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Her Spirit Crushed - Total Domination in the Locker Room

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Offline Fortran Wrench

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Her Spirit Crushed - Total Domination in the Locker Room
« on: October 19, 2019, 12:19:19 AM »

Her Spirit Crushed

a story by
Fortran Wrench
from a concept by

The following is a work of sexual fantasy fiction and does not reflect the views of the authors toward the real life people named in it - nor the events depicted in it.

Mallory Pugh all but collapsed on the bench in the empty locker room.

Out of breath the attractive young soccer star peeled off her training jersey and tossed it aside, putting her elbows on her knees. It had been an epic session out on the training pitch today; she was ready to hit the shower and let the water wash away all her aches. The young woman sat there for a moment clad only in her knee socks, shorts, panties and plain white sports bra and thought about how good the water would feel today.

She was the rising star of USA soccer.

Lithe and fit with a superbly toned body and a dark complexion, her long black ponytail would flow behind her like a horse’s mane as she raced up and down the pitch making tackles and kicking the ball with her slender yet strong legs.

She loved times like this when she found herself alone, lately the accolades from the press and fans had been overwhelming and a little embarrassing; Mallory was a humble girl with a great spirit who loved her sport, her country and the thousands of fans who enjoyed what she did.
She had stayed on long after the team had left for the day and was alone in the stadium.

Or so she had thought.

Megan Rapinoe watched her young teammate quietly from a discreet corner.

Handsome and powerful; her short pale blonde hair faded through with pink, the best soccer player in the world regarded the exhausted girl with steel grey eyes. She was decked out in blue trimmed with white and red; wearing her training uniform under a track suit with running shoes.

Rapinoe was a dominator on the pitch. Fast, aggressive and strong she never backed down from a tackle and her athletic body featured on posters in the bedrooms of impressionable teenage girls all around the country - much to the consternation of their parents. Her rogue’s grin and boi-ish good looks made her very popular with the ladies.

She took some time to admire the fresh-faced girl sitting on the bench. Her sweat-sheened, firm body with those beautiful abs and long slender legs. In Rapinoe’s mind this young upstart wasn’t a teammate, she was a threat. There was only room for one star and she wasn’t about to let this young whelp take her crown. She also wondered what Mallory tasted like.

Maybe it was time to find out.

Megan Rapinoe walked out of the shadows and picked up the discarded jersey saying:

“Hi Mallory, looks like you dropped this.”

The young star looked up at her teammate in surprise; she’d had no idea that she wasn’t alone.

“Megan? What are you doing here? I thought everyone’d left.” 

“Yeah girl. Just you and me. I wanted to see you. Alone.”

Mallory’s expression was slightly puzzled as she sat back on the bench and looked at Rapinoe’s face more closely.

“Sure. What’s up?”

Like a cobra Megan black bagged the younger girl’s head with the jersey in her hands, pulling it as tightly as she could - Mallory squealed in shock and nearly fell off the bench managing to shriek:

“Megan! What are you/”

...Before Rapinoe slammed her right fist, rock solid, into the dark skinned girl’s finely toned stomach, knocking the wind out of her. Still with one hand on the shirt trap Megan slung her defenseless captive off the bench and onto her pert little butt on the floor.

The blonde woman was determined to maintain the advantage and dragged the struggling girl around the locker-room floor by the shirt wrapped tightly over her head; before lifting her up with both hands and scragging her clean into a wall of lockers with a resounding crash.

The young woman was stunned, confused. She immediately tried starting to fight, as if operating on some basic self defense instinct, but in the back of her mind she couldn’t understand why she was being attacked by someone she trusted, looked up too. She swung a couple of fists in what she thought was the right direction but didn’t connect - the shirt over her face made her virtually blind.

She stopped swinging when she got tossed heavily back into the middle of the floor and finally was able to pull the shirt off her head. As she was struggling to get up she was on all fours when...

...A sledgehammer swung by a bodybuilder slammed into her stomach with full force. At least that’s what it felt like to her.

Rapinoe had lined her up like a free kick and swung her foot with all her might, catching the dark skinned girl right in her stomach and all but lifting her off the ground. Mallory collapsed and fought back the urge to throw up; managing to whisper:

“Please… No more… What do you want?”

The reply chilled her.

“I want you to disappear girl. But not before I’ve ground my pussy on that sweet little mouth of yours.”

Suddenly Mallory Pugh felt afraid. Very afraid. She screamed for help in a voice so panicked and hoarse that the words were meaningless.

“Nobody’s coming girl.”

Rapinoe slammed a second kick at Mallory as she tried to get up, it struck her on the left thigh and caused her legs to buckle. As the younger girl tried to curl into a ball she grabbed at the blonde woman’s leg and the two tumbled to the hard floor together, rolling around and hair pulling.

Mal heard her opponent snarl as she grabbed at her young, beautiful body; feeling her breasts being mauled, shins and thighs being kicked, her chest and stomach being pummeled. Still half panicked she tried to fire back but she was already exhausted from the training before and wasn’t a great fighter to begin with.

The two athletes were locked together in a mutual hair pulling tug of war and laying next to each other when Mallory finally got the upper hand; kicking out and catching her blond-pink enemy right on her trim boob. The older woman screamed as the kick landed and Mallory lashed out again, catching the other breast with a solid cat kick.

The young star managed to haul herself away and was crawling for the door when she was caught - Rapinoe grabbed her by the hair and threw her over a bench. The senior player then snatched at the girl’s shorts and stripped them off her kicking legs, revealing a shapely ass in a pair of white cotton panties that immediately made Rapinoe smile. She wanted to dive tongue first into her right then and there, but settled instead for slapping the struggling girl on her ass with her right hand as hard as she could.

Blow after blow reigned down on the girl’s shapely butt; as if the angry lesbian was trying to slap the panties clean off the helpless young woman’s behind. Her howls turned into shrieks and then begging; the tears flowing down Mallory’s face.   
Rapinoe was smiling widely and smacking the hell out of that perfectly pert backside as she said:

“Damn girl! Look at that ass. It belongs to me now.”

Rapinoe punctuated her statement by lifting her trainer clad foot up as high as she could and slamming it down hard on Mallory’s white panties - knocking the young woman clean off the bench. 

Gagging... Coughing… Slowly crawling… On autopilot… Mallory Pugh; wearing nothing but socks and underwear… Crawled pathetically to the door…

Rapinoe came up on her quickly, grabbed her by the hair and hoisted her up to throw her  through the door - but at the last instant Mallory managed to half turn and grab her attacker’s wrists; causing both fighters to tumble through the swing door from the lockers and into the trainer’s room.

The two women spiraled into the therapy area; knocking things off shelves, scattering chairs and falling onto a stack of towels that was piled next to the massage table in the middle of the room. Mallory was exhausted by now and in her mind she felt as if she were fighting for her life. She tried to hit her opponent with some punches from her free hand as both women rolled around on the floor but she was no fighter - she just couldn’t connect hard enough.

Rapinoe on the other hand was brutal. She brought her knee up at just the right time and caught Mallory flush in the belly, slamming her hard and making her bite her own tongue. The younger girl managed to dissentagle herself from the bonde’s clutches and stand up, (knocking over an examination lamp) and was lurching for the door when she was rocked with the worst pain she had experienced so far in her life.

Rapinoe had sized her up again from behind and booted her square up the ass, her foot coming all the way through and slamming into her pussy with all the force the soccer superstar could manage.

Mallory went down like a sack of laundry, clutching her obliterated pussy through the soft white panties and unable to see out of her tearing eyes.

“Stay put girl. You belong to me. I never said you could go.”

Mallory did as she was told - she couldn’t move if she tried.

A short while later her blond tormentor had tied her wrists behind her back with athletic tape, booted her in the ass a couple of times with some solid, meaty sounding blows (that had felt like they were shredding Mallory’s flesh from her bones) and had hoisted her up onto her back upon the massage table.

Rapinoe then picked up some scissors (causing Mallory to really panic) and set about removing the girl’s clothes. Soon her socks were in shreds on the floor, followed by the tattered remains of her panties, then her bra. The blonde bitch then stood back for a moment and couldn’t stop smiling. She looked down at the helpless nude girl - the mere sight of whom made her feel like she was about to come on the spot without even touching her.

As Mallory lay there writhing (hands tied behind her back, totally naked and glistening with sweat) Rapino took off her tracksuit jacket and pants, and tossed them aside.

Then she spent a glorious two full minutes slapping the hell out of the helpless girl.

Blow after blow reigned down of Mallory’s face, breasts, body and legs.

But especially her exposed vagina. Megan Rapino slapped that tender fillet to a deep crimson that shined through the girl’s dark complexion. Her howls and screams would have been heartbreaking to hear for a normal person - To Rapinoe they made her wet. Then she paused, raised her fist, and smashed it like a cinderblock into the girl’s obliterated pussy.

Mallory nearly passed out from the excruciating pain that ripped her in two.
Smiling, the blonde-pink dominator then picked up the nearest item within reach (a long, sky blue training band) and proceeded to whip the girl’s stomach with it - sending her into spasms as she tried to twist and turn her body to avoid the brutal punishment. Mallory turned over onto her belly to try and protect it but all that did was expose her naked ass to Rapinoe, who took full advantage; using the training band to whip it bright red to the sound of slashing cracks and tortured screams. 

It didn’t take long for the lesbian bad girl to whip the young woman raw. Then, with a casual cruelness, she shoved her off the table and onto the hard floor, before stripping off her shorts and panties and wrapping her powerful legs around Mallory’s body.

The blonde dominator arched her back, squeezed her muscular thighs as tightly together as she could and reached down, mauling the helpless girl’s breasts with her sharp white talons. Mallory tried desperately to wriggle free but there was nothing she could do with the python like legs locked around her belly and her arms tied behind her.

She gasped, begged, pleaded… Nearly passed out… But Rapinoe had no mercy for her.

“Beg all you like girl. It won’t make a difference. You might be younger and prettier, but I’m the queen here.”

Rapinoe squeezed as hard as she could with her vice like thighs around the slender girl’s waist; before crawling up the girl’s body, snaking her legs around her neck and thrusting her smooth pussy lips into Mallory’s face.

The trapped woman was crying now, trying turning her head left and right but she was well and truly stuck. The look on Rapinoe’s face was one of pure evil as she realized that she had full control of the young star.

She made her way up and down the young woman’s body doing whatever she felt like.

Grabbing her face and forcing her tongue between the girl’s lips.

Raking her fingers, claw-like, into Mallory’s soft breasts - so hard that the screaming woman thought her tormentor was about to tear them from her chest.

Then the ultimate humiliation.

Megan Rapinoe took Mallory Pugh as she had always wanted too. She wet the fingers on her right hand with her own mouth before plunging them deeply into the trapped girl’s vagina.

For Mallory it felt like an eternity.

She begged for it to stop.

She pleaded till her voice was hoarse. But it was no use. It seemed to her as if Megan Rapinoe (a woman she had always admired and looked up to) was trying to literally rip an orgasm out of her body with a jagged pale claw.

Rapinoe ravished her captive and enjoyed every second of it; only letting go ten minutes later to stand up and take off the last of her clothes, stripping herself naked. Breathless Mallory couldn’t believe she hadn’t come yet.

But something had come loose. Ten minutes of wriggling her wrists behind her back as she was being molested had loosened the athletic tape that had bound them together. Mallory saw her chance when Rapinoe’s back was turned for just an instant and she took it, lurching up to her knees and swinging her arm between the pale legs of the blonde ravisher’s body. Her forearm and fist slammed into the other woman’s soft nether lips and smashed them; the strongest shot Mallory had fired since the fight began.

It was Rapinoe’s turn to fall to the ground clutching herself.

Mal staggered through the nearest door - she didn’t care where it lead too - and tried to put as much distance between herself and her attacker. Then she paused for a moment and realised that she was in the corridor leading to the showers.

A dead end!

Just as she was about to turn back she heard a noise behind her and she found herself on the ground again.

Rapinoe had fired through the door like an angry naked rocket and crashed tackled the younger girl to the ground, shrugging off the soreness between her legs. Mallory cried out in despair - it was as if there was no escape she could make - as the two women rolled around on the hard floors outside the showers. With their bodies locked together, fingers entwined deeply in each other’s hair, Rapinoe snarled:
“Bad girl... Trying to run away… That body… That cute little mouth… That soft pussy… They’re mine... They belong to me now…”

Rapinoe buried her knee into Mallory’s vagina.

Really buried it.

She kneed her so hard in the groin that Mallory Pugh nearly passed out from the shock. She could have been trampled by the whole team in their soccer boots and it would have hurt less.

She lay there helpless… In total agony… She let go of her tormentor’s hair… Unable to do anything but moan on the cold hard floor.

She didn’t resist as Rapinoe picked her up, tossed her over her shoulder and carried her through to the showers.

She felt herself being dumped onto the open floor under the showerheads… Felt the warm water on her broken body as the faucet was turned on…

The pleasant heat of the water gave her aching body a temporary relief, one that was shattered when Rapinoe crawled on top of her, took her head in her hands, and then forced the girl’s face into her pussy.

The look on Rapinoe’s face was one of angry pleasure as she brutally face fucked the defeated soccer star.

“Stick out your tongue or I’ll break your fucking neck!”

Mallory complied and Rapinoe forced the quivering pink wedge deep inside her tight slit. She destroyed the girls face, holding her in; choking her and not letting her breathe until her entire body was trembling wildly. She force humped that sweet face a full ten minutes before she came all over the crushed young woman.

Breathless and smiling Rapinoe watched the Mallory cry as she herself came down from the dizzying heights of a thunderous orgasm . She reached over and softly stroked the dark girl’s cheek...

“It’s ok my girl… My sweet girl... “ Rapinoe’s voice was as gentle as if she was talking to her wife.

“Please… No more… Please…”

“There there girl… It’s ok… It’s over now…”

Mallory breathed a sigh of relief…

Striking like a cobra Rapinoe wrapped her powerful legs around her neck and started choking her again...

“You don’t get off that easily slut!”

Laughing, she squeezed as hard as she could while grasping crueley at Mallory’s breasts. When the young woman was shuddering and trembling she would relax and let her take a breath, two if she was feeling generous, then squeeze again even harder.

Mallory was in hell… She actually wondered if this is how she would die… Being violated and choked by a naked teammate in the shower. She lost track of time…

She felt light headed. She couldn’t tell how long this had been going on.

Then she felt Rapinoe’s fingers inside her. Mall’s secret little space, that only she had explored fully… That she had wanted to share one day with the right person… Was being invaded again…

She felt the fullness of a lovers touch inside her…

The massaging of her hardened little nub…

And then…

She came.

Mallory Pugh, sweet and innocent soccer star, erupted in a wave of mind blowing ecstasy on the floor of the shower room with her idol’s legs around her neck and her fingers in her pussy.

She orgasmed like she never had before and nearly passed out.

She was only vaguely aware of Rapinoe standing back up as she lay there, a broken wreck of a woman, the warm water pouring over her like a hard mist.

Venom in her voice Rapinoe said to her:

“Two things. First, there’s only room for one star in this team. And second…”

There was a chilling tone in her voice as she finished with:

“I own you.”

Megan Rapinoe; pale, glistening and proud, strode from the showers laughing as Mallory Pugh passed out. 



There's no elevator to success. You'll have to take the stairs.


Offline Maizenblue

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Re: Her Spirit Crushed - Total Domination in the Locker Room
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2019, 05:06:44 AM »
Great job. Thanks for the hard work.


Offline SunnyB

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Re: Her Spirit Crushed - Total Domination in the Locker Room
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2019, 09:50:25 AM »
Wow, steamy HAWT!  :P :D   ;D
Proudly butch and living as a 'man'. In this catfight fantasy there are no losers, and in the end all should be winners!


Offline Knicks

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Re: Her Spirit Crushed - Total Domination in the Locker Room
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2019, 08:43:33 PM »
Hot story. Mallory needed a good spanking. Hope Meagan goes to different sports and attacks different athletes like Gymnasts and tennis players.