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"Battling Exercise Queens" - E-Book !!

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"Battling Exercise Queens" - E-Book !!
« on: January 09, 2018, 03:44:34 PM »
Take a look at our newest special update:

"Battling Exercise Queens" - E-Book !!
The first story, BATTLING EXERCISE QUEENS, is illustrated by the superb catfight artist, Ardoni. It features an epic battle between two popular exercise tv show stars. The meet at the beach and fight on the sand and in the surf. They then fight it out in the shower and the bed. Three catfights in one story. All drawings are black and white. All stories feature strong, equally matched women in catfights, titfights and some sexfights. If you like it please go here for more: .

Members can download the pictures as bonus here: