Was looking for something else and came across this clip, loved her slamming girls leg on outer rail and then in the water pit (

) never been to a match with a water pit

Sweet Stepahnie vs Electric Randi
https://youtu.be/z05SCKf4-Ao1974 derby (T-Birds vs Canadian Braves), lovely action between two jammers and love at end when one girl falls down and the opposing team girl steps her skate on her ass
https://youtu.be/nPmXoQNim1AArizona Roller Derby action
https://youtu.be/vwK5n1ipN28Shay Brown takes shot to her crotch
https://youtu.be/GTr-mCGMazwUNHOLY ROLLERS (1972) Claudia Jennings get's her ass kicked, first time see someone attack their own teammate with help of an opponent in Roller Derby action
https://youtu.be/8Tw11pQCh6cBONUS PICS: