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Offline JT Edson

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« Reply #15 on: December 01, 2017, 12:33:11 PM »
I can hardly wait till the next installment.


Offline sinclairfan

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« Reply #16 on: December 02, 2017, 09:14:35 AM »

I return to Boston after the long Thanksgiving weekend.  For the first time since I arrived here a little over 4 years ago, I realize, Boston doesn't really feel like home.  The whole reason for choosing Northeastern as my college--the ease of landing a high paying job when school was over--turned out to be a pipe dream.  I'm 22 years old and working as a waitress.  I could easily be doing that and living back home with my parents.

If I was living back home, I'd be getting home cooked meals--Thsnksgiving weekend was an unpleasant reminder of the frozen food I eat all the time here in the city.  And I'd be getting some companionship.  My mom and dad are nice to talk to during commercials while watching TV.  And Wendy--who knew--we have more in common than I thought.  Now that her infant has grown to be a toddler, she has more free time.  We could hang out.  And maybe tongue fight some more.  Mmm, that was kinda hot--she's a rough kisser.  And I never see Scott in person, anyways.  I could phone fuck him from my parents' as easily as here. 

My lease with Robin still has another 8 months to go.  Is it to early to tell her I don't plan on renewing it?  That if I don't get a job here in Boston soon, I'm going back home?

Robin and I need to talk.  She comes back to the apartment Sunday afternoon.  I park myself on the couch in the living room, in front of the TV.  This is where she and I usually talk.  Will she tell me how her weekend was?  Will she tell me that she and Scott finally fucked?  Will she tell me where things are headed between him and her?

But she gives me the cold shoulder.  She spends time in the laundry room, and her bedroom.  Then she's on the phone with friends.  Then she's on the internet.  Afternoon turns into evening.  We still don't talk.  I miss my mom.  I miss Wendy.  I miss Scott.  I have to waitress at 10am Monday.  I go to bed.  I fall asleep. 

Late at night, I'm started by the presence of Robin, stark naked, in my bed.  She's kissing my face, and aggressively humping my body, undoing my pajama top.  I normally lock my bedroom door--how did Robin get in?  But I don't resist her kisses--in fact, I return them, offering my tongue to her.  I miss Robin.  I miss Wendy.  I'll take any interaction I can get at the moment.

Between aggressive tongue kisses, Robin and I begin whispering to each other.

> I fucked Scott the weekend.

> Wow, here or his place?  <<<<I need to be careful to not show her I already know.  Is she testing me?>>>>>

> His place.

> So--he's not married then?

> <<<Robin thinks a long time before answering.  Why is she thinking?  It's a logical, simple question.>>>>  You already know if he's married or not.   <<<<Robin's kisses become less tender, more aggressive.  Our tongues begin pushing against each other.>>>>

> How would I know that?  <<<Can Robin feel my heart beating faster?>>>>

> Cut the crap, Bella.  <<<<As strange as Robin and my first tongue fight was, with us directing obtuse insults at each other, this one is even more....raw.  Robin is...testing me...challenging me.  I don't like her being on top of me.  Not with where this conversation is going.  And yet I'm getting more and more turned on.  Our crotches begin aggressively humping each other.  Our legs wrap together.  We roll from side to side on my bed.>>>>

> Robin, I don't know if Scott is married or not.  <<<<Mostly, true--as recently as 48 hours ago, I didn't know.>>>>

> I know you and him text, Bella.  <<<<Robin and I clutch each other tighter, our crotches now aggressively banging together, causing pain to me, at least, and maybe to her.  Robin senses that I've maneuvered us to be side-by-side; she tries to get back on top, but I resist.  We're officially catballing now, as our breathing intensifies.>>>> I saw your username on his Skype.  I saw your number in his cellphone texts.

> <<<Shit.  You dumbass, Scott.  I know she ransacked your apartment.  But you didn't tell me she got into your pc and your cellphone, too.  Ever hear of a freaking passcode?>>>>  I've tried to get job leads from him, Robin.

> Bullshit, Bella.  You've never told me that.  <<<<I expect any second for Robin to break our kissing, humping embrace; to stand up and start yelling at me, or slapping me.  But we're clutching each other tighter, both approaching orgasm.  Are we aroused at our arguing?>>>>

> <<<I remember Wendy's warning that betrayal will only make any eventual altercation worse.  I decide to stop letting Robin be the only one of us telling the truth.>>> There's a lot I don't tell you, bitch.

> Mmmmmnnnnngggggggg......mmmnnnngggggvgg......fffuuuuujjk......mmmnnnng  <<<Robin and I thrust our crotches into each other, our hands on each others' buttcheeks, desperately seeking relief for our mutual arousal.  Our hops roll desperately on the bed, each preferring the top position, but unable to maintain it for more than a few seconds at a time.  Our simultaneous cumming fills me with a closeness to Robin that's been missing since I began having phone sex with her boyfriend.  I start to remdmber all the things I miss about Robin.  We start to unwinx from the state of frenzied arousal, but continue tongue kissing.  Robin breaks the awkward silence.>>>>

> How much of what we were just saying to each other know,....just role playing?

> <<<<So, whoa whoa whoa, hold on here--Did you see my name on Scott's pc and cellphone, or didn't you?  I'm not coming clean until you do, Robin.>>>>  Well, umm, when I called you a bitch there at the end, I didn't really mean it.  Sorry.  <<<Actually, I meant that one more than anything.  Bitch.>>>>

> It's ok.  It kinda.....unlocked the floodgates....right?....lover?   

> <<<Ok, we're lovers, now?  Or, now are YOU role-playing.>>>>> I liked that we came together.  It made it less....awkward.

> Ok if I leave you now?  I'm tired.

> <<<<Get out, bitch.>>>>>  If you have to.

> Night.

> G'night.  <<<<I hate you, cxnt.>>>>

I toss and turn in bed, unable to fall asleep.  I text Wendy.

> You were right.  Fights between friends end worse than fights between enemies.

> Told ya.

To be continued.....


Offline JuliaVargas

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« Reply #17 on: December 02, 2017, 07:10:03 PM »
They need to properly fuckfight. The tension is killing them (and us).
Read my stories and you’ll understand what you can expect from me…


Offline sinclairfan

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« Reply #18 on: December 03, 2017, 08:10:03 PM »

The Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday after Thanksgiving, Robin and I don't see each other at all.  We are too busy waitressing at our separate restaurants, and are doing so at offsetting hours--me during the day and evenings, Robin at night.  The office Christmas Party season is heating up, so there is plenty of work and money for each of us.  If only I could make this much money all year, I might not eventually become a bag lady.  Maybe having money in my pocket will help me give up my unhealthy, inappropriate sexting affair with Scott.

Scott pesters me with sexts, and requests for sexts, all week.  Between being to busy with work, and too tired from working so much, I resist the temptation to reply.  Then he starts Snapchatting dick picks to me.  My
stare lingers on them.  Damn, his cock is wide.  I wonder how it felt to Robin when he stuck it in her.  Maybe that's my problem--it's coming up to a year since I've had a cock inside me.  That would make any woman a little crazy, right?

The dick pics finally work.  On Friday night, I cave.  I'm alone in bed.  Scott and I start Snapchatting.

> What's with all the dick pics?

> I don't know.  I guess I've had it out a lot lately?

> How come?  Pining for more of Robin's pussy?

> Does that make you jealous?

> Do you want me to be jealous?

> Not to be the grammar police, but eventually one of us has to stop answering questions with another question.

> Fine, I'll answer.  I'm not just saying this, but Scott, Robin and I were taking Sunday night.  Before that, I never hated her.  But, Scott, something changed--for some reason, I can't stand the thought of her.

> Interesting.  Did you and her argue?

> Not exactly.  It was weird.  Well, to start, she came into my bedroom without knocking.  But, then, she was like.....saying stuff to, like, test me on what I know about her and you.  I just felt, like, violated.

> Did you tell her?

> Not in so many words.  Things have gotten too weird between us.  Not that I'm not partially to blame.....but, Scott.....when she was ransacking your place, did she get into your PC?  Or your cellphone?

> If she tried, she didn't get anywhere.  Did you forget? I'm a cybersecurity expert.

> Yes, I know.  It's just.....She said she logged into them and saw phone number and Skype id.

>  She was seeing how you'd react.  Did you?

> No, I didn't believe her anyways. But, the whole made any guilt I felt about going behind her back just...melted away.  I don't like her now, and I can't even hide it.

> So, what's going to happen between you and her now?

> I don't know, Scott?!?  What's going to happen between YOU and her?  Beteeen you and ME??

> I think you and her should decide.  You two are the roomates.

> And how, exactly, should we decide??  A vicious catfight??

>  You said it, not me.

>  <<<<<I'm glad that Scott and I are on Snapchat, and not Skype, so he can't see that I've begun touching myself.>>>>  But I think you'd enjoy more than Robin or me.

> I'm starting to wonder about that.

>  How so?

> I just get the impression that when Robin came here, she was hoping to find evidence that you and I were sleeping together.

> that she could kick MY ass??  or YOURS??

> Yours, of course.  And I'm starting to think you want her to find out, too.  You wanted it secret before....but you're slowly coming around.

>  What makes you say that?

>  You said it yourself--before you liked her.  But now you don't.

>  <<<<<Seeing in print what has been buried in my deepest darkest thoughts, what I've not wanted to admit to myself, makes me cum.>>>>>  mmmmmmmmm

> Did you cum?

> Yes.  U?

> Not yet.  But I'm ready to.

>  What would make you?

> Tell me how much you hate Robin.

>  I hate her so much right now.  The nerve of her--going thru your place.  Interrogating me.  Pisses me off.

> MMMMMmmmmmmmmmmm

> Did that big wide cock explode?

> Yes.  Thank you.

> Thank YOU.  I needed this.  I need something else now, too.

> What might that be?

> Girltalk.  With Robin.  No more bullshit.

>  What'll happen?

> I'll see how she likes coming into herbed when she's sleeping.

> When?

> I don't know.  But soon.

> Want my help?

> No.  I need to do this myself.

> Be careful.  She's a jealous bitch.

> As am I.

To be continued.......



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« Reply #19 on: December 03, 2017, 08:18:36 PM »
the showdown is about to happen I can't wait


Offline JT Edson

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« Reply #20 on: December 04, 2017, 03:02:03 AM »
Damn, that was hot. I can hardly wait to see what happens next!


Offline Michael James

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« Reply #21 on: December 04, 2017, 12:30:49 PM »
Awesome job!    Awesome build up!


Offline sinclairfan

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« Reply #22 on: December 04, 2017, 12:39:15 PM »

Robin and I spend the rest of December working Christmas parties.  The few times we're in the apartment together, we walk on eggshells around each other.  A couple of times, I do go in her bedroom; but I can see she's exhausted.  I want us both wide awake for what we're going to do.

The atmosphere inside our apartment becomes claustrophobic.  Even the most routine small talk between Robin and me becomes snippy and short.  I exhale everytime we disengage without a total catfight breaking out. 

On December 17, 2009, a major winter Nor'easter forms on the Atlantic Coast.  It's scheduled to hit Boston by the 19th.  A major Christmas party I was supposed to work is cancelled, costing me at least $750 in cash tips, which I cannot recoup.  My money worries return, as my car needs new tires and another student loan installment is due.  Robin was supposed to have a "date" with Scott (they "date" in his bed, not at the movies like a normal couple), but she's forced to postpone.

The snow starts to fall.  The winds pick up.  Robin and I are stuck in the apartment together for the next day or two.  We both want sex with Scott, but can't have it.  We are aggravated by each others' presence.  We linger in the living room and kitchen of our apartment, in flannel pajamas, daring each other to push each others' buttons.  We both sense that neither of us are wearing bra or panties under our pajamas.  We know we're one spark away from combusting. 

The storm outside worsens.  Visibility outside our apartment drops to just a few feet.  The windows rattle with the howling wind.  I sense that this will be one of my last times alone with Robin.  Now or never.

I walk to the windows and pull the shades.  "I don't want anyone to be able to see us," I remark suggustively.

"I concur," responds Robin, signalling to me that she understands my hint.  Time to start our battle.

Robin is laying on her back on a sectional couch.  I seize the initiative and mount her, our tongues immediately finding each other and thrusting at each other in their familiar rhythm.  I don't know if it's the thrill of finally being on top of Robin, or the unexpectedly sensual sensation of flannel-pajamas-on-flannel-pajamas, but I get close to orgasm within a minute of kissing.  My pussy hungers for contact, and I slide my pajama bottoms off, then Robin's.  Robin tries to roll me off of her--fuck, why can't this bitch ever be on the bottom?--but I violently, desperately pin her under me.  Our pussies make contact.  Our hands claw at each other's hair. 

I surprise myself with the malice in my voice, as I hiss:

> Do you not let Scott mount you either, bitch?

> He's none of your business, Bella.

> He IS my business, Robin.  I'm winning him from you. 

<<<<Robin desperately wants to hiss a retort at me, but my mouth greedily covers her with hungry kisses.  Our tongues lash angrily at each other, as the windows shudder with a violent sustained gust of wind.  As if they don't want to be left out, our pussies rub and grind against each other with violent hip thrusts, as Robin and I sink our nails into each others' scalps.  My excitement builds beyond the point where I normally cum, perhaps because of the physical pain Robin is inflicting on me with her nails and hips.  My arousal has masked the escalation of the malicious violence that has now erupted between Robin and me.  I think back to Wendy's comment about what can happen when two friends finally have it out.  Thst moment has arrived for Robin and me.>>>>>

> You stay away from him, Robin.  GET YOUR OWN FUCKING BOYFRIEND.

> I have a fucking boyfriend, slut.  He's begging me for Snapchat sex constantly.  You have to invite yourself to his place.  You're pathetic.  <<<Each of us dig our nails deeper into the others' scalp.>>>>

> I'll never fucking let you steal him, whore.

>  I already did, bimbo.

Robin and break our hairpull to stare each other in ghe face.  I never thought of myself as someone who would steal a boy from a friend, but now that the reality of what I've done is sinking in, I feel a need to look into the eyes of the girl who's boyfriend I'm trying to steal.  Robin and I pull back and stare angrily at each other.  Her hair is a dishevelled mess.  Good, I think to myself.  Both of us are in sorry straights financially.  Our attempt to life ourselves into upper middle classdom have each failed.  As I look at Robin's 22 year old body, and she at mine, I reflect on the faces I saw at the corporate Christmas parties this month.  Many of the party goers were 21, 22, and 23 year old girls and boys, just like Robin and me.  Except they were wearing new business clothes, and I was wearing a waitress uniform.  My interview suit hasn't left my closet for months now.  They were sitting at relaxing at the party, I was sweating my ass off. 

I need Scott.  To rescue me from a life of waitressing.  Or worse.  Being like Wendy.  Living at my parents' place, in the neighborhood I grew up in.  Dating boys, or women, even, strapped down by a toddler.

Robin doesn't release her stare from me.  Is she thinking what I am?  Does she hate what's become of her life as much as I do? 

The raging blizzard outside gives our apartmrnt a surreal feeling.  As if Robin and I are the only 2 women on Earth, fighting for the only remaining man.

> You sent to his place all bad ass.  But your competition for him was here all along.

> Then, let's get this over with. 

> Fine by me, cxnt.

> Bitch.

Our eyes silde down to each others' breasts.  Robin knows it's the part of my body I'm proudest off.  I stick them out.

> I know you've wanted to rip these off since the day we met.

> They're not half as nice as you think they are.

> Let's let them fight it out.

We lean our chests into each other, our breasts pressing into each other.  The sensation is more painful than I anticipate.  I've done a poor job of concealing this from my rival, as she begins to gloat.

> Scared to fight me like a woman, you big baby?

> You. Wish.

While continuing to press our chests together, Robin and I dig our nails into the back of each others' scalps, and drive our elbows into each others' backs, flesh-on-flesh slapping noises filling the room.  Our pussies remain in direct contact, opening to each other, the pleasure in my lower body competing in intensity with the pain in my upper body.

> Stop sexting Scott!!

> He's mine!!  He wants me to fight you for him!!

> You and him will never stay together!!

> We will!!  He'll love me for hurting you!!

>  You're not hurting me!!  I'm tougher!!

>  Bullshit.

Pain worse than any I've ever felt shoots through my chest like arrows.  Robin and I struggle for leverage, as we fall from the sectional onto the floor.  We catball into a back and forth rolling motion, our bodies locked together.

> I hate you so much.

> Go back home.  Get out of my life.

> Scott is my life.

> Scott will never do more than sext with you.

> That's more then he does with YOU.

As of to shut each others' annoying voices up, Robin and I resume our liplock, our tongues battling for dominance.  I sense waves of sexual frenzy washing over my body.  My pussy opens itself to Robin's.  We sit up facing each other, desperately rubbing and grinding.  Our eyes lock.  Our kissing becomes gentler.

> Sss;bbbb?mmmmmmmmmmm


> oh fuck oh fuck oh fuc(kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

> Hhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

> ooohoooohhh[oooooooooooooooooooooo

> !aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Robin and I pull each others' mouths closer and kiss deeply.  We both have tears coming from our eyes, but whether it is from our struggle, or from some hormonal eomotional release, I don't know.  There's a lot I don't know right now.  The windows continue to rattle from the blizzard.  I no longer want to be alone.  The fear of being alone outweighs my awkwardness of being with Robin.

> Bella.......What does this..........mean??

>  I....don't.....know.  I don't.....want to hurt you, Robin.  But I will if we both keep seeing Scott.

> I know.  I feel the same.

> Did you think he.....wanted us to hurt each other?

> I don't think so.......I think it all just.....happened.

> Do you think and me......were attracted to each other....and just didn't realize it?

Robin thinks over my question.

> Yes.  Remember when we first moved in, and we kissed?  Yes.  I was attracted to you.

> What should we do now?

> Hou ask too many questions. 

Robin embraces me and we passionately kiss.


Neither of us ever responded to Scott's calls or texts again.  After a week, he got the hint and stpped trying.

Robin and I went back to grad school in the spring.

The economy improved.  I got a corporate job in the city.  Robin got her Masters then did the same.

We moved to the suburbs and bought a house together.

She and I are a couple.

We never cheat on each other.

We know the consequences if one of us does.