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Crofoot Fight Night: Katherine vs Riae in NHB sexual match

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Offline WildAtHeart

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Re: Crofoot Fight Night: Katherine vs Riae in NHB sexual match
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2017, 07:10:28 AM »
My damaged nipple singes with pain as it is rubbed as you work my tits, "ahhhhh" fingers dart in and out of your clit as you mention how wet I am ..."mmmmmm"...and your hand darts down and starts working my pussy.

"Who do you think is wetter Katherine" as I twist your nipple and start working my hand deep inside you "it feels like a lake down here, I might find some fishes for my pussy"...before you can answer my mouth covers you with a passionate kiss, my fingers clamping on your nipple and twisting counter clock-wise.....

Are you this wet Katherine?


Offline lyannapelon

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Re: Crofoot Fight Night: Katherine vs Riae in NHB sexual match
« Reply #16 on: November 10, 2017, 08:25:34 AM »
I open my lips to answer but it seems that was a rhetorical question as Riae seals my mouth shut with a kiss, my eyes opening wide with the look on my face a cross between shock, anger, and passion in equal parts. I give you the kiss you seem to want as my body grinds against yours, tongue dueling with your own while I moan into your mouth in answer to the fingers swirling about within my hot pussy. The heat is quickly building inside of me but I can tell the same is happening within your pussy too as my fingers curl up to stroke along your inner walls, stoking the fire burning in your pussy.

I bite down on your bottom lip, tugging on it just to see the look in your eyes as I pull as far back as your lip will stretch. My other hand sinks its claws into the underside of your left boob, yanking it downward and twisting the giant mound.



Offline WildAtHeart

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Re: Crofoot Fight Night: Katherine vs Riae in NHB sexual match
« Reply #17 on: November 11, 2017, 12:23:52 AM »
My body is responding to the dual mixture of pleasure and pain, giving and taking and knowing I need to mix things up since we seem to even on this front.

I get to my knees, keeping my lips on yours to keep you distracted as my hand leaves your pussy and reaches back under your panties and gets an anal claw in your rosebud.  I rise with my right hand in your rosebud and my left around your neck as I lift you and then suddenly take a few steps to the edge of the stage and throw you to the floor below.

I signal a couple of guys to catch me and lower me to the floor as I tease their crotches and walk over to you and aim a kick and your tender pussy...


Offline lyannapelon

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Re: Crofoot Fight Night: Katherine vs Riae in NHB sexual match
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2017, 08:22:59 AM »
Riae sinks a finger into my ass without any sort of warning and its all I can do to limit myself to just raking my claws down your tit, the scream just on the tip of my tongue but it doesn't come out as its currently busy with kissing you. You haul me up but I didn't think anything of it, figuring you just wanted to get off the floor, but I am proven quite wrong when you shove me right over the edge and down to the floor a few feet below.

I land with a loud thud with the back of my head smacking against the floor, my vision a blur but I can just make out your shape as you get lowered down to the floor. Shaking my head I bring up my right hand to massage my temple while the other gently rubs my breast, all the while keeping an eye on you, watching you draw ever closer until you get within range. Your foot swings towards my pussy and connects, hard, getting a loud groan out of me as well as a furious glare at you a few seconds later, however my hands grip you by the ankle to hold your foot against my pussy while I force myself to sit up.


Offline WildAtHeart

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Re: Crofoot Fight Night: Katherine vs Riae in NHB sexual match
« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2017, 04:03:49 PM »
I smile as your face shows the pain of my pussy kick but I admire the fortitude as you glare up at me and grab my ankle and hold it tight against your warm pussy.

My big toe inserts into the dampness and starts massaging your sexy clit.  I reach down and grab your hair and force your face into my pussy, and start rubbing my clit against your face, your nose inside me as work myself hard against you, "mmmmmm, Katherine, feel my dampness darling, I want you to pleasure me before I force you to cum, ohhhhhh, ahhhhhh".   My hips work hard to build a rhythm against you and I feel your hot steamy breath in my nether regions.....

« Last Edit: November 12, 2017, 04:04:15 PM by WildAtHeart »


Offline lyannapelon

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Re: Crofoot Fight Night: Katherine vs Riae in NHB sexual match
« Reply #20 on: November 12, 2017, 09:47:36 PM »
I can't help but smirk as Riae pulls my face into her sex, the woman was clearly drunk on her own arrogance and in desperate need of being taught a lesson if she thought herself this superior. I leave one hand with its claws sunk into your ankle to keep you where I want you but the other I have far more devious designs for, sliding it up along the back of your leg until its cupping your plump rear. "Scream slut." I say into your sex before I ram two of my fingers deep into your ass, scratching at the inside of your rear entrance while my tongue spears into your pussy to swirl about your soft pink folds.

With my grip on your ankle I control the pace of this little duel between us, pulling your foot back whenever I want to give my clit a break and sliding it back in to taunt you with the idea of continuing on, that you are still having a brutal impact upon my pussy. Just to fan those flames I let myself moan deeply against your nether lips, the vibrations running through my tongue adding to the pure ecstasy you are feeling deep inside you.


Offline WildAtHeart

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Re: Crofoot Fight Night: Katherine vs Riae in NHB sexual match
« Reply #21 on: November 12, 2017, 11:29:53 PM »
I hear you moan as my toes work your mound as we do a little dance, your tongue working my pussy "such a good girl" and then your fingers find my rosebud and start scratching my insides "fuck, noooooo", and I reach back trying to remove your fingers as I start reacting to your tonguing of my clit.

If I don't do something quick, I know I will succumb to your administrations, my ass sore and my pussy wet.   I pull my foot out of your crotch area and aim a sharp knee to your left breast trying to crush it and gain freedom from your anal clawing....



Offline lyannapelon

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Re: Crofoot Fight Night: Katherine vs Riae in NHB sexual match
« Reply #22 on: November 13, 2017, 06:58:01 AM »
You try to escape my clutches but I'm not quite ready to release you just yet, my fingers remain firmly around your ankle with my nails digging into the skin when you try to pull away and even when you slam your knee into my breast I grimmace in pain but do not let you go. I glance upwards to look into your eyes, watching for the tell tell signs of your inevitable climax. To hasten its arrival I slide a third finger right up into your ass, pushing them all slowly into those deptsh and then spreading them out to test the limits of how far your rear hole can stretch.

While hazing up at you my tongue is as busy as ever dancing about within your folds, my nose rubbing up against your clit to get even more of your sweet honey flowing out onto my eager tongue. "You're gooooing to breaaaaak." I draw out the taunt with a wicked smile on my lips before sending my tongue right back inside that pussy.



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Re: Crofoot Fight Night: Katherine vs Riae in NHB sexual match
« Reply #23 on: November 14, 2017, 04:40:07 AM »
My knee hurts you but you continue to hold me close and then insert a third finger into my ass stretching it out, "God, noooooo", I get on my tip toes to try and get out of your reach.

Your tongue brings me back in as my love juices swirl inside, moved by the twirling of your tongue.  Your nose nuzzles against by box and I want to try and shut the lid.  I place a foot behind you and grab two handfuls of blueish, purplish hair and ears, biceps forcing you back with all the energy I can muster and stumble onto you and plant my crotch on your mouth as I mount you though looking to catch my breath as I do so.

My hand entangles your hair and hold you on the ground as I grind my pussy on your face.  "You almost had me bitch but I really want to climax now and your face doesn't seem to be doing anything" and I smush my lips over your nose and swivel my hips "aahhhhhh, mmmmmm" and my breathing increases......




Offline lyannapelon

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Re: Crofoot Fight Night: Katherine vs Riae in NHB sexual match
« Reply #24 on: November 14, 2017, 06:04:28 AM »
Riae just can't seem to stay on her feet with Katherine so close, weak in the knees apparently but how could anyone blame her with the beauty that she was? "Your body is begging for me isn't it? Just can't handle being this close can you?" My teasing appears to be true as you stumbled down on top of me, forcing me flat onto my back with your pussy, my prize, planted right upon my face exactly where I want it.

I can't correct the little lie you just told but you can see my eyes roll back, the sarcasm practically radiating off of me as I don't buy that nonsense for one second. My fingers have never left your ass for one and I can feel it tightening around them even as I'm stretching it out, sliding them in and out to make it a bit more accomadating for further intrusion. Of course my tongue laps at your juices which drip down into my mouth, hungry for more which I will get from you one way or another.



Offline WildAtHeart

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Re: Crofoot Fight Night: Katherine vs Riae in NHB sexual match
« Reply #25 on: November 14, 2017, 06:47:24 AM »
I keep gyrating my pussy over your mouth, pressing down as I work to drown you with my pussy juice.  My right hand continues to keep your face buried in my pussy while my left reaches back and being unable to get your fingers out of my ass clamp down on your breast with I grasp in a claw and my fingernails dig into your flesh as I crush you boob.

Your fingers clamp down in my ass but I try to ignore the pain "Gonna make you pass out as I cum on your face Katherine, hope you are ready" as I continue to work my pussy on you, my pussy the wettest it has ever been "and hope you don't drown first".....



Offline lyannapelon

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Re: Crofoot Fight Night: Katherine vs Riae in NHB sexual match
« Reply #26 on: November 14, 2017, 07:30:13 AM »
My hand reaches up, sliding along your stomach until I can feel my fingers prodding at the undersides of your massive tits, I give them a few hard pokes before reaching up just a little bit further to squeeze one of those oversized melons of yours. You can feel me pulling it downwards, using just enough force to keep you from going anywhere this time to escape my tongue. Meanwhile my fingers lodged very happily inside of your ass make themselves very comfortable as they pump in and out of your tight rear entrance, caressing your inner walls back there with my nails. Your body belongs to me now, theres no doubt in my mind about that, I can already feel your body trembling at my touch, showing quite clearly to everyone watching how badly you need to cum to me. Theres just no sweeter feeling in the world, the thrill of making this incredible body addicted to me is why I fight and I know I can't leave here without claiming you as my prize.



Offline WildAtHeart

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Re: Crofoot Fight Night: Katherine vs Riae in NHB sexual match
« Reply #27 on: November 15, 2017, 04:20:55 AM »
Your hands reach up and grasp my tits and tug down as your tongues works my pussy.  I smile and continue to hump your face as I get close to orgasm, my hand entrenched in your hair pulling hard.  My ass is still at your mercy but I am so close now and I don't care.

My hips grind and thrust until I unleash a torrent of juices on your face, my body clamps down on your face "drink it in Katherine" and my body weakens....

« Last Edit: November 15, 2017, 06:33:47 AM by WildAtHeart »