thanks 10count keep those conan references coming i love that shit.
love that hold too catwriter especially the mutual double titlock.
prt 1 of "LUST BATTLE" is ready for purchase, its my first mixed sex fight. originally intended this to be a two parter but chemo is kicking my ass this week so going to realse this as a three parter. next comic will be out soon again just have backgounds to finnish with at least 12 pages and more story text.
Roxxer the Viking King must prepare for an unstoppable threat great enough that even the amazons cannot stand up to alone, so an alliance must be made between Vikings and the Amazons. But how will they set aside there differences and biases long enough to work together. "LAGNEIA AGONA!!" Lust Battle a battle of sex and dominance and no greater battle has ever been waged that can compare to the battle of the sexes.
link for purchase