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2 quick 4 panel fights

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Offline WildAtHeart

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2 quick 4 panel fights
« on: January 11, 2018, 05:14:48 AM »
Love these drawing, wish could see how he'd draw further destruction of these girls...

Love the losers panties, great sexy design...



love the facial expressions on the girl with the get wet t-shirt....



« Last Edit: January 11, 2018, 01:21:11 PM by WildAtHeart »


Offline rustedone

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Re: 2 quick 4 panel fights
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2018, 05:10:54 PM »
Love the art style of the first two fights, though I'm now kinda curious about the last pic, the "Shockout wrestling" one...
Best thing about being a fight fetishist? When compared to people who are into beastiality, vore, inflation, and this guy:, you end up looking normal!