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After work reckoning

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Offline john54

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After work reckoning
« on: June 12, 2010, 11:32:02 AM »
Donna and Mary both worked for an in-flight catering firm who specialised in superior meals for the executive market. Donna was 45 about 5 feet 5 inches 36d weighing just under 140 pounds, Mary was 46, 36c an inch taller and just over 145 pounds, both had dark hair and both kept themselves fit. They were both good looking women who still drew admiring glances from male co-workers and men in the street, they were also both married. The only problem was they had an intense dislike for each other, neither could remember the cause but it had started at senior school. Two years previously they had both worked on the same shift but the friction had been noticeable so they were separated on different shifts, but with the global cash crisis the firm was forced to reduce the workforce to a single shift and this led to the inevitable clash.

For several months they had successfully ignored each other limiting conversation to minimum yet venting many catty remarks behind each others backs, so much so that other females they worked with were hoping for the verbal to turn physical, the men of course were totally unaware of anything being amiss. They worked in the kitchens and as it was hot uniform was a single piece dress that buttoned down the front, cap, and tie up flat shoes with reinforced toe caps and to comply with regulations no jewellery or make up. It was about half way through the shift when it all started, Mary was pushing a heavily laden meals container close to where Donna was working when Mary was distracted and ran into Donna, it was not painful but Donna was in a bad mood so she rounded on Mary “why don’t you watch what your doing you stupid bitch” the reply of course was not an apology but “who are you calling a bitch, slut”.  The supervisor knowing the situation intervened but not before they were in each others faces and about to engage in a pushing match. Getting between them she told them not to be so stupid if they started anything it would be instant dismissal, best they sort their problems out away from work. Donna looked at Mary “any time bitch” Mary stared back at her “the tennis court at the closed down health facility two blocks down after work” the fight was set. Word spread round like wildfire the women were excited many remarking it was like being back at school and they were looking forward to a good old fashioned catfight, not something out of Kill Bill. The few male workers were let in on it but were sworn to secrecy they were not to tell their friends or fight would be moved.

Some of the girls thought that Donna and Mary’s husbands should know as they would want to stop the fight and if their wives came home bruised and battered they may take action against the company so they phoned them. Mike Donnas husband and Dave Mary’s were not surprised they knew each other quite well and knew that this was inevitable and had agreed some time ago that if the fur flew they would let them finish it properly and would only stop it when one admitted defeat and took some punishment from the victor. Both their wives had told them if the chance came they would love to humiliate the other. They would both witness the fight. All afternoon there was a buzz of excitement advice to the combatants was given, “don’t be frightened to punch her tits she will go for yours”. “ Get in first and head butt her on the nose” “ let her take a swing dodge it trip her up climb on top and punch her lights out” “keep your legs together or sex is off the menu for a bit, but if she parts hers don’t hesitate”. All this valuable advice from women with the same fighting experience, nil. With all the excitement from their co-workers backing out was not a possibility the fight was on.
So as not to arouse unwanted attention the spectators and participants arrived at the venue in small groups, the tennis courts were surrounded by a high chain mesh fence, grass surfaced and screened by trees so the fight should be free from interruption. Donna was last to arrive and she walk through the throng into a small circle containing Mary. “Donna you turned up thought you turned chicken”  “No I just wanted to savour the excitement of the kicking I’m going to give you”. Then the trash talk started the words skank, tart, slut repeated regularly, both were still dressed in their work cloths. Unnoticed by either their husbands arrived and joined the spectators who were calling for them to get on with it. Mary put her hands on Donnas shoulders and pushed her Donna staggered back then pushed back harder this was repeated a few times till Mary lurched forward and pushed Donna accidently pushing her tits, Donna reacted furiously and flew at Mary grabbing two handfuls of hair Mary retaliated in kind and the two staggered in circles hands embedded in each others hair. The spectators were jumping up and down with excitement cheering them on. Donna hooked a leg behind Mary and they tumbled to the ground neither letting loose just trying to tear hair out, they rolled over and over legs intertwining, they let go with one hand and tried to land slaps and punches, very few had any effect  buttons flew from clothes and streams of curses and promises few. “I’m gonna rip your head bald, fuck off bitch I’m gonna tear your tits off” and much worse. As one got on top the spectators joined in “punch her face, bang her head off the floor, punch her tits”. Neither had the advantage for long as they rolled about with undiminished fury they started to tire and instead of the primeval struggle to survive they started think about what they were doing and how to wrest the advantage. Both husbands were separated and were flanked by two of the larger women who would intervene if either tried to interfere. The two women separated stepped apart and drew breath the buttons from both their dresses had been pulled of so both discarded them They stood there in bra and pants breast heaving as they drew in air they raised their fists as they had seen boxers do and circled for an opening. Mary took a wild swing which Donna avoided sending her own right punch un-aimed catching Mary on the bottom of her  right tit pushing it out of her bra cup, the crowd went wild more so as they saw her nipple was hard as rock. They grabbed at each other holding with one hand and punching with the other the punches slower and more controlled then before. They swung blows to each others faces, stomachs and breasts until low on energy they tumbled to the ground again pulling hair and this time grabbing each others tits, squeezing and twisting for all they were worth. Both Mike and Dave had erections as they watched their wives fight and torture each others tits. Again the tiring fighters pulled apart tears streaking their faces, they had been struggling now for ten minutes and the spectators were in a frenzy of excitement. They came together Donna swung a Punch at Marys head which she ducked, as Donna leaned forward Mary brought her knee up catching Donna above her crotch around the ovaries, Donna immediately crossed her arms over her lower belly and doubled over. Mary leaned over Donnas back and wrapped her arms around her belly with the intention of picking her up upside down and dropping her on her head. Donna realised this and tried to jerk upright she slipped through Marys arms but only till Mary grabbed one of her tits in either hand and squeezed for all she was worth Donna screamed in agony. This was to much for Mike and he went to separate them but suddenly the woman next to him stuck her hand down the front of his jeans grabbed his balls and squeezed hard enough to stop him, she whispered through clenched teeth try and I’ll rip them off Mike stopped. Dave’s minder seeing this did the same to Dave. Donna saw only one way out, she brought her arm up as hard as she could straight between Marys slightly spread legs, the blow wasn’t that hard but Mary let go and jumped back holding her wounded pussy. Donna knew she was at the point of exhaustion so she grabbed Mary’s arm and swung her round throwing her against the mesh fence unfortunately Mary’s head struck a metal post stunning her, she lay her back against the fence knees buckling trying to gather her thoughts. Dave’s minder had started to massage his throbbing erection. Donna dragged herself forward grabbing Mary’s right tit with her left hand and punching the semi defenceless woman’s face with the right. Mike was screaming for his wife to finish her while Dave could not believe what he was witnessing or that the woman next to him was massaging his cock as he watched his wife get beaten. One of the watching women noticed Marys parted legs and screamed knee the bitch in her cxnt over and over until Donna registered the cry from many and looked down. She saw the parted knees and brought her right knee up as hard as she could it connected solidly with Marys pussy she did it again Mary went limp and crumpled to the ground the crowd cheered. She grabbed Mary by the hair and pulled her away from the fence lying her flat on her back she then bent down and shouted she wanted a souvenir and pulled Marys pants off and grabbed a handful of bush ripping it out to join the pants as a prize, this became practice in other fights that were to take place. She then sat on Donnas tit in a schoolgirl pin and started slapping her face, she grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head up till her nose and mouth were almost touching her pussy and asked her who was the better woman. Mary refused to answer so she shifted forward reached behind and grabbed squeezed and twisted Marys already swollen and battered tit, Mary screamed that Donna was the better woman and pleaded with her to stop, tears of pain and humiliation streaming down her face.  Dave wanted to stop it but couldn’t move because every time he did his balls were squeezed unmercifully. Donna stood up leaving Mary lying on her back cradling her abused tits  legs apart left leg bent up right stretched out leaving a clear view of her pussy to sight was too much for Donna who took a hard penalty type kick at it, the toe of her shoe disappeared into Mary who sat upright with a scream it was at this point that Dave to his embarrassment came. The crowd gathered round congratulating Donna Mike wrapped his arms round her and led his champion away. Others helped Mary to her feet commiserating with her but telling her she put up one hell of a fight. To their surprise Mary was angry but not that upset she told them that she had felt more alive during the fight than in along time and wanted to fight again while pointedly staring hard at the woman who had played with Dave and looking at the stain on his jeans. Other women who had been excited by the battle and now wished they had been in a fight knew they had scores to settle and would also do it woman to woman.


Offline realcatwriter

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Re: After work reckoning
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2010, 04:14:32 PM »
nice story


Offline sidekick

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Re: After work reckoning
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2010, 12:45:08 AM »
Wonderful story, John. I love the fight being a public spectacle and all the men and especially the women enjoying it.  Would love to hear more from you. 


Offline peccavi

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Re: After work reckoning
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2010, 11:13:51 PM »
A good story, well written and thought out with lots of believable action. But it would be much easier to read if it were broken into paragraphs.

Blondes are cool Brunettes are Hot!!


Offline JT Edson

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Re: After work reckoning
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2010, 11:17:00 AM »
Good story. Would love to see a rematch or better yet, Mary goes after the woman messing with her man during the fight.