged now.  Holding firmly to the other’s hair, bending forward at the waist, the beauties aimed vicious kicks at one another.  They toppled furiously about the area and finally pulled one another to the floor.  Their dresses were hiked up to their waists and their legs locked tightly as they tested one another’s strength.  Squeezing furiously, thighs firmly pressed against each other’s pussies, they clamped down upon each other.  On their sides now, they still pulled hair and slapped at one another.

“Blonde bimbo bitch” screamed Leggy as she pulled at Jennifer’s dress, ripping it down the middle exposing Jennifer’s large beautiful breasts.  Jen quickly tore Leggy’s dress, exposing her equally massive chest.  “Bitch” “cxnt” they screamed at one another now.  Rising to their knees, the dresses fell to their waists.  Leaping forward, arms circling one another, they clinched tightly causing their breasts to press out at the side.  Securing a fierce hairpull, they quickly fell again to the floor and rolled wildly.  They tried to knee each other in the cxnt, occasionally succeeding.  Sharp yelps were heard as first one, then the other connected, causing intense pain for both.  Leggy hit Jennifer hard in the face causing Jen to roll away.  The women, sweating heavily, hair totally a mess, got quickly to their feet.  Their shredded dresses just fell away and they were wearing only black silk panties.  Huge chests heaving, they glared at one another, breathing heavily.

Both were still convinced they would emerge victorious.  Leggy was impressed.  The blonde was tougher than some of her other opponents.

“How about a little contest bitch” Leggy suggested.

“So long as I can kick your ass, I’m all for it” spat Jennifer.

“Join me on the floor, dearie” and Leggy sat facing Jennifer who did likewise.  They moved toward one another, each placing one leg over the other’s.  Their pussies were jammed together in this position and both women shuddered involuntarily.  They looked at one another’s breasts, rolling tantalizingly as they worked their way into position.

“On three, we leg wrestle until one gives, ok?” said Leggy.

“Fine with me, bitch” replied Jennifer and clamped down fiercely with her thighs not waiting for the count.

“Owwww” spat Leggy as she clamped a fierce leg lock on one of Jennifer’s legs.  While both women were quite beautiful, no one had leg’s as beautiful as Leggy.  Years of working out at the gym had them chiseled, in Michelangelo fashion, to a high state of perfection.  Beautifully muscled in a relaxed position, utterly dominant when Leggy was in battle.  With their hands on the floor behind them, the women squeezed furiously, grunting and moaning.  Occasionally their asses would rise up off the floor as they used leverage to try and defeat one another.

Leggy would relax and then tighten, each time securing a fiercer grip than before.

“Ohhhhhhh, ooowwwwww” moaned Jennifer as she jammed her pussy into Leggy’s securing a tighter grip.

“You’re mine now bitch, owwwchhhh” purred Leggy.  She loved seeing her legs dominate an opponent, particularly a bitch like Jennifer.

Leggy twisted, turning both women to their sides, breasts dangling only inches from the floor, and finally, turned both women so that they were on their stomachs, still squeezing mightily.  They began pushing backward, plastering their mounds together as they continued tightening their holds.

Jen was beginning to lose it however.  She was turned on now.  “This Leggy is beautiful and tough,” she thought as she jammed and ground her pussy into Leggy.  “Ohhhhh,   arrrrr,  owwww,  yesssssssssss” and suddenly she was coming, reaching behind with one hand and rubbing Leggy’s dangling breast, she pushed furiously into Leggy.

Leggy had never been beaten in a sex fight and this was to be no exception.  Jennifer screamed mightily as she came in an intense orgasm and collapsed.  Her legs were bright red and covered with bruises. 

Leggy suddenly felt herself lifted from the floor as Dave emerged from shadow and put a raincoat over her shoulders.  He helped her to her feet. 

“Kicked her ass good, didn’t I baby” smiled Leggy.

“You always do baby” smiled Dave.  “I thought we might go home now and I could lick your wounds.”

“Did you like the fight, Hon?” asked Leggy.

“Loved it, as always, baby.  You are the best” smiled Dave.

They made sweet love that night.