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Offline Anubisx

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    • My Titfight & Sexfight DeviantART
« on: January 11, 2018, 01:12:58 PM »

CATFIGHT & SEXFIGHT ANTHOLOGY is a project that seeks to pay tribute to our favorite fetish: women fighting, competing against each other to resolve their differences, to see who the alpha female is.

We are many writers and artists who spend time and effort to our works: passionate stories and sexy illustrations that make our followers enjoy with seductive fantasies: a wild catfight in the rain, a close titfight in an office after closing, a hot-blooded sexfight in the loneliness of the bedroom?

CATFIGHT & SEXFIGHT ANTHOLOGY wants to bring together a selection of these stories and illustrations, all completely new, in a FREE e-book that will delight readers and give visibility to creators.


Are you interested in participating?

If you are illustrator/drawer/3D artist, submit an unpublished original image about catfight, sexfight, titfight or other related topics and its title, as well as your artistic name and your websites to promote them.

If you are a writer, send an unpublished original story (5000 words or less) about catfight, sexfight, titfight or other related topics with a title, as well as your artistic name and your websites to promote them.


Spread the word: CATFIGHT & SEXFIGHT ANTHOLOGY is coming!

« Last Edit: January 11, 2018, 07:33:57 PM by Anubisx »